
Read Redemption Online

Authors: La Kuehlke

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Paranormal

BOOK: Redemption
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This is a work of fiction. The events and characters described herein are imaginary and are not intended to refer to specific places or living persons. The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.


All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2012 LA Kuehlke


Cover Photo © 2012 All rights reserved - used with permission.


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For those who believe
in all we cannot see.


As with
, I have many people I need to thank; for without them,
would not be a reality.


Tina: My best friend, my publicist, my PIC, my other sister. I am so thankful for you, for all that you have done, are doing, plan to do! We’re on this journey together, having a blast, learning as we go. There’s a bottle of Skinny Girl with our names on it!


Ethan: Thank you for lending me your words, your music, and your gift. I am grateful for our collaboration, for your willingness to listen to my ideas, your help when writer’s block plagued me, and your involvement in making
the best it could be.


Rob: Thank you for telling me I could do this. For believing in my stories and in me. For having the patience to deal with my anxieties and perfectionism. And for being my constant since I was fifteen years old.


Kristy: Thank you for countless hours spent at my kitchen table, listening to chapter after chapter, drinking gallons of chai, giving me feedback, encouraging me with your love of my characters, and spurring me on with your enthusiasm. (What?! That’s it?! I have to wait?!)


Kim & Marie: My faithful beta readers, sister, and friend! Thank you for reading the manuscript, using your purple - not red - pens, making suggestions, correcting errors, and taking time out of your
busy schedules to edit and help make the story perfect. Thank you for believing in the story and being a huge part of making it something I am proud of having written. Thank you for your encouragement, support, and excitement about the series.


Jim: Photo-boy! Thank you for the time you took to find the angel pictures and for sharing your talent, for not deleting my many texts, and for still answering the phone when I call. Your photos pull the story and the lyrics together beautifully. It’s good to be family.


And to everyone at Outskirts Press: Thank you for your guidance, for answering my many questions, for creating the book I envisioned, and for making
what I dreamed it would be.


Character Index

The Humans:


Bryan Roemer:
heartbroken and lost, wonders what it is about Cassidy that draws him to her, a fierce protector of those he cares about, destined to become The Breastplate


Cassidy Baker:
Carrie’s younger cousin, catches the eye of a certain California photographer, living embodiment of peace, has seen angels her entire life, also possesses special abilities that make her powerful...and a threat, destined to become The Sandals


Carrie Mayer:
engaged to Nick, best friend to Miranda, cousin to Cassidy, still playing matchmaker and used to getting her way, Destined to become The Belt


Nick Flaherty:
engaged to Carrie, best friend to Derek, friend of Bryan who he believes is in danger, sometimes thinks he’s everyone’s big brother and crosses lines, Destined to become The Shield


Miranda Reid:
The Helmet, dreamer of prophetic visions


Derek Gainnes:
The Sword, guardian within the Circle


The Angels and Demons:


Angel of Fortification and Defense, Protector, assigned to Bryan, has a history with Mara, weapon of choice: his Kodachi sword


Angel of Clarity and Insight, Protector, assigned to Cassidy, has kept a secret from her, weapon of choice: the long sword


Demon of Apathy, beautiful and alluring, uses the Lotus to charm, has become attached to Bryan...which is completely inconvenient for her


Demon of Passion, has a strong connection to Mara, is sent to keep her in line, is shark-like in his methods...devouring and consuming






“We all make mistakes we aren’t proud of, and eventually we hide behind a mask of insecurity. And that is not the same thing as letting go. When we finally let go, we can crawl out of those lonely
graves we’ve dug for ourselves and experience the world...Redemption.”


-Ethan Blake Pelsia


fter countless years under his ruthless command, she was growing weary of the games. She’d followed him, blind to his nature, believing the lies. She’d been a fool. All they’d gotten her was exile. That, and an eternity of servitude to him.

I’m so tired.

That simple revelation held far more information than she thought three words could - or should - contain. He couldn’t find out.

Mara took in a deep breath and bent over the sleeping form of Bryan Roemer. He was laying on his side, one arm stretched above his head, his expression one of pain, even in his sleep.

He’s dreaming again,
she thought,
about her.

The powder would make him forget. She’d been sprinkling it on his food and slipping it into his drinks for months, and yet the woman’s memory remained. Mara frowned.

Since she’d made her decision to leave with Lucifer, the lotus had been her drug of choice. She shook her head. Those ridiculous humans, the Greeks, had thought themselves so clever when they wrote her methods into their mythology. If their intentions had been to warn others about her, they’d failed miserably. In the end, all they’d done was leave behind stories that no one believed anymore. Point in case, they were considered

The powder had worked its magic. When he was awake, Bryan was completely in her control. Naturally. But while he slept, his mind was able to take him someplace else that was beyond her. So far, she hadn’t found a way around that little obstacle. Nevertheless, when she watched him move through each day in a fog, she grew more confident of her success. That was the part she had always loved the most - the loss of hope, of will, of resistance.

Who was she kidding? There hadn’t been a time until now when she hadn’t loved it all.

She smoothed his hair, brushing it away from his face. He was incredibly handsome, even for a mortal. The fact that he’d let his hair grow much longer than he usually wore it, or that he hadn’t shaved in weeks made no difference to her. Mara could see beyond what was merely on the outside. She cocked her head to the side and squinted, examining him for the millionth time.

What was so special about these fragile humans that the Maker would risk everything, even His own Son, for them? She still hadn’t figured it out. They were a huge gamble. Most of them refused to even acknowledge Him. The rest that did tried to mould Him into their images. As far as she could tell, they were prone to foolish passions, fickle, and spoiled.

And those were the things she liked about them.

Still, there was something about this one that made him stand out to her. Lucifer commanded she keep him away from the Circle - at all costs. Which made him extremely important. She could picture her boss, still having tantrums over losing the girl, Miranda. She laughed quietly in the still, dark room. Lucifer was famous for his tantrums. They were amusing, when she wasn’t on the receiving end of his wrath.

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