Resisting Destiny: Sullivan Brother's Book 3 - Cayson's Story (Resisting Love - Sullivan Brothers) (14 page)

BOOK: Resisting Destiny: Sullivan Brother's Book 3 - Cayson's Story (Resisting Love - Sullivan Brothers)
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he soon learned Destiny wasn’t the type of woman to lay back and observe.  When her slender fingers boldly reached inside his trunks and fondled his cock, he growled with pleasure.  He wanted more foreplay, but the short, quick strokes she teased him with threatened to send him over the edge.  To add fuel to the fire, she descended in slow motion until her knees rested on the wood floor. Then she wrapped her pretty lips around his dick. His jaw clenched as he battled for control. Watching the erotic act only made it worse. He couldn’t tear his eyes from the pink tip of her tongue as it parted her lips and licked him repeatedly from base to tip.

He groaned out loud, his voice sounding like an injured animal having his wounds licked.

Damn, that feels good.”

He palmed her head, gripping her hair, but not wanting to push her too far for fear of scaring her off. Destiny was no delicate flower. She
purred as she sucked. Her head bobbed back and forth, sliding a film of wet, warm moisture as she worked.

Lord, Lord, Lord.
Please don’t let me disappoint her.

reined his passions as Destiny massaged his balls with one hand and jacked him off with the other–all the while sucking him with deep, hard strokes.  If she didn’t stop, he was gonna fucking explode in her mouth right now. With Herculean effort, he stepped back, fighting the impending orgasm raging inside him. He couldn’t cum now. He’d promised her only pleasure. He intended to deliver.

He s
tood and carried her to the oversized bunk. He stared down at her nude body. Their eyes met. Hers glistened with a sensual hunger. She’d never looked more beautiful. And she was all his.

“I want you now, Cayson
,” she begged.

His erection was so hard, it ached.  The only thing that would
ease his discomfort was a powerful release into her. He was ready now.  And so was she. There would be no pain this time.

spread her legs and thrust himself inside her.  A sea of milky wetness greeted him as he pushed deep.  His pride soared when he heard Destiny’s gasp of pleasure pierce the air.  Her reaction fueled his movements.  He plunged in, driving deeply and thrusting harder with each successive stroke.  Destiny clasped her legs around his back, her silky thighs pulling him further into her wet pussy. 

“That’s it, baby,” he coaxed.  “Let me in.” 

She answered by digging her nails into the meat of his deltoids.  The pain was pleasurable, spurring him to increase his frenzied pace.  He threaded his fingers through her hair, tugging until her head rolled back and her throat was exposed.  He rained kisses along the tempting column, branding her with passion marks.

“Yes!  Yes!” she screamed. 

He’d found her sweet spot.  He relentlessly pumped with rapid thrusts.  He wanted her ultimate satisfaction.  His grunts of pleasure mingled with her high-pitched peals of ecstasy.  He stroked faster. Harder. Deeper. Stronger.  And Destiny encouraged him, opening wide, thrusting her pelvis against his, and matching his rhythm.  Her slick walls eagerly welcomed him, allowing him to effortlessly slide in and out with no resistance.  He was falling into a sweet vortex he couldn’t escape from–nor did he want to. 

A red hot heat consumed him, engulfing his body in flames.  He fought to maintain control, but he lost it when he felt
Destiny’s urgent spasms pulsating and throbbing around his cock.  She cried out, riding the wave of an orgasm and shuddering against him.  His climax followed hers by mere seconds, a raw explosion that rocked him to his core. 

Destiny!” he called out hoarsely. 

He held
her tight, savoring the pulsating rhythm of his release as it finally faded from a violent eruption to a slow-moving lava. 

Afterwards, they
spooned on the wide bunk. The cleft of Destiny’s ass rested erotically against the base of his dick.  Cayson stroked her hair as feelings of confusion gnawed at him, slowly robbing him of the last vestiges of ecstasy.  He tried to stomp the feelings down, but they kept resurfacing. He was her first lover. A notable distinction. She was a first for him too–the first woman he couldn’t get enough of. The first woman he was starting to have real feelings for. The first woman he saw himself having a future with.

He let out a deep sigh.
What was he gonna do now?





“I think this is the first time Cayson attended a wedding where he didn’t wear cufflinks.”

Cayson chuckled at Dane’s observation.  “That’s because
your bride had the good sense to get married in paradise.”

Yep.” Dane pulled a comb through his freshly washed hair.  “No shirt and no shoes is no problem.”

Mark stepped into the room where the brothers were getting dressed for the wedding.  “
What was that about no shirt?” he asked. “We can be bare-chested at the wedding?”

Sure,” Dane answered. “If you want Charly to put her foot up your ass.”

The brothers’ hearty laughs filled the air. 

“I’ll pass,” Mark said.  “I’ve already had the edge of mine chewed a few times by Kendra.”

Dane grinned.  “
We have some strong-willed women, just like our mother.”

nodded, thinking how fortunate Dane and Mark were to have found two feisty women who just happened to be their soul mates.  Dane lucked out getting two step-kids he got along well with.  Cayson slapped some cologne on. He knew it was one of Destiny’s favorites. She’d told him so while she was pressing kisses all over his neck this morning.

“You two
knuckleheads found a pair of classy ladies that I’m proud to call my sisters-in-law.”

Don’t go getting nostalgic on us, bro.” Dane nudged him. “Soon, it’ll be your turn.”

Mark shook his head.  “God
help the woman who can tame Cayson.”

laughed.  “I think you’ve already met her.”

response was cut short by their father’s entrance. “Guys, it’s time. We can’t arrive at the ceremony
the women.” The Sullivan men chuckled at their father’s joke. “But in all seriousness,” his father said, clapping Dane on the shoulder, “I’m proud of you, Son. Charly is a wonderful woman. I’m proud to welcome her as a daughter. And she made us instant grandparents. Now, your mother can stop complaining.”

Dane winked at his dad. “C’mon Pop. You know that won’t stop her from complaining.”

His father guffawed.  “So true.”

As the men filed out of the room, Cayson’s father hung back, whispering to Cayson.  “We missed you at lunch today.”

The look in his father’s eyes had gone from joyous to cautious.

Uh oh. Here it comes. A lecture.

It didn’t seem appropriate to admit that Cayson had lain between Destiny’s legs all morning, doing deliciously wicked things to her body. So, he improvised.  “Um, sorry about that, Pop. Destiny and I went exploring…the island.”

His old man nod
ded, his lips frowning beneath his salt and pepper mustache.  Dressed in linen pants and a floral shirt, he looked more like he was going to a Hawaiian luau than a wedding. “What are your plans with Destiny?” he asked.  “I don’t normally get involved in you boys’ relationships, but this woman is different. She’s staying at your house. You’re responsible for her.”

ry telling her that,” Cayson joked.  “Destiny doesn’t listen to me.”

“Cayson, I’m serious.”

A rush of heat crept along the back of his neck. He wasn’t a little boy anymore, but his dad had a way of pinning him with a reproachful stare that could make him feel eight years old. Pop was right to question him. In fact, Cayson had been questioning himself since he’d sampled Destiny’s virgin body. His own inadequacies continued to plague him.  He wasn’t the type of man to settle down. He liked chasing tail too much. But he had to admit, his lovemaking sessions with Destiny were life-altering, almost cathartic. He could let his guard down with her–something he’d never been able to do with any other female.

He shrugged. “I don’t know, Dad.”

“Well, I hope you figure it out soon, before someone gets hurt.”

was Destiny. Cayson let out a long breath. His father didn’t trust him to do right by her. Cayson couldn’t blame him. His track record proved he lost interest in a woman quicker than the time it took for a Super Bowl commercial to air. She deserved better than him. There was nothing permanent he could offer her. He was afraid to even try; afraid he would burst the bubble of happiness they’d created. How long before he strayed? How long before he hurt her? He had to leave her alone.  The problem was Destiny was not a woman he could wean himself from. He had to quit her cold turkey.




The wedding ceremony was simple, yet beautiful. Charly made a stunning bride. Her cocoa brown skin glowed as she recited her vows while wearing a white, linen sundress. Dane was dressed identically in white linen. He beamed from ear-to-ear the entire time. The ceremony was short and sweet, but the emotion was still there. Irene cried. It was nothing less than what Destiny expected from the mother of the groom.

entire family had come to celebrate with her. Destiny watched as the bride’s children, parents, and cousin, Shontal showered her with love and affection.  Her heart ached at the sight.  Charly had her family and the love of a good man. Destiny wished she had one-tenth of that support system. Besides her mother, no one had come close to showing her any type of real affection. She wasn’t even certain she could count Cayson in that number. Yes, he’d shown her compassion. He was a gentle lover too. But she couldn’t help but wonder if she was just a ‘jump off’ for him.

The crazy part was the only time she didn’t feel lonely was when she was in his arms. So, if he was only using her for sex, the man was mak
ing her feel damn good about it! She’d already decided to enjoy to feeling and go with the flow. If nothing else came of their relationship, she’d gotten to spend a few days in paradise, and she’d seen how the other half lived. This court-imposed living arrangement had opened her eyes to a world of possibilities.

The reception was a casual event.  Mark and Kendra had reserved a
modest party room at a local nightclub for the newlyweds.  Complete with refreshments and a live band, it was the perfect ending to a perfect day. Destiny coaxed Cayson onto the dance floor with her. Charly had bragged about the Sullivan Brothers’ skills, so she wanted to see if Cayson had any moves.  She’d heard how Irene insisted on dance lessons for her sons when they were younger. To Destiny’s surprise, Cayson impressed her with his swing out skills.

“I gotta say, I didn’t know you had it in you,” she teased him.

“Why? Hasn’t anybody told you we Sullivan Brothers have rhythm?”

I heard the legend, but I didn’t believe it until I saw it with my own eyes.”

He t
hrew back his head and laughed. “You know
white boys can dance.”

His laugh was contagious. She giggled
. “I didn’t expect a stuffy lawyer to know how to dance.”

Well, that’ll teach you to judge based on appearances.”

The p
ulsating beat of a reggae song thumped in the air. The hypnotic beat moved through Destiny’s body and drummed inside her blood.  She inched closer to him. His body felt good against hers. She didn’t think it was possible for him to look any more handsome that he did in his tailored suits. But he was looking damn fine in his all white linen shirt and slacks. She itched to touch the muscles beneath his white shirt. The man exuded sex appeal.

If I’d known sex was this good, I would have done it a lot sooner. No, I’m glad I waited for Cayson. It makes
losing my virginity all the more sweeter.

She pressed against him and felt his subtle withdrawal. It seemed like she wanted to close the distance between them, but he wanted to increase it.  Finally, he
took her hand and led her off the dance floor, weaving between the dancing couples.

When he guided her to a private corner, she saw hesitation written all over his face.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.

He sp
oke low so no one could hear over the music. “Destiny, we can’t keep doing this.”

All she could think of
was him inside her, thrusting his dick deep. She didn’t care what they should and shouldn’t do. She wanted to make love as many times as she could in this exotic paradise.  She didn’t know what had gotten into her. She felt like someone else. A new woman.

A woman who wanted
her man.

Let’s go back to my bungalow and discuss this,” she suggested.

He shook his head, and the
stray lock of hair fell out of place.  His dark eyes pierced her.  “If we get in private, I’ll end up taking advantage of you.”

She pushed the stray lock back into place. The mere act send shivers of delight
through her. “I don’t turn you on?”

God no! That’s the problem.” He looked over his shoulder as if making sure no one could hear them. “You
turn me on.”

“That doesn’
t sound like a problem to me.”

I’m not a man who’s meant to settle down.  I’m sorry. I can’t give you what you want, Destiny.”

She’d pushed him too
far. It hurt that he wasn’t ready. She didn’t know what she’d expected. But she’d take what she could get. “What I want is to be in your arms one more time.” The memory would be enough to last her a lifetime. “Just give me this last night. We leave back for St. Louis tomorrow. Back to our business relationship. I promise.”




Back in Cayson’s bungalow, he slid his hands up and down Destiny’s generous curves. She’d unleashed a beast. He’d been open and honest with her, telling her he couldn’t make a commitment.  She’d given him permission to have one more night with him. And he meant to make it a night she would never forget. He hated himself for taking advantage of her, but he had to admit, he needed to be with her one more time too. Then, he would quit her cold turkey like he’d planned. Maybe he would finally get her out of his system.

He c
laimed her lips with a ferocity he hadn’t known existed. He ravaged her mouth with wild abandon. He couldn’t get enough of her. She wanted him? He’d give her everything he had. Not even the whimpers she made as he suckled her bottom lip stopped him. He needed to purge himself of her.

He d
ragged his lips from her mouth and licked and sucked the delicate skin of her neck. He didn’t give a damn if he put passion marks everywhere.  He was branding her as his conquest.  He guided her onto the veranda.  The glow of the half-moon illuminated her supple body.

The buttons on her blouse jumped ship, abandoning the soft material and scattering on the floor as he ripped the material.  Her voluptuous breasts sat high on her chest, supported by an intricate contraption of wire and lace that he soon pushed aside.
  He feasted on her nipples, scraping the hard buds and rolling them between his teeth.

She gasped.
Then dug her fingernails
into his shoulders. The pain drove him wild with desire. He thrust a finger under her dress and beneath her panties. Her pussy was warm and wet. His cock instantly hardened in his pants. He came up for air.

“Damn, I love this pussy.”

Destiny grinded her pelvis against his hand. The fact that he alone was responsible for her pleasure made his ego swell. He thrust back and forth, feeling her sweet nectar coating his fingers.

“Yes, y
es,” she purred.  “Don’t stop.”              

worry baby, I’m not stopping.”

Wild horses couldn’t drag him from her right now.  He circled her sensitive clit with the pad of his thumb. Destiny went wild, thrashing against his hand, moving her hips in a hedonistic rhythm. Within seconds, she’d reached her peak
. She arched her back and came on his fingers, screaming his name.

He didn’t give her time to catch her breath before
backing her up against the exterior wall of the veranda and sliding the hard length of his dick into her. Using the wall for leverage, he wrapped her legs around his waist and drove himself to the hilt.

She gasped, her hot breath teasing his ear.  She clung to him, crossing her legs at the ankles and anchoring him deep inside her
slick wetness.




Their bodies slammed against the wooden wall.  He bucked hard, thrusting into her over and over. God, he hoped these walls were sturdy. The passionate moans he made could probably wake the dead. But he didn’t care. He was consumed with desire and lustful inhibition.

He held Destiny’s smooth ass in his palms as he drove himself into her. Each stroke brought him closer to a cliff of
ecstasy he’d gladly fall over. His heels dug into the concrete floor of the patio.  The corded muscles of his thighs strained. His knees ached. The night breeze did little to dry the sweat rolling down his back and plastering his shirt to his skin. He couldn’t stop. A magnetic forced drew him to Destiny as he pounded feverishly.

BOOK: Resisting Destiny: Sullivan Brother's Book 3 - Cayson's Story (Resisting Love - Sullivan Brothers)
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