Reunion Makes Three [Snowedin Fantasies] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: Reunion Makes Three [Snowedin Fantasies] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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“On the bed,” Dell commanded Marcos, his eyes dark and glassy, and everything inside Beth exploded.

Chapter Five


Marcos smiled at Dell as he walked the three steps to the mattress. His cock was already an iron spike. Dell’s commanding tone—that he knew he loved—and touching the sweet
all day had him harder than he could remember being in a long time.

Loosening the sash on his robe, he slid the terry cloth off his body and dropped it to the floor. The cool room air prickled against his skin, shooting tingles down his spine and out to the ends of his limbs.

He bent down on the bed, spreading his legs wide, as he always did when Dell commanded him that way.
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, he loved when Dell spoke like that. This was a game they played often, and he loved it just as much now as he had the first night Dell’s commanding side had come out in their bedroom.

His heart pounded as he heard Dell move behind him, sliding open the nightstand drawer where they’d stashed the lube and condoms. His entire body shook, and sweat dripped down his back.

Casting a glance over his shoulder, his gaze met Beth’s, still sitting in her seat at the table. Her eyes large and glassy, her chest flushed beneath her terry cloth robe, her breath sputtering. He smiled at her, loving how she clenched her thighs together as she stared at them. She smiled back, and his gut tightened.

He bit back the urge to plead for her to reach out and touch him, for her to join him on the bed. He knew it was her fantasy to watch them together, to see them love each other, but he wanted her with him. He wanted to be touching and tasting her as well as Dell. It might sound
, but somehow it felt as if she needed to be a part of it, that she was a part of them. That they hadn’t just been together tonight, but had been in each other’s lives for years. Somehow they completed each other.

The dropping of the lube and the condom packets on the bed beside him redirected his attention to the present. His heart beat a little faster as he saw two condom wrappers. Always on the same wavelength, again he and Dell were thinking the same thing. His balls tightened hard to his body. He was going to get to
their girl tonight.

Dell leaned over him, kissing the back of his neck and sliding his tongue down his spine. Marcos groaned as Dell slipped lower, licking his firm cheeks and the crack between.

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.” He moaned, pushing back into Dell’s searching mouth. “I need you,” he begged, fire burning through his blood and settling in his balls. He gripped the sheets, rubbing his hips against the mattress in search of relief.

Laughing, Dell grabbed the supplies from the comforter. “Whatever you want, baby.”

The foil wrapper crinkled as Dell ripped it apart, spreading the latex down his hard cock. His breath sped up at the sound of the cap popping from the container of lube. His body revved a degree higher, knowing exactly what was to come next. Holding himself as still as possible, Marcos gasped as Dell slowly pushed one lubed finger deep into his tight ass.

Marcos moaned, pushing back into Dell’s seeking fingers. Bracing his head on his arms, he groaned into the blanket. Dell pulled out and then pushed more of the cold lube into him. He thrust two fingers inside him, scissoring and twisting them inside his ass.

Satisfied, Dell placed his hard dick against Marcos’s opening, holding there. Every muscle in Marcos’s body tensed in anticipation.

“This is for you, sweetheart,” Dell called, looking right at their girl as he pushed the tip of his cock into Marcos’s ass. Noises escaped his throat, closer to animal than human, as the burn of Dell’s entry fired through his blood. No matter how many times Dell fucked him, he could never completely get used to the feeling. He hoped to
he never did.

Dell continued to plunge deep inside him, not giving him a moment to breathe, just like he liked it.
, he was already about to come.

Marcos looked over at their girl, the excited expression on her face sending him into the stratosphere. He groaned and leaned further into bed, fighting back the release crawling up his spine. How would he ever survive being inside their beauty if her just watching already had him this close to spurting across the sheets?


* * * *


Beth thought her brain might explode as she watched each delicious inch tunnel into Marcos’s body. His body shook against the sheets, his breathing rough, sweat shining off his toned olive skin.

Marcos turned toward her, groaning as Dell pulled slowly out. His eyes called to her, desperate and pleading. “I need you,
,” Marcos’s husky voice moaned.

She rose from her seat, untying the robe and letting it fall to the ground. The cool air caressed her overheated skin, but the sensation was nothing compared to the inferno Marcos’s stare created inside her. He patted the bed above him. Shaking, she slid into the spot.

Marcos spread her legs, staring down at her pussy with more interest than a glutton at an all-you-can-eat buffet. Wetness flowed from her cunt at his intensity. “Truly beautiful. Just like the rest of you.” He stared up at her, his eyes almost black, and her heart skipped a beat.

He curled one of her legs around his left shoulder, her other around his right, pulling her thighs up to hug his ears. She lay open and vulnerable before him, shaking with need. He licked the full length of her slit, sending her into orbit.

“Oh god.” She clawed at the blankets, trembling beneath his touch. She looked up to find Dell’s sky eyes staring down at her. He groaned, slamming into Marcos again, his gaze never leaving her.

It was intoxicating, watching Dell’s dick pushed deep into Marcos’s ass, while Marcos fucked her with his tongue. His nose and chin slapped against her with the movement. She shivered and shook as his tongue swirled back and forth across her pussy.

She arched into his mouth. The heat in her stomach turned up to boiling. “Marcos.” She threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling him further into the juncture of her legs. He groaned with her, diving deeper into her pussy.

Marcos’s tongue was wicked and sinful. He licked her with a relish she hadn’t seen many men possess. He sucked her clit between his lips, and starbursts of color dripped in front of her eyes. Her nipples hardened, aching beneath the brush of the hotel air.

Dell wrapped his arms around Marcos, holding him still and caressing his broad chest in the same motion. A swell of disconnection ran through her as she observed the two men touch and caress. Even with Marcos’s mouth on her, she felt separated from their intimacy. She wanted to be part of it all. Holding them close, both of them moving inside her, connected, complete.

“I need more.” Unintended tears ran down her face. His tongue was amazing, but not enough. She needed more. She needed to be filled. Each time she watched Dell’s dick enter Marcos, she wished it were her.

“And you can have it, baby. Just come here.” Marcos wrapped his hands around her thighs, pulling her down the bed. He kissed her stomach and between her breasts, negotiating her beneath him. His body rocked against hers with each of Dell’s continued plunges.

“Grab a condom from the bed and put it on me,
.” He motioned toward the mattress beside him, his jaw clenched and his eyes squeezed shut as Dell pounded into him again.

Her entire body shook so badly she could hardly move. It took two tries for her to grab the small foil wrapper from the bedspread. She ripped the package and with fumbling fingers found his cock. He groaned as she slipped the condom over his shaft. Behind him, Dell laughed softly.

“He wants you bad, sweetheart.” Dell’s hands smoothed over Marcos sides, along his back, coming to hold him again at his hips. “I can feel how needy he is. His ass is clenching me like a fist. It’s amazing.”

Marcos smiled at the compliment. He pushed her further underneath him, finding her slick pussy and shoving inside. Together they all moaned, even Dell. The action connected them in pleasure. This was right. This is what she needed. To be full of them, surrounded by them, overwhelmed by them.

Marcos wrapped her thighs around his hips, and she crossed her ankles behind Dell’s back. They moved together, Dell pushing into Marcos, Macros thrusting into her. All three of their bodies writhed together, groaning in unison. Every nerve in her body vibrated, close to the breaking point. Heat coiled through her stomach, shooting to the tips of her fingers and the bottoms of her feet, as the two men thrust against her.

“Oh god.” She screamed, her body tightening around her men. Her legs clutched Dell, her arms wrapping around Marcos’s broad shoulders.

“Like that, do you, baby?” Dell grunted, picking up speed and thrusting harder. “Aren’t you glad you stayed with us?”

“Yes.” She nodded, rolling her hips to meet their thrusts, moving in time with them, until they surged as one. At the moment, she wasn’t sure she’d ever made a better decision than staying with them. Tonight was everything she’d wanted. And much more.

“So are we,
Marcos groaned. His hands gripped her tighter, pounding into her harder and faster.

“More than you’ll ever know.” Dell gritted his teeth, slamming into Marcos again, the tendons in his neck strained, his eyes closed. He was close, and so was Marcos. Their bodies shivered and quivered against hers.

Marcos leaned over her, whispering into her ear. “Stay with us,
” He thrust into her again, his chest hair rubbing against her sensitive nipples. The new position ground her clit into his abdomen. “Come with us

Beth cried out, screaming into the room. Her toes curled behind Dell’s back, and decadent quakes ran up her legs. Her mind fuzzed over. Every sensation was heightened by her two men, the weight of them holding her down, the shakes and shivers of their bodies extending the pleasure. Her pussy clenched Marcos tighter. With a grunt, he came, too, followed a second later by Dell.

Like dominos they fell together, tumbling down to the mattress into a pile of naked, sweaty limbs. Curling around her, Dell covered one side of her, while Marcos took the other. Arms slid along her ribs, lips pressing soft, lethargic kisses to her neck, shoulders, and cheeks as they all slipped into sleep.

Chapter Six


Dell yawned, rubbing his eyes. He was exhausted. Keeping Marcos happy in the bedroom was a challenge, but having two vivacious lovers might put him in a coma. But double the trouble definitely also meant double the pleasure.

Stretching out, he turned in the bed, watching Beth sleep beside him. She looked so sweet curled in the blankets, and sexy as hell. Her hand pillowed under her head. Dark eyelashes lay soft against her cheek. The sheet was pulled up to her armpits, covering all the goodies beneath. Not that he cared much, with all those curves pressing into him under the sheets. Touch beat sight any day.

He’d missed the girl she was. The girl who’d been wild and sexually explorative, pushing him to play naughty games under the bleachers, but who also listened to his hopes, his dreams, his fears, and his fantasies, that even he hadn’t understood then. But after tonight, he was falling in love with the woman she’d become, a woman who was open and honest, driven yet possessed strong values, and who could handle herself in any setting, including being wedged between two demanding men.

He brushed the stray strawberry curls from her face, twisting them behind her ear. Beth moaned in her sleep, rolling closer, every inch pressing against him. His cock swelled. Just when he thought he couldn’t get hard again for days, Beth touched him and his dick popped right back into action.

On the other side of her, Marcos groaned softly, bringing a smile to Dell’s face. He picked up his head, meeting Marcos’s dark brown eyes. Breathing deep, he drowned in the dark-chocolate color and the bottomless emotions. Overwhelmed by the honesty within them, a pang of regret throbbed behind his sternum. He needed to tell him. He needed to be honest with him about his feelings for Beth, no matter how muddled they were.

Dell nodded toward the bathroom, and Marcos winked back at him. Dell slipped from the bed, regretfully pulling Beth’s hand from his chest. He hated to relinquish her touch. Her small palm lay warm and sweet against his skin. But he needed to talk to Marcos first. She wouldn’t miss him in her sleep.

Marcos had already made his way to the bathroom and turned on the shower, allowing the water to heat up. The edges of the mirror fogged from the moist, hot air.

Wrapping his arms around his face, Marcos pulled Dell close and mashed their lips together. He groaned as Marcos’s tongue entered his mouth, tangling with his own. Their hard bodies pressed together. He groped Marcos’s smooth back and down to his hard ass. Marcos moaned into Dell’s mouth, his hands gripping harder into sandy hair. Marcos’s hard cock rubbed against his thigh, forcing all the blood to rush downward.

Without breaking the contact of their lips, Dell opened the glass door of the shower and pushed Marcos inside. The hot spray pelted their bodies.

His breath rasping, Marco pulled back and leaned his head against Dell’s shoulder. Dell wrapped his arms around Marcos, holding him close. God, he loved this man, his trusting and open nature a blessing Dell had never thought he’d find.

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