Right in Time (17 page)

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Authors: Dahlia Potter

BOOK: Right in Time
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“You can’t deny there’s something here.  Between us.”
Danny whispered while Maggie could only remain silent.  “You have feelings for me.”

“I can’t.” Was all
Maggie could manage to choke out.

“You want to be with me.”

“I can’t!”

Maggie, I know you love Caleb.”

Maggie warned.

“I know I’m not the easy choice.  I know I’m not the best choice.  I know you deserve better.  But I challenge you.  I make you angry.  I get you
riled up.  But I also make you smile.  I make you laugh.  I make you uneasy and nervous, but that’s okay because that’s just part of what it means to truly live and to truly feel.  Nothing is perfect.  Hell, I don’t even want to be anywhere near perfect because it would mean I lost myself.  Lost what is true, and real, and what matters.  I already love you, I just want you to take the chance to love me.”


The last few sentences he spoke really hit her.  Everything with Caleb was as close to perfect as you could get.  And his admittance of love.  He wasn’t asking for the chance to love her like Caleb did.  He already loved her, regardless.  In spite of everything and where they were in their lives, personally, he still loved her.  With all of this she mumbled out the response of the day.  “I can’t.”

“I can’t isn’t ‘no.’”
Danny said plainly, letting her go out of his grasp.  He went back to the stereo and turned it off and headed towards the door.  “I think we know the piece pretty well.  Another thing I know pretty well is the fact that I’m starving.”  He stopped just shy of the doorway, opening it up with a question mark on his face.  Maggie stood there for who knows how long, but it felt like eternity for her.  She put her head down, took a deep breath and headed for the open door.























Chapter Thirty Six


and Danny entered the Denny’s that was conveniently located next to the studio.  She led the way out the one door and right in to the other.  The hostess seated them right away. 


No words were exchanged as they looked over their menus, eventually placing their orders with the waiter.  When their drinks arrived, Maggie busied herself with the cream and sugar packets taking her time readying her coffee.  Danny just sat there watching her.  Behind her eyes he could see her brain working in overdrive.  His heart broke slightly to see her like this.  He had admitted to her that he loved her and he knew that that probably wasn’t the best thing to do when she was knowingly in love with someone else, but he had to.  All those things that he said to Maggie about him challenging her and making her angry were the same in the reverse.  She wasn’t like any of the other girls he had been with before and that scared him, but he knew that the things that scared him were usually the ones that were the best for him in the end.  He just couldn’t sit back and not say anything.  Not anymore.


“How’s the coffee?” Danny asked quietly, causing Maggie to look up from what she was doing.

“I don’t know yet, I haven’t tried it.” She replied honestly.  She looked down and realized that she had basically reorganized the sugar packets in to alphabetical order and had stacked the creamer up so neatly.  Her nerves were definitely getting the best of her.  Frustrated, she sunk back in to the booth and looked at


She really looked at him hard. 


His face was soft, his features relaxed.  As usual, it was his bright blue eyes that drew her in first.  There was something different behind them tonight though.  Gone was the cockiness and it was replaced with something that read as sincerity and concern to her.  She continued down to his lips that were supported by a strong jaw line that was riddled with stubble.  Watching over his face calmed her for some reason.  She took a deep breath in, letting it out slowly.  She reached for her coffee and took a sip of the hot liquid before setting the cup back down on the table in front of her.


“It’s good.” She said, finally answering his question.  She looked back up to his face and noticed a small smile start to play upon his lips.


No other words were
exchanged before their food arrived.  They ate in silence and when the bill arrived, Danny took it before she had a chance to and got up to pay it at the front.  Maggie got up and followed him to the exit and they both stood outside the restaurant in the silence that had overtook them, breathing in the fresh air, that was slightly crisp from the new season.


“What are you doing tomorrow?” Danny asked out of the blue.

“I have a cake order I need to finish.”

“Oh, yeah?  What time?”

“They’re picking it up at five

“So if I pick yo
u up from your shop just after five, you’d be free?”

“Free for what?”

“A surprise.” He stated with a smile.

Danny...” Maggie started, unsure.

“There will be other people around, so it won’t just be you and me.  I promise.” He reassured her.

“Okay.” Maggie said quietly, her voice hinting at the uncertainty that still plagued her.

“Tomorrow then.”
Danny said with a smile as he turned and walked away, leaving Maggie there to watch him fade in to the distance.



r Thirty Seven


Maggie put the finishing touches on her cake order just before putting it in the box and handing it over to her client that waited patiently at the front of her shop.  Once he left, she locked up the front and headed to the back kitchen to start cleaning up.  When the phone in the bakery rang, Maggie answered it in her usual manner, only to be met with a familiar voice on the other end.

“Margaret Arabelle Sloan?  As I live and breathe, it is you!” the voice exclaimed, picking up a fake Southern drawl in the process.

“Hi mom.” Maggie countered, leaning back against the wall behind her.

“Just making sure that you’re still alive.  It’s been three weeks since I’ve talked to you.  We barely go three days.  What’s going on?”

“It has not been…” Maggie started as she glanced to her right at the calendar hanging on her wall.  “Shit, you’re right.  I’m sorry.  I’ve just been…busy.” She said, a faint smile creeping up on her face.

“Good busy, or bad busy?”

“Good busy.  Really good busy, for the most part actually.”

“Uh huh…” her mom led.  “And does Mr. Good have a name?”

Maggie couldn’t help but chuckle.  No matter how long between visits and the times they talk, her mom could always read her like a book. 

“Caleb.  His name is Caleb.”

“Good name.  I like it.”

“Good to know” she replied laughing.  “And how about you?  How have things been going?”

“Not too shabby.  I had a check-up last week that I’m waiting to hear back about.”


Maggie’s mom had been cancer free for around two years now, but still had to go for check-ups every six months.  Even though things were going great, she couldn’t help but worry each time she went in.  And in the world of cancer, it wasn’t considered clear and gone until she hit the five year mark.  It isn’t until that check-up when they say that
cancer you had is truly out of there.


“Did they say anything?” Maggie questioned.

“They took their sweet ass time looking at everything and rescanning, that’s for sure.  Something showed up.  Who knows though.  They said I should hear back
by the beginning of next week.”  Maggie’s mom brushed it off as if it were no big deal.  You can tell she just wanted to be done with all of this.  And really, could you blame her?  For Maggie though, it was like a kick to the gut when she heard her mom say that the tests showed something.  She instantly flashed back to what her mom had gone through with all of her treatments; the pain, nausea, tiredness.  And what Maggie herself had to go through; watching helplessly, knowing that all she could do was be there.  And it never felt like enough.

“Okay, well call me when you hear back from them.” She got out in an even tone.

“Will do.  And maybe one of these days I’ll be able to see your face!  I’m beginning to forget what you look like.”

“Oh, ever the drama queen.” Maggie replied with a smile.  “We’ll do lunch next weekend?  I have a delivery in your neck of the woods on Sunday.”

“Sure, sounds good.  Goodbye sweetie.”


With that, Maggie hung up the phone and felt herself sink in to the wall in front of her, her forehead resting against it as she tried her best to breathe deeply and evenly and to keep the tears at bay. 


Maggie would give anything for her mom.  If that meant moving back home to live with her and take care of her for however long it would take; she would do it.  And that scared her.  She did it willingly for almost three years, but if she were to be perfectly honest with herself, she
feel like she missed out on that time in her life.  Her mom had told her before that she felt guilty about that fact, but Maggie always shot it down and brushed it off.  She didn’t want her mom to worry about that, just to worry about getting better.  Maggie was at a point in her life though, personally and professionally, where she felt that everything was lining up and she knew that if she had to give that all up, she would, but that also petrified her because she could finally see things going the way she wanted. 


Maggie finished cleaning up her space and it wasn’t until she got home that the quiet hit her and with that, a release of tears streamed down her face.  She knew she would be there for her mom again, 100%, but she also knew that she couldn’t do this again.  She couldn’t take it, couldn’t see everything that she had to go through.  Nothing about this was fair. 


Picking up the phone, she dialed Caleb.  She knew he was on the road, but she needed him.  Fuck, she needed him to hold her, to rub her back.  Her mind had cleared of everything else, all the trivial things that had been keeping her clouded.  She didn’t even really need him to say anything, just to be there.  But after the first ring, his voice mail picked up.  She must have hit redial five times before she knew it was no use.  He was probably finishing up a gig or hanging out with his buddies.  She couldn’t remember his schedule. 


She threw her phone down on the couch beside her in defeat.  The minute it hit the cushion, it started ringing.  She let out a sigh of relief and answered it without even looking at the caller ID.

“Baby, I need you.” She managed to choke out through her sniffles.

“Maggie?” the voice on the other end questioned.  A voice that stopped her in her tracks.  “I was just calling about the plans we talked about yesterday…”

“Danny.  I, umm…” she said, trying to compose herself.  “I thought you were Caleb, sorry.  Uh, look, now’s not really a good time.  Do you think we could talk tomorrow?”

“What’s wrong?” he questioned.

“Not your concern.” Her answer coming out much colder than she intended.

“What is wrong?” Danny questioned again, this time much more demanding, yet still filled with sincerity that had him even questioning where it came from.


Maggie let out a huge exhale and spoke only three words;

“It’s my mom.” Before hearing shuffling on the other end, followed by a door closing.

“Are you at home?  Text me the address, I’ll be there in 10.”


When Maggie had told
Danny a brief blurb that night at the studio that her mom had been sick, he just nodded and allowed her to explain that that was the reason for her moving home for a couple years.  He didn’t ask any questions, he didn’t pry, he figured that if she really wanted him to know, she would tell him.  It wasn’t any of his business; especially given they really didn’t have much of a friendship to go on at this point.    But when he heard her on the other end of the phone, he knew she couldn’t be left alone and he sat, staring at his phone for a good five minutes before he finally got the text telling him where to go. 


When she opened the door, his first reaction was that he couldn’t stand to see her face look like that.  Even though her eyes were swollen and her skin blotchy from the tears, she still looked beautiful he thought. 


No, it was the look of desperation that he found unsettling.  Desperate for an answer?  Some way to make it all okay.  And she was trying so hard to hide it.  When Maggie stepped aside and let him in, he didn’t know what to do.  This was a new situation for him.  Yeah, he had been there for his friends when they needed him, but the mostly male contingent usually just required a few beers and a pat on the back before they bucked up.  Danny could clearly see this went beyond that.

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