Respect for the Dead (Surviving the Dead Book 1) (14 page)

BOOK: Respect for the Dead (Surviving the Dead Book 1)
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The sun burned red as it began its decent behind one of the mountains.  The glow brightened by the addition of the several buildings burning out of control.  Sitting alone by one of the infernos was a fire truck, water spewed copiously from a hose that no one attended.  The flaming Lawyer’s office next to the truck collapsed sending sparks high into the darkening sky. 

Gillian and Matt peaked around the corner.  At the end of the block the road was clogged with cars.  They were smashed into each other or stood abandon with doors hanging open.   Nothing was moving and there was no clear path.  They retreated to the other end of the alley, a light burned straight ahead. 

Gillian recognized the café across the street.  She had just had lunch there yesterday.  The front window was streaked with bloody hand prints.  Open mouthed Gillian stepped off the curb toward the restaurant.  A car screamed around the corner, two hands yanked her from the road back onto the sidewalk.  The car never slowed as it passed. 

“Be careful!”  Matt hissed. 

She glanced over her shoulder giving him a nod of thanks.   Breathing heavily through the adrenaline, her attention was drawn back to the window.  A figure slowly stood up.  Its back was to the glass; slowly it turned, for a moment it just stood there then it saw her.  Gillian backed up until she ran into the wall.  Bloody hands slammed against the window.  Teeth scrapped at the glass, loose skin drug across leaving streaks of makeup and blood.  Half of the blond hair of the waitress was missing as was part of her scalp.  A finger on one hand was also gone; blood stained the pink and white uniform. 

Gillian’s hands covered her mouth as she forced back a scream.  The waitress kept trying to get through the glass at them.  Matt appeared at her side again grabbing her arm as several people ran past on the other side of the street.  They took no notice of the ghoul behind the glass even as she slammed her fists against it.

“She’ll make it through eventually.”  Matt nodded, “They don’t seem to get tired.  Just keep banging away until they get through.” 

Her attention followed the retreating group, “Where are those people going?” 

Looking from the direction they ran to where they came from, they spied three ghouls. They were kneeling over a prone figure on the ground.  One raised its head; blood covered the mouth and front of the suit shirt.  Another head came up and looked in their direction.  The green Mohawk was half flattened against the head with dried blood.  Its mouth also covered in dripping red. 

“Come on we can’t stay here.”  Matt whispered. 

“Right, my car is this…”  Gillian faltered, putting her hand in her pocket searching for her keys.  The memory of earlier in the day played back in her mind as if on a film.  She took them out of her pocket and put them by her lunch bag so she wouldn’t forget it.   Slapping herself in the forehead she couldn’t look over at Matt.

He read the look, “No Keys?”  He moaned.

“Come on we are three blocks from the city building.  They have armed guards there and police.”  Gillian said.  Matt stared at her. 

“We have to walk?  Dude that sucks!” Matt frowned.   

Gillian smiled, “Dude?  Really?”  Matt smiled back and they both chuckled nervously, regaining her composer,  “we have to move. This way”, she pointed away from the three ghouls and their prey.   The suit and the punk were already on their feet heading in their direction. 

Matt and Gillian moved quickly down the block toward the city building.  Gillian trying to block out the screams and blood that seemed to surround and follow them.    A man passed them running in the other direction.  He stutter stepped, reaching them he faltered just long enough to grab Matt by the shoulder and yell.  “GET TO THE BALLPARK!!!   The Army is going to pick us up!” He released Matt and ran away.   Gillian made to follow the fleeing man but Matt pulled her in the direction they were previously going. 

She began to question him.  “That is the way Jeremy and I were coming from. “ There are too many uh, zombies that way.”  Matt stated flatly. 

She hesitated then let herself be led away from the direction of the ballpark.  “Who was Sarah?”  She asked. 

Matt stopped and looked down.  “She was my sister.”  He started moving again but never looked at Gillian, “My dad was sick, ya know with the flu.  My Mom called from the hospital where Dad was and told us things were going crazy down there and to leave.  Jeremy, Sarah, and I were trying to get out of town.” 

Coming to a corner Matt pressed himself flat against the wall.  He took a quick look then finally met her gaze.   “That way looks ok.” Gillian nodded.    Matt however didn’t move. 

“Jeremy was driving and we got hit by a truck.  It just blew through the light.  Sarah got bounced around pretty hard when we got hit.  We tried to run to the Ball Park like the radio told us but she was really hurt.  Jeremy had been helping her but she fell down and we couldn’t get her to get up.  That was when we saw that group come out of the building.  Jeremy tried to pick her up and get away.  That’s when she,” Matt took a deep breath and swiped at his eyes.  Gillian acted like she hadn’t noticed by looking up and down the street. 

It took a moment then he continued, “She attacked him.  She bit his shoulder…her eyes… her eyes were all crazy.  He pushed her away and she came at him and he pushed her again.  She wouldn’t stop coming after him.  I tried to grab her and oh god.”  Matt wiped his eyes again.  The tears were rolling free.  Gillian placed a hand on his shoulder.   “She just wouldn’t stop.  Jeremy had no choice.  He loved her ya know.  They had been together for two years.”  Matt looked up at Gillian, his eyes pleading with her to understand.  He dropped his gaze shrugged patted her hand.  She dropped it to her side. 

Matt stepped around the corner keeping close the wall and edged down the street, “they are together now I guess.”  Not knowing what to say Gillian followed Matt to the next corner where they stopped.  Across the street was a bank. 

Need a Ride   


The sound of gunfire caused Gillian and Matt to stop instantly.   They watched, stunned as the older man sunk to the ground.  The words said by the shooter lost in the chaos that surrounded them.  They exchanged a glance.  “It is really going to hell isn’t it?”  Matt questioned.  The fourth shot caused him to jump, looking back toward the retreating figure entering the bank. 

Gillian shook her head, “I can’t believe we are turning on each other already.” 

“Well we need a ride and I doubt one will be offered.  I think it is ok to steal a car from a murder.”    Matt noted nervously.  Gillian couldn’t think of anything wrong with Matt’s reasoning. 

“We heard four shots.  So he only has two bullets left.”  Gillian surmised. 

“Assuming he has a revolver and not a semi.”  Matt explained.  A look of panic passed between them.  Without a word they hurried from the corner they were hiding around, across the street to the armored truck.

“We need the keys.  Check his pockets.”  Gillian said glancing into the cab.  She grabbed the gun from the ground and took the extra ammunition from Wendell’s belt.

Matt stood staring down at the man.  Gillian saw the fear in the young man’s face.  “Fine!” she grunted and shoved her hand into a pocket.  Finding keys, they jingled free.  She tossed them to Matt who hurried to the passenger side door.   Wendell groaned.  Gillian jumped back. 

She could see the blood pool.  She knew there was little time before the other man returned and she knew they could never get him to the hospital in time.  Gillian cursed, closed her eyes then checked the back of the truck for any weapons they might need.  She only found several sacks of cash.  She allowed a moment to muse over the bags, thinking she had only ever seen them in movies.   She also tried not to think about putting the Wendell out of his misery.  He seemed to have passed out.  Shaking the thoughts free and not finding any weapons she closed up the truck. 

Running to the driver’s door she found it locked.  Looking through the window she could see the top of Matt’s head outside the other door.  Gillian swore again and ran around the front of the truck trying not to look back at the legs twitching at the rear. 

“What is the problem?”  She demanded. 

Matt fumbled through the keys trying each one.  “There are like a hundred keys on this ring.”    

“Come on, come on.”  Gillian urgently whispered. 

Inserting several keys without luck, Matt whooped when the button clicked up.  “Ha!  Got you bitch.”  Matt threw open the door and scrambled up into the cab.  “uh sorry.”  He smiled sheepishly at Gillian.  She shook her head then spun toward the shouting. 

“Hey!  Hey!  Get away from there!”  Archie came lumbering down the steps, dropping one huge bag, then another.  “Get the fuck out of my Truck!”  The third bag hit the ground with a thud.  Pulling his gun he watched the woman scamper into the cab. 

Gillian pushed Matt over to the driver’s side.  Two loud clangs hurt their ears as bullets bounced off the armor.  Archie fired another shot it struck the side mirror shattering it.  Matt turned the key and fired up the engine. 

“What about him?”  Matt jabbed a thumb over his shoulder at Archie who was trying to reload his gun while running after them. 

“Leave the murdering bastard.”  Gillian replied flatly.

Matt nodded, slipped the truck into drive and pulled forward. Gaining speed, he watched as Archie stopped running after only a few feet and aimed at them.  He got three more shots off before Wendell stood up behind him.

Wendell’s teeth ripped into Archie’s shoulder.  Spinning in pain Archie backed into a man missing an arm.  He had a hole in his chest that oozed thick coagulated blood.  His remaining limb encircled Archie’s neck as the man bit off his ear.  Archie emptied the gun into Wendell even as the man bit through Archie’s face. 

Matt watched the body fall from the arm before he turned the corner into the alley next to the city building.



Martin slammed into the wall on the other side of the alley.  Trevor and Devin spilled out behind him.  The rumble of a large engine stopped Trevor in his tracks.  The Armored truck was bearing down on him.  Catching the shocked man under the shoulder, Devin slammed him against the wall next to Martin. 

Matt had been so intent on watching the attack behind he barely noticed what was happening in front of the truck.  Gillian gave a shout.  Matt swore and swerved as three men ran out in front of them.  The side of the truck scrapped against the brick wall crushing a metal trash can in its wake. 

“Stop!  Stop!”  Gillian shouted bouncing against the door.  Matt slammed on the breaks throwing Gillian forward against the dash.   

“Careful!”  She shouted. 

“Sorry, I’m not really a truck guy and you should be wearing a seatbelt.” Matt pulled his forwards angrily showing her. 

Pushing herself back up Gillian frowned at Matt and his seatbelt.  Seeing her door blocked by a wall she scrambled out of her seat and hurried to the back door.  There was already pounding on it.  She peaked through the small gun port at the man beating on the door.  He looked terrified yet unhurt.

“Back up!”  She shouted through the hole.  “Not YOU!”  She shouted at Matt.  Throwing the door open she reached out to help the first man in. 

Devin jumped into the back of the truck next to the woman in a lab coat.  Together they pulled Trevor in.  Martin had hit the wall hard and was having a hard time catching his breath.  It took Trevor, Devin and Gillian to pull him up into the truck.

The door Martin had burst through burst open sending chips of brick flying.  All four turned to see the dead spilling out into the alley.  Trevor fell back, kicking his way deeper into the truck. 

Devin grabbed one door, Gillian the other, the steel clanged shut.  Devin slammed the bar down securing the doors.  Three torn and bloody fingers poked through the gun port.  Devin jumped back as pounding on the doors and sides filled the truck.   

Matt peered over the back of the seat at the new arrivals.  His eyes widened with recognition as Martin sat up.  “Hey you’re the Mayor! My Dad worked for you.” 

Martin looked up at Matt, a sad smile crossed his face, “Yeah you’re Terry Schmidt’s kid.”  Martin looked at the empty seat next to Matt.  “Sorry.”

Matt’s face fell for a second, “thanks” he muttered. 

Trevor jumped up, “get us out the hell out of here!” He cried and pointed out the front window. 

The alley was quickly filling with the undead.  Matt checked the mirror.  Behind them the dead continued to pour out of the City building and were now joined by others coming from the street. 

“Go!!!”  Came the collective shout from the back.  Urged by the passengers and the fear swelling with in him, Matt slammed down the accelerator.  Metal screeched then was replaced by heavy thuds as he freed the truck from the wall.  Thick congealed blood painted the hood as body after body bounced off.  Those in the back were thrown to and fro as the truck rumbled over the fallen dead. 

Bursting out of the packed alley they crossed Main Street and flew down the next alley.  It was clear of the dead.  Trash cans now took the full brunt of Matt’s harried flight. Devin was at Matt’s shoulder, “Turn Left and head down Maple, left man left!”  Devin shouted.

Slamming on the breaks, Matt turned the wheel with all his might.  Devin flew forward.  The truck skidded, Matt stood on the gas.  Devin was now upside down in the passenger seat.  One of his feet collided with Matt’s head.  Dazed by the impact, Matt shook his head attempting to clear it.  His vision began to clear, the blur before his eyes became an oncoming car.  Matt screamed slamming on the breaks.  The tires protested loudly, the interior of the vehicle was filled with thudding bodies and cries of pain and fright.  He fought with wheel but lost. Metal crunched against metal and the heavy truck abruptly stopped. 

Silence filled the truck for a moment but was quickly replaced by grunts as Devin fought to extricate himself from under the dash and moans of those in the back.  Martin was smashed against the seat.  His weight was not helping Devin.  Gillian and Trevor were tangled in a couple of money bags and each other.  Matt’s forehead was bleeding from where he hit the steering wheel.  Dazed he looked over the hood of the truck.  Steam was rising from the hood of the station wagon he had just hit.  Inside the car two people were moving slowly.  

“Holy Shit, I’ve only had my license for a month.”  Matt moaned. 

“I’ll give you a pass kid.”  Martin grumbled trying to help Devin up. 

“We need to get them out of there.”  Gillian spoke rising slowly with the help of Trevor.   She pointed at the crowd of zombies who were moving toward the wreck. “We’re not alone!”

Matt tried his door but it was pinned against a wall.  Devin, finally upright, threw open his door, tumbled out and ran to the car, Gillian following closely behind.

All Bill could see is white.  His head felt like it was covered with a pillow, his hearing muffled
. It was just a horrid dream… Wait, I was driving.  I’ve been in a crash. 
Pushing the airbag out of his face Bill looked at the smash hood of his car.  “Beth, Beth you ok?”  He placed a hand the girls back.  Her head rested on the dash.

Pain stabbed at Beth’s head as she slowly pushed away from the cracked dashboard.  “I think I’m ok.  You?”

Bill reached over and wiped some of the blood from her forehead.  “I’m fine.” He replied.

“What happened?”

Before Bill could answer Beth’s door was wrenched open. “Come on we have to get out of here.  They are coming.”  Gillian shouted and pointed down the street.

Devin opened Bill’s door and was helping him out of the totaled car.  Grabbing Gillian’s outstretched hand Beth pulled herself freer. Standing unsteadily she saw the way to the only open door on the tuck was blocked by the wreck.  Gillian began pulling her around the back of the car. 

They made it halfway to the open door, “Wait my bag!” Beth shouted.  She ran back to the car.  Reached in the back and grabbed her backpack then hurtled around car.  The approaching mob at the end of the street caught her attention causing her to stop at the back bumper.  The zombies were shuffling closer.  Their moan rising as they approached.  Beth studied their faces she could see the hunger there.  She saw their arms outstretched, reaching for her.  Something in her memory, something about respect hit her.

“Come on!”  Gillian screamed from the open door of the truck. 

Beth turned back to the truck and ran for the door.  Getting one foot on the running board she paused, gave the horde the finger, jumped in and slammed the door.

              “We ready?”  Trevor asked from the back annoyance evident in his voice.  Matt had gladly vacated the driver’s seat so Devin could take over.  A banging on the back door caught his attention so Matt went to one of the gun slots to investigate. 

He peered out and quickly drew back. “Nobody we want with us.”  He stated as he turned around and sat on the floor.  He looked up at Beth.  “Hey, I’m Matt.” He held out his hand, taking it Beth replied,

“Hi, um Beth.” 

Devin put the truck in reverse.  Metal creaked and scrapped as they pulled away from Bill’s wrecked car. They were jostled as they ran over the thing at the back door.

“Now what?”  Gillian asked.

              In front of the truck was a crowd of the undead.  Devin looked in the mirror.  They were surrounded.  The pounding on the back increased. 

              “Run them down.  They are already dead.”  Martin stated flatly.

Devin looked back at him, saw the look on his face, put the truck in drive and drove into the crowd.  “We have to get to the evacuation point.”  Devin exclaimed loudly trying to mask the sound of bodies bouncing off the front and crunching under the wheels. 

Matt looked over at Bill.  “Hey, sorry about your car.”  Bill simply shook his head.

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