Resisting the Billionaire (13 page)

BOOK: Resisting the Billionaire
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“You’re being deliberately obtuse!”

“And you’re being unnecessarily pig-headed!”

“Just because I refuse to take charity?” I threw my arm out
in a sweeping motion to indicate the luxurious quarters. “This place probably
costs four times what I’m currently paying. My apartment may not live up to
your lofty standards, Mr. Billionaire, but I can pay for it. I’m not ashamed of
where I live.”

Jake clasped my shoulders. “Cora, that’s not what I’m
saying. I think you’re doing an amazing job taking care of Marcus and yourself,
but I just want to help. Why is it so hard for you to accept any kind of help
from me?”

I filled my lungs with air and grappled for patience. “Jake,
this is not a little thing. You’re asking me to give up my independence. I’m
grateful you helped with Marcus’s schooling, but I don’t need your interference
in other aspects of my life.”

His face darkened with anger and he shook me once. “Interference?
That’s bullshit! You refuse to let people in. You fight me every step of the
way.” Another shake. “Why are you making this so goddamn difficult?”

The volatile emotions in me combined into a bomb and I exploded.
I violently pushed out of his arms. “Because you’re not going to be around in a
month. You’d have moved on to the next Carolina Oliveira. I’m just a novelty to
you! And I’ll be left alone. Life has a way of doing that to me!” I clamped my
lips shut and turned away from him.

Dead silence.

My words had been too raw and too revealing. Feeling exposed
and vulnerable, I hugged my arms around myself. Until now, I didn’t realize how
deeply my parents’ deaths had affected me. The prickling behind my eyes warned
me I was close to breaking down. I took a shaky breath and kept my voice blank.
“I’m sorry about my outburst. Let’s just head back to the office. There are
some things I need to finish before the weekend.”

Strong arms snaked around me and I felt his chin touch the
top of my head. “Poor baby. You don’t trust me. And life has been cruel.”

He spun me around to face him. The compassion on his face
was the key that opened the floodgates. A sob shoved past the constriction in
my throat. Then another. And another.

The next thing I knew, I was wailing into Jake’s crisp linen
shirt and silk tie. My face pressed against his sternum and my fingers clutched
his lapels. All the years of pent up grief and sorrow came pouring out. Dark,
guttural sounds pushed their way out of my chest.


okay. Let it all out.” His hands coasted over my shoulder blades and back in
soothing strokes.

I didn’t know how long we stood like that, but Jake just
held me and let me cry. It felt cleansing, like the poisons were draining out
of my body with each teardrop. When I pulled back, Jake’s shirt and tie were
soaked. And I felt hollowed out and renewed at the same time. Embarrassed, I
dug in my purse until I found a tissue to wipe my tears and blow my nose.

Afraid to meet his eyes, I ran my fingers over the
tearstains on his designer tie. “I’m sorry. I ruined your tie.”

“Fuck the tie.” A finger tipped up my chin. Blue-green eyes
examined me closely. “Feel better?”

I nodded and dropped my lashes over my eyes.

Soft lips touched my right eyelid.
Then my
My eyes fluttered closed. They moved over my cheeks. His hot
breath tickled my skin and his tongue licked at the remnants of my salty tears.
Long fingers held the base of my skull. Another finger ran over the sensitive
shell of my left ear.

“Jake.” His name was no more than an exhale. I tilted my
face, seeking him like a flower sought the sun.

Chapter 12

Jake responded by covering my mouth. The kiss started as a
sweet exploration, closed lips moving softly. His hand cupped my jaw and his
thumb brushed along my cheekbone. Time slowed. Our mouths parted and we tasted
each other lazily. My tongue swept along the inside of his lower lip. He made unhurried
forays into the wet interior of my mouth.

Lick. Retreat. Advance. Retreat. Suck. Retreat.

Slowly, the thrust and parry of our tongues grew more
More carnal.
Our labored breathing was
audible as we each struggled to draw in enough air through our noses, but
neither of us was willing to end our kiss.

He angled his head and hollowed his cheeks as he suckled on
the tip of my tongue. His teeth tested the give of my flesh.

Moaning, I stood on tiptoes and encircled my arms around his
neck. My fingers feathered against his soft hair. My body softened, trying to
fit my curves into his hollows. Jake was hard everywhere. He was unquestionably
aroused. So was I. My sex was drenched and needy.

My hips swiveled against his erection. He tightened his grip
on my neck. I deliberately rubbed against him harder and he moaned.

Needing to see his expression, I finally broke the kiss. My
breath came in choppy bursts as I stared up at him. With lust emblazoned on his
face, he looked feral. Nostrils flared. Eyes darkened to a pure green.
Cheekbones starkly sharp. Sensual lips still wet from our kiss.

He was magnificent.

“I want you, Cora. I want you so much, baby.” His voice was
as rough as sandpaper.

I never realized how powerful those words could be until now.
Need bolted through my veins.

Determination sharpened his features. “I can’t promise
everything will work out, but I want to prove to you that what we have is

I didn’t know how to take his declaration, but I knew I
couldn’t resist him anymore.

I didn’t want to resist him anymore.

The fight had always been with my own fears. Even knowing
the risk I was taking, I wanted whatever time I had with him. Without looking
away from his gaze, I whispered, “I want you, too.”

Everything about him seemed to tighten for a beat and then
he lunged at me.

Lips marauded. Hands roamed my body, skimming down my waist
until he reached my hips. Heat swamped me as he squeezed my ass, his fingers
imprinting into my flesh. He seemed to relish in my softness, moaning as his
hands cupped and shaped my plump cheeks.

His hunger fed mine and I kissed him back voraciously. The
muscles in his back undulated under my spread fingers as I tried to eliminate
every centimeter of space between us. Soon the material between my fingers and
his skin became an irritant.

My hands pushed at his jacket. Jake shrugged it off and
flung it somewhere behind us. A vague part of my brain noted that bespoke suits
should not be treated so cavalierly, but a moment later, I didn’t give a damn.

Jake’s hands had swept up my body and his thumbs found my nipples,
abrading the puckered tips. Dipping his head, he sucked one bud through the
fabric of my cotton blouse and bra. It felt like an inferno had engulfed my
nipple and I grasped his head. He switched sides, this time playfully nipping
at the left peak and I made a desperate keening sound.

The world tilted and then my back was on the hard floor with
Jake’s weight pressed along my body. I didn’t know if I was dizzy from the sudden
movement or from the fever burning through me.

“I’m sorry, baby. I can’t wait.” His hand slipped under my
skirt and with a sharp tug, I felt the gauzy fabric of my panties give.

I moaned. It was so damn sexy.

“Fuck!” He slammed his lips over mine, swallowing the last
vibration of my moan. His thighs spread my legs apart and I felt the cool brush
of air before two fingers pushed inexorably into my vagina.

I broke away and gasped his name. I was wet, but I hadn’t
had sex in years– and it was the one time– and my body was unused
to the invasion. My vision hazed. I tried to remember if his hands were as big
as they felt right now, but my thoughts slipped away.

“Baby, you’re so wet for me. But you’re too tight. Just
relax for me.” There was a pleading note in his voice.

His fingers tunneled deeper and I whimpered. In a slow
sawing motion, his fingers worked in and out of me. My hands gripped his shirt,
trying to find purchase. I had never felt anything this good. I bit my lip hard
as the tips of his finger found a particularly sensitive spot.

Jake’s sharp gaze did not miss my reaction and he did it
again. My mouth opened on a breathless cry. It turned into a cry of dismay when
he abruptly pulled out. I raised my hips, blindly seeking contact.

“No! Jake! Don’t stop!”

“I need you to come on my cock this first time, baby.” He
supported his weight on one arm and leaned down to kiss me passionately. “Are
you protected, Cora?”

It took my brain a few extra seconds to process his
question. “I’m on the pill.” My gynecologist had prescribed them to me to regulate
my period a few years ago.

He looked fiercely satisfied with my answer. “Good, because
I don’t want anything between us.”

Concern nagged at me. “Jake…”

His lips dragged over my jaw. “I’m clean baby. I’ve never
had sex without a condom. I need to feel you
.” He
breathed the last sentence into my ear and I swore I felt the hot air travel
through the middle of my body directly to my damp sex. Suddenly it felt wrong
to put a barrier between us.

I whimpered, “Please.”

I heard the clink of his belt and then the rustle of clothes.
I wanted to see him, but as soon as a thought formed, it was gone, driven away
by the heat of him. The head of his cock grazed the entrance of my body. It
felt like velvet and I arched toward it.

Jake groaned and settled more of his lower body weight to
still my motions. A few inches pushed inside me and I gasped at the stretching
sensation. Granted, I only had one man– boy really– to compare him
with, but he felt huge. I raised my head to look, but the material of my skirt
was hiding him from my view.

Another inch pushed into me and I dropped my head on the
floor with a dull thud. “Jake! It’s too much.”

He stared into my eyes, his face flushed. “No, it’s not.
You’re tight, but you can take me. Your body is made to take me. You’re mine. Hold
onto me, baby.”

I blindly obeyed, clutching his back. He still had his shirt
on, but I could feel the delicious flex of muscles under my palm.

He hiked up my legs until my knees hugged his ribcage. Planking
his upper body weight on his forearms, he started moving his hips gently, working
his cock into me, reaching deeper with each thrust. One hand reached between
us. He circled my swollen clit with his thumb and I moaned hungrily.

All the while he told me how good I felt to him.

How sexy I was.

How hard I made him.

He was raunchy and dirty and his erotic words swept me into
a lust-filled fog. All my senses were concentrated on where we were joined. He
was relentless until he was hilted deep inside my body, his hard shaft
throbbing against my inner walls. His sac tickled the sensitive inner curves of
my buttocks.

He felt endless in me. The fullness wasn’t comfortable, but
I was so incredibly turned on, I didn’t care.

“Your pussy fits me like a glove, baby. I knew you would
blow my mind,” Jake whispered into my ear. He placed both hands on either side
of my head. “Now I’m going to fuck you.”

True to his word, his hips started a
slow at first, testing my readiness, then
increasing in speed and depth as he felt my answering wetness. Even though this
was all new to me, my body seemed to know what to do, gyrating in counterpoint
to his movements. On every down thrust, he
ground against my clit,
pulling a small mewl
from me. My thighs tightened around him and I wrapped
my ankles behind his back. I was still wearing my ballet flats.

The floor was hard and unforgiving, but the discomfort was
drowned completely by the tension in my lower body.

Something powerful was building and building. My body felt
on the verge of losing all control and it felt terrifying.

Jake must have seen the fear in my eyes because he lowered
his head and met my gaze. His green eyes were aglow with arousal and hunger.
Without breaking eye contact, he crooned against my parted lips, “Let the
pleasure take you, baby. Come for me.” He changed the angle of his pelvis
slightly and he hit that same spot his fingers found.

“Jake! Oh my God!” My fingers curled into claws and raked
down his back. I was sure he would be wearing my nail marks if the barrier of
his shirt had not protected his skin. Knowing we were still fully clothed was a
powerful aphrodisiac.

He thrust again and again, each time letting the tip of his cock
work that magic spot for an extra beat.

I squeezed my eyes shut and I shattered into a million
pieces. I screamed his name as my body went into convulsions of pleasure, my
inner muscles clenching and releasing on his hard length. I kept chanting, “so
good,” as each wave washed over me. Every single cell was bathed in bliss. My
hands clasped weakly at his forearms.

“FUCK!” Jake spit out as his hips lost their rhythm.

My eyelids drifted halfway open and I saw Jake throw back
his head, his features twisted as if he were in extreme pain. Sweat dotted his
forehead. A groan came from deep inside his chest. He thrust hard into me and I
felt the spurt of his warm seed coat my walls.

“Mine,” he growled, his eyes burning into mine. He burrowed
his face into the crook of my neck and bit into the tendon connecting my

“Jake!” The pain sharpened my senses and I swore it felt
like he had gotten thicker. My sheath involuntarily
and Jake’s teeth let go of my flesh, a look of shock etched on his face. He
slammed his hips into me again and again. I didn’t think it was possible to
climax again, but I fell over the edge with a surprised cry. My fingers clawed
at the floor.

“So goddamn sexy,” he grunted. He pressed deep into me and I
felt another gush of warmth fill me. With a muffled oomph, he dropped his
weight, knocking the air out of my lungs.

Now that the storm was over, I started to feel all the aches
and discomforts I had previously ignored. My ruined panties were still wrapped
around one of my legs and his trousers were lowered enough to free his penis,
but we were essentially still full clothed. The only place our skin touched was
where we were intimately joined. He was still hard and thick and I was starting
to feel the first twinges of soreness. My groin was embarrassingly wet and I
could feel moisture leaking onto my thighs. The hardwood floor was digging into
my shoulder blades and my vertebrae. With Jake’s not inconsiderable weight
sandwiching me, it was difficult to breathe.

“Jake,” I whispered and pushed against his shoulders.
“You’re too heavy.”

With a loud groan, he raised his head and looked into my
face. My cheeks heated and I dropped my eyes, looking everywhere except at him.
I didn’t regret having sex with him, but I wasn’t experienced enough to know
what to do in the aftermath. The last time this happened, I had run back to my
dorm room to hide. Somehow I didn’t think Jake would let me hide from anything.

He uttered a foul word, wrapped his arms around me and then
flipped onto his back without breaking our connection. I squeaked as the world
righted itself. The pressure was relieved from my back, but Jake’s body was
just as unforgiving as the ground. My legs straddled his hips and my hands braced
against his chest. He looked up at me with a sated look in his eyes and raised
his head to kiss my lips gently. A hand guided my head lower until my cheek
rested on his shoulder.

“Don’t move, baby. I want to hold you,” he said into my
hair. His hands roamed over my back and massaged my sore muscles. I moaned as
his fingers found a particularly tender spot. I closed my eyes and sighed.

“I’m sorry, Cora. I didn’t mean to take you on a hard floor
like an uncivilized beast. I’ve wanted you for so long I just lost control.” A
rueful note entered his voice. “And you felt so wet and tight on my cock, I
took you like an animal. In fact, I’m still hard for you.” His hips pulsed and
my eyes popped open as his cock flexed inside me. I made an indistinct sound of
dismay and he reassured me. “It’s okay. I know you can’t take me again. I love that
my cum is in you, baby.”

His dirty talk made me hide my face in his hard chest. He
smelled faintly of soap and clean sweat.

“I just want to stay in you for a little longer. If I pull
out, I can’t get back in without hurting you. Tell me why you’re as tight as a
virgin, baby.”

My fingers started playing with his shirt buttons, needing
something to concentrate on instead of my words. “Um… I never had time to date
between work and family stuff.” I shrugged. “I had sex with a boy in college
once.” His hands tightened around me. “But it was a clumsy, bumbling
experience. It didn’t seem worth repeating. I figured I wasn’t very good at

“Baby, you are fantastic at sex. But only with me.” He
sounded insufferably self-satisfied.

I made a loud snort at his cockiness. He responded with a
playful swat on my backside and I gasped indignantly.

He chuckled. “None of your sass, baby. As I was saying, you
were so
you made me crazed with lust. You made
me come twice and I still can’t get enough. That’s never happened to me

I tensed at the reference to his vast experience.

He pinched the back of my stiff neck between his fingers and
thumb and massaged the tension out of it. He read my mind. “

don’t freeze up on me, baby. It’s just you and me here. Next time I want you
naked on my bed. I can’t believe I didn’t even take time to undress you.” He
squeezed my breast and I bit my lip as pleasure zapped through me. His voice
grew huskier. “I want to see these pretty tits and lick every inch. Then I want
to take your sweet nipples into my mouth.” My buds beaded painfully at the
image he painted. His fingers pinched one of my nipples and I shuddered. “Hmm…
you’re so sensitive. I bet I could make you come from sucking on them.”

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