Riding Red

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Authors: Nadia Aidan

BOOK: Riding Red
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A Total-E-Bound Publication




Riding Red

ISBN # 978-0-85715-953-3

©Copyright Nadia Aidan 2012

Cover Art by Lyn Taylor ©Copyright April 2012

Edited by Stacey Birkel

Total-E-Bound Publishing


This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.


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The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.


Published in 2012 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.




This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has a
heat rating
and a


This story contains 97 pages, additionally there is also a
free excerpt
at the end of the book containing 8 pages.














Downing Brothers





Nadia Aidan





Stuck in close quarters with the two wickedest, wildest Downing brothers of them all, Teresa West had better prepare herself for the most sensually erotic experience of her life…

Ever since her best friend married one of the infamous Downing brothers, Teresa West cannot seem to shake aggravating playboy, Jeff Downing—the third eldest and undoubtedly the wickedest and wildest of all the brothers. Just because his brother now lives on the neighbouring ranch with her best friend, doesn’t mean Jeff Downing has any business being in Hockley, Texas so often. He’s been in hot pursuit for a year now, and Teresa is starting to think Jeff either doesn’t have a job, or he really needs a hobby—one that doesn’t include her.

Jeff Downing would argue that no matter his job or hobby, his only purpose right now is to convince the fiery, stubborn redhead to let loose and live a little. His first order of business? To get Teresa West into his bed and keep her there, but she’s not being as cooperative as he’d hoped. Actually, she’s not being cooperative at all. She’s spent a year ducking and dodging his advances. It’s time for some drastic measures…which is why he’s decided to enlist some help.

When a hurricane rips through the small town, Teresa has no choice but to seek shelter at Cottonmouth Ranch with the two youngest Downing brothers. She knows she will have to fend off Jeff’s advances…but she never expected to have to battle her attraction to his brother, Jason, as well. Stuck in close quarters with the two Downing brothers, Teresa had better prepare herself for the most sensually erotic experience of her life.

Jeff Downing has pulled out all the stops and he won’t be satisfied until he has Teresa West in his bed…where he plans to ride the red-haired vixen all night long. And once Jeff finally claims Teresa, he has no intention of letting her go…if he can convince her that she can trust him with her heart.





To my dear friend Menna, for being my inspiration to always aspire to greatness.



Trademarks Acknowledgement



The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:


Ford Mustang: Ford Motor Company

Armani: Giorgio Armani

Stetson Hats: Pro Equine Group

PBR: Professional Bull Riders, Inc.


Chapter One




Hard, hot, heart-pounding sex.

Those were the first, and sometimes only, words that came to mind when Teresa thought of Jeff Downing—an impressive six-foot-four package of hard, hot solid muscle who inspired every wicked, sensuous fantasy she could imagine. And when it came to Jeff Downing, she imagined many. Simply put, he made her wonder about, long for, crave a hard, hot, heart-pounding endless night of dirty, sweaty sex.

Teresa grimaced at her body’s wanton reaction. Just
about the arrogant, obnoxious, jerk of a man made her body tingle, so no surprise that it was even worse when he was there in the flesh. Every time he came to visit, which nowadays was quite frequently, she experienced a shameful yearning for a man she loathed, a man she swore she couldn’t stand.
Yeah right.
She snorted
If she loathed him so much then why was it just the faint sound of his car powering down the road had her pussy throbbing with anticipation? Why had her nipples budded tight the moment she’d recognised that all too familiar and quite distinctive mechanical purr in the distance?

As the vehicle drew closer, the dim hum soon gave way to the pulsing, pounding roar of a V8 engine, and even before the car rolled into her best friend’s driveway, Teresa West knew it was Jeff Downing.

Sleek, black and silver, trimmed in chrome, Jeff’s late model Ford Mustang was every bit as brazen and bold as its owner. With narrowed eyes, she watched it crawl along the dirt road until finally it came to a halt before her.

Squinting against the bright glare of the afternoon sun, her next breath dragged slowly through her chest when the driver-side door swung open. Steel toe leather boots—expensive boots,
boots—hit the ground first.
Who wears Armani to a ranch?
Teresa shook her head, because she knew
who would do such a thing, and to her annoyance she had to admire his grit, because he was the only man who could get away with it, and he knew it.

Without a doubt, Jeff Downing was a one of a kind—authentic and original. And as he unfolded his densely muscled frame from the car to flash a wicked grin her way, Teresa could only glare back, because it was obvious to all that Jeff Downing indeed believed he was without equal. And while she would never,
admit it to him, she had to begrudgingly concede…
he was right

Hidden behind black aviator shades were the striking ocean blue eyes, so clear that every time she looked into them, she could feel the waves cresting within her belly. As if he could hear her thoughts, he removed his glasses, and a shudder trembled through her as he snared her with those mesmerising eyes.

He marched towards her on those long, powerful legs of his, blocking out the sun which now beat against his wide back. Her breathing grew harsh as burnished amber rays caressed sun-bronzed skin, bringing highlights to his coal black hair.

He was breathtaking, he was a sinful, erotic temptation—

The slamming of the car door captured her attention and she glanced up just as another man—equally handsome and sensual, although not as darkly provocative as his older brother—climbed out of the car.

Jason Downing.

The youngest of the four Downing brothers.

Although, they all favoured one another, his resemblance to Jeff was so similar they were often mistaken for twins.

But twins they definitely were not. And her body was well aware of this.

While more practically dressed, Jason Downing exuded an alluring, enticing air of sexual confidence in faded jeans and a casual black button-down shirt that was open at the collar. He smiled at the same time he removed his sunglasses, and while she appreciated the handsome, charming man before her, she was all too cognisant of the fact that her belly didn’t twist and churn when he flashed that dimpled grin, and her knees didn’t shake in response.

Her stupid body only seemed to react so…
to Jeff Downing and in such inappropriate, appalling ways—the knowledge of which irritated her to no end, causing her to lash out at its source the moment he came to a halt before her.

“I actually thought BJ was exaggerating, but I’m starting to believe you really
have a job.”

Much to her annoyance, Jeff’s sensual lips curled higher into that classic, crooked grin that made him appear as if he had not a care in the world, and always sent a tremor racing down her back.

“No need to get all fussy,
. ‘Cause, if you missed me, darlin’, all you had to do was just say so and I would have been here sooner.”

“How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me that?” she fumed, even as her belly fluttered from the sound of his deep, Southern drawl washing over her. “My
is red, my
is Teresa, so use it. And I hate to shatter that big ego of yours but no one around here misses you, not when you’re here damn near every other week.”

He shrugged. “What can I say? I have interests to protect.” And Teresa knew
what he meant by ‘interests’, but even if she would have been slow that day, the wolfish grin that spread across his face was telling. Even more so was the slow slide of his gaze along her body, which lingered for far too long on her rounded breasts.

Teresa seethed in silence, as she began carefully sifting through all the cuss words she wanted to introduce him to, but before she could get the first one off, Jason brushed past his brother towards her.

“Knock it off, bro,” Jason said as he pulled her into his arms to envelop her in a warm hug, the solid wall of his chest pressing against her softer body. As usual, Jason’s touch didn’t set off a scorching fire inside of her, and she also noted, as she had other times before, that his arms around her were noticeably tight, holding her closer than was really necessary, and he lingered there for some time. She was convinced the only reason why he even pulled away when he did was because Jeff emitted a sharp, predatory sound that Teresa could only describe as a

Withdrawing his arms from around her, Jason glanced at Jeff from over his shoulder, and winked with a fleeting smirk.

“Good to see you, Teresa,” he said, after returning his gaze to her.

“You too.” She smiled warmly. “So how you been? Unlike your brother here, you don’t come around often enough.”

His grin was sheepish. “You sound like BJ right now. She rags on me that I haven’t been out to visit since the wedding, but she exaggerates. It’s been a few months, but not

“Well you know BJ and how important family is to her. I know she misses you—Jackson, too.”

“Speaking of which, where
my brother and the Mrs?”

As he spoke, he trailed his gaze the length of her body, his brow lifting upon finally noticing her worn T-shirt and faded, dusty jeans.

“And what are you doing over here planting”—he glanced curiously over her shoulder at the multi-colour array of flowers springing out of several boxes—“mums?”

“Close. Dahlias. It’s my anniversary gift to BJ and Jackson so that when they get back from their vacation they’ll come home to a new front yard, because Lord knows BJ has never been one for decorating.”

Jason chuckled. “Yeah, I just can’t picture that one taking up gardening anytime soon.”

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