Righteous Obsession (18 page)

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Authors: Rose Riker

BOOK: Righteous Obsession
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Caitlin and her father waited until the crowd had
thinned out before they attempted to leave.

“So, what did you think, Daddy?”

“I thought both bands put on a really good show.”

 “Do you think Jemma’s right about your looking like
Colin when you were younger?”  She teased.

Jeff laughed.  “I wish I had been as good looking as

“I sure had a good time tonight, Daddy! I wouldn’t
have this much fun if I’d come alone.  Thanks for coming with me.”

 “I did, too, and it certainly doesn’t hurt to try something
new every now and then.” He smiled and teased her, “So which band member do you
have a passionate crush on?”

“Daddy!”  Caitlin squealed.  “They’re all good looking
in their own ways but…” She sighed.  “I really think Liam is so cute!”  She was
silent for a second then remarked, “They sure don’t look anything alike for
being brothers, do they?”

“It could be that Colin looks like one parent and his
brother like the other one.”

“That’s true.  Their father’s the attorney general of
California and their mom’s an attorney, too.”

“That’s interesting,” Jeff commented absently.

They were finally able to leave the arena.  The
demonstrators were no longer out front and appeared to have left.  Though it
had stopped raining, it was chilly.  Caitlin was glad she’d taken her jacket. 
As Jeff pulled out of the parking lot, she asked him, “Did you hear or see
anything that should concern mom or Dave?”

Jeff shook his head.  “No, some of the songs could be
termed very erotic, but I’m sure none of them could be labeled as pornographic
or demonic by any stretch of the imagination.”

“Mom and Dave wouldn’t like the announcement Colin
made at the end of the show.”

“Well, I have to admire him for caring enough about
the safety of his fans to do it.”

Caitlin sighed.  “I suppose they’ll be waiting up,
ready to pounce on us and start preaching.”

“I think after walking a picket line for most of the
day, they’ll be too tired and tomorrow it won’t matter anymore.”

“I hope you’re right, Daddy.”

















Chapter 15


Colin and McGregor walked along quickly.  Being tall
and long-legged, they could cover quit a bit of ground in a short time.  It was
damp and chilly.  Colin’s long hair was tucked underneath his jacket and his
hands stuck in the pockets.  They had just entered the Nicolett Mall when they
heard footsteps running up behind them and a breathless voice calling, “Colin,

Colin turned as Deb, panting and her full breasts
heaving noticeably, caught up to them.  McGregor stepped in front of him and
directed, “Okay, Miss, turn around and go back to the arena.”

“Come on, McGregor,” Colin argued.  “She’s alone and I
don’t feel right sending her off by herself.”  He noticed that she was
shivering.  “Jesus!  Don’t you have a coat?”

“I didn’t wear one,” Debbie replied, her teeth

Colin took off his jacket and put it around her
shoulders.  He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and wouldn’t get cold in the
short distance to their hotel.  He turned back to McGregor.  “Look, we’ll walk
her to our hotel and she can call a cab from there.”

McGregor shrugged and spread his hands in a resigned
gesture.  “It’s your decision, Colin.”

They continued on their way across the mall.  Suddenly
there was a loud roar behind them.  “Look out!”  McGregor yelled.

Colin heard Deb’s terrified screams as she saw the car
bearing down on them.  He shoved her out of its path and dived after her just
as the car swept past.  He and Deb crashed into the midst of an attractively
landscaped area of the mall.  McGregor wasn’t so lucky and they heard the
sickening sound of the car knocking him aside.  Colin saw the car momentarily
slow.  When she saw that, Deb started to cry out, but it died quickly when
Colin clapped his hand over her mouth and pulled her close to him.  The car
suddenly sped up again and with a screech of its tires, tore out of sight.

Colin dropped his hand away from Deb’s mouth.  “I’m
sorry I had to do that.  Are you all right?”

“I’m okay, I think!”  Debbie replied.  She shivered
violently and pulled closer to Colin.

“I’m going to see how badly McGregor’s hurt.  You stay

“No!”  She grabbed his arm.  “He might come back!”

“I don’t think they’ll risk it.  Stay here and you’ll
be fine.”  He got up and ran over to where McGregor lay.  He could see he had a
broken arm and a nasty looking cut on his forehead.  He was going to call on
his cell, but then remembered he’s left it in his room. He looked around for a
pay phone, but the nearest one was on the next block and he didn’t know if it
was safe to leave McGregor and Deb alone.  He heard footsteps hurrying up
behind him and turned swiftly, frightening a young woman.  “I’m sorry I didn’t
mean to scare you.”

“Do you need an ambulance?”  She asked him.


“My husband’s calling 911.” She pointed to a black BMW
parked at the curb.

“Thanks,” Colin replied, nodding.

An ambulance and two patrol cars arrived within
minutes of the call.  Debbie felt safe enough to crawl out of her hiding place
and stand by Colin.

Colin heard another loud squeal and saw a familiar
limousine come to a jolting halt where the BMW had been previously.  “Shit!” 
He muttered.

Steve, followed by Mace and Liam, came running up to
them.  “Colin, what the hell happened to McGregor?”  He demanded, looking from
Colin to the police officer standing next to him.

“You are?”  The police officer asked politely.

“I’m Steve Crowley, his manager,” Steve replied,
nodding at Colin.

“Are you all right, Colin?”  Liam asked.

“He is,” Colin confirmed.  “Somebody tried to run us
down.  I was able to get out of the way, but McGregor couldn’t.” He gave Liam a
quick hug, “I’m fine.”

“How badly is he hurt?”  Steve asked.

“One arm might be broken and he has a cut on his head,
but other than that…”  Colin shrugged.

The paramedics were getting ready to transport
McGregor to the hospital.  Colin turned to the police officer.  “Can we finish
this at the hospital?”

“I’ll go with McGregor, Colin,” Steve said.  “You go
back to the hotel and I’ll call you as soon as they know anything definite.” 
Colin nodded reluctantly and Steve turned back to Mace and Liam.  “You guys go
back to the hotel, too, find Jake and tell him his ass is going to be grass
when this is over!”

“I’ll see that Colin gets back to his hotel safely,”
The police officer assured Steve.

“Fine.”  Steve climbed into the ambulance and it pulled
away from the scene, lights flashing.

“Are you sure you’re all right, Colin?” Liam asked

He appeared frightened and Colin tried to reassure him
with a smile.  “I’m fine except for a few scrapes and bruises.  Go back to the
hotel and don’t worry.  I’ll be along as soon as I’m done here.”

Liam nodded, if somewhat reluctantly and said, “Okay,
Colin.”  He stopped suddenly as something occurred to him.  “Do you want me to
call mom and dad?”

“You’d better let me do it.  They’ll take it better if
they hear it from me.”

“You’re probably right.”

After everybody had left, the police officer pulled
out his notebook and started to question Colin and Debbie.  “Did either of you
see the car that tried to hit you?”

Colin shook his head regretfully.  “I just caught a
glimpse of it.  I can’t tell you the make or the model, but it was a light
color.  I know that isn’t helping much.”

“What about you, Miss?”

Debbie shook her head and whispered, “I’m sorry.  It
all happened so fast.”

The officer nodded sympathetically.  “I understand,
but if you recall anything you think might be important, please don’t hesitate
to call me.”  He gave them each one of his cards.

“I’ll be leaving tomorrow, but here’s my cell phone
number if you have any other questions,” Colin said.   He frowned suddenly. 
“There are a couple of things I should mention.  I don’t know if they have
anything to do with what happened here.”  He shrugged.  “We had some trouble at
the concert tonight from a couple of these self-proclaimed morality groups,
Purity in Programming and Families for Moral Values.  Four of them rushed the
lobby, attempting to wreck some of the booths set up there.  Maybe a dozen
others tried to block our limousine from getting into the arena and nearly
started a riot.”

“Are you accusing them of this?”

“Maybe, it wasn’t deliberate.  They might’ve been
trying to scare us and made a really bad miscalculation – I don’t know.”

“I’ll look into it.”

Father Michaels pulled into a space in the hotel
garage and shut off his engine.  He remained inside, his hands gripping the
steering wheel.  He was extremely angry.  God had given him the perfect
opportunity to execute Colin and he had botched it completely!  He took a deep
breath and got out of his car.  He checked the front carefully.  The side that
had hit Colin’s bodyguard showed some slight damage.  He would be leaving early
and would have his car repaired somewhere other than Minneapolis or
Brunsville.  He entered the garage-level elevators and got out on the fifteenth
floor.  There was a different security guard, but he showed his key and he
allowed him to pass.   He expected to walk into the middle of a full-scale
orgy, but it was quiet.   The cries and moans, emanating from inside one room,
did suggest something extremely sinful was happening.  Sickened, Father
Michaels unlocked his door and went inside.  He hung the
sign on the door then closed and chain-locked it.  Without turning on the
lights he made his way out on the balcony.  A tarpaulin protected the tools and
other equipment he’d seen earlier. He removed the ladder, placed it between the
two balconies and scrambled across, landing lightly on Colin’s balcony.  He saw
that Colin had left the lights on with sliding glass door all the way open and
the curtain half-drawn.  Only the locked screen door prevented him from
entering the room.  Just then he heard the phone start to ring.

Colin and Debbie were just getting out of the
elevator.   “Look, you can stay in my room tonight and I’ll stay in
McGregor’s.  They walked down the hallway and he could hear his phone ringing. 
“Shit!  That’s probably Steve!”  Colin sprinted to his door, opened it and ran
inside.  He grabbed up his cell.  “Hello?”

Debbie came in, removed Colin’s jacket and tossed it
over a chair then sat down on the bed and removed her T-strap high heels.  When
Colin hung up, she asked, “Was that your manager?”

“Yeah, he said McGregor’s going to be fine.” Colin
exhaled in relief.

Suddenly Debbie burst into tears, a delayed reaction
to how close she’d come to almost being killed.

Colin put his arms around her and held her until she
stopped crying.  Debbie was almost as tall as Alethea and he could feel her
breasts pressing against his chest.

“I’m sorry,” She apologized softly, wiping her eyes
with her hand.

“It’s okay,” Colin answered.  He lifted her face up to
his and kissed her.  Debbie responded eagerly, kissing him and pressing her
body close to his.  He gently lowered her down on the bed and stripped off her
camisole, tossing it on the floor then removed the rest of her clothes.  He
quickly got rid of his own clothes and lay beside her.  He caressed her
breasts, licking and sucking on her nipples until they were hard.  His hand
slid up her thigh and buried itself between her legs, feeling her wetness.  He
wetted the nub of her clit with her own juices and teased it until she was
aching with her need for him.  Debbie cried out suddenly and writhed, arching
her body and bringing her knees up reflexively as her first orgasm rushed
through her.  She fell back panting, her face flushed.  After a few minutes she
rolled Colin over on his back and began kissing his chest and caressing his
nipples with her tongue, causing him to groan loudly.  She could feel his
semi-erect penis resting against her pussy.  She sat up and began rubbing up
and down over his stomach and his penis, coating him with her juices.  She felt
his penis growing hard underneath her.

“Jesus, God!”  Colin yelled, gripping the headboard
with both hands.  Suddenly a warning bell went off in his mind and he struggled
to sit up.  He was panting heavily.  “Have to use a condom,” He gasped.  He
motioned to the night stand drawer.

“Let me!”  Debbie said.  She reached into the drawer
and brought out a condom.  She attempted to put it on him, but fumbled it in
her haste and excitement and Colin had to help her.  He rolled her over and
plunged his face between her legs.  Debbie cried out as she felt him sucking on
her clit.  She clutched the bedspread, thrashing her head from side to side as
she felt his tongue darting in and out of her.  “Do it! Do it!”  She gasped,
spreading her legs widely.  Colin shifted his body so he was directly over her
then thrust himself into her tight, quivering center.  He felt her close around
him and pull him deeply inside her.

Debbie screamed with pleasure as she felt him slide
inside her.  “Fuck me, Colin, fuck me hard!”  She tightened her knees around
him, rocking her body while raking her long nails down his back, tearing the
skin and drawing blood.

Colin thrust hard and deep, enjoying her cries and
sighs of pleasure he evoked with each thrust and the expression of blissful
abandonment on her face.  Debbie screamed loudly as she came and arched her
body against Colin, her hands gripping his ass so she could hold him as deeply
as possible inside her.  Colin yelled loudly as he climaxed, his body
shuddering and bucking as he came.  He went limp, collapsing on top of her. 
Debbie lay under him, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the ebbs of her orgasm.

Shocked, Father Michaels could only stare in
disbelief.  Not only had Colin and Debbie fornicated openly, without drawing
the curtains or turning off the light, they had done it loudly, letting
everyone within hearing range know how much they enjoyed themselves!  He, of
course, knew the Church blessed and encouraged intercourse between married
Catholic couples, but only for procreation.  What he had witnessed Colin and
Debbie doing was bestial, perverted and a mortal sin.  It was obvious to him
that Debbie was a willing, even eager, participant in this sordid perversion!
With a last look at them, he moved quickly and quietly, scrambling back across
the ladder to his balcony.

Debbie lifted her head and whispered to Colin, “Did
you hear that?”

“Hear what?”  Colin said, burying his face in her
breasts.  He began caressing them and stroking her nipples with his tongue.

“Nothing!”  She gasped, clutching a handful of his

After stowing the ladder back under the tarpaulin,
Father Michaels stumbled back into his room and collapsed on the bed.  He was
reeling with the events he’d just witnessed.  The sudden realization hit him –
not only would he have to execute Colin, but Debbie, too!






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