Reckless & Ruined (43 page)

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Authors: Bethany-Kris

Tags: #The Chicago War

BOOK: Reckless & Ruined
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“Come on, you must have thought of one name,” Abriella said as Alessa climbed into the Hummer.

“It’s really early, Ella.”

Alessa wished Abriella would get off the whole baby kick. Hell, Alessa was still trying to get used to the idea herself, but Abriella took it to a whole new level. What names did she like? What colors did she want? Did she want to know the gender or wait? Abriella was just trying to help in her own way by making the situation seem normal and Alessa knew that. But the fact was, it couldn’t be normal. Ever.

Alessa still had to hide her pregnancy until she figured something out.

How was that normal?

“A name,” Abriella said again, more pointed the second time.

“Adrian,” Alessa said.

“For a boy, okay. But what about for a girl?”

“Adrianne. With A-N-N-E at the end.”

Her sister laughed.

“Fuck, you’ve got it bad,” Abriella muttered.

Alessa didn’t deny it.

While her sister fiddled with the stereo, Alessa texted the recording of the baby’s heartbeat to Adriano like she promised earlier. The clip was only a few seconds long, but it was loud and clear and wonderful.

Adriano messaged back not ten seconds later with,
Perfect, Lissa

She wasn’t sure if he was talking about her or the baby.

“Back home we go,” Abriella said to herself, scowling.

“Thanks for taking me over here today,” Alessa said.

The clinic had called Alessa in for another heartrate check, as something had been lost in the files the last time she had been in. They made her take yet another pregnancy test and also had blood drawn for an iron test.

Abriella shrugged as she reversed out of the private clinic and maneuvered the Hummer onto the road. “I didn’t mind.”

“You’re putting yourself at risk of getting in shit for me.”

“So? You’re my sister. I’d do anything for you, Lissa.”

Alessa glanced down at her hands in her lap. “I know.”

“Hey, none of that frowning crap,” Abriella ordered.

“Yes, Queen.”

“Oh, fuck off with that nonsense. Even Tommy says it now.” Abriella looked pissed off about her own statement as she added, “And even after I threatened him, he just kept on calling me it. I think he gets off on it or something. The bastard.”

Alessa laughed almost half of the drive home. It was a nice reprieve from the worried state she had been in ever since finding out about the pregnancy.

Abriella pulled up to the gated Trentini mansion. “Would you go get whatever mail the guard collected today? I might as well do something nice for Joel and see if I can get on his half-decent side. Maybe I can get something from him if I do.”


Alessa climbed out of the Hummer and collected the stack of circulars and bills that had come in for their home. Once she was back in the SUV, she tossed the pile on the middle seat, forgetting about them. She had no interest in trying to sweeten up her brother for anything.

It wouldn’t do her any good now.

“What do you want to get Miss Cathy to make for supper if she hasn’t already started?” Abriella asked as their vehicle moved through the opened gates.

Alessa’s stomach growled at the mention of food. “Steaks. And potatoes. Maybe gravy, too. That sounds good.”


“Baby wants what the baby wants, Ella.”

Abriella snorted. “Or Alessa wants a reason to pig out and the baby is a valid excuse.”

“Hey, don’t you judge me.”

“I am not!”

Alessa eyed her sister. “Ella.”

“Okay, maybe I am a little. Not judging so much as … curious, maybe? You’re petite. I can’t imagine you getting …”


round with child,” Abriella said pointedly.

“Nice save.”

“Thanks. But seriously, pregnancy isn’t an excuse to be unhealthy and shove whatever into your face.”

“I’m aware,” Alessa said dully. “But I’ve just spent the last couple of weeks puking three times a day and this is the first one where I haven’t felt like total shit. Just let me eat cake, Ella.”

“Steaks,” her sister corrected.

Maybe cake, too.



“How was school?” Joel asked, keeping his eyes down on the steak he was cutting into.

“Good,” Abriella said.

“I was asking Alessa.”

Alessa jerked out of her thoughts in just enough time to see Abriella roll her eyes.

“We go to the same school, Joel,” Abriella said.

“Yes, but she’s just returned while you haven’t left.” Joel flicked a look in Alessa’s direction and asked, “So, how was it?”

“Fine,” Alessa replied, uncomfortable by her brother’s attention.

It wasn’t like Joel to give a damn.

“No problems then?” he asked.

Alessa shook her head. “No. I’m starting a few weeks late into the semester, but that’s fine. It’s nothing I can’t catch up on.”

“You always were quick,” Joel noted more to himself than Alessa. “Anyway, I’m glad to hear it. Sara pestered me with calls, worrying for whatever reason about your return today. I figured I should ask if she was so concerned.”

“Mom, Joel,” Abriella said. “She’s our mom.”

Joel’s cold gaze traveled to Abriella. “To you. To me, she’s just Sara.”


Alessa shoved a bite of steak into her mouth just to keep quiet. Sometimes, with Joel, it was all about picking the right battles to fight. This was not one she wanted to have with her brother. Alessa didn’t care about her mother’s past or choices. The now mattered more. It took her a little while to realize that, but she finally had and that was the most important thing.

Joel would get there, eventually.


“Nonetheless, she was worried,” Joel continued, shrugging. “I don’t understand why. This isn’t your first time going to school. She acted like she was sending you off to kindergarten for the first time all over again. Ridiculous.”

Alessa fidgeted with her fork and kept her eyes on her plate, more nervous than ever. Sara had called Alessa a few times throughout the day, but she was too busy with classes and trying to catch up on what she had missed to pick up the calls. Her mother was worried because of the pregnancy and stress she thought Alessa was experiencing. Alessa didn’t blame Sara for her concerns, but she wished her mother would leave Joel out of it.

Then again, maybe Sara was trying to get closer to Joel in some way.

A throat cleaning broke the conversation between the siblings. Miss Cathy stood in the entryway between the kitchen and dining room with the pack of mail that Abriella was supposed to give to Joel earlier. It looked like more had been added to the pile—a large yellow envelope rested on the bottom.

“Mr. Trentini, this was left on the counter in the kitchen for you,” Miss Cathy said.

Joel waved a hand. “Bring it in.”

As quietly as she showed herself, Miss Cathy brought the mail to Joel and then left.

Thankful for the reprieve from her brother’s attention, Alessa went back to enjoying the steak dinner in peace. The only sounds that could be heard in the dining room were Abriella and Alessa’s cutlery scraping across plates while Joel ripped open mail.

Silence was nice.

Alessa wouldn’t complain.

“What is this?” Joel asked.

Alessa’s head shot up to see the larger yellow envelope in her brother’s hand. He flipped it around, giving Alessa a view of the plain white label sticker on the front with their surname scrawled in messy handwriting. No address or even a return address was on the envelope that Alessa could find.

“Not sure,” Alessa said.

She didn’t remember that being in the mail pack she picked up.

Abriella shrugged across from Alessa and picked at her food. “Maybe Mom or Dad brought it over, Joel. Just open it.”

“Maybe,” their brother agreed.

Joel tore open the top of the envelope and pulled out the few papers inside. Figuring it wasn’t important, Alessa let her brother read whatever it was in peace.

It didn’t take long at all before Joel stood slowly from his chair. Alessa watched his hands clench around the papers as his gaze lifted and caught hers. Just like that, the entire room seemed to get hot and stuffy around Alessa. Her shoulders stiffened. Something was wrong.

Joel watched her like he wanted to fucking

“What is this?” Joel demanded.


Joel began to read and with every word, Alessa felt the color drain from her face.

“Patient reported being over thirty days late in her cycle. A standard pregnancy test was performed. To confirm further, blood tests have been done. Heartrate of the fetus was one-hundred-thirty beats per minute. From the dates the patient provided, the pregnancy is approximately eleven weeks along and due date is May eleventh of this coming year.”


Alessa didn’t, or couldn’t, get any other words out as she stared at her brother. How did he get that information? Who gave him that package?

She turned to face a silent Abriella. Her sister wouldn’t meet her gaze and Alessa knew it right then. Abriella had somehow gotten a copy of Alessa’s file and gave it to their brother. Maybe that was where her missing information had gone that caused the second follow-up appointment.

Betrayal stung heavily on the back of Alessa’s tongue.

“You bitch.”

“Don’t,” Abriella whispered. “You don’t know why, Lissa.”

She didn’t have to.

Her sister betrayed her. That was enough.

Joel’s face reddened as his hands shook. With a disgusted shout, he tossed the papers down the table. They flew everywhere. Alessa didn’t make a move to pick them up. She could see a couple of them from her spot.

Joel moved around the table, coming straight for her, and Alessa stood quickly from her chair. She backed up, knowing that look in Joel’s eye. He was pissed and ready to blow. She did not want to be in the line of fire when it happened.

His gaze narrowed in on her like he was ready to kill. “Guess whose name is on the top of those documents?”

Alessa didn’t have to. “Mine.”

“Pregnant? You managed to get knocked up?” Joel roared.

“I—”Alessa stopped herself from saying anything further. She didn’t want to call the baby a mistake. It wasn’t the child’s fault. “I did.”

“That fucking bastard.”

Alessa’s eyes widened. “What?”

“Dean,” Joel spat. “I demanded he wait and clearly he fucking didn’t. Now he’s dead and I’m left with you and this bullshit. How in the hell are you ever going to marry off with another man’s child, Alessa? Huh?”

Sickness pounded at her insides.

No way.

Alessa wouldn’t let anyone believe for one second that this baby was Dean Artino’s.

“It’s not Dean’s,” she said quietly.

Joel froze, a warning darkening his features. “I beg your pardon?”

He was only a few feet away from her. Close enough that he could reach out and grab her if he wanted. Abriella had yet to leave her chair, but she had stopped eating. Feeling unprotected like she was, Alessa wrapped her arms over her midsection.

“It’s not Dean’s child,” Alessa said again, louder. “I wouldn’t have gotten into bed with that man. Not even if you forced me into it, Joel.”

Joel blew out a hard breath, his teeth clenching. “Who does it belong to?”

Alessa wanted to keep quiet. She tried. “Adriano.”

A brief pause answered her back. It was enough to see Joel’s features visibly contort with his confusion as he took that information in. And then … it changed.

A slow, sly smile curved Joel’s mouth as he nodded to himself.

?” her brother asked.

“Is there another Adriano we know?”

“No, Alessa. No, there is not.” Joel laughed loud and happy. “Well done.”

Well done?


Joel pointed at Alessa. “You’re forgiven.”

“Uh …” Alessa was stunned.

“And pack your fucking bags,” her brother added.

With that, Joel left the room, still laughing the entire way.

Alessa turned on her sister, angry and confused. 

Abriella glanced up from her hands with a watery gaze. “I’m sorry.”

“Why would you do that to me?”

“You’ll understand why,” Abriella whispered. “Give it time, you’ll see.”

See what?

And what would happen to Adriano now?

“I can’t believe you did this to me,” Alessa said.

“Not right now. But you will. You’re welcome, Lissa.”


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