Rendezvous (5 page)

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Authors: Dusty Miller

Tags: #erotica, #romantic, #novella, #light bdsm, #sister heather, #dusty miller

BOOK: Rendezvous
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I’m sorry you didn’t come
in the car.” Heather clung to Braden’s strong right hand, holding
him in close with a grip on his upper arm.

Her body danced a little in place, in
thrall to some inner rhythm.

Think of it as a lot of

What in the hell had just

Boy, Heather. You’re
really throwing it down lately.”

A girl has to know what
she wants.”

Braden nodded in solemn agreement and
then they both grinned like fiends again.

Heather looked up with a smirk. She
bumped her hip up against Braden’s, looking up at the marquee,
conscious now of some married couple up the street at a bus stop.
The man was staring at them. Simpering, Heather leaned forwards and
gave him a happy little finger wave and the guy straightened right
up, pointedly ignoring them as now wifey-poo took on a look of
disdain. From the side, the man’s face got redder and

Heather felt like the total rebel. It
felt good, too.

Well, I don’t know about
you, but I’m hungry as all hell.” Braden moved towards the
exotic-looking entrance.

By some weird coincidence they were
having Chinese food tonight.

Heather took a deep breath, smiled,
letting go of his hand, her posture very tall with chin up at
Braden’s side, and the pair of them walked into the place like they
owned it.

They would be hungry again in a half
hour or so but who cared? Once they were inside, Braden whipped out
his phone in the hopes of finding the number of the local limo
company. He was wondering if they were in a good mood and hopefully
they wouldn’t mind forgetting about it. He was terribly sorry and
it was all a big mistake.



Scene Three


After a long night of love-making, and
then morning sex on Sunday. Braden didn’t have to be at work until
eleven o’clock. It was lovely, no costumes or role-playing, no
hurried preparations, just the two of them naked in each other’s
arms and one small bed.

Braden growled in her ear as Heather
smiled and whispered sweet contented nothings. She was learning to
time things, to control things, and trying not to hog all the
pleasure. While her fantasy mostly revolved around her own needs,
naturally she understood that this involved another person with
needs of their own. Braden really liked her for herself—falling
naturally into the role of gentleman, nothing outwardly revealing
about them in the restaurant last night or in the bar later, and
Heather was becoming much more comfortable with the thoughts of a
longer-term relationship.

Never in her life had she considered
what a relationship, one open to the world, might be

It was wise not to hurry into things,
and she sure didn’t want to spoil the moment, but Braden must have
had similar thoughts on his mind too.

So what do you think?”
Braden thrust slowly, deeply into Heather’s lovely pussy as his
lover moaned and thrashed, only partly under rational

The key with his lovely bitch was
plenty of foreplay. Heather was cock-hungry. She’d never had a baby
of course, and her nipples were still a youthful pink…she loved his
hands on her breasts.

Oh, God!” Heather twisted
for a long, wet kiss that went on for some time.

She loved tongue-fighting. It was the
forbidden fruit thing again.

She looked up, eyes shining in some
inner light.

Fuck me, Braden. Fuck me.
I want to have your baby.” She had the most serious look on her

Braden threw his head back and

The pair fell into a twisted heap of
laughter, convulsing hysterically and for the moment drawing the
actual sex to a crashing halt.

They kissed and kissed some more.
Braden began slowly thrusting again as Heather wiggled her back end
in appreciative feedback.

Am I really that

Ah! Ah…ah. You’ll do…for
the time being.”

Oh.” Braden grinned
ruefully. “I guess I walked right into that one.”

They kissed again and then Braden
pushed hard on her shoulder and held her face down on the edge of
the pillow. Heather had told him that ninety-nine percent of the
pain was gone from intercourse now, and it was time to try her out
on it.

It wasn’t long after, that Braden,
recovering slowly, re-focused to see Heather staring into his face
from inches away.

Braden pulled her closer.

What’s up?”

The eyes said it all.

I was just

Heather was falling in love with
Braden, she was sure of it in fact, and she was sort of wondering
if the feeling was mutual. There was a short pause where neither
had anything to add. Heather rolled over and turned to face the
sunlit windows and Braden spooned up close behind her, just holding
her and waiting to see if she said something more.




When the phone vibrated and she saw
who it was, Heather’s heart lifted. She got up and firmly closed
the classroom door. The side windows were open a couple of inches,
but there was no one close by. It was very warm, and the costume
had never felt more restrictive.


Hello. How are you?”
Braden listened intently, hoping for a hint from her

She was marking papers. It was lunch
hour on a quiet Thursday in October and the buzzing of the phone
not unexpected. It was better than talking late at night with her
locked in the bathroom, speaking in an undertone, with him barely
able to hear most of the time…

The sharp spike of adrenal juices at
the sound of his voice was unmistakable.



With a gasp of breath, she opened

There’s a house of my
Order up where you live.”

Huh?” There was a long

You know, that’s not a
bad idea…” Braden wanted to see her again, but clearly the
relationship was going nowhere with the two of them hundreds of
miles apart…and her still in the habit. “I like the way your mind

His joke fell terribly flat…there was
a long silence.

It wasn’t so hard to figure

Why don’t you see if you
can transfer?” He would help her in any way he could. “It doesn’t
have to be the sex-slave thing all the time, sugar. There’s a lot
more to relationships between a man and a woman…you know, Heather,
that I really care for you…love you, really…”

Pardon me?”

You heard me.” There was
nothing to say until she spoke again.

She had that fear, and getting her the
hell away from that place would do her a world of good. He knew it.
Deep down inside, she must know it too. The problem was that she
might not have the courage to even try. Heather had molded into
that life, and while fantasy was good, reality took commitment and
sacrifice if they were going to do it at all. He was asking her to
give up all that was familiar, including her class of students,
whom she seemed to love very much. They were a strong emotional
bond for her. He knew all that.


That was all she said, and yet his
heart exulted. She had the fear, no question. It was fear of
herself, and fear of an unknown world. It was just fear. She might
never get over that fear. Braden understood, although that last
part was hard to fathom. There was just no way he could let her go
now. Not without telling her, anyway.

I love you,

I love you too,

He wondered if she was crying. He was,
a little bit, and it felt good. Braden dabbed at his eyes with the
back of his sleeve. They would work things out.

With hearts as one and minds linked in
some ineffable way, together and yet apart, transcending the
generally-accepted bounds of time and space, the two talked until
the school bell rang and all of the kids began streaming back in
for their afternoon classes.






About the Author


Constance ‘Dusty’ Miller has written
fiction, and non-fiction for newspapers and magazines, including a
brief stint as sports editor of a small-town weekly. She likes to
make people laugh as well as think. Her erotica has strong
qualities of romance. Out of work and recovering from a
life-threatening illness, someone suggested writing erotica. Love
makes the world go around, and Dusty can no longer deny its pull.
Dusty squeezes a little writing in between raising a daughter and
building up her business.



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