Redemption (The Extinct Race Series Book 4) (6 page)

BOOK: Redemption (The Extinct Race Series Book 4)
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Chapter 10








When the plane landed it was so early in the morning that everyone was still asleep. They walked into the house and Zoe led the couples to three empty rooms. The house was all still asleep except for Mary and the girls preparing breakfast. Zoe told them that there was clothing in the closets and to get cleaned up. She wanted them at the table before anyone came down for breakfast. Once she had them getting cleaned up she ran to the dining room and set seven more chairs at the table. As she looked she realized that they were going to have to make the table bigger. She puzzled over this a moment and then ran to get Cassie who was always up early and in Mary’s garden.

Zoe found Cassie leaning over with her hands in the dirt. Vegetable were popping up one at a time down the line and Zoe forgot why she came out her for a moment as she watched. Cassie noticed Zoe standing there after the line was done and turned to her. She let out a little giggle at the open mouth look on Zoe’s face.

“Good Morning my little mama Queen.” Cassie smiled at her.

“Good Morning. That was amazing. I am still shocked at the things we can all do. But I came to you for a favor. We have seven more and I need to do something about the dining room table. It’s not big enough for us and well the soon to be.” She smiled as she rubbed her flat belly.

“Got ya, well let’s go take a look and figure out something.” Cassie slapped her hands together releasing the dirt from them. She then grabbed Zoe’s hand and they walked inside. Clover and Hunter were standing by the table looking a bit lost. Cassie stopped dead in her tracks as she looked at them. “Are you Quinn’s parents?”

“Shhhh!” Zoe snapped

“Oh sorry, surprise huh? This Queen of ours tends to do them a lot, but they are always oh so good. Good Morning and welcome to our home I am Cassie” Cassie said as she hugged each of them and then looked at the table. “Have you guys used your skills in a while? We need to make sure everyone fits here and the upcoming little ones.” Cassie said as she reached out and rubbed Zoe’s belly.

“You are pregnant?” Clover asked amazed after the little bit of information she had heard on the jet.

“I am and we will fill you all in at breakfast. Now do you have any ideas about this table?” Zoe questioned wanting the attention off of herself.

“Well how many children are in the house? Also what is the seating arrangement as well as the meal arrangements?” Hunter asked.

“Well as we told you this is a Family Sect. So we like to have breakfast and dinners together. All the full-bloods and sometimes the half-bloods that wish to eat with us. Now we understand it won’t be every night but as much as possible. And there are nineteen half-blood children in the house ten of which are babies still.” Zoe explained.

“Well do you and Kaiden sit at the head of the table?” Hunter asked

“Well no we always sit here and here.” Zoe walked to the end of the table and pointed out their chairs.

“Well this room is quite large so how do you feel about two tables this length or a U shaped table?”

“Let me do the math real quick.” Zoe stood and thought for a moment. “There are sixty one people and that doesn’t include the children. Only sixteen will be in the house after all the homes are built so I think two tables that seat thirty five should do it.” Zoe said and the couple looked at her confused.

“What?” Zoe looked a little scared

“You have saved that many of us?” Clover asked

“We have but most came to us and we just offered them a safe place.” Zoe smiled

“I can’t wait to hear all this. I will make the other table today. For now is it ok if we just leave this one? I am a little anxious to meet my son.” Hunter asked Zoe.

“Of course I am in no rush for it. Plus we have the kiddy table for the little ones so it shouldn’t be that crowded.” Zoe said as Max and Laura came into the room with Marie and Julio behind them. Mary also walked into the room with the first platter of food.

“Oh my, new ones! Hello there I am Mary and I am the honorary cook.” She looked at the couples a little closer and then turned to Zoe. “You did it again didn’t you?”

“What I can’t help it! I love to see the joy in their faces.” Zoe smiled and at that moment Finley and Oliver walked downstairs. Oliver looked over to the table a smile on his face from something Finley had said and then he froze.

“MOM! DAD!” Oliver yelled as he rushed down the stairs and over to his parents grabbing both of them in his arms. Emery and Kendal came down next and Finley rushed to them in tears.

“What is wrong little fish?” Emery asked concerned.

“Look he has them again. I am so happy for him!” She cried into her mother.

Paulo came rushing out of his room as soon as he heard Oliver shout. “Marie? Julio?” he whispered to the backs of the two people crying as they held their son. Julio looked up and saw Paulo.

“Paulo! Good to see you made it out alive! Look our son he is alive as well.” Julio beamed a radiant smile at Paulo.

“I know I gave him some pictures of you two and trust me he likes to fight as much as you two do. He is a good kid.” Paulo smiled letting them have their moment. Paulo walked over to Cassie and held her close to him. Loving this moment, his best friends were alive and well.

After a moment Oliver pulled away and grabbed Finley’s hand. He held her close and looked at his parents. “Mom and Dad this is my mate Finley. She came all the way into the rainforest to get me. Then she went off on me when I denied her and now here we are. Finely this is my mom Marie and this is my dad Julio. Oh and these are her parents Emery and Kendal.” Oliver told them proudly as they all went to the table to sit together. Zoe stood whipping tears from her face. Paulo then took a seat across from them with Cassie.

Donny came down alone next and looked right at Max and Laura. “Holy shit! She looks just like the both of you! She doesn’t know. ZOE! You gotta prepare her she may seem all strong and confident but she is really sensitive.” Donny yelled out and looked a little worried when Alex started coming down the stairs.

“Prepare me for what? I am not as fragile as you think thank you very much. I mean really my step dad is not here to beat me half to death anymore and I haven’t cut myself since before that day I almost died.” Alex scoffed and then heard the gasp and intake of air. She always walked with her head pointed down looking at each step before she took it and the gasp caused her to look up. She saw a woman who could be her twin and a man that had the same hair she did but shorter. She missed the step and started to fall down the stairs. Donny stood in shock as he noticed her tilt forward but it was her father who shot forward and caught her.

“Alexandria.” He whispered as he cradled her small body into his. Laura ran up the stairs to them and took her daughters face into her hands. Alex just stared she didn’t know what to do.

“Alexandria, are you ok?” her mother asked

“Alex. I go by Alex. Are you related to me? I mean I have his hair and your face. But I don’t have parents.” She asked completely confused

“Oh baby we are your parents. We were caught the day you were born. You were having a fit in the nursery I could hear you. But you got so mad the Pull turned off and that is why they never found you. You can turn it off cant you?” Laura asked

“I could do it then?” Alex asked

“You did that day and I am so thankful you did.” Max whispered

“So you are my parents?” Alex asked

“What do you feel Alex?” Laura asked

“I know your Pull. OMG! I know your Pull!” she shouted as she jumped out of her father’s arms and stood. She turned to them and crumpled once more. Her mother was the one to grab her this time and they didn’t let go for a couple minutes. Alex was able to compose herself after her father held her for a couple minutes and she turned to Donny who was watching her carefully. “Mom, Dad this is Donny my soul mate.” She beamed at Donny.

“We gathered that from the way he was protective of you. It is very nice to meet you Donny. I am Max and this is my mate Laura.”

“Nice to meet you too, I think we need to move though. Quite a crowd has started behind us and well those kids will eat you if they don’t get food. I have seen it.” Donny laughed. Max turned and saw all the little red flecked eyes staring at him and it sent a chill down his spine.

John walked through the door then with his mother and Uncle along with Penny and Etana. “Well I see three of the four are taken care of. Quinn is always last cause he has a harder time with the gadgets in his suite.” John chuckled and led his mom to the table.

As the table filled with people it also filled with food. Hunter and Clover stood to the side as they wanted to meet their son before they ate. As they watched the stairs a very small young woman with bouncing brown curls started her way down the stairs and then looked up at them. “OH!” she squeaked and then ran back up the stairs.

“That was Morgan she is your son’s soul mate. She is the cutest little thing.” Cassie said as she walked over to them.

“She was darling. You think we scared her?” Clover asked

“Nope not at all I think she went to get Quinn. She had her parents until eight months ago so she knows what this will mean for him. I think she will need you as much and if not more than he will. He is a pretty independent guy.” Cassie smiled and Morgan reappeared on the stairs tugging Quinn behind her.

“What is that smell? I know that smell!” Quinn stated

“Honey look it’s them. Your mom and dad are here.” Morgan chirped and tugged him harder. Quinn was about six foot two and Morgan was only about five two. So her trying to tug him down was quite funny to Cassie.

“How?” Quinn said as he just stood there and Morgan was tugging away her feet were on one step and her whole body was bent trying to get him down to meet them.

“Son, your mate is about to lose her grip and topple down the stairs.” Hunter warned. As soon as the words left his mouth she lost her grip and started to fall backwards but Quinn was able to catch her wrist before she fell.

“You are a determined little thing aren’t you?” Quinn chuckled as he scooped her up into his arms and carried her down the stairs to meet his parents. Clover and Morgan were the only two out of the four that were crying and Hunter and Quinn had stoic looks about them.

“You are just like him. You show no emotion at all but I bet there is a storm going on in there isn’t there?” Clover asked as she wiped tears away

“Oh he sort of… about ..oh a week ago… found out about us and the bad guys. He is still learning.” Morgan informed them.

“Come everyone sit and we will have our share and tell this morning and push training off a couple of hours.” Kaiden announced and then sat back down.









Chapter 11








They ate in quiet chatter and Kaiden waited until he saw people putting their forks down indicating that they were finished eating. He then stood and Zoe stood next to him.

“Good Morning everyone! For some it is a better morning than others. We have seven new members to add to our family and as you all saw they already had family here. I am not sure how to start this really. So I think I will start with the Journal.” Kaiden explained about the journal and then went on to the fail-safes. He then had all the second chance couples stand for an example. “Now we also do a thing at dinner we call Share and Tell. Some of us have had it harder than others but this is our way of dealing and accepting that it is indeed in the past. It is our way of therapy I think. So I think we will get that all over with this morning. First though I want to tell you what we know about Aldrich.”

“I know you parents all heard the rumors and either saw your Sect attacked or fled and scattered trying to remain hidden. Well look around at everyone you see here as you all are the last full-bloods alive besides Aldrich. I am overjoyed that the seven of you were safe all these years. But Aldrich is coming for us. He will not stop until we are all dead and he wants this mountain. But this is our home and we are going to fight back. Like I said before we are a Family and Family sticks together. I only require a few things from you. Train yourself and learn to fight. You do not have to fight in the upcoming fight that is about to come to us but even for the future I would like to know that you all know how to fight back. I would like you to be proficient in hand to hand combat and proficient with at least two weapons of your choosing. We all do it and we all do it together.”

“That sounds excellent.” Claudia laughed out at the table.

“I think I would like to move on to the share and tell. Now before anyone begins Quinn and Oliver’s parents your sons have only been here a week and only told their stories once before. I think it would be more helpful to them if you went before them. Just a thought but it is up to them.” Kaiden informed them.

“I will start.” Claudia said as she stood up. “John’s father and I along with a friend were on the run so to speak. We were headed from the California coast up to Canada. We stayed over the ocean and slept on little hidden islands. We got careless and were flying a little low one day. John had been fussy and the colder it got the fussier he got. We tried to keep him warm but he was so small and it was so hard to carry him while flying. Our friend was an Onyx so he had John that day. It had started to get dark and we were searching for an island when my mate suddenly kicked me away from him. I turned a little pissed off that he shoved me but when I turned back to him he was pulling a harpoon from his belly. Next thing I knew there was a net shot over me and I crashed into the water. I was dragged onto a huge ship and placed in a huge container. After a while they opened a slat and used a Taser on me. Next thing I knew I was in a cell and then three half-bloods carried the cell into a cave where I met Clover and Hunter along with Max and Laura. A month later I felt my mate die.”

John went right after his mother and she was shocked at where he was found.

“They must have been looking for me. But I never felt them.” Claudia blurted.

“That is because the cell you were in is made of something that blocks the Pull.” Marcus stated as he recounted his story.

“Hello all, my name is Max and this is my mate Laura. This is also our daughter Alex. We were captured at the hospital in England you were born in. Hours after your mother had given birth we were so caught up in our bliss that by the time we felt them it was too late for us. Thankfully we have a little special one and they couldn’t find her in the hospital and trust me they looked. When they finally gave up we were injected with something and we woke up in the cells. They placed us apart. I could look at her all day long but I couldn’t touch her. The three that caught us knew we had a child and they told us if we cooperated that when it was over they would let us out. Then one came to us without the other two over a week ago. He told us they were leaving and to wait for a week and then to find a way out if we could. He gave us extra food and then left.”

Alex told her story when her father was finished. She told them all the good things and even went into more detail than she ever had before. She showed them her tattoo and then she paused a moment looking at them. She knew that the rest was going to break them. Donny grabbed her hand to give her his strength while she went through how she was beat constantly. Then she told them about the day Donny saved her. Max looked like he wanted to kill something and Laura was devastated. But as she told them about her final day at home both of her parents got up and hugged her and then hugged Donny and thanked him.

“My name is Julio and this is my mate Marie. We had seen our Sect destroyed and managed to get away. We didn’t go far but the rainforest helped for years. It had been a week since we had shifted and it was starting to basically claw at us. We always told Oliver that if we didn’t come home to hide and stay hidden. That night as soon as we stepped outside we felt them. They only thing we could think of to keep Oliver safe was to run passed them and try to lead them away from him. What we didn’t know was that they were anticipating the move. They also tased us, we must have been moved into a truck and driven off because when we started to wake up one of them leaned forward and stuck us with something. I remember coming around once and the same man was there and then I was out again. When we finally came awake again we were in a cell across from each other and the others explained what was happening.” Julio finished.

Oliver told his story then and his parents were proud of him. Then he dropped the bomb about how he thought he was cursed and his parents apologized profusely.

For Hunter and Clover it was the same story as the others and when Quinn told them how he survived they were proud and felt guilty at the same time. The rest of the table all shared their stories. Before they went out to training the four sets of parents were shown the house and each child took their parents to their suite and asked if they wanted to live in the suite until a house was finished or longer if they wished. The parents all wanted to be close to their children.

They were then showed the grounds and the training area. Claudia was already inside sparing with Charles while John looked on like a kid in a candy shop. They all got to work training and the next thing anyone knew it was dinner time. The night progressed smoothly and after dinner they all shifted and went for a flight.

When everyone got back to the house the new couples and their children went to their suites to get to know one another. Everyone else had a movie night with the children. Once the movie was over everyone helped carry a sleeping child to their room. Zoe and Kaiden took Lily to her room and Kaiden drew Zoe a bath while he waited. Zoe smiled as she walked into the bathroom and noticed her favorite scent wafting from the tub of water. Kaiden was leaning into the tub on his knees testing the warmth of the water.

Zoe quickly undressed and stepped into the tub. Once she was adjusted to the water she tugged on Kaiden’s sleeve for him to join her. He undressed quickly and sat behind her in the tub. They sat for a while not saying anything just enjoying the feel of one another. Zoe worried about losing this feeling while Kaiden was rubbing her still flat belly imagining the son that was growing inside of her.

“What should we name him?” Kaiden asked

“Name who?” Zoe was confused lost in her own worry.

“Our son silly.” Kaiden teased.

“Oh you know I haven’t thought of any.” Zoe confessed

“What do you think about Airic or Briec?” Kaiden asked

“I like those, how about Briec Ethan Michaels?”

“That is a very kingly name Angel. I think it is perfect.” Kaiden kissed the top of her head.

Once their bath was over he dried Zoe off and carried her to bed. Kaiden snuggled her close to him and soon both were sound asleep snuggled into one another.



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