Return to Me (27 page)

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Authors: Christy Reece

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Suspense, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Return to Me
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Last week, she’d purchased a small house in Shelby County. In a few weeks, she’d be moving into it and when she wasn’t tracking Internet predators, taking self-defense classes, and learning to shoot, she would enjoy decorating her new home. Staying busy was her panacea. At some point it would begin to work. After all, hadn’t she slept almost four hours last night? Definite improvement.

Another chill ran down her spine. What was causing it?

Breathing out a shaky breath, she took a sip of her luke warm latte. Her date, Travis Benson, was late. He’d said nine o’clock and her watch showed eighteen minutes after. Did another one get scared off? Was she giving out vibes without knowing it? Samara tried to relax her body, determined to look like a somewhat nervous teenager looking to hook up.


A thirty-something ferret-faced man with a potbelly, greasy hair, and desperate, bloodshot eyes grinned down at her.

She allowed her face to show a flicker of uncertainty.“Yes?”

He slid into a chair across from her. “Now don’t panic, but it’s me … Travis.”

“But … but you’re not seventeen.” Her eyes widened with shocked wonder.

A sleazy “You’ve got nothing to be afraid of” smile lifted his thin lips. “That’s why I didn’t tell you. I knew you wouldn’t come.” His hand touched hers. “But we made such a connection, I wanted to give us a chance to meet. I don’t think age has anything to do with real love. Do you?”

“So you lied to me, told me you were seventeen so we could meet?”

Cold, damp fingers rubbed gently up and down her arm. “I know you’re only fifteen, baby, but we’ve got a connection. Something special. You said you were a virgin. Don’t you want a real man to teach you what it’s all about? Not some pimple-faced kid?”

Hiding a horrified shudder wasn’t easy. “But you’re too old for me.”

A nauseating blend of cheap aftershave and onions assailed her nostrils as he leaned closer. “I’ll make it good for you, baby. I promise. We got something special going on here.”

Samara jerked her hand away, scooted her chair back, and stood. “Yeah. I think we’ve got something real special. Why don’t you talk to the nice policeman behind you and tell him how special?”

Travis jumped up with a snarl. “You baited me!” A fist swung toward her. Samara ducked. Two policemen grabbed him, pulled his hands behind his back, and forced him onto the floor.

“You bitch!” He glared up at Samara one more time. Then poor Travis began sobbing his anger and frustration against the floor.

At one time, Samara might have had compassion for someone so obviously sick and desperate. These days, those feelings were much harder to come by. Travis needed help and hopefully he would get it. In the meantime, one less teenage girl traumatized and another sexual predator off the streets.

With a long sigh of gratitude that this had turned out well, she waved at the two plainclothes policewomen sitting at a table close by and walked out the door. The odd feeling had returned, but for some reason it now had an anticipatory edge.

Her head shaking at such an odd sensation, she pressed the button on her key chain to unlock her car. A scream caught in her throat as a masculine arm snaked around her waist. Another arm wrapped around her chest, pulling her against a hard body.

“I can’t decide whether I should spank your ass in the parking lot or wait until I get you home.”

He had come
. Joy infused her and everything within her wanted to melt into him. Samara closed her eyes and offered up her sincere gratitude for a prayer answered. Then, knowing she couldn’t let him get away with this, she did what she’d been training to do for the past three months. He’d left one arm free, which was surprising. Not wanting to hurt him but needing to make a point, she swung her arm up and back and punched him in the face. At the same time, she kicked him in the shin.

“Shit!” Noah dropped his arms and moved back.

Samara whirled around to see him rubbing his jaw, admiration and something else gleaming in his eyes.

“Learned a few moves, sweetheart?”

She grinned up at him. “Yeah. Whaddaya think?”

His expression darkened with sensual intent. “I think we need to get to your place.”

Needing no further encouragement, Samara jumped into the driver’s seat of her car. Noah got in beside her. As she maneuvered out of the parking lot, she cut her eyes over at the gorgeous man beside her and a flush of heat swept through her.

Knowing that once they got to her apartment, talking would be limited, she forced herself to think rationally. Didn’t he want to know about her new job? “I guess you’re wondering about—”

He pulled her hand from the steering wheel and kissed it. “Tell me later. Let’s just get home.”

His voice, thick with desire, caused that hot flush of heat to rise toward boiling as it spread through her entire body and then settled deep within her. His voice alone made her nipples go erect and caused a slow throb of need between her legs. With shocking boldness she’d never attempted before, Samara pulled her hand from his and placed it in his lap, caressing the hot, hard length she found there.

“Mara,” his voice grated like gravel on velvet, “if you don’t want to find your legs straddling me in five seconds, you’d damn well better get your hand back on the steering wheel.”

Shudders of excitement zooming through her, Samara did as he suggested. She wanted him with a desperation she’d never felt before, but she would wait. Because more than wanting him inside her, she wanted him to herself, in her apartment, where she could throw herself into his arms and revel in his nearness.

The drive home seemed interminable but was only about fifteen minutes. When she pulled into the parking spot, they were both out of the car and headed toward her apartment before the car fully stopped.

Feeling lighthearted and happy for the first time in months, Samara ran toward her apartment, knowing Noah was only a few feet behind her. She opened the door, Noah slammed it shut, and then she was in his arms.

She tasted delicious. Better than he remembered. God, he’d missed her. Every night, he dreamed about these luscious lips, heard her voice in his head, telling him she loved him, felt her warm and soft under him as he moved inside her wet warmth. Then the cold light of morning sliced him like the blade of a glacier. He was alone. He would always be alone. … That’s the way it was, the way it had to be.

But for the here and now, his dream was a reality. As he cupped her delectable ass in his hands and pulled her closer, he devoured her mouth. Sucking on her tongue, he gave her his as she moaned into his mouth.

Pulling slightly away, he breathed out his real reason for being here. Once he got her promise, they could devour each other till morning. “Promise me something.”

Her eyes dazed with passion, she blinked up at him. “What?”

“Promise you’ll stop this … that you’ll not put yourself at risk like this.”

Her eyes widened. “But …”

With ruthless intent, he unbuttoned her blouse and unhooked her bra, letting them both drop to the floor. He covered her breasts with his hands and squeezed gently. Their sensitivity would ramp up her passion faster than anything. With his mouth pressed against hers, he breathed the words, “Promise me, Mara.”

Her little whimper of arousal and need went straight to his throbbing penis. But he wouldn’t take this further until he had her word. His desire for her body was great, his need to keep her safe far greater. Using fingers and thumbs, he pinched her tight nipples with an erotic pleasure/pain.

Arching into him, she groaned his name.

“Promise me, baby.” His fingers released the pressure, waited half a second, and applied it again.

Another whimper of arousal and then she breathed the word he needed. “Yes.”

Noah wasted no time. He’d gotten what he came for. No further words were necessary. Dropping her skirt to the floor, he groaned at what he revealed. Except for an almost nonexistent thong, she was nude. He bent his head to the breasts he dreamed of tasting. As his tongue curled around a taut nipple, he pulled her legs up to straddle his waist.

Turning, he pressed her against the wall, pulled away, and looked down at her. “I missed you.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them.

“I missed you too. … Kiss me … please.”

Whatever she asked for in that sweet husky way of hers, if it was his to give, he would give it. Covering her mouth with his, his tongue licked at her lips. When she opened, he plunged over and over, showing her what he wanted, needed.

She dropped her legs and stood before him. With a smile that held secrets he’d die to know, she began to undress him. Pulling his shirt from his trousers, she lifted it off his head and threw it on the floor. He slid his shoes off and they worked together to get his pants down and then off.

Hooking his hands in her thong, he pulled it down as he went to his knees. Her panties holding her captive just below her knees, he set his mouth to her sex, nipping, licking. Ignoring her little cries to do more, Noah did what he dreamed about every night. With his thumbs, he spread the lips of her sex and licked. … Nothing tasted as delicious as his Mara. When he heard her squeal, he grabbed her butt and pressed her harder against him, his tongue going deeper and deeper into her vagina. The roaring in his head almost drowned out her sobs of release. As she throbbed around his mouth, he thrust softer, gentler, building heat and need again.

Her hands pulled at his hair. “Noah, please. I need you.”

The tears in her voice were almost his undoing. Standing abruptly, he scooped her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom. Laying her gently down, he followed her.

Samara forgot modesty. Inhibitions didn’t exist. When Noah followed her down, she spread her legs wide, took his penis in her hands, and led him to her opening. Without giving him time to go slow, wanting him inside her immediately, she grabbed his perfect ass and pushed him deep.

“Slow and easy, babe. … We’ve got all night.”

“Can’t wait … Noah. Please don’t make me wait.”

He gasped out a half laugh, half groan. “No, sweetheart, no waiting for you.” With those words, he went deep, then deeper still. Samara spread her legs wider, wanting him as far as he could go, her need for him unlike anything she’d ever felt before.

Obviously seeing her desperation and sharing it, Noah rose to his knees, hooked his arms under her knees, and plunged. She screamed as heat exploded, then settled deep into her womb, throbbing, pulsing. … Explosions of lights went off inside her head.

Noah reared back and plunged again and again. She dimly heard his deep growl as he pulsed inside her. Burying her face against his neck, she held him tight, glorying in his big body over her, inside her. She inhaled deeply, loving the scent of a sweaty, masculine Noah and the musky fragrance of wild, untamed sex.

Pulling from her body, he gathered her to his side and cuddled with her. Tears pooled in her eyes, and she buried her face against his shoulder to hide them. The other two times they’d made love, he’d never held her like this. The first time, he’d left her immediately after he’d gotten his pleasure; the second time he’d knocked her out. Neither one was the kind of memory she wanted to have after having the most incredible sex of her life. This time, however, the sex had been more than incredible and the cuddling all she could have asked for and more.

She snuggled up against him and smiled at the soft sound of a light snore. She’d never slept with him before and treasured this moment, along with all the preceding ones. She had dreamed, hoped, and prayed he’d return to her and he had. Settling her head against his chest, Samara closed her eyes and luxuriated in the bliss.

  Noah woke, somewhat startled to find himself still in bed with Samara. He rarely slept with a woman. After finding pleasure, he was usually out of the door or in the shower. Falling asleep meant being vulnerable around another person. That wasn’t something he felt comfortable doing. With Samara, oddly enough, it didn’t bother him. Sleeping with her felt good … right.

Noah jerked his thoughts back to the present. No way in hell did he need to be thinking in those terms. He’d come here for one purpose only … to convince her to stop putting herself in danger with this crazy new job of hers. He’d allowed himself to get off track, but anytime he was around Samara, that was bound to happen. She’d tempted him as no other ever had, ever would.

He pulled away to look down at her, still amazed that this petite, angelic-looking creature was filled with so much fire and spirit. Not only did she turn him on like a raging wildfire, he honestly liked her as a person. Liking people wasn’t something he knew a lot about. He respected and admired certain people, but there were few he truly liked. Perhaps because he held himself back from people. Most probably because he had so little in common with most of them.

What did he have in common with Samara?

As he gazed down at her, he could only shake his head. Nothing. Another amazing fact. He had nothing in common with this beautiful, fiery woman and yet he liked and admired her beyond measure.

Samara moaned slightly and rolled over to lie on her back, giving Noah an unobstructed view of her delicate, beautiful body. As his eyes roamed, he looked for any remaining signs of her injuries but could see none. Her skin was clear and creamy once more, the dark bruises, cuts, and scratches she’d suffered months ago had disappeared. No outward scars, but what about on the inside? What about her memories? What lingering darkness and horror still lurked because of her experience? How had what happened to her affected her spirit, her confidence?

As he’d made the long flight from Paris to Birmingham, one thought had consumed all others. She never would have involved herself in tracking predators online if he hadn’t brought her in on the Bennett case. He’d almost lost her once because of his stupidity and selfishness. … He couldn’t let her risk her life like this. She’d fight him but he didn’t care. The most important thing was to keep Samara safe.

Noah didn’t question why he felt so strongly about this. He knew the reason. He was responsible for bringing her into this kind of life, but he’d be damned if he’d let her stay in it.

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