Resisting Velocity (22 page)

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Authors: Trinity Evans,Xoe Xanders

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Resisting Velocity
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Charlie stayed backstage throughout the show, pissed about what had happened, but also grateful that whoever had blown the amps to hell and gone didn’t seem to know much about explosives, or at least that was what Conner had been grumbling about when he came to visit her.

Exhaustion seeping through to her very bones, she dozed lightly while the sound of Zane’s voice floated around her, wrapping her in a cocoon of warmth and love. Thoughts sprang unbidden to her mind as she drifted in and out. High Velocity only had one more show after they finished tonight and she, personally, was excited for the break.

While admitting her true feelings had been the hard part, she wanted time with Zane so that they could settle into each other—and she wanted to enjoy that time without having to deal with pieces of herself potentially being blown off.

When she heard the guys thank the audience before making their way off stage to the backslap of a screaming mob, Charlie roused herself enough to slowly rise to her feet, her body a mix of aches and pains, but nothing that a good hot shower wouldn’t fix. Before even a minute had passed, the boys were descending upon her, Zane blazing the way. She gave a wave and as much of a smile as she could muster.

“Good show, guys. I listened from here.”

Zane’s long arms wrapped around her and any other words she had to say were cut off as his lips took hers in a gentle kiss. He pulled back just enough to search her eyes. “Are you okay, love?”

“I’m fine, now quit it before you make the guys throw up.” Instead of pulling away from him though, she moved to stand in front of him and relaxed as his arms crossed around her to hold her snug. She leaned back, letting him take some of her weight while relishing in the simplicity of his touch.

Parker, always the soul of brevity, said, “So what the fuck is going on? I’m getting more than a little tired of fire and shit. Those were some nice amps.”

Micah huffed. “Could’ve been worse.”

Benji’s eyes scanned around with a hint of worry before they came back to settle on the group. They rested on Charlie and softened. “We’re glad you’re okay, Char.”

A smile beamed like the sunlight breaking through a cloudy day. How could she have left these guys? They were family. “Honestly, I’m more pissed than anything. And I really could use a shower right about now.”

Zane’s arms tightened around her. “We’ll get a shower, sweeting, but you can’t say words like that around me right now.” His tone was low enough that only she heard exactly what he said, his breath hot in her ear, and turning her head, Charlie looked into those golden eyes questioningly. “Don’t say shower—or anything else that can make me imagine you naked.”

Feeling her face heat up, Charlie stomped on his foot in a light warning, but deep down she knew he was always going to be incorrigible. And she loved him anyways.

She loved him. The truth of it made her a little giddy.

“What’s with the hair, Charlie?” Parker asked.

“I just felt like a change, I guess.”

“Yeah, sure you did. More like you really couldn’t get away with marking your territory the old fashioned way.”

“What’s the old fashioned way?”

“Piss on Zane’s leg.”


Zane’s arms tightened a bit and Charlie glanced up at him as he spoke. “Well, on that charming note, we’re headed back to the trailer for a shower and some well deserved sleep. We’ll get together tomorrow afternoon, since we’ll be travelling through the night to our last gig. Until then? Everybody should go home and stay home, just in case.”

The same arms wrapped around Charlie, then scooped her up, making her blush and she was thankful that Zane spun away before the guys could mock them for it. He made a quick exit and Charlie struggled in his arms. “Put me down.”


Her cheeks continued to burn and she couldn’t help it—she peeked over Zane’s shoulder to see the guys laughing and shaking their heads. Then they wandered off to their separate trailers, each of them followed by two security guards.

“Shouldn’t we have security up our butts, too?”

“We do.”

She blinked. “Where?”

“They’re already at the trailer. I think Conner arranged it after all hell broke loose, to make sure that my trailer didn’t end up with a bomb strapped under it.”

“Why only yours?”

“Whoever the fuck did this tried to take you from me.” His words were a growl. “They’re not going to succeed.”

“Isn’t it more likely that they wanted to make sure you couldn’t play the show?”

“I’ve thought about it long and hard. I’m pretty sure I’m right.”

Too tired to fuss over the semantics of a bad situation, Charlie relaxed against him with a sigh. “What are we doing tonight?”

The devilish smile that curved Zane’s lips sent a tingle down her back. “First, I’m going to get you home and strip you naked. Once we’re in the shower, I’m going to wash and caress every inch of that beautiful body until, finally, I tuck you into bed and we sleep.”

“Wait, what?” She had expected something a little more sexy.

“Charlie, are you
feeling up for an animated round, or four, between the sheets?”

“I’m sure at least once…”

“Baby, tonight you’re going to heal because it’s been so damn long since I’ve had you, once isn’t going to be enough for either of us. And I refuse to overwork you tonight.”


“Shh,” he said as he set her on her feet right outside the trailer and fished out his key. “Trust me.”


Awhile later, freshly washed and tingling from head to toe, Charlie lay in bed nude and waited for Zane to join her. She’d been as provocative as possible in the shower and still Zane had refused to rise to the bait. Charlie didn’t realize that she wore a definitive pout on her face until Zane’s burst of laughter from the bedroom doorway startled her.

“You’re adorable when you pout, sweeting.”

“I’m not pouting.”

“Oh, you most definitely are.”

“I’m sexually frustrated.”

“No, you’re just used to getting your way.”


“Not mean, honey. Concerned, and making sure you’ll be okay when we do get the chance to get busy.” He smirked.

“I’m fine.”

“Uh-huh, you’re sleepy.”

“I’m horny.”

“Aw, you know I love your dirty talk, but why don’t you roll over and let me give you a massage.”

Charlie’s mouth opened to shoot off a response, but then closed again at the idea of getting a nice rub down. Her muscles felt relaxed and receptive now, but a massage would be heavenly. She rolled onto her stomach and waited, knowing when he climbed onto the bed from the way she dipped to one side.

“This might be cold.” Zane’s voice was a breath in her ear, followed by a kiss placed at the crook of her neck. Then he touched her back with ice-cold hands and the yelp she couldn’t restrain had Charlie rolling to give Zane hell. His laughter echoed in the bedroom as he pinned her with one arm and started to rub the lotion into her back until it warmed up.

“I had to do it. I figured I’d at least get to hear you scream once tonight.”

“Haven’t you heard that payback’s a bitch?”

“I’ll love every second of your payback.”

Charlie clamped her mouth shut on that and relaxed, allowing her mind to wander. Some time later and becoming drowsy, she felt Zane gently move her. Plastering herself to his side, Charlie halfway opened her eyes and spoke the words that had been buzzing in her mind since the last time she had said them. “I love you.”

“I know. God only knows why, but I know—and I love you too.”

“I fought it. Good lord, I tried not to fall.”

“I’m thankful you failed, but I wish you hadn’t fought for so long.”

“I didn’t want to be just another notch on your bedpost, but… I think I’ve been half in love with you for years,” she admitted softly, feeling her heart twist.

“Could’ve fooled me.”

Swatting his shoulder, then placing a kiss where the light smack had landed, Charlie sighed. “So what happens after the show tomorrow?”

“We screw each other’s brains out?”


“I mean it! We’ll lock the door and tell everyone we’re not coming out for at least a week.”

“I was thinking more long term.”

“Well, first of all, you’re fired. Because my mate and someday mother of my children is never going to have to wonder if I’m talking to her as her boss or as her husband.”

“Who said I’d marry you?”

The disappointment on his face was nearly comical and Charlie fought not to smile at the worried tone in his next words. “I just figured, I mean, since we both—”

Cutting him off, Charlie tucked her head beneath his neck so she could smile freely. “I’d have to be asked before I knew for sure what I’d say. I’ve never had anyone propose to me before.”

Quick as lightning, Charlie found herself flipped onto her back and straddled by Zane. She stared up into those eyes and his smile touched her heart, made it flutter like she was falling in love for the first time all over again. “Charlie Banks, my beautiful purple-haired wench, will you marry me? Mate me? And someday give me a whole pack of kids?”

Charlie couldn’t speak, letting the words sink in and etch themselves into her mind forever, for whenever they fought, which they would. For whenever she wanted to beat him over the head for some of his antics, which she would. And for when she was old someday and telling her grandchildren about what a charmer their grandpa had been back in the day.

“I love you, Zane Alexander, so yes. Yes!”

“I love you.” In unison, they moved to close the gap between them and their lips joined, sealing the deal. Inside, Charlie felt her wolf reach out for Zane’s, a brush of magic touching her soul. She felt a true peace deep within for the first time in a long time and, rolling with Zane to lie on top of him, Charlie broke the kiss and nuzzled her nose against his.

Then froze.

“What exactly do you mean by a whole pack of kids?”

“Dunno. At least ten. Why? You got a number in mind?”

“You’re insane.”

“And we’re going to enjoy every minute of making each other crazy.”

“Staring now.” Charlie’s hands moved down his body and her mouth found his again and as it turned out, convincing him she had enough energy for a little fun wasn’t so hard after all.


The final show on the Kiss and Tell tour went beautifully smooth, despite everyone being on edge. Everyone in the crew had prepped for a disaster, expecting something bad to happen, waiting for something to go horribly wrong. As Zane strummed the last chord of his final song, he looked out at the sea of fans and felt a wave of pride that cut straight to his core. “Thank you, guys. Thank you for making this tour so beyond amazing. We love you!”

He turned away, his back buffeting their screams and shrills, and headed off stage with the guys tailing him. Once backstage, Parker gave a holler, fist-bumping with Benji, who was grinning like the cat that ate the canary. Micah grabbed a bottle of water and chugged it, then crinkled it up in his hands.

“Damn, guys. We did it. We’re done.”

“And none of us are dead!” Parker added.


“What about you, Z? What’s on your agenda for the rest of the day?”

“Do you
have to ask that question?” Benji asked with a groan.

Zane only smiled, not in the mood to argue or even feel abashed by their conversation. He felt content. That was the only word that could describe it. His wolf was happy, sated, calm beneath his skin and therefore, so was Zane. Somehow, magically, Charlie loved him despite his hair-brained scheme—she was going to marry him, sooner rather than later, if he had his way—and it was more than he could’ve ever asked for.

A moment later, Lola bounded up to them, just as beautiful as ever, but despite the bright smile and the excitement billowing off of the other wolf, he realized something: She was nothing compared to Charlie. You could’ve lined the two women up side by side and dressed them in duck outfits and he’d pick Charlie’s dark hair and baby blue eyes every time. She was his mate. She was his and he was hers. And that was the way it was supposed to be.

This brought a smile to his face, his heart skipping a beat, try as he might to return his attention to the groupie. “Did you enjoy the show?”

“It was
, Zane, really! You guys always put on such an awesome show. So what’s the plan? Any after-show parties?” She waggled her eyebrows and he knew she hoped for an invite. That was just Lola’s way of doing things.

Something like that.
He shook his head slightly. “Thanks, Lola.”

She blinked. “For what?”

“For being a fan. It’s people like you that keep High Velocity going. Your dedication to us, your admiration of us, and just….” He reached out, touched the strands of violet in her hair, bright and freshly dyed. She smiled up at him, a sort of innocent seduction, but he stepped away. “I mean it. Thanks, sweeting.” He glanced sidelong to see Charlie headed his way and he offered another dazzling smile. “But you’ll have to excuse me. I’ve got business to take care of.”

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