Reckless Whisper (3 page)

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Authors: Lucia Jordan

BOOK: Reckless Whisper
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senses spun at his words, and she lay back in a haze as he tore off his pants
and underwear. She spread her legs wide in welcome, half-lifting off the sheets
so she could wrap her arms around his shoulders. He settled within her thighs,
and she felt the nudge of his maleness against her slit. Instinctively, she
jerked up her hips, and met him midway. They both groaned as he sunk deep into
her waiting cavern.


Chapter Four

It was
the perfect rhythm; they moved together like they’d danced this way a thousand
times before. And oh, they fit like two pieces of a jigsaw. With every stroke
of his powerful cock inside her, Carla was jolted into bliss. Her fingers
clutched and then raked his back, making him groan as he buried his face in her
neck. He sucked hard on her scented skin, and she shuddered as her heart pumped
even faster.

He was
in deep, so deep. He overwhelmed her with his heat, his strength and his
virility. She wanted more, and more!

didn’t demur when she pressed upon him and pushed him on his back. His chest
heaved as she straddled him, planting her feet on either side of his body.
Crouched above him, she lowered herself with excruciating slowness upon his
pole-straight shaft. Gasps of pleasured echoed from them both when she settled
fully upon him, his cock planted inside her to the hilt.

her hands upon his chest, she began to move. Faster and faster she bounced, her
moans inching louder each time she rebounded from his groin. His large hands
cupped her ass firmly, lending his strength to her agility. He squeezed hard on
the soft orbs, his fingers digging into her flesh as his hips lifted again and
again to meet hers.

you’re magic,” he rasped, gazing up at him with eyes darkened with hot, hard
lust. “So tight, so sweet. Just perfect.”

“So are
you,” came her breathy response, as she felt his cock slide deeper into her
core than ever. At this angle, he had the most incredible range, and was able
to storm straight up to her cervix as he surged up to meet her bouncing ass.
She felt so much power knowing that her pussy could cling so tight to him and
make him groan deeply. She ramped up the pace, pushing her weight off her feet
as she sprung up and down on him. Any second now, she knew, he would smash into
the same wave that was cascading upon her even then…



thought it was so fabulous that they ending up climaxing together, in a
simultaneous rush of passionate release. She fell atop him in a jelly-like
heap, his fingers fisting her hair and turning her lips to meet his. They
kissed lingeringly, already like old lovers. Carla couldn’t help giving a silent
thanks to Rick for breaking up with her – if not, she’d never have had
the chance to enjoy the best sex of her life…






(Book 1 of


Chapter One

Lydia could feel the man beneath her
weakening and he was silently mouthing at her to stop – wait, to give him
a minute, but she couldn’t – not when she was so close to her own climax.
Just five more minutes and she would come, please don’t make it stop she
thought as she squeezed her thighs tighter around him – she could feel
the man’s cock twitching and threatening to spill inside her.

you fucking dare,” she snarled from above him. She flicked her long dark hair
over her shoulder and bared her teeth. “I’m so fucking close, don’t you even-”
but her words came too late as Andy moaned and grabbed her hips as his orgasm
came. Irritated, Lydia batted his hands away and dismounted him even before he
had finished ejaculating.

fucking idiot,” she said, throwing her silk kimono on as she slipped off the
bed. “You selfish fucking twat,” and fuming she stomped into the bathroom,
slamming the door on her lover.

the privacy of the en suite, Lydia fell to the floor and leaned against the
sink and let her own fingers explore herself. She was wet with semen and her
own juices, and she lubed up her clitoris expertly. Using the tiniest pressure
and slick rhythm, she brought herself off in the bathroom, making no effort to
disguise her orgasmic cries. Let him hear. It was his own fault he couldn’t
bring her off. None of them could… they all finished too soon.

slumped against the sink and sighed as her pleasure died. As always when she
pleasured herself, it was short lived but powerful. She considered going back
in and telling Andy to ready himself for another round, but as she exited the
en suite, her short and slightly portly lover had his clothes on and was making
for the door. He stopped as she came out in her unfastened kimono and rolled
her eyes.

can’t speak to me like that,” he said quietly. “I’ve had enough, Lyd. See you
around,” and he went out, down the steps and out of the front door. Lydia heard
the lock click as the door shut and she sat down wearily on the bed.

wrong with me?” she said out loud. No one answered, and she slept alone that




“So he left, that’s it, really,”
Lydia explained to her friend Carol through a mouthful of apple pie. “Good
riddance, really.”

Lyds, you get through more men!” Carol grinned over her coffee. They were at
their favourite coffee shop after a mornings shopping and bitching. Lydia had
just told the story of Andy’s departure, not leaving out any juicy details. Why
should she? She and Carol were best friends since high school, and there was no
shame in admitting that her lover hadn’t had it in him to get her off.

all shit,” Lydia replied. “Find me a man, Carol. One who won’t fucking spunk
all over the bed sheets before I’ve even started to enjoy myself.”

I find him, I’m having him first,” Carol laughed. “Maybe you need to try
something different,” she suggested. “Are you still just doing vanilla sex?”

what you mean,” Lydia said. “I’ve used handcuffs and dildos and stuff before.”

talking really hardcore. You know, whips, chains, bondage, BDSM,” Carol stirred
her drink wistfully. “You remember Ben? He was into all that. I had some
orgasms, I can tell you.”

how do you get into that stuff?” Lydia pushed her plate away. “Are there clubs
and stuff?”

generally don’t admit newbies like you or me… Why not go on a site and ask for
a fuck-buddy? Someone who can show you the ropes, so to speak?”


is more like
fucking,” Carol laughed. “Come
on, I know you went on that swingers site once.”

was a total disaster,” Lydia grinned. “He brought his wife with him,
I totally didn’t expect, so I had to get rid of them
both before someone saw!” she roared with laughter.

did you fuck them?”

be telling.”

bet you did, you slut!”

I’m a slut, then I got it from you,” Lydia smirked. “Oh, god, Carol has it
really come to this? BDSM? Should I buy a leather catsuit?”

your fuck-buddy,” Carol drained her coffee. “He might have some

two friends parted company and the conversation left Lydia wondering. She was a
prolific sex-seeker, but Carol was right… She was a vanilla woman at the end of
the day. She imagined being tied up and whipped with a stick, but it didn’t
seem to be turning her on. Maybe she did need someone to introduce her into
this new world, someone who could teach her and show her how it was done. She
raced to the bus and got straight onto her smartphone to check out the sites.
She had to shield her phone from the other passengers, and when she got home,
she had joined ‘BDSM Life Online’, placed an advert for a ‘partner’ and had
listed her credentials.

As she cooked her dinner she kept
refreshing the connection on the phone, eager to see if anyone had yet replied
to her ad. There was a tingling in her stomach as her anxiety increased. She
was still unsure if she would reply even is she did get a message. She kept
checking but drew nothing but a blank screen and eventually she just gave up.

were no replies that night, and Lydia went to sleep in her clean white bed
feeling ever so slightly disappointed.


Chapter Two

Lydia woke early and began her usual
morning routine. She went for a light jog, showered, got ready for work and ate
her breakfast. As she sat at the table she kept thinking of the dream she had
that night. It had been both a little frightening and slightly erotic. She
remembered vaguely that a dark, handsome and mysterious man had kidnapped her
and taken her to a huge room in some strange building.

She had been blindfolded and tied to
a chair however the more she tried to recall what had happened next, the more
hazy it got. This train of thought reminded her of the ad she had placed the
previous day and she stared at the screen excitedly as she switched on her

There was one single message and she
put her glasses on to read it.


Dear Lydia,

My name is Jack Riding. I am a professional, lifestyle
dominant male, and I was interested to read your advertisement.

I specialise in introducing newbies and vanilla lifestyles to
our darker, forbidden world. I refuse to switch to a submissive role, something
people often find difficult to deal with; I hope you are more understanding.

If you wish to discuss a potential partnership, please meet
me at the Coffee Shop Corner at noon. I am there most days. I will be wearing a
pair of blue glasses – they are quite distinctive.

Looking forward to our potential relationship,

Jack Riding.


Lydia took a deep breath and read the
email several times. It was an
nightmare all over again. Meet me here; I’ll be wearing that. Typical. She
closed her phone down and lay staring at the ceiling, tempted to ignore the
message and carry on hunting for that pleasure-giver in the flesh. Then the
words of Carol floated back into her mind.

am too vanilla,” she said to herself. “Fuck it, I’ll go. If he’s not what I’m
looking for I can always leave – pretend I never saw him. After all, he
doesn’t know what I look like,” she threw back the covers and stood naked in
front of the full-length mirror. She tilted her dark head on one side as she
assessed her body.

was a short woman, and had worked hard to maintain a slender physique. She kept
her hair long to make herself look taller, and wore clothes that accentuated
her breasts – in her opinion, they were her best asset. She smiled. She
would blow him away, whoever he was.

picked out a pair of her skinny jeans and a logo-splattered t-shirt. She had no
intention of ‘trying too hard’, and the twenty-six year old knew that formal
clothes would age her, so she dressed casually. The time was right and she went
out, walking with her head held high and her conscience clear. She was Lydia
Westwood and she was unstoppable.

“Can I get a latte and a muffin,
please?” she waited at the counter and scanned the seated customers. No one
with blue glasses was in, but then she was a little early. Taking her order,
she chose a seat in the window and watched the passers-by.

I wonder how many of them have had a proper
She thought as she watched the woman trit-trotting past her in
their heels.
And how many of these men
are capable of giving me one?
She looked at the suits, t-shirts and vests
as they patrolled past, with bags or carriers or envelopes. They were all
headed somewhere, why wasn’t she?

Westwood?” a deep, accented voice came from above her. She looked up, surprised
that she hadn’t noticed anyone approach, and her grey eyes locked onto a tall,
suited man’s big set of blue ones. He was wearing electric blue spectacles and
had the nicest shade of blonde hair Lydia had ever seen on a man. He was
smiling in a bemused kind of way and carrying two lattes to go.

hello,” she started to rise to shake his hand and instead of shaking it, the
man helped her to her feet.

your bag, let’s go,” he indicated the take-away coffees, and Lydia was too
surprised to say ‘no’. She grabbed her things and followed him out of the shop
and stood as he hailed a cab.

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