Righteous Obsession (15 page)

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Authors: Rose Riker

BOOK: Righteous Obsession
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“Colin, in the past rockers, among them Steve Pearcy,
Kip Winger, Jesse James Dupree and Peter Steele have posed for Playgirl
magazine.  If they asked you, would you do it?”

Colin ducked his head, his earring jangling. 
“Probably, but I don’t really think they’d ask me.  I think they’d prefer
somebody who’s a little more exhibitionistic – like Jake!”

“I’d definitely do it if they asked!”  Jake confirmed

“You know, Rock Hard gets a lot of letters from your
fans asking why you have only one ear pierced and why, unlike most rockers, you
don’t even have one tattoo, Colin.  I always say I don’t know, but I’d ask you
the next time I saw you.”

Colin shrugged.  “I just never got around to having
the other ear done and as to the tattoo questions, they don’t really appeal to
me and more importantly my girlfriend doesn’t like them.”  While what he said
was basically true, the main reason was that he hated needles of any kind and
fainted every time he caught sight of one.  He wasn’t about to share that fact
with the whole world!

“I don’t suppose you’d like to give us further details
about this lady of yours?”

Colin was pretty sure that Jazz knew about Alethea and
his relationship.  He shook his head.  “No, I’d rather not.  She’s a very
private person and I’d like to make sure her privacy isn’t disturbed.”

“We can accept that,” Jazz nodded.  He and the band
members went on to discuss their new CD and their current tour.

They spent the rest of the afternoon doing a brief
sound check.  Jazz went outside to interview some of the fans that were waiting
in line for the concert that night.

When Colin left the Whiskey by the stage entrance, at
six, he saw the line of fans now stretched around the block.  Alethea was
standing by her car and waved at him as he came outside.  He noticed immediately
that she had changed her clothes.  She now wore a colorful print dress with a
scoop neckline, short puffed sleeves and a full skirt that came to just below
her knees.  Her hair was loose and pulled away from her face with a barrette.

“Hi!”  She gave him a kiss.

“You look gorgeous!  What’s the occasion?”

“I just felt like dressing up.”

“Where are we eating?”  Colin asked as he got into her

“How about that seafood place out by the beach?”

“Sounds good.”  He didn’t think he was going to have
much of an appetite anyway – at least not for food!  The sun was directly in
his eyes so he slipped on his sunglasses.  From behind their concealment, he
covertly studied Alethea.  Though the neckline of her dress was modest, even
plain, it showed off her breasts to a definite advantage and he had no trouble
discerning she wore no bra.  When she’d gotten into her car, her dress had slid
up revealing the lacy top of one of her stockings.  He noticed that she wasn’t
wearing anything artificial to hold them in place.  He speculated on what, if
anything, she was wearing underneath.  The scent of his favorite perfume
drifted over to him.

Alethea pulled into the parking lot of the
restaurant.  She got out of the car and stood waiting for Colin.  The sunlight
showed through the thin material of her dress and he could see that she wore a
slip but could not see what was underneath that.

“Are you coming?”  She asked, holding out her hand to

“Yes.”  He got out of the car, hurriedly pulling down
his shirt over the too obvious bulge in his jeans.

Alethea noticed and smiled as Colin took her hand and
they walked into the restaurant.

Once they were seated Colin continued to speculate on
what Alethea might or might not be wearing under her dress.  Maybe, she wore
the brief, silky panties she favored or maybe the silk G-string she surprised
him with recently.  Maybe, she wore nothing.

“If you keep staring at me like this your going to
make me blush,” Alethea spoke softly.

Colin took her hand and placed it over his erection.  “That’s
how much I want you!”

“If you only knew how wet I am with wanting you,” she
whispered then suggested, “We can skip dinner …”

He considered this for a moment then shook his head
regretfully, “No, I don’t like to have to watch the clock when we’re making

“I agree.  I guess we wait until after the show.”  She
said as the waitress brought their food.

They quickly finished dinner and were soon on their
way back at the Whiskey.  Colin was silent for most of the drive.

Alethea touched his hand.  “What are you thinking

Colin pointed at the kids lining the street.  “I was
thinking that probably at least a quarter of those kids will be dead by this
time next year.  I can’t understand why nobody seems to give a fuck about

“Realistically, Colin, what can be done?  You can’t
keep kids from running away from home.  You can offer them help, but you can’t
force them to take it if they don’t want it.”

He sighed.  “I know, but if I ever find out that one
of my fans is headed for the streets I’m going to do everything in my power to
turn them around!”

“If that ever happens I hope you’ll be able to do it.”

As they walked in the stage entrance they saw Mace,
Jake and Liam standing with Jazz and Unforgiven’s tour manager, Russ.  Steve
had remained in San Francisco to tie up some loose ends and had left Russ
temporarily in charge of the band.  All eyes were on Alethea as she stood with
Colin’s arm around her and it made her feel a bit self-conscious.  Colin led
her over to them and said, “Mace, Jake, I’d like you to meet my fiancée,
Alethea Ford.”

To describe Mace and Jake as being surprised was
probably the understatement of the century!  Colin stifled a laugh at their

Mace found his voice first.  “I’m happy to meet you,
Alethea.  Congratulations!”

“Me, too, on both counts,” Jake said then asked,
“Colin, do you mind if I give Alethea a kiss?”

Colin smiled.  “If Alethea doesn’t mind and as long as
you don’t make a habit of it.”

Liam kissed Alethea and gave her a big hug. 
“Congratulations!  I’m sure glad Colin didn’t let you get away!”

“Thanks, Liam,” Alethea replied, squeezing his hand.

Jazz gave Alethea a hug.  “Congratulations, you two! 
I’m happy for you even though it means I’ll be losing one of my best correspondents.”

Colin knew that Alethea loved her career as much as he
did his.  “I don’t see why Alethea needs to quit after we’re married,” Colin
said.  “Couldn’t we could connect my computer to Rock Hard’s network so she
could still work?” He looked at Alethea. “If you want to, I mean.”

“I definitely do,” Alethea affirmed.

“That’s doable and I’m glad because I don’t want to
loose her – not even to you, dude!”

Russ came over to where everybody was standing and
said, “It sounds like the fans are getting restless so we’d better get this
show on the road.”

“We’re ready, Russ,” Colin said.  He fitted on his
headset, grabbed his guitar from Clem and gave Alethea a kiss.

Jake picked up his bass and slung the strap over his
shoulder while Mace stood tapping his drumsticks against his thigh.

Jazz had volunteered to introduce them.  “For
everybody here tonight – Unforgiven!”

Alethea stood beside Jazz for the whole concert.  She
watched, fascinated, as Colin teased and flirted with the audience, slowly
drawing them towards a climax.  She bit her lip thoughtfully.  He seemed like a
different person when performing – much more intense than usual.  One thing was
certain, he was incredibly sexy and she couldn’t take her eyes off him or wait
until the end of the concert.

After the band’s last song, Colin let his guitar slide
around behind him and said, “One last thing, people, if you’re planning on
having sex or even considering having it, be smart!  Protect yourselves and
your partner – use a condom!  Goodnight!”

Jazz came out and announced, “Thanks to Unforgiven for
the great concert tonight! Bands appearing at the Whiskey next week include
Righteous Revenge and Dancing Ovaries.  In the meantime remember to keep one
foot in the gutter and one fist in the gold! Goodnight! Jazz yelled, adopting
the closing expression coined by former MTV VJ, Rikki Rachtman.

Colin walked backstage, picked Alethea up and swung
her around.

Colin!”  She squealed and he put her down again.

“So, did you like the concert?”

“Definitely!  I thought the lead singer was very

“Ready to go?”

 “More than ready!”

As they were leaving, Russ called to them.  “Just a
reminder, Colin.  Remember we leave at exactly ten o’clock tomorrow morning.”

Colin rolled his eyes and muttered to Alethea,
“Christ!  He sounds more like Crowley every day!”  He put his arm around her as
they walked to her car.  He turned so he was facing her and said, “Well, I’m
all yours!”   In the dim light he could see her pulse on her neck was beating
rapidly and he kissed it gently.

“What are we waiting for?”  She asked breathlessly.

The drive home took even less time than the drive in
had taken since that late at night there was less traffic.  No sooner had they
gotten into the house when Alethea pulled Colin into the bedroom, pushed him
down on the bed, and tore open his shirt.

“I should take a shower …” Colin protested.

“Hush!”  She commanded.  She slid her hands down his
chest to the bulge in his jeans.  “Let’s see what’s behind door number three!” 
She undid his jeans and freed his semi-erect penis that she slowly began to
stroke.  He quickly became fully erect.

Colin groaned and pulled Alethea to him, kissing her
mouth and her neck.  He unzipped her dress, tugging it and her slip halfway
down, baring her breasts that he kissed and stroked with his tongue until her
nipples stood erect.

Alethea returned his kisses with such a burning
passion she felt she’d go crazy if she couldn’t have him inside her right this
instant.  She whimpered as she felt him throbbing against her.

Colin pushed her dress aside and his hands slid up her
silky thighs to discover the answer to the question he’d wondered about all
evening.  There was only a thin piece of silk, already soaked with Alethea’s
juices, between him and what he desired most.  He gently rolled her over and
untied the satin ribbons that held her G-string in place and tossed it aside.

She moaned and writhed as she felt his lips leisurely
exploring her, tasting her and stroking her until her desire for him was
unbearable.  “Colin!  Hurry!”  She gasped.  “I want to feel you inside of me!” 
She felt his hands slide under her hips, lifting them.  She bent her knees and
spread her legs, wantonly urging him to finish what he’d started.

Colin needed no more encouragement and plunged deeply
inside of her.  He heard her cry out, felt her arms tighten around him and her
fingernails dig into his shoulder.

The room that had been comfortably cool became hot and
steamy, smelling pungently of sex, as Colin and Alethea rolled around on her
bed seeking the ultimate amount of pleasure.

He was hyper-aware of Alethea’s scent, her breasts
that pressed against his chest, the feel of her soft skin and silky hair.  He
felt her tighten around him and knew she was close to orgasm.  One deep thrust
tipped her over the edge.

Alethea cried out and clutched him, gasping and
straining against him as a massive wave of pleasure swept through her body. 
She heard Colin cry out, felt his body jerk several times and felt a familiar
gush of warm liquid filling her.  They collapsed against each other, sweaty and
breathing heavily.  Colin got up, after a few moments, undressed then lay back
down beside Alethea.

“Colin, would you mind?”  Alethea motioned behind her.

“Sure.  Roll over a bit – there.”  He unzipped her
dress all the way.  “Sit up for a second, would you?”

Alethea did as he requested, leaning against him as he
pulled her dress and slip over her head then tossed them over a chair.  He
laughed.  “You know, I’m never going to be able to look at that dress again
without getting a hard-on!”  He peeled off her stockings, lay next to her and
pulled the comforter over them.  He ran his hand up her leg.  “I’ll bet I never
told you I have a thing for lace thigh highs,” he teased, kissing her shoulder.

“You mean you have a fetish?”  She teased him back.

“Yeah.  They really turn me on.  What can I say?”

“I’m glad I wore them,” She replied sleepily.  She
sighed and buried her face in Colin’s chest.

He listened to her soft breathing and found himself
being lulled to sleep by it.  He didn’t know how long he’d been asleep when he
suddenly awoke to find Alethea kissing him and her hands stroking him, bringing
him fully and lustily erect.  “You little witch!”  He gasped as she climbed on
top of him and he felt himself sliding into the wet warmth between her legs. 
“God!”  She quickly brought them both to an explosive climax.  He heard her cry
out and felt her body shaking.  He groaned loudly and clutched her hips as her
body shook violently.  Alethea fell limply on top of him and lay panting, her
breasts heaving against his chest.  Colin could feel his heart thudding and his
breath was coming in ragged gasps.  They lay quietly for several minutes,
waiting for things to return to normal.

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