Resisting the Billionaire (14 page)

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His words aroused me unbearably and I ground my pelvis
against him. Pain and pleasure made me cry out.

“Fuck! Don’t move, Cora.” His hands snapped to my hips and
held me motionless. “I’ll take care of you.”

His right hand crept between our bodies until he found the
swollen knot at the top of my thighs. With sure swipes of his fingers, he
stimulated the bud until I was panting against him. His other hand prevented me
from moving. All I could do was surrender to his ministrations.

“Give me a kiss.”

I raised my head and latched onto his lips. I didn’t think
I’d ever get used to his decadent taste.

He flicked my clit harder and I felt the familiar tightening
in my lower body.

“Jake!” I broke away with a shocked gasp as I felt the first
tide wash over me. Then a bigger wave sucked me under. This time, the pleasure
was slow and voluptuous, like a ten course meal for my senses.

By the time I came back to reality, I was sprawled on top of
Jake, boneless with satisfaction. His fingers were combing through my tangled

“I’d like to stay like this all night with you, but sadly we
can’t.” He lifted my hips up and I moaned as he pulled out of my pussy. Wetness
dripped out of me and I turned red. I squeezed my thighs together, but that
didn’t help.

Jake sat up and snagged his jacket. He took out a pristine
handkerchief from his inner pocket and pressed it between my thighs. Embarrassed,
I tried to take over, but he held firm. “Let me.” He was infinitely gentle as
he wiped my folds. Then he folded the fabric and efficiently cleaned himself
before pulling up his boxer briefs and pants. I noticed he had not come and was
still engorged.

He stood and helped me to my feet. My legs were still weak
and I clung onto him for a moment. My panties dropped around my foot and I was
sure my cheeks were somewhere on the chili pepper scale of redness.

He bent down and unhooked my black lace panties. Grinning
devilishly, he tucked it and his handkerchief into his trousers.

“Jake, give those back!” I held my hand out. I was painfully
aware that I was bare ass naked under my skirt.

“No, I think I’m going to keep it as a souvenir of our first
time together.” He ignored my sound of protest and hooked his jacket over his
shoulder. “Now, why don’t we go to my apartment and get cleaned up. Then I’ll
take you and Marcus out for dinner.”

I must have looked like a deer caught in the headlights
because he looked amused. “Baby, what did you imagine was going to happen after
we had sex?”

I honestly hadn’t considered it. “Um…I don’t know.”

He seemed less than pleased with my answer. Crowding into my
space, he spoke in an implacable tone. “I know you’re afraid of letting me
close, I want to be crystal clear. Once you let me into your body, you’re mine.
That means we’re dating. Exclusively. No more pushing me away. No more denying
me. No more flirting with Troy or Dale or any male for that matter.”

My mouth dropped open at his dictatorial tone. “I already
told you I wasn’t flirting with them! It’s all in your warped imagination.”

“You’re too nice to them. Maybe you should stop smiling so

His Exaltedness was making an unwanted comeback. “And you’re
insane! I didn’t do anything wrong and I’m not going to stop being myself just
because you don’t like it.”

“Okay, I’m willing to compromise. You agree not to have
lunch with Troy anymore.” He made it sound like he was being magnanimous.

“Ha! Hell no!” I scoffed. Not only did he not have the right
to dictate who I could see or not see, I enjoyed spending time with Troy. There
was no reason for Jake to be jealous. I could never view Troy in a romantic

Jake had the nerve to growl at me.

I considered his other demands. He was right. As soon as I
had sex with him, I had made the decision to get involved with him. I was sure
it wasn’t the smartest thing to do, but my heart was not giving me a choice.

“I’m fine with dating, but I have a few conditions. One: no
cheating, even in thought. When you are interested in someone else, you let me
know and we end it. I’ll do the same.” I tacked on the last for pride’s sake. I
couldn’t imagine wanting anyone else but Jake, but I didn’t want him to know
how deeply I’d already fallen for him. My heart ached just thinking about him
moving on to the next woman.

He looked furious with my demand, but he nodded.

“Two: When you move on, I want to be transferred to another

Folding his arms over his chest, he gnashed his teeth. I
didn’t know why he was so annoyed by my conditions since they were perfectly
reasonable. He looked like he was about to open his mouth to lambaste me, but
he nodded curtly.

“And three: I don’t want anyone at work to find out about

“Why the hell not?”

There was a faint thread of hurt in his voice and I chose my
words carefully. “Jake, I don’t want to be fodder for the gossip mill. Everyone
on my old floor already thinks I slept my way–”

“I’ll fire their

“And that is exactly why we can’t tell anyone. The staff
will walk on eggshells around me, fearing for their jobs. Or they won’t respect
me. Or they’ll start kissing up to me, thinking I have
an ‘in’
with the boss. Maybe you should switch me to another department now. Our affair
probably violates some personnel rules already.” I frowned thinking about the

“Hell no! You’re staying as my assistant. And stop calling
it an affair, damn it! It’s a relationship. And it doesn’t violate anything if
I say it doesn’t.”

I huffed out a breath and prayed for patience. He was so
damn stubborn. Of course, he’d probably claim I was the stubborn one. “Fine,
but no touching or kissing at work. It’s easier for me to separate the two
roles in my mind. Otherwise I’ll slip up in a board meeting or conference call
and embarrass us.”

He narrowed his eyes. “If I have to give up kissing you for
eight hours a day, then I have conditions.”

“What?” I eyed him suspiciously.

“You move into this apartment.”

“Hell no! That is non-negotiable.”

“You’re so goddamn stubborn.”

“Ha! I knew you were going to say that. And I’m not being
stubborn. I’m being practical. I can’t afford a place like this.”

“Fine! I’m giving you a raise. The apartment will be part of
your new contract.”

“Then I quit,” I shouted. My hands were curled into fists.
He had pushed me too far. His Exaltedness might be used to people kowtowing to
his wishes, but I wasn’t one of his supplicants.

Cursing a blue streak, he paced around the empty room, every
now and then glaring at me, probably trying to find my weak spot.

I tapped my foot impatiently. “You said conditions. What are
the others?”

“Lunchtime is personal time. I want my lover, not my
assistant when we have lunch together.”

I weighed the pros and cons. “Okay.” I hated that we were
negotiating our relationship like a business deal so I said softly, “I’d like

That seemed to soften him up.

“Anything else?”

“I want weekends.”


“I don’t plan to be hidden like a dirty little secret from
him,” he said savagely.

I snagged his hand to stop his pacing. “I never planned to
hide it from him. Besides, he’s too smart for his own good; he’ll figure it out
eventually. I meant to say I still have to prioritize Marcus.” I peeked at him

He pulled me close, his arms wrapped loosely around my waist.
His eyes were solemn. “Yes, I understand that. We can go out together. I just
want you to make time for us.”

“Okay.” I gulped at the concept of there being an “
.” It felt fantastical that I had the right to kiss and
touch this man whenever I wanted. To test my theory, I rose on my toes and
kissed his chin. My spontaneous action brought a smile to his face and I had to
irresistible urge to kiss his dimple so I did, letting my tongue taste the

That led to some more kisses and that went a little out of
control. We were breathless when we broke apart. I didn’t think I’d ever get
tired of the light of desire in his gorgeous eyes.

“Let’s get going.” Jake entwined our hands together and
tugged me toward the exit.

Chapter 13: Jake

I looked down at Cora as we walked to the elevator. It felt
unreal that she was finally mine.

She didn’t know it, but she was mine the moment I saw her
outside work late one night. I was getting into my car and glanced over to see
her beautiful face lit by the entrance lights. I couldn’t see all her features
clearly, but her face had the soft curves of a goddess in a Botticelli
painting. Her plush mouth was pure sin. With her dark hair flying wildly in the
winter wind, she had looked directly at me and I thought she saw straight into
my soul. Then like a phantom, she had walked into the night. I had cursed
myself for not running after her. For weeks, she haunted my dreams.

Then fate had intervened when she fixed that mistake on the
contract. When Dave from Personnel had brought me the file, I had taken one
look at her picture and I knew she was my ghost from that night.

When I had offered her the job as my assistant, I hadn’t
made a conscious decision that this was where we would end up. I just followed
my instincts. Something deep inside me demanded that I keep her close to me.

From day one, she had wrought extreme reactions from me. For
the first time in my life, I was jealous of a woman’s interactions with other
males, including my own brother. The bastard knew it too and took every
opportunity to taunt me by flirting outrageously with Cora. I had to take drastic
measures to keep him away from her.

My physical attraction to her was distracting as hell,
especially when she wore clothes that showcased her fantastic figure. I almost
regretted offering her the clothing allowance. When she walked ahead of me and
I got a glimpse of her heart-shaped ass, I got hard. When she bent over to pick
up something and her normally modest blouses gaped, I got hard. Sometimes, just
a whiff of her clean scent was enough to give me a boner. It made work damn uncomfortable.

When I found out about her family situation, I had a primal
need to protect and take care of her, even though she fought me tooth and nail.
Unlike any other woman I’ve dated before, Cora refused to accept anything from
me. It was both admirable and infuriating.

And over the last few weeks, I discovered I admired all her
qualities– her love for her brother, her sense of honor, her kindness, her
intelligence, her irreverence, her modesty, and yes, even her goddamn obstinacy.

Initially, like any bachelor, I was in denial about what was
happening to me, but the night we kissed in the stairwell and she threatened to
quit, I knew fate had me beat. I knew I had to make her mine– body and

I already accomplished the former and my body was still
thrumming with satisfaction.

She was the sexiest thing I had ever encountered. She was so
responsive to my every touch, writhing and moaning under me. It had gone
straight to my head and hardened my dick to the point of pain.

And when my cock finally got inside her…Holy Mother of God!
It was in fucking heaven. Her pussy was made for me, tight, wet and velvety
soft. That we were fucking without anything between us had felt out of this
world amazing. I had never had sex without a condom and I never wanted to until
I met her. But something primitive in me had wanted to mark her. Now that I
knew how it felt to come inside her bare, there was no going back.

I had her body, but winning her soul– and her
heart– was going to be a challenge.

“When you are interested
in someone else, you let me know and we end it. I’ll do the same.”
that! If any man came near her, I’d take him out and dump him into the deepest
part of the lake.

“When you move on…

but when.

I pushed aside my surge of anger. She didn’t trust us…yet. She
was wary of getting close to anyone because she was afraid she’d lose them,
just like she lost her parents, but if we were to work, she needed to have some
faith in us.

She was suspicious of my reputation of using and discarding
women, but I was determined to show her that was my past. She was my future. She
made me want to be a better man. I was a cold-hearted bastard who was cynical
and jaded, but I wanted to be worthy of her. She was too good for me, but it
was too late for her to change her mind.

I needed to find a way to get through to her that what we
had was the real thing.

Inspiration struck and I gazed at her with a twinge of pity.
I hadn’t planned to call in the big guns just yet, but like any smart
tactician, I knew when I needed help. My poor baby wouldn’t know what hit her.
I almost felt bad about what I was about to unleash. Almost.

I kissed the top of her head and smiled.

Chapter 14

It turned out Jake’s apartment was right upstairs in the
same building. I had a moment of confusion about why he would want me to move
into his own building when there were so many other properties he could have
suggested. When we ended our affair, it would have been far less messy if he
didn’t have to see me everyday. In the end, I decided it was impossible to
figure out how his brain worked. His thinking was too convoluted for a mere
human like me to puzzle out.

I was right. He lived in the penthouse. It was humungous and
not at all what I expected.
But then,
neither was the man
, an inner voice reminded me. I thought it would be like
his office, stark and cold, but it wasn’t. The décor was very masculine, with
liberal use of leathers and wood, but it was offset with warm touches, like
expressive paintings on the walls and accent furniture pieces in bold colors.
Yes, it had the professional stamp of an interior designer, but I felt Jake’s
personality come out in many of the elements.

Jake guided us directly to his master bedroom. I only got an
impression of a large room dominated by a king-sized bed covered with dark
sheets before I found myself in his sumptuous bathroom, which could fit my
bathroom ten times over. The shower looked like it could accommodate a football

He started to unbutton my blouse and I swatted away his
hand. “Jake! What are you doing?”

“We’re taking a shower together.” He smirked. “To save time,
of course.”

After the intense intimacy, I wanted a few moments to myself.
“I’m sure you have more than one shower. I’ll use the other one.”

His arm snaked around my waist as I tried to walk out. His
nose nuzzled into the side of my neck and my stupid knees grew weak. “Stay baby.
I want to take a shower with my girlfriend.”

His girlfriend?
knees weakened and I stayed. I had never taken a shower with a man and I was
both apprehensive and intrigued.

He turned on the spray and adjusted the temperature. No less
than seven streams of water jetted from overhead and the sides of the walls.

I had started to unbutton my blouse, but he took over,
telling me he wanted to undress me. At first I was self-conscious about
exposing my curves, but his lustful looks and words of praise told me he wasn’t
disappointed I wasn’t a size four. I slowly
gaining confidence that Jake loved my body.

“Fuck, you’re the sexiest thing.” He pushed my blouse off my
shoulders, staring at my plain white bra like it was the sexiest lingerie.
Without taking his eyes off of my chest, he reached behind me and expertly
unhooked my bra. As if he were savoring the moment, he slowly peeled off my
garment until my breasts were fully revealed.

I could feel the tide of pink washing over my chest all the
way to my hairline as his eyes moved over me hungrily.

With a muffled curse he brought his hands up to cup my
breasts. “Baby, you’re more beautiful than I could have imagined. Your skin is
so soft. Your nipples are begging for my mouth.” Bending his head, he licked
around my areola and I felt my legs buckle under me.

I clasped his forearms to hold me up. He took my weight
easily and continued to torture my nipples until they were hard and distended
and I cried out with each pass of his tongue. He reached behind me and unzipped
my skirt, letting it fall onto the tiled floor. Still supporting me, he looked
down at my lower body.

“You’re so pretty and pink.” He started to reach for me,
changed his mind. “Step into the shower or we’ll never
get clean.”

I turned around and walked under the water and gasped as the
pulsing jets massaged my body. It felt utterly decadent.

Through the fog of the steam, I saw Jake shuck off his
clothes and I wished I had been the one to undress him.

Then he was in the shower with me.

I didn’t realize how greedy I was to see him naked until
now. Even as the water was running into my eyes, I didn’t want to blink.

I was right to call him a Greek god.
inch of his body was sculpted by a master
. He was lean and muscular,
with a ripped chest and a washboard stomach. His longs legs were hard columns
and I almost swallowed my tongue when I saw what hung between them. From a base
nestled in dark curls, his veiny shaft curved upward, widening into a mushroom
shaped head. It was long and thick and I had a hard time believing he had fit
into my body.

“Enjoying the view?”

My eyes darted up to see aquamarine eyes dancing in
amusement. Deciding I didn’t want to feed his ego, I sniffed and turned my back
on him. “I’m sure you’ve got plenty of female admirers.”

I bent down to pick up his bottle of shampoo and I almost
slipped and fell when his hands groped my ass. I shrieked. My back snapped
straight so fast, my vertebrae made a cracking sound. My hands slapped onto the
slippery tiles.

“But your opinion is the only one that counts.”

I pretended his sweet talk didn’t affect me even though my
insides melted into a puddle. Jake was a natural charmer.

He kneaded my buttocks and hauled my back against his front.
He was fully hard again. I wiggled slightly against him and smiled when he
muttered a curse under his breath.

“I’m going to take your ass one of these days.”

The dark promise sent shock and I had to admit,
anticipation, buzzing through me. I’d never considered anal sex before, but
with Jake, I wanted to try everything.

His thumbs met at the top of my crevice and swept down until
he touched my rosebud. It felt forbidden and erotic.

A little moan escaped and Jake turned my head so he could
take my mouth. When he let go, he whispered into my ear, “I’m going to do all
the dirty things I’ve dreamed of to you. Now that you’re mine, all bets are

Forgetting about my aching body, I started to turn toward
him, but to my surprise, he held me still and plucked the bottle from my hands.
Pouring the liquid into his palm, he proceeded to shampoo my hair and then
up his hands with shower gel to wash my body. It
felt so luxurious to have someone take care of me.

But getting me clean didn’t seem to be at the top of his
priority list. No, his number one goal was to torment me. He stroked and
fondled every part of me until I was ready to attack him, sore body or not.

Then somehow I found my back pressed against the shower
tiles with one leg slung over his shoulder and his face between my thighs. He
sucked and licked my pussy until I was screaming like a banshee. The orgasm was
so intense I didn’t even have energy left to be embarrassed. I didn’t have any
previous experience with oral sex, but seeing stars surely was a sign that Jake
had excellent technique. As to how he acquired the skills, I had to forcefully
bury the nauseating thought.

When I regained strength in my legs, I insisted I get a turn
at making him crazy or as I told him, “helping him.” I let him wash his own
hair since the height difference made it uncomfortable for both of us.

Copying his earlier motions, I ran my soapy hands over his
chest and arm muscles, making sure I cleaned every inch. I loved the feel of
his taut skin under my palms. As the water rinsed off the soap, I followed the
streams of water with my lips and tongue. His breathing became more labored as I
worked down his rippling abs. I came ever closer to his swollen penis, but at
the last second I bypassed touching him. I giggled when he accused me of being
a tease, enjoying the playful side of being with him. When I slid down onto my knees
to wash his legs, he turned down the shower to a gentle rain and braced his arms
against the shower walls.

“Please, baby. Touch my cock.” His voice was hoarse with

I peered up at Jake and was awed by the desire flaring in
his eyes as he returned my gaze. This gorgeous man really wanted plain Cora

Tentatively, I wrapped one hand around his base while the
other stroked his flared crest. He felt like raw silk wrapped around iron. I
didn’t know what the hell I was doing, but Jake seemed to enjoy my touch. He
grunted and thrust his hips toward me. Emboldened by the effect I had on him, I
started to stroke his length, marveling at the satiny texture of his skin.

“Harder. Rougher.” One of his hands lowered to wrap around
my fingers, showing me how much pressure he liked. I tightened my grip and increased
my speed. He murmured instructions and moaned when I followed them.

I raised my eyes to gauge Jake’s reaction to my touch. His eyes
were closed and his mouth was parted, rasping breaths pushing past his lips. Instinctively,
I put more pressure against the underside of his cockhead.

“Fuck! Do that again!”

I didn’t care that he barked at me. The surge of sensual
power I felt in that moment was intoxicating. My thumb rubbed the same
sensitive spot and Jake threw back his head, exposing his strong throat. His
chest expanded and contracted with each deep breath.

“Baby, if you don’t want to get dirty again, you better
stand back. I’m so fucking close.”

My heart thumped like a drum. I wanted to make him lose
control. Instead of pulling away, I renewed my efforts and after two tight
strokes, his cock jumped in my hands and Jake shouted. I gasped in surprise as
white viscous liquid sprayed onto my neck and chest. He reached down to guide
my hands in wringing every drop of pleasure out of him.

Finally, he pushed my hands away and dragged me to my feet.
My knees were killing me, but the look of utter satiation on Jake’s face was worth
the discomfort.

His eyes gleamed possessively as he touched the remnants of
his silky release on my torso. “Baby, so sexy.
So goddamn
You’re going to take my dick in your mouth soon.”

I shivered, imagining taking his hard length in my mouth and
driving him crazy with my tongue.

“Hmm… your mouth was made to take my cock. Just like every
part of you
made for me.” Eyes burning with heat,
he brought his hand to my mouth. “Taste.”

I hesitated, but remembering the way he licked me to climax,
I stuck my tongue out and lapped at his fingers. It tasted slightly salty and all
Jake. I swallowed the tips of his fingers into my mouth and suckled. “Hmm…”

He pulled them out of my mouth with a pop, his eyes dark and
intense. “You are a temptress. No more of your seductive wiles or we’ll never
make it to dinner.”

Ignoring my gasp of outrage, he turned the shower on to full
blast and washed off his seed from my breasts.

When he stepped out of the shower, I checked out his
spectacular buns and mourned the lost opportunity to wash his backside.
Next time,
I promised myself. I giggled,
not recognizing this new Cora that was emerging.
I was a shameless hussy,
I told myself and I wanted to do a little
happy dance. I hadn’t felt so carefree in years.

“Come on, baby. I’m starving. You’ve drained all of my
energy with your insatiable demands.”

“Ha!” As far as comebacks went, it was pathetic, but I was
enjoying his teasing too much to want to argue.

We dried ourselves hastily. I had to put on my old clothes
and without my panties, I felt exactly like the hussy I had dubbed myself.

Jake changed into jeans and a t-shirt that complemented his eyes.
It was the first time I’d ever seen him in casual clothes and I thought he
looked even better than when he was in his designer suits. He still looked
inhumanly beautiful, but I could pretend he was just an ordinary guy. I could
pretend the Grand Canyon sized social gap between us didn’t exist.

When he was in his expensive suit, I knew I was living in a
fantasy world. Because what did a billionaire CEO see in a poor secretary with
little education, little prospects, and a lot of baggage?

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