Redemption (The Extinct Race Series Book 4) (10 page)

BOOK: Redemption (The Extinct Race Series Book 4)
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Chapter 18







Magical Healing

Levi sat day and night in the spare room of the only house that was ready for the Blood Dragons. Leon and Sarah had moved in only days before and helped him look over Bronwyn and the baby that was growing in her belly. He begged whoever would listen to bring her back to him. He hadn’t slept properly since the incident happened and his body was starting to give out on him. Sarah had noticed that morning that he was looking weaker and weaker. She decided when she brought lunch to him that afternoon that she was going to have to do something. The boy needed to sleep and eat.

“Levi honey, eat this while I look over Bronwyn.” Sarah asked. She handed him a sandwich along with a bowl of fresh fruit and a bottle of water. Levi blindly put fruit in his mouth as he watched Sarah place her hands on Bronwyn’s head and then her belly. When Sarah was done she turned and looked down at the plate she had placed beside Levi. She noticed that he only ate a few pieces of fruit and nothing else.

“Levi you need to eat.” Sarah said as she picked up a half of the sandwich and brought it to his mouth. Levi blindly took bites of the sandwich while he looked over at his soul mate. Sarah fed him the first half and Levi waved away the second and reached for the bottle of water. Sarah saw this as her opportunity and opened the bottle for him then placed a hand at the back of his head while the other held the bottle in place. He took a drink and Sarah pulled the water bottle away. As it left his lips with the hand she left on the back of his head she put him to sleep. She guided his head to the pillow and then picked his legs up onto the bed. She used the small blanket at the foot of the bed to cover him and stood back. Bronwyn lay on one side of the bed and now Levi lay on the other. They looked like a peaceful sleeping couple.

Sarah left the room and walked down the stairs to where she left Leon. “I had to put him to sleep. He has not slept save for a couple hours since it happened and frankly I am starting to worry more about him than I do for Bronwyn.”

“I know Love except I think you did what was right. I have been thinking though. You know I know how to look at others memories. Well I never looked to see if she still had hers and I just realized what a magnificent artist you are. I was wondering if we worked together because one needs to open the mind and the other finds the memories. We would both see them and maybe you could draw them?” Leon inquired.

“I think I could I mean it’s worth a shot. It also helps that most the people she will have in those memories are here and if I have a problem I could just look at them.” Sarah replied

“Well everyone is at lunch right now so let’s go up there and see if I can fish one out.” Leon blurted.

Leon took Sarah’s hand and walked up the stairs to the room that the couple occupied. Leon went to the head of the bed and pushed it away from the wall enough for him to fit behind it. As soon and he was situated he placed his hands on Bronwyn’s head. Sarah did the same as she kneeled at the head of the bed. Leon started to concentrate on locating the memories. Once he located them they started to play like a movie. Sarah had her eyes closed and soon tears were streaming down her cheeks. After a moment he felt something in her shift.

“Sarah pull back, check her vitals something happened and I don’t want to stop these. Since you helped open her mind I can hold it open. They are happy perfect memories. This girl has known nothing other than joy in her life. It was Kaiden’s father who found her in an orphanage as a baby and since then her life has been nothing except happy.” Leon said as tears filled his eyes. His only happy memories like these were when he had his parents.

Sarah placed her hands on the girl’s feet although she wanted nothing more than to keep watching what she had. She searched for anything she hadn’t felt before. It took a moment before she found it and the girl’s heart seemed to be beating faster than it normally did. “Oh my! Is this normal?” Sarah asked and then noticed a tear leak out of Bronwyn’s eye. “Leon look!”

Zach had been walking to the house to check on Bronwyn and Levi. As soon as the tear left Bronwyn’s eye something awoke in Zach and he shifted without warning. Zach roared loud and long it felt mournful and the roar called to Zoe. She had been sitting with Kaiden enjoying her lunch when all of a sudden she stood. She had just enough time to get away from Kaiden when her Dragon rippled through her making her shift.

Everyone turned to look at Zoe as the mournful roar Zach let out drifted to them and Zoe’s roar joined Zach’s. When it was over Zoe had just enough time to glance at Kaiden before her Dragon pulled her away. Forcing her to run towards Zach. Kaiden quickly grabbed Lily off the ground and held her tightly to his chest as he followed Zoe at a dead run. Halina and Justine were right behind him.

Zoe ran as hard as she could and she wondered why she wasn’t flying for a moment before she saw Zach in front of Leon and Sarah’s home.

Zach what is this?
She thought to him

Something happened inside and my Dragon forced me to shift. I guess you were forced
too? He asked her

She did. We can’t exactly ask what happened so I guess we need to find it. Look in the windows. I feel Kaiden coming he will be able to go in and ask.
Zoe informed him as she started to lower her head and look in the windows.

Zach went opposite Zoe around the house and they both met in the back. They had checked all the lower windows and now stood on their hind legs with front paws gently placed on the side of the house staring into the top floor window. They could see Bronwyn and Levi lying in the bed. They then noticed Leon at the head of the bed with his hands placed on Bronwyn’s head. Sarah was at the foot of the bed with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. Sarah glanced at the movement at the window and screamed in surprise. She was not expecting to see two large Dragon faces there.

Kaiden bolted into the house and up the stairs. He ran right to the room that Bronwyn was in. He saw the scene before him and the tears Leon was letting loose.

“What happened?” Kaiden asked

“Oh Kaiden!” Sarah yelled in shock once more. Although a smile curled her lips as she began to explain. “Leon had an idea of us looking at her memories so I could draw them for Levi and the baby. I had to stop looking because her heart started to race and he says they are the most beautiful happy memories he has ever seen. Shortly after the memories started Bronwyn’s heart leapt. It literally started to beat faster and look! She has tears coming out of her eyes. It’s like she is seeing what he is and he is afraid to stop.”

As soon as the words left her lips Zoe and Zach both started to whimper at the window. They used their huge snouts to softly tap at the window. Kaiden ran to the huge window that opened on either side. He opened both sides and it was only big enough for their snouts. Zoe and Zach both lifted their snouts and puckered their lips and a rumble shook their cores. It also shook the house and Kaiden almost fell over. When the rumble was over red smoke filled the room from the window.

When Zach and Zoe were finished they both fell over and immediately shifted back to human and both were passed out cold. Halina and Justine were in the back beside the two when they fell. They both almost got crushed by the falling bodies. When they shifted back to human and the girls noticed they were out cold they both screamed. Kaiden ran outside and ran smack into Alexi. She followed him to the back and checked the couple over.

“They are both in a deep sleep. They used a lot of magic and it has completely drained them. Kaiden the baby is fine. We just need to get them to bed they may not wake for a few hours.” Alexi informed them. “What did they do anyway?”

“Not sure really, Leon was looking at Bronwyn’s memories so Sarah could draw them for the baby and Levi. While they were in her head Bronwyn’s heart leapt and beat faster and then she started to cry I guess. No movements of her face but there are definitely tears coming out of her eyes. As soon as Sarah told me that both of them started to whimper until I opened the window and they, as well as the house started to rumble. Then the room filled with a thick red smoke and I heard the girls scream. When I came down I found them like this.” Kaiden explained completely baffled.

“How is Bronwyn now?” Alexi wondered

“No change although the memories just stopped with the tears and her heart is back to normal.” Leon replied looking down at Alexi from the window.

“Huh. Well they used magic but for what I don’t know.” Alexi said more to herself than anyone else.

Kaiden gave Lily to Alexi and picked up Zoe. Gabe ran over and he grabbed Zach for Halina. They carried them to the house and laid them in bed. Halina was worried and she lay down next to Zach and cried.

Kaiden covered up Zoe and sat in the bed with Lily. He wanted to lay with her but he knew Zoe would want him to look after the baby. Marcus came in and checked on both his children and Alexi had to once again check both of them in front of him to assure him that they were fine.

Hours went by and they still slept. When dinner time came and they weren’t down yet Justine made Kaiden a plate and took it to him. Iraina made one for her daughter and took it up to her. She found Halina asleep next to Zach and so she placed the tray of food on the foot of the bed. Iraina covered her daughter up with a blanket and left the room.

Leon made a plate for Levi from the main house and brought it up when he did his normal check. Nothing had changed with Bronwyn and Levi still slept next to her. Leon placed the food on a nearby table and turned the light out and went down stairs to Sarah. Sarah was drawing while Leon explained to her the scene at the orphanage. He explained Ethan as best he could and what Bronwyn looked like as a baby. This one he was going to have doubled, one for the book they were making for Levi and the second for Kaiden.

After a few hours Sarah got tired and they decided to head to bed. Their bedroom was on the first floor next to two more bedrooms that would be their children’s rooms. They both climbed into bed and were fast asleep. It had been an emotional day for both of them.

Around midnight Levi started to wake up. He was restless in waking and a bit groggy when he felt a hand brush his face. He immediately jumped out of bed and threw himself against the wall. Levi heard a very familiar giggle come from the bed and his heart leapt. He jumped again except this time it was in the bed and what he saw made him cry. Sobs wracked his body and he wept all the sorry out of his heart. Arms wrapped around him and held him until he was done. He then pulled back and looked at the most beautiful face he had ever seen.

“Hello my heart.” Bronwyn whispered to Levi.




Chapter 19








Zoe woke early in the morning and noticed she was completely naked. She then looked over to Kaiden and he was fully clothed lying on top of the covers with Lily on his chest and a small blanket covering her. Lily lifted her head turned towards her and smiled.

“Hello beautiful. Did you have a good sleep on Daddy?” Zoe asked Lily quietly and then tried to pick her up. Kaiden had his hand gently wrapped around the baby and when Zoe tried to lift her up his arms tightened. “I don’t think he wants to let you go.” Zoe laughed which woke Kaiden right up.

“You awake!” he all but yelled.

“I am, how long have I been out?” Zoe asked confused. The sun was still up so she figured it was still afternoon.

“Since right after lunch….yesterday.” Kaiden informed her.

“What!” Zoe yelled frightening Lily who began to cry. Zoe quickly grabbed her and calmed her down before asking again. “What?”

“You and Zach both passed out after some magic trick and have been asleep since. Halina cried herself to sleep with worry.” Kaiden explained.

“What magic did we do?”

“Have no clue Angel. Other than it was in Bronwyn’s room and she was in the same condition when we left. Well you didn’t leave I had to carry you because when you were done you both passed out.”

“Wow. Ok well I am wide awake now. I am going to clean up and go check on my brother and then Bronwyn.” Zoe replied as she got up and went to the bathroom. Kaiden joined her putting Lily in her little bouncer. He carried the bouncer into the bathroom and then climbed in the shower with Zoe. Kaiden had been very worried about her and needed to hold her for a moment.

After they were done they both got dressed quickly and took the hallway down to Zach and Halina’s suite. They let themselves in the suite and didn’t see either of them in the front area. Zoe walked to their bedroom and knocked. She heard Halina say come in and Zoe walked in and found Halina wrapped in Zach’s arms.

“You sleep well too?” Zoe asked

“I did but little miss worry wart here cried all night so I figured I would hold her for a bit. You ok? I don’t really know what we did only because sniffles here can’t get it out.” Zach laughed

“Well apparently we did some heavy magic in Bronwyn’s room and passed out after.” Zoe explained

“Whoa really? Did it work?” Zach was baffled. He remembered being forced to shift and looking in windows and that was it.

“I don’t think so. Kaiden said nothing had changed with her when they carried us home. But I am going to go check now. I just wanted to check on you first. You good?” Zoe asked she knew he was good she was just a little anxious now.

“Yeah I am except I want to go with you. Can you wait while we get ready? Ten minutes tops.” Zach begged

“Yes I will wait. I am going to raid your stash of goodies though I feel like I haven’t eaten in days.” Zoe said as hunger overrode all other thoughts.

“Screw a shower I will take one after training I didn’t eat dinner last night so I am joining you.” Halina laughed as she climbed out of bed and grabbed a robe.

The girls went to the kitchen and found some bear claws and fruit. Zoe shared a banana with Lily while Kaiden stuffed down on a bear claw. Zach came out of the room and Kaiden threw him a packaged bear claw and they left the suite. They made their way to Leon’s house and found it still quiet. Zoe knocked getting no answer. The door was unlocked so she opened it and popped her head in, “Hello?” she said getting no answer still.

Zoe shrugged to the others and opened the door wide letting herself in. They were all quiet as they made their way upstairs. Zoe tapped on Levi’s closed door and heard him say “come in”. When Zoe opened the door she froze.

“Holy Shit! It worked!” Zoe yelled out then ran to Bronwyn and hugged her.

“What worked?” Levi asked as they heard Leon and Sarah bound up the stairs. Levi tried again. “Guys what worked?”

“Their magic fixed her.” Sarah laughed out as she began to cry.

“What magic? What are you all talking about?” Levi was so confused. All he knew was Bronwyn woke up and after he cried they held each other and woke up again only a few moments before the tap on his door.

“Yesterday Sarah made you sleep. I had a thought and wanted to get Sarah to draw Bronwyn’s memories while you slept. As we started to see them they took on a life of their own and played like a movie for us. It was amazing to say the least. Then as it played her heart leapt and started to beat faster. Then a tear left her eye and then more. Then Zach and Zoe were at the window in their Dragon form. As soon as Kaiden opened the window the house shook and they blew out a thick red smoke. We didn’t think anything happened when we checked on you guys at dinner. But apparently we were wrong. I never checked her brain yesterday afterward just the vitals like I always have.” Leon admitted

“Thank you Zach and Zoe.” Bronwyn blushed.

“Oh honey do you know what happened?” Halina asked

“I do. I have been like hovering above my body since Ada did what she did. I know what you all have done for me and for Levi. You really are the best people I have ever met. And Leon I didn’t even know about Ethan. I don’t remember that far back but that memory, God that memory was such a good one. That man was so good and loving to me and I miss him dearly. I was only five when they left.” Bronwyn sobbed

“What memory?” Kaiden asked

“Your father was the one who found her in an orphanage. It must have been a local one but he is the one that brought her here and this girl has the most happy and amazing memories I have ever seen.” Leon explained

As soon as Bronwyn said Ethan Sarah ran down to her sketch book. She had just found the picture she drew last night when Leon had finished speaking and placed the book in Kaiden’s hand.

“Wow that is him alright.” Kaiden admitted and then a tear left his eye. “I don’t remember him doing this but if you were only five when we left I feel like a douche.”

“Why do you feel like that?” Zoe asked

“Because I was so wrapped up in my stuff, in what was going on with me that I didn’t even know he brought a baby home.” Kaiden replied

“Oh Kaiden I don’t fault you for that. I was a crying baby and you were a teenager. A boy at that and boys don’t really like babies. But even though you didn’t notice then, you are just like him. Look at the baby your wife holds. I hear there is also one in her belly.” Bronwyn teased

“Yes there is and we know there is one in yours as well. Congratulations!” Zoe announced.

“Yes there is and I am so happy she is a strong one.” Bronwyn remarked

“A little girl?” Levi excitedly asked.

“Yes sir, Now that I can feel with my own hands, of course I may be wrong since it is still just a tadpole but I am pretty sure.” Bronwyn smiled. “Oh and Kaiden? Sarah was going to make that one for the baby but I think you should have it instead.”

“Thank you Bronwyn. I don’t have words that express how much this truly means to me. I need to get a frame and put this in the dining room. That is the room he always wanted to fill and I think that him looking over all of us, well it would make me happy to look at him every morning too.” Kaiden admitted shyly.

“Well I don’t know about you all but I am hungry again. How would the two of you like to join us for breakfast? I believe I smelled those amazing cinnamon rolls that Mary makes just when we all need them the most.” Zoe invited the couple.

“I would love to. I just need to take a real shower first. How about we meet you there?” Bronwyn asked

“Sounds good, oh and Bronwyn, it is so good to have you with us again. Be prepared to be bombarded as everyone thinks you are still….well you know, asleep.” Zoe wanted to smack herself but she knew she had to say it.

“Don’t worry about me. We will see you soon.” Bronwyn admitted.

The group left Leon’s home and headed back to the main house while they got ready. It was an exciting morning and Zoe couldn’t wait for the good news to spread to everyone else. They really did have a miracle happen and she couldn’t be happier.

Once inside the house Zoe couldn’t contain her smile as she fed Lily and then made her own plates. Looks were passed around the room and they all wanted to know why she was so happy except she wouldn’t tell anyone. Zach and Halina were also acting a bit happier than normal too. Then the reason for their happiness walked through the front door and the whole room gasped as one as Bronwyn walked in hand in hand with Levi.

“HOLY SHIT!” Vivi yelled out



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