Reckless & Ruined (29 page)

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Authors: Bethany-Kris

Tags: #The Chicago War

BOOK: Reckless & Ruined
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“Ew,” Alessa grumbled, letting the tapioca fall off the spoon. “Oh, my God. It looks like squishy, wiggly puke with fish eyes in it or something.”

Abriella laughed. Her cheeks pinked with a healthy, happy glow. Alessa couldn’t help but join in with her sister’s joy. Just seeing Abriella alive and well was the best thing ever.

It had been a little over a week since the restaurant shooting, but Alessa hadn’t been able to sleep for a single night since without dreaming about it. A single four-hour surgery had saved Abriella’s life. Barely. The first night was a touch-and-go kind of thing.

“So, you don’t want it, either?” Abriella asked through bouts of giggles.

Alessa pushed the tiny glass bowl away with the tip of the spoon. “No thanks. But you need to eat something. That’s why they bring you three meals a day, Ella.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Abriella waved her hand and winked. “Tommy is going to sneak me in take-out later.”


“Yep. He smooth-talked a nurse into letting him in after visiting hours. I would be jealous, you know, if he wasn’t doing it for me.”

“Playing with fire,” Alessa murmured in warning.

“Worth the burns,” Abriella replied quietly. “Besides, if he didn’t get in here that way, he would find another way. At least like this, no one has to figure out an excuse for Joel to explain away Tommas right now.”

Alessa scowled at the mention of their brother.

“Still sour?” Abriella asked.


Of course.

How could Alessa not be when it came to Joel?

The asshole had only managed to make his way into the hospital over the last week to visit with his younger sister twice. Joel even made a fuss about taking Alessa into the hospital to stay with Abriella during visiting hours. Alessa downright refused to stay anywhere near her brother for longer than necessary.

Plus, going to see Abriella kept Alessa away from Dean. It seemed like he had been around a lot over the last week, too.

Alessa glanced down at her hands, hoping to hide her displeasure from Abriella. The last thing her sister needed was to hear Alessa whine.

“How are you feeling today?” Alessa asked quietly.

Abriella shrugged. “Better. The IVs are gone and now I can take an oral dose of antibiotics. I’ll be out before the weekend.”

That was good news.

God knew Alessa needed some.

“What is wrong?” Abriella asked.

“Nothing,” Alessa replied quickly.

“Liar, liar,” her sister teased in a sing-song fashion. “Now, quit sulking or tell me why you are, Alessa. It’s more than Joel, obviously. After all this time, we’re used to brushing his nonsense off our shoulders. Talk to me.”

“Dean,” Alessa whispered.

Well, he was part of it. Alessa decided giving her sister something was better than giving her nothing. Since Abriella had been in the hospital all week, she didn’t know what had happened over the last few days.

Abriella’s distaste was written all over her face as she said, “That asshole again.”

“Look at this garbage,” Alessa said, lifting her hand.

A large, gaudy diamond ring sparkled in the stream of light coming in from the window. It was far too big for Alessa’s small hand, not that she cared much about the size. It was the meaning of the ring that felt like someone had tied a noose around her throat and pulled as hard as they fucking could.

It finally happened.

Joel finally gave the okay for an engagement.

Dean wasted no time.

Abriella’s gaze widened briefly before narrowing into slits. “When did that happen?”

“Last night. He came over to talk with Joel. Somehow, it seemed like a good time to get one on me,” Alessa explained, sighing. “His words, not mine. I couldn’t refuse. Joel wouldn’t let me. I am not marrying that man, I don’t care what anyone tells me I have to do. It’s not happening.”

“A good time to
get one on you
?” Abriella scoffed loudly and slapped the bed with her palms. “He’s a tool.”

“I’m aware.”

“But nothing new,” Abriella added quietly. “So, I get why this is annoying you, but what else is there, Alessa? What else aren’t you saying?”

“Joel picked a date for the wedding,” Alessa informed. “November second.”

Abriella cringed. “Three months?”

“Yeah. And according to Joel, I need to get serious about what I want, or he’ll just hire whoever to do it for me and I won’t get a choice.”

“Do you care?”

Alessa snorted. “Not a damn bit.”


But it still sucked. Now, with an official engagement, a wedding date set and looming sooner than Alessa was comfortable with, she didn’t have a choice but to face reality. There was no way out of this arrangement. It didn’t matter what Alessa said, she knew the truth. She was going to be forced to marry Dean, even if that meant she would be dragged down the aisle kicking, bloodied, and screaming the whole way.

Fuck Joel.

His desire to have a higher position meant everyone else around him suffered.

Abriella eyed Alessa from the side. “We’ll figure something out.”

“You keep saying that.”

“Yeah, well, you keep saying you won’t marry him,” Abriella replied frankly.

“Willingly,” Alessa muttered. “I won’t marry him willingly.”

“Then you won’t marry him at all.” Abriella gave a short nod like she was willing her words a fact. “I’ll make goddamn sure of it.” Abriella reached over and grabbed Alessa’s hand. “Has Adriano seen this yet?”

Subconsciously, Alessa flinched away from the question.

“I’ll take that as a
,” Abriella said slowly.

“A huge no.”

“Why not, Lissa?”

Alessa frowned and tugged her hand out of Abriella’s grasp, wanting to pretend the ring wasn’t there. “Hard to show him when I haven’t seen him since the restaurant shooting.”

It was the truth.

Adriano had sent Alessa a few vague texts over the last week. It was enough to tell her that he was alive, safe, but Alessa missed Adriano. He was her calm in the storm.

“Not at all?” Abriella asked.

“None. He sent me a couple of messages, but nothing big. It’s like he dropped off the radar this week or something.”

“Or maybe someone else did,” Abriella said.

Alessa’s brow furrowed. “Huh?”

“Tommy likes to talk sometimes,” her sister explained, refusing to meet Alessa’s curious gaze. “And he doesn’t trust anyone but me, so he goes off at the mouth sometimes because he needs to get it out.”


“So, Riley is out, Lissa.”

“Like out how?” Alessa asked, still confused.

“Gone. Poof. His men have backed off this last week. They had been moving in on the Rossi and DeLuca streets here and there, gaining friends and pulling men in. Riley had worked the streets hard because he’s got loyalties there whether Joel wants to admit it or not.”

“But this week he hasn’t,” Alessa said.

“No, this week he’s no-fucking-where, Alessa. Completely gone.”

The memory of the bloody sidewalk outside the restaurant filled Alessa’s mind. It had been such a morbid shade, so violent in color. 

“Someone said Riley took a couple of bullets,” Alessa said.

Abriella’s lips drew into a thin, contemplative line. “Tommy might have mentioned that, but he couldn’t say for sure. It happened fast. Riley’s guys shot back and then Laurent had men outside waiting.”

“Are you saying Riley might be dead?” Alessa asked.

“I’m saying nobody knows and his streets are quiet, his men aren’t talking, and if that’s the case, Joel got every damn thing he wanted.”

Alessa felt sick.

Everything about the situation screamed bad news to her.

“What would that mean for Adriano?” Alessa asked.

“If something did happen to Riley and they’re trying to keep it quiet?”


Abriella chewed on her inner cheek before blurting out, “Whatever Joel wanted, I guess. He would make the call on the Conti crew if they didn’t have the strength or allies to fight back.”

“Well … damn.”

“He’s still working on getting that Capo title, too,” Abriella added. “So, without that, he doesn’t have a whole lot of clout with leaders for the other crews. He’s just a kid to them. Adriano’s best bet would be to—”

“Follow the herd,” Alessa interrupted.

Abriella laughed under her breath. “Basically. I don’t think he’s the type, though.”

Not at all.

“Dino DeLuca’s funeral is tomorrow,” Alessa said, wanting to change the topic.

“I heard. Are you going?”

Alessa nodded. “With Dean, unfortunately.”

Abriella offered a small smile. “Give Lily a hug for me. I might hate my brother, but she loved hers.”



Dino DeLuca’s funeral was like a bad reminder of Terrance’s for Alessa. With a body so badly damaged, there was a closed casket. Soft music filled the church as bells rang and incense burned. Blessings were said, apologies given, and the day progressed with the usual heaviness of grief.

Alessa’s black dress fit the day, like most everyone else. She’d given Dino’s sister Lily the apology and words from Abriella. Lily took it all in stride, but the girl seemed out of it. She looked tired, sad, and angry all at the same time. Her husband Damian never left her side once in the front pew.

It all felt surreal to Alessa.

Another funeral.

Another day.

More black clouds and clothes.

More tears.

Dean sat quietly beside Alessa. She didn’t trust him. Not with a damn inch. Dean was a lot like Joel. They were cut from the same cloth. Dean didn’t do anything that wasn’t to his benefit. He likely—stupidly—believed that if he could get closer to Alessa, she would let him in.

That wasn’t going to happen.

The last few guests made their way from the pews to give a final goodbye to Dino and hand their condolences over to the family before the service moved to the cemetery. A hush fell over the crowd of mourners. Confusion settled in Alessa as she glanced around, wondering what had caused the disruption.

Alessa noticed a figure darkening the entrance to the church.

Just like Terrance’s funeral.

Well, in a way. At least this time, Adriano hadn’t come alone like he did to Terrance’s.

Adriano, wearing a black suit and flanked by several men, walked down the row of pews and kept his gaze trained on the altar where a shined oak casket rested. Theo DeLuca stood from the front pew with a rage lighting up his gaze and his fists clenching into tight balls at his sides.

Theo obviously still blamed the Contis for his brother’s death.

Alessa knew the truth, but it did no good.

Quietly, Lily stood with her brother, put a hand to his shoulder, and whispered something in his ear. The tension in Theo’s posture didn’t relax, but he gave his sister a tight nod and faced Adriano as the two men stood toe-to-toe.

Hands shook.

Soft words murmured.

Alessa couldn’t hear a thing. She was far too interested in watching the way Adriano seemed to ooze confidence and remorse all at the same time. 

Then, Adriano turned to Joel who had come to stand on the other side of the DeLuca family. More conversation passed between Joel and Adriano, but Alessa was too far back to hear. Nonetheless, her brother’s face flickered with no emotions, not even his usual cockiness.

What was happening?

Walter slid in beside his son. Dean’s attention left Alessa and turned on his father.

“I wonder where Riley is,” Walter mused.

“Those are some big guns Adriano brought along from the Conti crew,” Dean said.

Walter nodded. “They are.”

Alessa took note of the half of a dozen men who had followed in behind Adriano. The men had dispersed themselves around the floor of the church and kept their eyes on the meeting at the same time.

“He’s a bit young to be having a say with them,” Dean said.

“Smart kid,” Walter replied. “Do not let Adriano Conti’s age fool you into a comfortable zone, son. Adriano has spent the last half of a decade under the feet of some of the most powerful men inside the Outfit. His ability to stand on his own and take what he wants should not be overlooked because of his youth. You would be an idiot not to realize how good of an ally he could be without his father making the calls.”

Alessa couldn’t help but notice Dean’s scowl at the very suggestion of Adriano being an ally to him.

“Eventually,” Walter continued, “the Outfit is going to be controlled by a younger generation of men, son. And if this war continues to take the older men who make the calls now, then that day might come sooner than any of us think. Once Riley Conti is gone, if he’s not already, Adriano will step up as he should. Mark my words, Dean.”

“Unless he gets killed first,” Dean said coolly.

“Foolish men who make foolish mistakes end up dead.”

“Your point?”

“Adriano has not yet made a mistake.”

“What about his father?” Dean asked bitingly.

“What about yours?” Walter shot back.


“You follow me, son. He follows his father. As he should. That’s how it is. Even Joel understands that Adriano can’t be blamed for his father’s actions. And speaking of Joel, look at how he followed his father through life despite hating the man. We give our loyalties where they are due—to the men who raised us, Dean.”

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