Revolution (2 page)

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Authors: Shelly Crane

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Revolution
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I inwardly cringed at hearing Matt's voice come out of my mouth. She cringed, too, and leaned back a little. It hurt to see her retreat from me. This was not going how I
imagined, though I wasn't really sure what I thought she'd do. I was still a stranger to her, no matter than I knew every detail of her life.

"Matt, what are you doing here?" she asked me, jerking me from my thoughts.

“Sherry, listen, please. I know you’re scared of me and I know this sounds crazy
but I need
to open your mind and just listen to me for a minute, ok? I need you to come with me.”

We went back and forth and eventually, with wasted time strangling me with worry, I decided to lay all of my cards on the table, so to speak. "You don't have to fear me. I'm not…Matt."

Well that backfired when I saw her little cheeks turn red with anger. "Matt, stop it! It's not funny!" She breathed hard with fear. I hated that I and I alone had put that fear into her by coming here, even if I had done it haphazardly.

I reached deep for some sense of calm and comfort. Maybe if I just explained things rationally…
“I’m not trying to be funny, Sherry, just listen. The strange things going on in your world...”

I saw her step. I couldn't let her g
et away, so I stepped. Her brow
arched in silent challenge and it was so cute, I had to stop myself from taking another step toward her, but I knew that would just make her more upset. She stepped again and I countered.
“Matt...died, Sherry. I know this is odd and unsettling for you and I’ll explain everything later, but we don’t have time. I’m here to help you and we need to leave, right now.”

She bolted. It thrilled me that she finally caved, because I wanted to touch her more than anything and this gave me the excuse. I blurred to block her path and grabbed her tiny wrist, careful of my strength that wasn't quite human. My fingers tingled a bit at her touch, but I focused on my task as I spun her around and pressed her to the wall, covering her mouth with one hand.

Then all bets were off.

She smelled like v
anilla and soap and it felt like it slapped me right in the face. I never could
what she
smelled like and now, I was being assaulted by it.

Her lips under my palm twitched and caressed my skin. Though she was giving me the look of death with her gorgeous eyes, I let my mind wander to her soft lips. I imagine
what they'd feel like if she
me to touc
h them, instead of me taking that touch.

She then squinted her eyes and turned her face as if she expected me to hurt her. I felt my lips thin. I wished I'd come down and taken care of ol' Matt long ago. Though it would have made me break my oath to Danny, my oath to not intervene because she wasn't my charge, I wished as she looked at me and waited for Matt's wrath that I had done something.

She peeked at me and she must have seen how torn I
was. We both were breathing
loudly. I held in
a groan just barely. Her breath, as it puffed through my fingers,
was warm and a hint of mint made me have the strangest overtaking sensation to kiss her.

I licked my lips to stop myself from doing just that and instead focused harder
. “Sherry, I’m going to uncover your mouth. Please don’t scream. I’m not going to hurt you, I promise, that’s not what I’m here for. I just need you to listen to me. It’s very important and we don’t have time for this. Can I uncover your mouth?”

I could see the smart m
outhed comment forming, a hint of a
smirk twitched at the corner of her lip as she thought of it. I wanted to smile, imag
ing exactly what she'd say at this moment. I moved my gaze across her features. Can you imagine seeing a priceless Michelangelo painting from far away for so long and finally getting an up close and personal look that seemed to be only for you? That's what this felt like. I'd seen her a million times over the years, but it was like I was seeing her for the very first time.
It was like I was the only one to have this moment.

Her eyes were solid, no flecks or specks. Her cheeks looked soft, her ears cute and elf-like, her chin round and adorably stubborn, her neck curved and…kissable. I moved my eyes back up to her lips; pout, parted, and passionate.

I gulped and decided to try to keep persuading her
. “I’m not Matt, ok, I need you to understand that. After everything going on, the moon and the visitors, I’m sure you can comprehend this. I’m not Matt. Matt died in a car crash about five hours ago in Orland Park. He was drunk and was out there by himself in his truck. I know your world has noticed the strange events taking place. I am a part of that and I’m on your side
but...they’re coming. I need you to believe me and to get Danny. We have to go. Now.”
I could see all over her face that she didn't believe me. She licked her lips and I felt a
pain go through me. A delicious pain that warmed my body. I waited, bated and needy. It was embarrassing I was sure, if I knew how to be embarrassed.

She squirmed a bit
, but it was easy to keep her there. She had spirit, always had. But I had a job to do here and we needed to get going and get out of
here as quickly as possible. Then she began to lie. I wanted to be angry, or suspicious, but it sounded so much more endearing in person.

“Matt - I mean, whoever you are - let me go, and then we’ll talk, ok? I’ll go inside to get Danny and I’ll be right back and then we can go. Ok?”
I wasted no more time and began my search of her. I kept reminding myself that I had to do this, to make sure she hadn't been compromised, that she was still on our side. Well, at least I hoped she still would be after I kidnapped her, which I was about to do.

I let my fingers crawl over her belly. I'd seen that belly so many times and had been objective, but this…her breaths moving under my hands, her skin quivering under
touch… I quickly removed my hand from her stomach and moved to her thigh.

Oh, gah, not better! Not
better, Merrick! She must have thought so, too, because she gave me a look that told me she didn't appreciate me getting intimate with the area under her skirt. I felt a little ashamed at enjoying it so much, but it had to be done. I frisked all of my Specials
…when I came to earth
. Ahem…

I did my best to assure her of my sincere apology as I took the syringe from my back pocket and poked it into the delicate skin of her arm. She fell limp and I swiftly placed her in the car and blurred to the front door.

I knocked and Danny answered, all groggy and agitated as usual.

"What do you want?" he asked angrily. I took me a split second to remember that I wore that horrible man's face. I pasted on a sad smile and told him my little story. It wasn't as surreal as meeting Sherry, but Danny was animated and eager. He believed me right away, kind of making me peeved at him for it. He was too gullible, always had been.

He ran to the car and jumped into the driver's side. I explained that I had s
omewhere to take them and he dro
ve us there quickly, breaking the speed laws I was sure. I would chastise him for such an act if the Lighters hadn't been so close to coming and getting Danny.

We arrived and I hoisted Sherry's small weight in my arms
and led the way to the underground warehouse. Danny went off to explore and I tried not to explore his sister in his absence. I smelled her hair as I set her down in the chair.

Without any permission of mine, my body's hands took her face gently. I wanted to gasp at the feel of it. I had wanted to do that so badly that I had let my human emotions control me. Oh, well. She was aware
and had already felt me do it, m
ight as well keep going.

“I know you can still hear me in there. I’m sorry I had to do that to you, but I had to get you and Danny to safety. It’ll still be a while until you wake up. Listen, I know how this sounds and looks and I can explain everything to you both when you wake up, but I’m not Matt. Matt is dead and I’m sorry to be the one to tell you that. I’m not here to hurt you or Danny. We’re underground in a warehouse with only one way in and one way out. The elevator and I have the key. I promise you, I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here to help. We are going to be here together for a while so it would be nice if you’d get use to the idea... Sherry,” I breathed her name with every ounce of reverence in me.

I inched closer and once again stopped myself from letting my lips touch her forehead. Instead, I did the stupidest thing I'd ever done. “I can’t believe I’m actually here, actually touching you.” I let my thumb rub back and forth over her cheek to let her feel, even for just a second, the power of my words. “You don’t know how long I’ve..." Enough, Merrick! "Just try to get some sleep. We’ll go over everything together later. By the way, my name is Merrick. I’ll be around when you wake up.”

I let my fingers slide reluctantly from her face and stood. I gulped and left her before I made an even bigger fool of myself. I went in search of Danny and just hoped beyond hope that when she woke, she'd at least listen to what I had to say.


I was remembering…

he past
from when I first came to get them all those months ago. One of my favorite memories because all of my dreams became real that day.

All of a sudden, there was this strange light blocking my way. Cliché and bright and beckoning for these types of situations. I didn't remember there being a light before when I thought back to what had happened that day.

took a deep, thinking breath. The light
barreled toward me and I just let it engulf me. I remembered the bunker, I remembered the Lighter, I remembered the knife, I remembered Sherry's face as I fell, my Lily.

I didn't want to go into that light, it felt final and pulling, but I couldn't stop it from taking me…








A Love
So Deep

Chapter 2

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