Right in Time (16 page)

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Authors: Dahlia Potter

BOOK: Right in Time
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“You sure?”

“Yeah, it’s fine.” Maggie assured him. 


When she went to gather her things, she felt Danny’s eyes on her and follow her every move until she left.  Once the door closed behind her and she was alone, she let out the breath she had been holding.  Of course Caleb had been happy with that performance.  Every possible emotion she had was running through her head during it and coming out in the movements.  She just needed to get out of there and clear her head, afraid at what may happen if she had to run through it again.  She just couldn’t wrap her mind around what she was thinking and how one night could make her question so much.






Chapter Thirty Three


Ever the diligent boyfriend, Caleb was at her place first thing the next day to make sure she was alright.  Physically, she was perfect, but mentally was another question.  What she was feeling right now was something that she had never experienced.  She had only been in love twice; with Thomas and with Caleb.  With both of them, the falling part was easy.  Even with Caleb and her hesitations, it was easy.  With Danny she had no clue what to make of her feelings.  She loved Caleb with all her heart and there was nothing wrong in their relationship.  Sure, nothing was ever perfect, but if there was a “close enough to perfect” mark, they’d hit it.  She was comfortable.  Comfortable wasn’t a bad thing.  Was it? It was part of what she had always been wanting.  “Okay, screw it.”  She thought out loud to herself.  “Time to call in the reinforcements.”


“So you and Danny are getting along now?  That’s great!” Taylor told Maggie.

“Yes.  And no.” Maggie said, trying to figure out how to word the rest of the story properly.  After Caleb had left, Maggie called Taylor to come over and they were now sitting comfortably in her living room, drinking tea which Maggie hoped would calm
her nerves, but was now starting to wish that it was spiked with something.

“Okay...” Taylor answered, drawing out the word, emphasizing her uncertainty as to what Maggie was getting at.

“Yes it’s great we’re civil to each other, but...that’s not all.” Maggie paused, trying to choose her words carefully.  “I’d be lying if I said that he wasn’t an attractive guy.”

“Wait, what?” Taylor questioned while trying to process the last statement Maggie made so quickly.  “Are you...feeling things for him?”


“Did something happen between you and Caleb?”


“Okay, then...” Taylor led.

“Now do you see why I called you?  I’ve tried to process all this, but I just...I just don’t know!” Maggie said burying her head in a pillow, hoping it would all just go away.

“Mag.  Mag!” Taylor yelled to get Maggie to look at her.  “Having feelings for another guy is not that big of a deal.  It’s not like you are going to act on these feelings.  Or hell, it’s not like you even
to act on these feelings.  You don’t, do you?” Taylor questioned the last bit quietly.

“No!  I mean...I don’t think so.  I haven’t had any dreams of wanting to rip his clothes off and do dirty things to him if that’s what you mean.  I can barely look at him.”

“What do you mean?”

“Whenever I see him, I just can’t look him in the eye anymore.”


“I don’t know.  I feel...nervous?”

“And what happened when you guys did the dance yesterday?”

“It just made me think.  Way too much.”


“About everything.”

“Okay, Maggie, I’ll admit I’m a bit confused.”


“I’m serious!  Look, regardless of what dreams you have or have not had about him doesn’t belittle the fact that when you dance with him, it brings out all these emotions.  Emotions that cause you to fake an illness to get out of there.  I’m not saying that I think this means you want to be with Danny, because you’re the only person who can tell yourself that, but I think it means that there are some type of feelings there.”

“Gee thanks Captain Obvious.”

“Ha ha, funny.  Listen, you are one of the most personable people I know, so when Maggie Sloan gets nervous around a guy it means something.  I know that what I’m saying is probably not helping a whole lot, but sometimes just hearing what you were already thinking yourself helps too.”

Maggie didn’t say anything, but the look on her face showed she agreed with Taylor.

“Look, Caleb is an amazing man.  He loves you and you love him.  But sometimes feelings change.  It’s a scary thing, but I think if you completely suppress these emotions then you’ll always be wondering ‘what if.’  And honestly, sometimes it is the things that scare you that bring the biggest rewards.  Anyways, he’s only here for a little longer, right?”


Maggie just nodded her head in agreement slightly as a few tears started falling from her eyes.  Taylor wrapped her in a hug, trying to comfort her.  Maggie still had no clue what she was to do and Taylor was right, it did scare the crap out of her.  Maybe for once she just had to let go and let things fall where they may.








Chapter Thirty Four


More than ever, Maggie felt the need to busy herself with anything outside of the dance studio.  Namely, anything that didn’t involve her interacting with or seeing Danny.  That and him having his hands all over her and holding her close. 


Caleb’s foot had been healing much better and quicker than the doctors expected and he now sported a walking cast, making his ability to get around much better.  To celebrate that fact, he suggested going to Granville Island for lunch and to walk around and enjoy the scenery.  Maggie still wasn’t too sure about the last bit, not wanting him to overdo it, but knowing her boyfriend he would insist he was fine and that if he felt anything but, he would tell her so, so she just smiled, agreed, and kept her mouth shut. 


They had grabbed fish and chips from a local place and sat overlooking the water with their food, enjoying each other’s company.

“So, if I were to say that we should forget about rehearsing on Friday night so that I could take you out, what would you think?”
Caleb questioned casually.

“I’d say that you’re losing your s
lave driver ways and I’d be proud of you for it!” Maggie said jokingly, but deep down was thanking her lucky stars for an added break from seeing Danny.

looked away from the water and in to her eyes with a big grin on his face.  “Thank you, thanks for that, really.” He said sarcastically.

“Honestly, I’d say that I would like that very much.”

“Good, because I have plans.”

“Oh really?  What kind of p

“Big ones.”

Maggie chuckled at his response.  “You’re not going to tell me are you?”

“Nope.” He answered simply, popping a fry in to his mouth.


When Friday came around
, Maggie was more than happy to spend the evening with Caleb.  He hadn’t told her what they were doing, but she knew that she didn’t have to be in the studio with Danny and that thrilled her. 


Caleb ended up taking her to a fantastic dinner at the revolving restaurant overlooking all of Vancouver.  When she asked what the occasion was, he only told her that there wasn’t any, it was just because he loved her.  Once they left the restaurant and were waiting for a cab, Caleb looked at his watch anxiously.

“Oh, man.  We might be

Late for what?” Maggie questioned, clutching his arm tighter.

“Another surprise.” He replied with a grin.


When their cab finally arrived, they ended up at
the local performing arts centre and Maggie looked at Caleb questioningly.  He only motioned to the poster hanging at the front advertising what was happening that night. 


The minute Maggie saw the words “The Classics” in bold across the top if it, she felt like she could vomit.  As they were running a bit late, they quickly went in and found their seats just before the curtain went up.  Danny and the other members of the troop and band took the stage and Maggie tried her best to focus on anything else going on on that stage.  Anything besides Danny.


Ignoring the fact that it was Danny up there, Maggie had to admit that it was an amazing show.  When they left the stage briefly before their encore, the opening countdown and drum beats of Bon Jovi’s “Born To Be My Baby” caused her to jump as the loud sounds permeated the silenced theatre.  Danny took the lead on the song, something he hadn’t done the whole night.


Caleb and Maggie were sitting in the center of the theatre and even though he could have been singing to anyone, she felt his words hit her like a ton of bricks, him finally gaining her full attention.  She could tell by the look in his eyes that he knew exactly what he was doing and was enjoying every minute of it.  She could have looked away in that moment, but she felt the urge to challenge him, never breaking his eye contact until he was forced to when they left the stage. 


She wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but she knew that whatever it was, she would not go along willingly or without a fight.














Chapter Thirty Five


Caleb and Maggie saw Danny briefly after the show, but she remained silent and didn’t look at him at all.  Once they left and headed back to her place, she tried to get him out of her head and enjoy the rest of her time with Caleb, but she found it nearly impossible.  Images of him on stage, singing those words directly to her was just something she couldn’t forget.


“What was that?!”
Maggie asked, yelling across the studio at Danny who stood in front of the stereo system.

He spun around to look at her, a perplexed look across his face.  “Um.  What was what?”

“Friday night.  The song.” Maggie replied in a tone insinuating that she thought he was stupid.

“Oh, that.  I love me some c
lassic Bon Jovi.”

stood there, her mouth agape, not believing that that was all he could say.  Actually, when she thought back to who Danny was, she could completely believe it, but that still didn’t erase her disbelief. 


Tuesday’s rehearsal had arrived much quicker than Maggie would have liked, especially since it meant the two of them would be alone without Caleb.  Thriving Drive got an amazing offer at the last minute to open up for Alder and jumped on it.  He got the call Saturday morning and that evening he was on the road with his band mates heading South, leaving Maggie and Danny alone for the week to rehearse on their own. 


Danny readied the track on the stereo and turned to face Maggie who had yet to move from her position.  “Are you just going to stand there, or are we going to rehearse?”

“I’m sorry.  I just don’t get it.  I don’t get you, actually.”

“What did I do now?”

Danny.” Maggie said knowingly.


Maggie just looked at him, telling him without words that he must be out of his mind if he didn’t know what she was hung up on.  Groaning, he walked over to her and stood a bit too close, invading her personal space.  Maggie took a slight step back, but when he noticed this, he closed that gap and then some.

“I do love c
lassic Bon Jovi.  That is the honest truth.  “Living on a Prayer”?  My favourite song of theirs.  Maybe even of all time.  But “Born To Be My Baby” is pretty good too.” He said, gaining a smirk on his face.  “The lyrics are just very relevant, don’t you think?”

Maggie stated harshly and bluntly and turned to head towards the door.  Before she could get very far, Danny grabbed her arms and spun her around, drawing her close in to his chest.

“No?” he countered with a whisper.


just stared from his eyes to his lips and back again.  The heat between their bodies was almost unbearable.  She needed to get out of there now, but she couldn’t move.  The next thing she knew, the song for their routine started playing from the stereo.  Danny threw the remote that he had in his back pocket across the floor and out of their way. 


Right on cue, they started the routine and ran through it perfectly.  The heat that was present before only escalated the more the dance went on.  When it ended and they held their pose, their faces were so close that their noses were almost touching.

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