Requested Surrender (33 page)

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Authors: Riley Murphy

BOOK: Requested Surrender
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“Tell me. Is this what you want?” He pressed the metal intimately against her.

“Yes.” It was barely a breath of a whisper.

He pushed the metal a little firmer, not firm enough to penetrate, but hard enough to show intent. “I want the words. Tell me your ass is mine. Say it.”


“It will feel so good. I promise. Say the words.” He curled down next to her ear and whispered, “Beg me.”

She lifted her ass and pressed back, but no matter how desperate she was, he held off, making sure that she wouldn’t get a taste of this kind of attention until she begged for it.

“Do I own this ass?”

“Yes…yes, you do.”

“Beg me.”

“Please, David. Please…”

“Is this what you want?” He purposely moved the vibrator around her clit. Way around it so that none of the pressure of the sphere even touched the sensitive nerves there.

“No…no.” She lifted her ass and arched her spine so beautifully his balls squeezed up tight at the sight.

“My ass is yours. You own it. Please, I want to feel the metal inside. Please…”

That’s all he needed to hear. “Very good, angel. Let’s take this slow.” He dragged the warm and well-oiled plug, in that up and down motion again, as he said, “I want you to relax all your muscles. Breathe deep and think about how well you’re pleasing me.”

Without another word, he did one last descent and instead of skating over the tight little ring, he pressed into it.

She gasped.

“Shh…relax. That’s right. Easy.” He gently pushed, letting out a pent up breath as it slide halfway into her. “Almost there.”

She groaned.

“Don’t tense up. Relax. Good. Yes…yes.” He used his thumb to press and this time the metal slide all the way into her. The only portion left exposed was the shiny flared end that looked like the prettiest button he’d ever seen.


He knew it probably felt heavy, full and awkward for her, so he reached around and turned on the vibrator. The most important thing he’d learned about this powerful wand was that it had the ability to change a woman’s mind on things. So well, in fact, that over the years it had become the most respected toy in his Dom toolkit.

With his arms wrapped around her, the vibrator buzzing on low speed against her drenched clit and the front of him pressed against her back, he clutched her to him.

“Oh, god! David. David!”

She shuddered, but he didn’t let up.

“David, I…I…Oh, oh…David!

This time when she came, it was more of a cry than a husky wail so he eased the vibrator off her. “Feel better?”

She shook and quivered in his arms. “N-n-no.”

He kept his one arm tightly wrapped around her as he put the wand back on the tray. “You did so well.” Speaking softly, he hugged her up close before he unbuckled the wrist restraints. “I’m going to bring your arms down to massage them.”

She nodded but then when he had both her arms down and she stepped aside to give him better access to her limbs, she gasped. Clearly she’d forgotten that the metal was still nestled inside her.

“I think you forgot something.”

He finished kneading her left arm and began working on her right, as he looked down at her. “Oh?”

She blushed so beautifully. “David.”

“Did you see the restraint table?” His distraction worked as she twisted to follow his point.

“There are extra ropes on there.”

Giving her hand one more rub he let go of it. “Those are the pink and blue lengths I mentioned in the library last night.”

“I know.” She brought her arms up and hugged herself. “But I thought we were done here.”

“Are you cold?”

She shook her head.

He didn’t think so. He’d been careful to adjust the temperature in here earlier this afternoon, so her action was probably more nerves than anything else. “As to being done here, we haven’t even begun.”

She took his hand when he offered it, before he brought her to the table. “Let me help you up.”

“Are those ropes attached to the table?”


“They kind of look like bungee cords, don’t they?”

He nodded as he helped her lie back. He knew all her chatter was more of those nerves coming to the surface. He also knew once he got her tied she’d quiet down. Rope was a great pacifier. He’d yet to meet a woman they didn’t tame to silence.

“Are you going to strap me down with it?”

“No.” It probably looked that way to her because he had knotted one end of the various rope lengths to the dowels that lined the side of table. A lazy Dom could take the easiest means to the end, he supposed, and simple pull those lengths over their sub’s frame and tie them to the other side, but that wasn’t his style. He preferred the visual as much as the end results. Was she going to be held immobile and physically open to him? Absolutely, but she’d also be a beautiful work of art to be admired while he enjoyed her body. It took skill and patience, so he was glad she quieted when he began by positioning her arm and wrapping the rope around it.

Of course, if she had any idea what he was planning next she would have been wise to kick and scream. As he knotted the ropes on her limbs, spreading her in the most vulnerable manner before tying her down until she couldn’t move, he wondered how long it would take before she cried,

Chapter Twenty-Five


That’s all Lacy felt at the moment. She’d given up trying to figure out the method or pattern that David was using to tie her. She’d seen some fancy ways on the internet, but what he was doing beat all those images by a mile. She’d known his way was going to be different the second he’d folded her arm so her forearm pressed to biceps and then coiled the smooth rope around it. The effect was much like one of those leather arm sleeves he’d shown her. After he was done cocooning the limb, he brought it up so the backsides of her arm rested against the table and her elbow pointed toward the table edge like an arrowhead. Then he looped the slack over one of those dowels and brought the remaining length across the top of her chest. Tying it to the opposite side on one of the metal pegs there.

He did the same with her other arm, and by the time he moved to work on her legs, she’d given up concentrating on what he was doing. As long as she relaxed and surrendered to the moment a profound peace settled around her. In her. And soon she felt as if she were outside her body, looking down. Enjoying the feel and texture of her restraints. Loving how confident and sure David was as he worked them. Yes. This was heaven, as she felt free to let go. To not think. There was no point. She couldn’t move. All she could do was sink deeper into herself and embrace that peace. That wonderful, beautiful peace. Until?


Her eyes snapped open and she whispered, “What’s that?”

David leaned over her and brushed his lips against hers. “I’m giving you exactly what you asked me for.”

She was trying to clear the fog as she searched his face. “I…I asked you for something?”

That’s when he lifted the vibrator so she could see it and said, “You made the choice, remember? No belt. Just me.”

“But that’s…it’s too intense.” Just the thought of it had her trying to move.

“No. Don’t move. You’ll hurt yourself. You’re going to have to trust me.” He curled down and whispered in her ear. “I want you to trust me, but if you get scared or you can’t take it anymore, use your out. Understand?”

The warmth of his breath combined with the softness of his voice calmed her. Reassured her. She could do this. “Yes.”

“That’s my good girl.”

He dragged the thrumming vibrator from her collar bone to her breasts, lifting it over the ropes as he brought it to one nipple and then the other. He didn’t stop as he made a decided path down the center of her. By the sheer and direct speed he travelled, she knew he wasn’t interested in any part of her but her center. And when he landed there, her whole world exploded in extreme sensations that took her breath, her choice and her will away.

How could she have the will to do something when she wasn’t given the chance to do it? Her body responded to the vibrations on a primal level, giving her brain, which was trying to process the experience, the big “fuck you” middle finger. There was no processing this. Once the first orgasm was forced out of her, the rest seemed to follow in a series of off-kilter adrenaline rises that crashed with a disjointed finish only to start all over again.

Through it all, the only voice she heard was David’s, as he repeatedly whispered, or was he ordering? “Fall for me, angel.”

Over and over she heard his voice. Her lifeline. Her anchor as she tried to ride the heady waves. Each time she feared that she’d drown, she heard his voice and floated to safe harbor.

“Fall for me, angel...fall for me…fall for me…”

“That’s right. Very good.” It wasn’t until his lips brushed her ear as he spoke to her, that she realized she’d been chanting those words. That she could feel again. That the vibrations transcended the physical and touched a part of her she wanted him to have. To own. To keep and cherish.

“I’ll fall for you…I will…only you.”


Once the buzzing stopping she kept her eyes closed, but a new noise was heard. Where those her teeth chattering?


“I’m here. Let me get this.” She felt the metal ease out of her before his hand held her ankle while he took off her shoes. “Stay still, honey. I’m going to untie you. I’m right here. Relax.”

Lacy thought she was relaxing. At least she tried, but then he had her legs untied and she couldn’t stop trembling. When he brought them together they knocked, before he massaged them.

“I…I’m sorry.”

“You’re perfect. Beautiful. I was so—”

David was going to tell her how proud he was of her. She’d managed to do something some experienced subs couldn’t quite master. Being able to utterly and totally let go, but before he could, she snapped. All he’d done was grasp her upper arm and try to move her head to the side to get at knot when she’d lost it. Somewhere in the back of his mind it came to him that she’d reacted when he touched her this way before. Several times before, but he’d discounted the action. Damn.

“Lacy. Lacy. No don’t pull. Don’t, you’ll hurt yourself.”

“Get me out. Get away from me. Don’t touch me like that. Get me out. Get me out. Please! Pleeeeese!”

She tried to arch against the ropes, and if she didn’t stop struggling immediately she’d injure her arms, as they were coiled in rope-like sleeves. Leaning over her, he pressed his body weight gently into her so she couldn’t move. Making sure to keep his hands away from her face, but he did grab hold of her braid to keep her head from bashing against the table. In the softest voice he could muster, he spoke slowly, yet firmly.

“Lacy, stop.”

“I. Can’t! Let me up. I need to get up! Please. Please.”

David’s heart cracked a little at the look she gave him. It was steeped in pain and something else. Something that caused that crack to widen further. Because he recognized that look, hadn’t he seen it in himself a thousand times before? Someone Lacy loved had let her down.

“I can’t let you go right now, but if you pay attention to what I tell you. If you listen to me and do as I say, I promise I’ll help you up, okay?”

She closed her eyes and nodded.

“Good, now take a deep breath.” He waited until she did before he said, “And another. I’m untying these ropes—breathe. Good. And when I have them undone, I’m going to help you sit up. Not too fast. Breathe. We’ll go very, very slowly.”

The second he had the last of the ties undone, he took his time and eased off her. He helped her up, happy when she didn’t rush or panic, but his relief was short lived as he realized she was still stuck in a heavy and highly emotional state. She wasn’t moving, and the way she sat at the edge of the table had him worried.

He didn’t think twice. He gathered her up and brought her into his bedroom. Once he was seated in the green leather chair with her tightly curled on his lap, he stroked her, rocking slightly as he spoke.

“Did someone hurt you, angel?”

He was surprised when she nodded.

“Someone you loved?”

“It was my fault. I was bad and things like that happen around me.”

“You’re not bad.”

She turned her face into his neck and whispered, “I was the one who caused the accident. I was never supposed to know. But then…then on my thirteenth birthday I found out the truth.”

David remained quiet as he tried to piece together his own ideas about what she was telling him. Then he asked, “Does this have to do with your brother?”

“Yes. I’m the one who made him a monster.”

She sounded so sure he frowned, “How?”

“When I was four, I threw the ball that caused boiling water to scald his face and neck. He’s disfigured because of me. He might have been a nice person if…if…it didn’t happen.”

“You discovered this on your thirteenth birthday? Someone told you?” No wonder she hated parties and no wonder she didn’t want to go to her brother’s birthday party. From what she just said too, her brother’s appearance had little to do with him being a monster, as it had more to do with
he was one.

  She crushed her cheek against his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “It was my own fault. I went in that fort to play seven minutes of heaven. My brother dared me to and I wanted to go besides. But then my dad came and he pulled me out of there. He got on his knees and was going to crawl in after the boy I was with, when I tried to stop him. He was so mad, but me and that boy didn’t do anything. We just talked. We were silly, nervous and…well, when I put a hand on my dad’s back to get him to stop scaring Jimmy, he turned on me. He grabbed my arm and slapped me in the face. He slapped me.”

She repeated and David hugged her tighter.

“Then, after that he asked if ruining my brother’s life wasn’t enough for me. Did I have to steal all his friends too? He pushed me away, and the look on his face? It was horrible. I knew he hated me and then I knew why, when he said that I was the one who caused my brother’s accident. Up until then the details were always vague and hardly discussed. After that though, the subject was never brought up again. But my brother didn’t let it go. He saw my dad grab me. He saw him slap my face. He knew how humiliated I was and how awful I felt and he used it to make my life a living hell from that day forward. He got all his friends to do the two-tap, he called it. Grab Racy-Lacy by the arm and clip her on the chin. It was a game to them. A nasty horrible game, but I let him do it…them do it, because I was the one who caused the accident. It was me. I could never let them know how I felt. If they knew I cared, it would have been worse. There’s always worse.”

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