Rendezvous (4 page)

Read Rendezvous Online

Authors: Dusty Miller

Tags: #erotica, #romantic, #novella, #light bdsm, #sister heather, #dusty miller

BOOK: Rendezvous
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It all had to fit under her rather
loose, moss-green polyester slacks, a sports blouse and jacket.
Very professional looking. He would understand, or at least think
he did and be fooled. The red shoes would have to stay behind. It
was to be an ambush.

Cracking the door an inch or two, she
monitored the hallway. There was no noise out there that she could
determine. Opening it up a foot or so, she stuck her head out and
peered in each direction. No one there and still that

Grabbing her keys, clutching her
purse, Heather went down to the curb in front of the motor hotel to
make the seven o’clock rendezvous with her lover. There was no one
in the elevator, which would have been touch and go for the shy
Heather, as she was using just a touch of powder and blush, and had
found the guts to put on a pink lacquer on her nails, neatly
trimmed and rounded. She’d spritzed on some pretty-smelling stuff
with a familiar name. The suspense was killing her, but Braden had
been dropping hints all day.

In an elevator, sheer scent would have
given her away, which was fine when it was just the two of them,
but made her paranoid at most other times.

She didn’t even feel comfortable doing
that at home, as she was convinced the smell would give her away.
Gossip was terrible in a small community and her Mother Superior
was one of the worst snoops. The idea that she must know or assume
she masturbated was troubling with one like her. That one would
have no choice but to talk to her about it. Policy was clear on
certain matters.

The sun was near the horizon and she
just sort of hung around, pretending to be enjoying herself or
waiting for a cab or something.

As luck would have it, a cop car went
by in the traffic stream and caused an unpleasant jolt of some
erroneous guilt in her lower body. It was like the officer inside
turned his head and took a second look kind of thing.

She wasn’t doing anything wrong.
Heather was just afraid of people finding out. That was the crux of
the problem, one that didn’t seem any easier to deal with now that
certain issues were clarified…


Oh.” Heather’s thoughts
cleared up and she nodded at her partner, feeling good about things
over-all. “Hi.”

I’m starved, and I hope
you are too.” Braden chuckled and lightly touched Heather in the

I’ve been daydreaming of
one big wienerschnitzel, all heaping in wet, sloppy

Braden laughed out loud at that

Well, have I got a
surprise for you.”

Right about then a long black
limousine pulled up under the canopy and came to a stop. A Japanese
man in an impressive black coat put on a traditional top hat as he
got out of the driver’s side, came around and opened the door. He
stood at attention, gazing rearwards off into nowhere, as utter
silence reigned for a blessed moment on the darkening

Braden’s mouth cracked open in a grin,
and he lifted a wrist and checked his watch with eyebrows raised in

Wow. I am impressed.” He
cocked his head to one side. “That’s mighty quick work.”

He’d only just phoned in.

Oh, Braden. I want to sit
looking backwards in the jump seat!”

Braden grinned and pointed at the

Heather resisted the strong impulse to
leap up into Braden’s arms and squeal like a schoolgirl, but this
was just so cool. What was Braden up to? The thought of being naked
in the back of a limo overwhelmed her. Sneaky! And cheeky too, but
she liked it. The windows were jet black.

Braden’s outstretched arm beckoned her
forwards, and so without further ado, Heather crouched a bit and
crawled into the dark interior, reaching into the jacket pocket for
her earrings, what with the tinted windows and such, and in the
right hand pocket was a brand-new cherry lipstick she was dying to
try, assuming she could actually get it off again in time to go
back to work.

The place got even darker as Braden
clambered in, the wide door still fairly tight for such a big man,
and then he paused in confusion as the door slammed behind him and
the chauffeur moved around to get going again.

Hello.” His jaw dropped
open and his eyes bugged out a bit when he comprehended the reality
of two grinning Asian gentlemen sitting in opposite corners of the
back seat, one elderly and the younger sleek and

The driver’s door clunked. Right about
then the thing smoothly started off, rolled left, right, and then
out into the darkening streets of downtown Burlington and Braden
dropped onto a jump seat to avoid tumbling over.

The quickly-stifled squawk from
Heather was merely a fitting counterpoint to what was looking to be
a bit of an awkward situation.

Heather! Put your clothes
back on.” Braden’s hiss was otherwise hollow in the most profoundly
shocked silence he’d enjoyed for quite some time.

Heather giggled.


What?” Braden’s eyes

It was unthinkable. She stuck her
tongue out at him.

He stared into those eyes and engaged
a few insane thoughts. His jaw dropped.

Or was it? Was it really unthinkable?
As if drawn by an invisible force, his head slowly

On the far side, the driver’s side,
the old man’s mouth was all split open in a wide grin, revealing
the opalescent gleam of pale and even dentures, his black eyes
glistening with what Braden interpreted as tears of laughter as he
said something incomprehensible to the other man.

There was a brief flurry of
interchange in what sounded like Japanese.

Braden brought up his hands in
respectful address and bowed his head humbly as he

Mr. Fujimoto says he
thanks you for your kindness to a stranger.” The younger one shook
his head in disbelief. “You might as well go for it.”

On the side of his neck, Braden sensed
the heat of Heather’s hungry gaze.




The old man pulled out a long leather
billfold from inside of his slick tailored dinner jacket. He gave
several big bills to his companion, and nodded decisively to
Heather and Braden.

She kicked off her shoes, and then
Heather pulled off her slacks the rest of the way as Braden stared
in disbelief. Next it was the blouse. She was wearing a long red
fishnet body stocking. She posed there, applying lipstick blindly
but doing all right with it.

Well, sugar?” Heather
crawled into Braden’s lap, looking up at him mischievously and
batting her eyelashes. “The man wants a show.”

Braden figured a kiss wouldn’t hurt so he stalled for

Heather was willing, and if they made
no objections, that was fine too, but he wasn’t sure he could do
it. Heather was totally turned on, clinging tight and pulling him

Excuse, please, sir.
Mister Fujimoto is a very important man, and here for good time, at
least for tonight…” The eyes were oddly pleading, and Braden
inferred that maybe the old man was a bit of a handful for the
senior executive-type working overseas and subjected to a quick
visit by the company founder.

It all came together as Heather slid
back and tugged and pulled at his belt and zipper.

Braden cracked a grin.

How much is

The man made a quick count.

Two thousand…” He
proffered the money.

Heather’s hand snaked up and grabbed
it out of the fellow’s hand. Then her mouth plunged down onto
Braden’s semi-erect member, making exaggerated sounds of pleasure
and trying to extricate Braden from his trousers entirely in spite
of his best efforts to keep them on. Her hand waved the money
around so Braden took it and put it in his jacket inner

Oh, come on, sir. What
harm can it do?” These delirious strangers, bat-shit crazy as the
saying went in North America, might be just the thing to amuse old
man Fujimoto, as everyone in the company called him.

Fujimoto would be a bastard otherwise,
he just knew it. What an incredible stroke of luck.

It’s not like they weren’t going to do
it anyways. Of course they had no way of knowing that a Saburo
Fujimoto who was pleased was so much more likely to grant him his
long sought-after position as vice-president of foreign

The old man said something and his
companion looked aghast, but then took another look at Heather’s
ass, which from this angle was a stirring sight, a pattern of
netting superimposed on it although Heather had taken a pair of
scissors and carefully cut a slot up the crotch from front to

The old man handed over another sheaf
of bills.

I say, old boy. Would you
mind very much…?”

Braden took the money in a daze of
pleasure and rabid excitement. His initial shyness was long since
gone. She stopped every so often to remove more of his clothes. The
old man pulled out a bottle and Sakai had a snap off of

Braden’s eyebrows climbed into the
roof material as Heather gasped and moaned and the younger
gentleman, licking his lips and stealing the odd glance over at an
approving company founder, pulled down his trousers. He took one of
the proffered condoms from Braden’s outstretched hand. He knelt
behind her and with a bit of fingering to get her wet, slowly but
surely prepared to fuck Heather doggy style, in some hopeful bid
for a major promotion. Surely the price of failure would be to end
up back home in Japan with no further hope of overseas

It didn’t bear thinking about. He must
make a manful effort. Toasting each other with sake, the air in the
car got bluer and bluer as Mister Fujimoto smoked his endless black
cigarettes and a sweating and swearing Theodore Sakai finally
managed to drive Heather into a shuddering orgasm. The vehicle
cleared the freeway and pulled back onto Highway 2, the main drag
of the place, not six blocks from where it all began.

Heather pulled moist towelettes and
paper tissue from the jacket pocket and set about the business of
putting herself back together again.

Braden reminded Sakai about their
restaurant. It had to be along here somewhere.

Whew!” Settling back into
his jump-seat, Heather looked at Fujimoto and winked in a
conspiratorial manner.

The old man made the window go down so
Heather chucked out their trash. Putting her hands together in
Oriental fashion, she bowed gracefully, and then did a curtsy as
best she could from the low position as the old man’s face cracked
in a grin and Braden chuckled.

Sakai’s thoughts were unreadable but
he radiated a certain satisfaction at his performance as he had
gotten through it and the alcohol, finally some blessed alcohol
after such a long day, was beginning to take its effect. This would
all turn out to be some kind of crazy dream.

Heather drained her sake at a gulp and
held the glass up for more. The old man nodded and Theodore poured
her another shot.

Thank you. You’re very
sweet.” Heather blew him a kiss.

It was a pleasure.”
Colouring slightly and showing concern for the first time, Sakai
was almost certain that the old boy understood English.

It stood to reason, but his accent
would be atrocious, and in an effort to preserve face he simply
didn’t use it. To speak English would be to embarrass himself.
Hence there was the need for Sakai’s own urbane sophistication and
his present assignment of speaking for the old man, and the last
couple of years representing the firm over here.

We wish you a pleasant

Fujimoto chimed in with blessings in
Japanese as Braden dismounted labouriously onto the sidewalk in
front of their restaurant. His tie was loose and the coat still
unbuttoned, but he felt and looked okay. With a decisive gesture,
he stuck his tie, all rolled up, into his pocket. Heather gulped
the wine, ready to move on now that she was sated. Sakai took the
glass from her.

Braden helped a glowing Heather out
and the pair stood drinking in the cool, crisp air as the driver
stood at attention.

Braden handed the man a fifty and
received at sharp salute. Heather broke up in hard-to-suppress
giggles, and the man slammed the door. The glass slid down as he
went to his own side.

Bye, Heather.” Sakai blew
her a kiss, which made Heather blink but she cheerfully returned

Bye, lover. And good luck
with whatever.”

Sakai nodded thoughtfully, winked at
Braden and then he winked out of existence as far as they were
concerned when the dark pane slid into position. The car moved off,
its taillights inscrutable in the darkness, as Theodore Sakai
phoned Mister Tomonaga’s room, just to let them know they had been
delayed ever so slightly, but were only five minutes

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