Red Hot Liar (9781617738654) (14 page)

BOOK: Red Hot Liar (9781617738654)
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But regardless, Suge needed those damn documents. He needed them in his fuckin' hands like pronto. When the commission met and Wally Su got up there and started confessing like he was on death row, Suge needed to make sure that the three pieces of paper that could break the Dominion bank and get his brother put under a jail were nowhere in sight.
And that's where Miyoko was gonna come in.
Many years had passed since he had laid his pump game down on her but that didn't matter. Suge was every bit the player today as he had been back then, but with age and experience he'd grown even smoother with his flow. He was confident that he could convince Miyoko to slide him those documents. His tongue game alone used to make her forget her own name and she would sell her daddy to the devil for just the memory of his stroke.
It was gonna be like dangling carrots in front of a cross-eyed horse. Wherever he led was where Miyoko would follow. Suge knew he was about to be playing a real dangerous game, but he didn't see any other way around it. His brother needed him. Dominion Oil needed him. He wasn't about to let his family get ass-fucked into the poor house, and he wasn't about to let some half-dead Asian or some very old memories of some very delicious pussy hold him back neither!
unni was just too excited! She had company coming over and she'd spent the entire morning scurrying back and forth around the mansion trying to make sure everything was set and ready to go.
GiGi Molinex had said she would be there by two, and Bunni had told all the maids to make sure they cleaned up extra good and she had asked Mrs. Katie to rustle up a couple of trays of cucumber sandwiches and granola bars and any other nasty shit that white people liked to eat.
It had taken her forever to pick out her gear, and even though Mink kept saying it was only gonna be an interview and wasn't none of it gonna be on TV, Bunni was still stepping lovely in her finest strip club rags from 125th Street.
“Where is she?” Mink busted up in Bunni's bathroom and complained when two thirty rolled around and the chick still hadn't shown up. “You sure this chick is white?” she huffed under her breath. “ 'Cause her ass is on CP time!”
Cool as a breeze, Bunni glanced at her watch and dabbed a little bit more Secret under her arms.
“She's coming, Mink, damn! Give her a chance. She works in Dallas but she's really from Hollywood and she prolly don't even know her way around here! She mighta got lost or caught a flat tire or something.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Mink smirked as she headed out the door. “Or maybe her ass is walking all the way from Los Angeles, Bunni! Did you ever think about that?”
“Nope!” Bunni said, twisting her lips behind Mink's back. “The only thing I'm thinking about is getting my ass on TV!”
Los Angeles was the city of angels but there were also a fair number of demons lurking around that town, and little did Bunni know it but GiGi Molinex wasn't flying high on nobody's wings.
In fact, GiGi wasn't from Los Angeles at all and she damn sure wasn't a television producer by any stretch of the imagination. What she was, however, was a swindler, an ex-prostitute, and a seven-days-a-week career criminal. To top it all off, she was also a red-hot liar and a damn good one at that.
After traveling the country living from grift to grift, GiGi had landed in Texas where she became a highly paid sugar baby and the part-time slut muffin of one of the most powerful attorneys in the state, Stewie Baker. As a “personal companion,” GiGi traded favors with some of the richest men in politics, swooping in to lay her fiery con game down whenever somebody important needed distracting. With a beautiful face, a fuckable body, and a head full of luscious scarlet-colored hair, the type of distracting GiGi did always required quite a bit of cash.
GiGi's hustle had been in a lull when out of the blue, Larry Dawkins, Stewie's campaign manager, called in a big favor. He needed her to go on a quick mission to dig up as much dirt on a political foe as it would take to keep him from winning the election and snatching the commission chairman's seat out from under Stewie, and that's exactly what GiGi was determined to do.
She scrolled through a folder full of pictures she had loaded up on her iPad. Her target was Viceroy Dominion, and after talking to Bunni Baines on the phone and studying all her stuff on Facebook and Instagram, the plan was to use one of Viceroy's sons to take the powerful oil man down.
GiGi had a choice to make and both of them looked damned delicious. The middle son, Dane, was little more than a college boy, but he was a chocolate hunk of gorgeous goodness that she wouldn't mind giving a nice little go. And according to his LinkedIn profile, Barron, the eldest son, was a big-shot attorney and a senior executive at his father's company. He was tall and just as good looking as his brother so sliding up under either of them would be a pleasant win. GiGi had a feeling Barron might prove to be the tougher nut to crack, but with her flaming red tresses, green eyes, plump tits, and extra-bouncy ass, there wasn't much she couldn't talk her way up on.
GiGi knew she had the sweetest face in creation and a purring, kitteny voice, but her greatest asset, even greater than her irresistible sex appeal, was the talent that had earned her nearly everything her heart desired: her thirst for attention and her vivid imagination. GiGi had been blessed with a wicked little tongue, and ever since she was a little girl she'd had a knack for making up stories and luring people in so convincingly that most people—especially men—fell victim to her lies and believed them to be true.
Of course, most women weren't as susceptible to GiGi's “stories” as men were, but that had never bothered her back then and it damn sure didn't bother her now. All it did was make her work harder to deliver her message much more convincingly, and these days she was a master at her game.
She swiped her finger and scrolled through the last few pictures in the folder. The Dominion mansion was one of the largest and stateliest that GiGi had ever seen but she wasn't about to let that slow her down. She was about to do a job on Viceroy Dominion, and she was scandalous enough to pull every trump card in the deck in order to get what she wanted.
“Are you ready for them?” Frank, GiGi's fellow grifter asked as they climbed into the rented van that bore a fake peel-away logo of a local television station on both sides.
Grinning, GiGi hitched up her short green dress as she slid her long legs and stacked frame into the passenger seat and got ready to go on an adventure that could dictate the fate of the entire oil regulatory body.
“I was born ready for people like them.” She threw her head back and laughed, letting the wind toss her long, fire engine–red mane out behind her in all directions. “The real question is,” she asked with a devilish glint in her green eyes, “are the Dominions ready for
Suge stepped up in the offices of Su International like he owned that bitch. He was walking into enemy territory and he welcomed the fighting urge that surged inside of him. Half-dead or not, he knew Wally Su still hated the guts of the gully nigga who had downstroked his precious daughter straight outta her mind, and he wondered what the old man would think if he knew Suge was about to ask her to pull a deadly sin on his ass and commit the worst kind of treason.
Dressed in casual but expensive clothing and carrying a huge bouquet of five dozen roses, Suge charmed his way past the ground floor receptionist and rode the elevator up to the twelfth floor where the administrative offices were housed.
“Delivery for Miyoko Su,” he said cordially. He smiled as the secretary's eyes got big and she exclaimed with glee at the sight of the beautiful blood-red blooms.
“Right this way,” she chirped, ushering him down a long, carpeted hall that overflowed with the scent of old money. “Ms. Su's office is the second door on the left.”
Suge shook his head as he walked calmly down the hall. Dangling a bunch of pretty flowers in front of a silly broad did the trick every time. There was something about an armful of blooming petals that yanked their common sense string and made them drop their guard faster than they could drop their drawers.
Pausing outside of Miyoko's office, Suge took a second to pull his own shit together. His crazy ex-girlfriend was now a top regulatory attorney in the state of Texas, and whether she knew it or not she held the key to Dominion Oil's future. The last time he'd seen her he had fronted her off and tossed her to the curb when she got all fanatical, but this time the tables were turned and he was at her mercy. As bad as he hated it, Suge needed Miyoko. He needed her to help him get those goddamn documents and to convince her daddy to die with his lips tightly zipped.
She was looking at her computer screen when he stepped into the room, and she glanced up just as he closed the door behind him.
She said his name with all the grace and beauty one woman could possess, and Suge's dick immediately stiffened and all the swag in his mouth dried right up.
He had forgotten just how beautiful she was. How sensual and downright fuckin' sexy. She had a certain scent to her that he had never smelled on another woman. An erotic animal-in-heat aroma that lurked just beyond the surface of her skin. With her long legs, high ass, creamy skin, and gorgeously wide eyes, Miyoko had what it took to knock his most erotic fantasies right out the park.
“Lil Bit.” He called out her nickname smoothly, commanding the black snake stretching in his pants to back the hell up and sit down. “Long time no see, baby. How you been?”
“I always knew you'd come back to me,” she said quietly. Her special scent leaped across the room and slid up his nostrils, catching him in her vapors. “Yes, sooner or later I knew you would come.”
Ahh shit!
The hair on the back of Suge's neck stood up and a warning chill ran down his spine.
“Is that right?” he asked coolly, setting the fresh roses down on her wide oak desk. She stood up and came from behind her desk and he eyed her from head to toe. She didn't look a day older than she had the last time he'd laid eyes on her. In fact, her hips had spread a little and she looked even better.
“You were on my mind,” he fronted. “So I decided to come by and see how you were doing.”
“And why is that?” she asked, fucking with him as she locked her smoky gaze on his.
Suge swallowed hard as she stood there looking at him with that old hot something in her eyes. At one time they'd had some real good shit going on between them in the sheets. Some
good shit.
“Okay, I need you,” Suge admitted, getting sucked in by the promise in her eyes. A whole lotta years had passed but there wasn't a damn thing stopping them from getting naked and picking up right where they had left off. Him fucking her lights out and listening to her scream out his name . . . yeah, with her father half-dead and out of the way, there was nothing and nobody standing between them getting their shit off nice and righteously except . . . Suge's heart banged hard in his chest . . . Mink.
Nobody except Mink.
“I'm afraid you're too late,” Miyoko told him as he spread a mound of softened butter over a slice of warm bread and passed it to her. They were sitting in the back booth of a cozy French restaurant where Suge had taken her so he could get in good and work his mo down on her. Finding her father and killing him would've been easy and Suge had no problem smoking the old bastard, but that paperwork would still be floating around out there somewhere and he couldn't risk having that shit end up in the wrong hands.
“Look, I know your father is planning to run his mouth in front of the commission,” Suge said coldly. “I need those papers your father's sitting on,” he told her pointedly. “And I need you to help me get them.”
“What's in it for me?” she asked, running her glistening pink tongue over her lips.
Suge stared at her. Feeling her out and sizing up how hard of a push she could take. Miyoko was sitting there looking sexy as hell, but staring deep into her slanted exotic eyes Suge could tell she was still coo-coo as a muthafucka.
“Look, baby. Here's the deal,” Suge said, taking her tiny, bird-like hand in his as he broke it down for her. He was gonna have to flex his swag because he could already tell she wasn't gonna roll over and make it easy for him. “My brother is running for office at the railroad commission. The word on the street is that your father is going to try to take him down and knock him outta the box by dropping a dime and hitting him with some papers from an old stock deal.”
He squeezed her pale fingers gently. “I need your help getting those papers back before the Railroad Commission meets in two weeks to confirm the ballots. Trust me, your father is making a big mistake, Lil Bit. If he bucks and drops a dime on my brother I swear to God I'm gonna make sure his whole empire goes crumbing down in the dirt. And you know I will.”
Miyoko didn't look pressed in the least. “It's too late, Superior. None of that matters to him anymore.” She shook her head and tossed her long black hair over her shoulder. “Zeke Washington already beat you to the punch. He had a long visit with my father and he asked him to testify to the truth before the commission. My father agreed because he is dying. He's ashamed of what he's done and he wants his conscience to be clear and his soul to be cleansed. Your threats mean nothing to him at this point.”
“Is that right?” Suge said coldly. “So after years of leeching off every warm body he could find, now big bad Wally Su is scared to face the devil? That crook is gonna 'fess up to the world and put his whole hustle on blast?”
Miyoko nodded. “Yes, he is. It's the honorable thing to do.” Suge scoffed deep in his throat, making a sound of blatant disrespect. “Your daddy's been sucking Dominion dick for thirty fuckin' years, baby! I'll tell you this, if Viceroy gets buried, Wally Su's ass is gonna get buried even deeper. Dead or alive. If our company goes down, his shit slides off too!”
“Didn't you hear me?” Miyoko asked, still smiling. “My father is
, Superior! His body will soon return to the earth and his soul will be welcomed by the ancestors. He has nothing left to lose in this life, but everything to gain in the next one.”
“Bullshit! So what about you? He's gonna jump his ass in the grave and leave you back here broke as hell to clean up his mess? What about all that shit he talked about protecting you?”
“Oh, he's protecting me,” Miyoko said with her eyes dancing with amusement. It was a very rare thing to see the great Superior Dominion squirm and she was enjoying it. “My father has already taken the necessary steps to ensure the firm's assets are protected from any liabilities that might arise due to his past behavior. A fund has been set up to compensate the victims of any legal claims against him, and that's the extent of any recourse that either your family, the Washingtons, or anyone else might have.”

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