Restless (Relentless Series Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Restless (Relentless Series Book 2)
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“Tell you what?”

“Why you left.”

“Oh no, I’m not going there. Let’s just say I don’t plan on going back for a long time.”

“That’s a lie. I can see it in your eyes; you want to go back right now. I think you would be there in a second, but you’re running from something.”

My mouth dropped open as he pegged me. I had no idea how he knew, but he had everything right. He laughed as he watched the thoughts flit across my face.

“Don’t be shocked. It’s not hard to put together. You and I have some amazing chemistry, but you can’t or won’t act on it, yet you say you don’t have a boyfriend. In your own words, ‘I fucked that up’. Then you say you’re not going back, but you won’t meet my eyes as you say it. So that’s definitely a lie. It couldn’t be more obvious that you want to be wherever you came from.”


“You didn’t make it far before you stopped.”

My jaw set. “I drove for six hours.”

“Sorry, I didn't mean anything by it.”

“You're fine. I’m tired. And drunk.”

He chuckled lightly. “I can’t believe you kept putting them back. If I hadn’t handed a new drink over every time you finished one, the vultures would have been all over you.”

“Thanks for that, by the way. I didn’t want to deal with assholes. I’m happy that it was your bar that I walked in tonight, Rhys.”

“Me too, darlin’. Me too.”



We ended up watching a movie and talking long enough for me to sober up. Rhys walked me down to my car, and I was thankful he'd saved me from myself tonight. He leaned over to open the car door for me. Amazingly, he’d become a friend in a matter of a few hours, and I wished it wasn't time for me to leave.

His hand cupped my cheek and he kissed my forehead, but he never moved down to my lips. I looked at his handsome face one last time, trying to memorize him.

“Be safe, Taylor. I hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for.”

“Thank you for everything, Rhys.”

I sat down in my car and the emptiness came rushing back in. Rhys had filled the void for a few hours, but now the guilt and fear filled me, choking me with its ferocity. He leaned back against the stair rail and watched me pull out of the parking lot. My eyes glanced in the rear view mirror one last time, to see my dark knight, but he was already gone.

Walking into my sister’s condo, a sad smile crossed my face. Violet put up pictures of Harper the last time she was here. I loved that little girl like she was my own kid. My fingers ran along the edges of the glossy photo. When I moved to California, Vi called me in a panic after she found out she was pregnant. Of course I went willingly to help my sister, but the last person I expected to run into was Stephen Davenport. Sure, he was Vi's best friend, but what were the chances he had just accepted a role in the same movie she was filming. Maybe if I had tried harder to stay away I wouldn’t be so heartbroken now, but from the second I saw him standing in her kitchen I knew I was in trouble.

My phone rang loud enough to wake the dead, and I jumped. Staring down at Violet’s name on the screen I hesitated. I hadn’t talked to her since I left, and I owed her some answers. She would be so pissed off at me.

“Hey Violet.”

“Where in the hell are you, Taylor? We’ve all been worried sick!”

“I’m fine. I’m in Georgia. Do you mind if I stay in your condo?”

“Georgia! What the fuck, Taylor!?” She paused for a second. "You’re already there aren’t you?”

“Maybe. I wasn’t about to stay with mom and no one is staying here right now.”

"Fine." She sighed. "What are you doing in Georgia? We need you back home.”

“I made it here safe and sound. No more worrying and this is home unless you’ve forgotten your roots.”

“Of course I’m worried. Why did you leave?”

I took a deep, calming breath and closed my eyes. “I don’t want to talk about it, Vi.”

“Oh, we’re absolutely going to talk about it. He wasn’t going to pro—”

“Stop! I said I don’t want to talk about it.” My hand rubbed my forehead. I really wanted to ask about him, but I didn't know if I should. “Is he okay?”

“What do you think? He’s heartbroken. And scared to death you're in a ditch somewhere. And he misses you like crazy.”

“I miss him,” I whisper.

“Then come home.” I heard the plea in her voice, but I couldn’t. Stephen wanted things I couldn't promise him. I needed to be stronger. If I went back now, I would just beg him to forgive me, but that wouldn’t solve anything. 

“I can’t. Tell Harper I love her. I’ve got to go, Vi. Love you!”


My finger pressed the button, hanging up before she said anything else to break down my defenses. I hung my head and sobbed for everything I lost.



I walked in to my old childhood home and it felt wrong. There wasn’t warmth like there was when my daddy was alive. He would always greet me at the door and call me his little Magnolia tree. My dad and I had been close, but after I caught my mom in a very compromising position with the gardener, it was hard to talk to him. It killed me to know that I had allowed her to ruin my bond with him and I hadn't been able to fix it before he died.

Dixie Montgomery was a drunk. Plain and simple, she was selfish and only cared about getting what she wanted. And getting it at the exact second she wanted it. Violet tried to protect me after our father died, but she didn’t understand that my relationship with my mother had been tainted from the day she told me she didn’t regret her affair. I had a hard time after that trying not to hate Dixie.

“What are you doing here?” The raspy voice came from behind me. She sounded fairly sober, which surprised me considering it was a Tuesday. Dixie didn't do any version of sobriety.

“I wanted to make sure you weren’t dead.”

“Aren’t you just the best daughter ever?”

“Hardly. I’ll leave the touchy feely stuff to Violet.”

Dixie scoffed. “Well you see I’m alive, you can go now.”

“You really are a bitter old woman.”

The clicking of her heels on the floor was the only thing that warned me she was coming up behind me. I turned around quickly and caught her wrist before her hand connected with my face.

“That’s uncalled for, Dixie. I want you to know that I won't have an issue hitting you back if you
lay a hand on me.” I let go of her hand and she rubbed at her wrist.

“You are such an ungrateful little bitch!”

“You make me feel so good for taking time out of my day to come check in on you. Remind me why I even try with you?”

“Get out,” she hissed.

“Gladly. Remember this shit when you need me and Vi because we aren’t always going to put up with you. I hope you don’t die of alcohol poisoning.”

Turning on my heel, I stomped out of the house. I winced as the door slammed behind me. It wasn’t fair that some people got the normal mom that baked cookies and contributed to society. Violet and I had gotten Dixie the drunk. She was truly a horrible person, but you don't get to choose your family. Somehow I had to stop allowing her to control my life.

I wiped at my eyes as I went back to my car. That woman was a perfect example of why I shouldn’t try to love anyone because it always gets thrown in my face.



Two weeks later I wasn’t much better than the day I left California. All I wanted was to be back where I came from. I didn’t do relationships or feelings, every time I came close to anything resembling that I ran. This time was no different. The only people I loved and trusted not to leave were Violet and my Daddy. My dad died eight months ago though. So now there was only Violet, and she was pissed off at me.

I grabbed water from the fridge and settled down in my favorite chair to read. My phone lit up beside me and a text message flashed across my screen.

Call me bitch. I know you’re hiding out and if you don’t call me I’m coming to get you. I've given you time, but now you're going to fix this.

Emmy. So apparently the news that I had dashed made it to New York. It wasn’t new that I moved, so I didn’t get why everyone was freaking out this time. Moving when I got bored was my MO. The girls were just reading too much into it this time because of what was happening with Stephen.

I dialed her and put the phone up to my ear. She answered with a single question.


“Damn, Em. Hey to you too.”

“Why did you leave? Things seemed to be so good.”

“They were good. Too good.”

She sighed. “You can’t keep doing this. Eventually you will run out of places to go.”

“The world is a big place.”

“You should know.”

I frowned. Emmy wasn’t normally so condemning of my antics. She always had my back, but this time seemed different. “Are you pissed that I left, or are you pissed that things didn’t pan out between me and Stephen?”

“You need to come to New York.” I heard someone talking in the background, but she didn’t respond to them.

“I could come up. I’m sure there’s a flight out of here tonight.”

“Text me the details.”

The call dropped, and I stared down at the phone in my hand. What the hell? Emmy wasn’t the type to put up with people’s bullshit, but she rarely treated me like I was one of her employees. I guess I would see her majesty in New York. After Las Vegas, and two weeks of Georgia, I was ready for some new scenery anyway.



The plane landed at nine pm and Emmy met me at the airport. She told me to be ready to go out as soon as I got off the plane. Unfortunately for me that meant I needed to be in something that could be converted to club clothing, which isn’t exactly comfortable to travel in, but when Em tells you something, you damn well better listen.

We grinned when we saw each other through the exit. I wrapped her up in a huge hug and she squeezed me just as tight back. It had been too long since I had made the trip to New York.

“You call that club ready?” she scoffed. “Do I need to fix your clothes again?”

“Don’t be a bitch. I wore a dress under this baggy sweater and I can change in the cab. I didn’t really want to look like a hooker on the flight.”

She laughed. “Taylor, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look like a hooker. Go to the bathroom and take off the sweater.”


I stomped off to the ladies room and stripped down in one of the stalls. The bodycon dress would surprise Emmy because it wasn’t something I would typically wear. Violet’s closet at the condo had been stocked and I wanted to be more daring than normal. The dress really would show off what little curves I had. With one last glance in the mirror after I put on more mascara and blush. My brown eyes flashed with excitement. I went out to find Em. Of course she was on her phone. It was practically attached to the side of her face.

“Let’s go. I’m not wasting this dress in the airport.”

“Shit Taylor. Did you plan on telling me you were looking for a new man tonight?”

I blushed. “I have enough problems with men right now; it’s a horrible idea for me to add to those, thank you very much.”

“Yeah, we’ll be discussing those issues in detail, but first we’re having a girl’s night.”

Sounds great," I said sarcastically. "I need a drink."



Emmy had us in the entrance, our coats and my bag checked, and drinks in hand within twenty minutes. I grabbed her hand, and we moved to the dance floor, swinging our hips and singing along to a catchy Meghan Trainor song. It was quite fitting for the night because she sang about telling guys to let it go. We had men swarming around, but it didn’t take much to ignore them and to have fun with my friend.

“Lexi should be here soon,” Emmy yelled over the music. I groaned, but just nodded over at her and tried to plaster a smile on my face.

My drink was empty, so I pointed down and made my way over to the bar. Within seconds I had a guy at my side asking what I wanted. I leaned over the bar to get the bartenders attention. All it earned me was the assholes hand on my ass.

“Can I fucking help you? I told you no, now you need to back the fuck up.”

“Do you need help?” I heard a deep voice ask from behind me. It sounded familiar. When I turned, I squealed in excitement.

“Luke!” He easily caught me as I launched myself at him. “I didn’t know you were coming!”

“Easy, cupcake,” he said chuckling. “I wanted to surprise you, so I told Em not to tell you.”

“Best surprise ever,” I said grabbing him up in another hug. Luke Walker had grown up with us in Savannah before he became a huge rock god. Over the years we tried to keep in touch, but with him traveling all over the US and performing five nights a week and me gallivanting around the globe it was hard to catch up at times. He leaned up to the bar and immediately had a drink in his hand for me.

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