Righteous Obsession (32 page)

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Authors: Rose Riker

BOOK: Righteous Obsession
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“Colin’s out of surgery.  I’ve repaired both his major
and minor injuries successfully.”

“That’s good news then, isn’t it?”  Jazz asked.

“Yes, but he’s lost a great deal of blood and he’s
extremely weak.  The next twelve hours are critical and if he survives those,
he’s got a fighting chance, barring any post-surgical complications.”  He
noticed their apprehensive expressions and added, “Colin’s young, strong, and
in excellent health.”  He smiled at them. “And he has some very strong
motivations for living.”

“When can we see Colin?”  Amanda asked.

“As soon as he’s out of recovery you can see him, but
only for a few minutes and I’m limiting it to immediate family only.  I’ll send
somebody to get you when Colin’s out of recovery.”

“Thank you, Doctor Trumbull, you’ve been very kind,”
Peter said.

Alethea hurried after him as he left the waiting area
and called, “Doctor Trumbull?”

He stopped and turned.  “Yes …Alethea?”

“I want to stay with Colin while he’s in recovery.  I
promise I won’t get in the way or panic.  I just want to be with my husband.”

Doctor Trumbull considered her request for a moment
then raised his eyebrows and replied, “Well, it’s strictly against hospital
policy, but I’m going to allow it.  I think you’re exactly what Colin needs
right now.”  He led Alethea to a room where a nurse helped her scrub then get
into a surgical gown and mask before taking her into the recovery room.

Alethea gasped as she saw Colin.  He was so white
that, except for his dark hair and lashes, she wouldn’t have been able to
distinguish him from the pillow underneath his head.  She picked up his hand,
noticing, not for the first time, how long and slender his fingers were. She
wrapped both her hands around his.  “Colin?”  She whispered.  There was no
discernible reaction from him except that she noticed on the heart monitor that
his heartbeat had increased slightly when she spoke to him.  She brushed back
his hair and stroked his face.  “You’re going to be fine.  Liam’s fine, too,
and he said to tell you he’s pulling for you.  I’m staying with you every
minute and help you get through this.”  She squeezed his hand.  “I love you!”

It was almost an hour before a nurse came, got Peter
and Amanda and led them to the intensive care unit.  “Have you seen our
daughter-in-law?”  Amanda asked the nurse.  “We don’t know where she is.”

“Don’t worry, she’s fine.  She’s been in recovery with
your son.  Doctor Trumbull gave her permission to be there.”

Doctor Trumbull stood by the nurse’s station, writing
on a chart.  He straightened up as he saw them coming and motioned for them to
wait.  “I just want to prepare you, before you see Colin so you won’t be
shocked or frightened.  He’s hooked up to quite a few machines so we’re able to
monitor his condition constantly.”  He stopped in front of a window.  “His room
is here and if you look in, you can see what I’m talking about.”

Amanda looked in, paled and wavered on her feet. 
Peter steadied her and led her over to an area where she could sit.

“Are you all right, Mrs. Matthews?”

“Yes.  I’m sorry.  Colin’s always been so healthy –
he’s never been hospitalized for anything.”

“That’s quite understandable,” Doctor Trumbull

Alethea appeared and sat down beside Amanda.  “How are
you doing, Amanda?”

“I’m okay, now.”

“How is Colin, Alethea?”  Peter asked.

“He’s awfully pale and his skin feels clammy, but…”
She looked up at them, her eyes shining.  “I think he can hear me when I talk
to him.”

“How can you be sure?”  Peter asked.

“Every time I’ve talked to him I’ve noticed on the
heart monitor that his heartbeat increases slightly.  Watch the monitor when
you talk to him.”

“We will.  Are you ready to see Colin now, Mandy?”

Amanda nodded and took hold of her husband’s arm as
they entered Colin’s room.  They were back in a few moments, smiling and
looking relieved.   “You’re right, Alethea!  I’m sure Colin can hear us.  We
watched the monitor and his heartbeat did increase every time Peter or I spoke
to him.”

Louisa suddenly appeared, holding a folded piece of
paper in her hand.  “Alethea, the police found Colin’s rental car parked across
the street from that warehouse.  They found this note addressed to you propped
up on the dashboard.”  She handed the note to Alethea.

“It’s Colin’s writing.”  She unfolded it, scanned the
contents then burst into tears and dropped the note.  Peter caught it as it
fluttered to the floor.

“What does it say?”  Louisa asked.

“It’s from Colin.  He’s telling Alethea how much he
loves her.”  Peter skipped the more intimate parts.  “He’s apologizing for
going after Liam the way he did, but says he knew she’d insist on going with
him and he couldn’t risk her getting hurt or killed.  He’s telling her no
matter what happens, he’ll never stop loving her and he’s asking her to tell us
and Liam that he loves us in case he doesn’t make it back.”

Amanda bit her trembling lips to keep herself from
crying aloud, but tears streamed down her face.  Peter’s eyes were also moist. 
Alethea got herself under control, stood up and announced, “I’m going to stay
all night with Colin.”

“Mandy and I will be in the waiting room and whenever you
want to take a rest, we’ll sit with Colin.”

Alethea nodded then disappeared back into Colin’s
room.  She kissed him and took hold of his hand.  “I’m back and I’m going to be
with you all night.”

In the corridor, Amanda gave a sigh and sagged against
Peter.  She glanced at the police officer sitting outside of Colin’s room. 
“It’s so hard to believe that our sons are still in danger from that psycho!”

“I know, Mandy, but Detective Wickersham is making
sure they’re safe.”

“I’m so frightened, Peter.”

He put his arm around Amanda and pulled her close to
him.  “Everything’s going to work out.  Why don’t we go to the waiting room and
try to rest.”

Louisa walked with them.  “I think I’ll go home, but
if you need anything at all, please give us a call.”

“Thank you, Louisa,” Amanda said.  She sat down on the
couch, kicked off her pumps and curled her feet underneath her.

Peter went to get them some coffee.  He was back in a
few moments with two cups, one of which he handed to her.  “This stuff is so
weak; it probably doesn’t have much kick to it.”

“I don’t care.  It’s hot and I’m so cold.”

Peter put his arm around her and she rested her head
on his shoulder.  He yawned and scrubbed at his face.  Suddenly, he sat up
straight and said, “My God!”

“What’s wrong?”  Amanda asked in alarm.

“We’d better call our parents, and Dick and Angie
right away about Colin before they hear it somewhere else.”

“Lord, yes!  I never even thought of them!”

“Well, there isn’t anything we could have told them
until now, Mandy.  I don’t know how I’m going to tell them.  They’ll be
absolutely distraught!”

“We’ll tell them Colin’s came through the surgery okay
and he’s holding his own and Liam suffered only minor injuries and will be
dismissed tomorrow.”

“They’ll want to fly out here because if …” Peter
paused and took a deep breath. “If Colin doesn’t make it and they weren’t here,
they’ll never forgive themselves.”

“Nothing’s going to happen to Colin.  He’s going to be
just fine.”












Chapter 26


Colin opened his eyes and looked around him.  He knew
immediately he was in a hospital, but he didn’t have any memory of how he’d
gotten here.  His eyes widened and his heart started to race as the possibility
of a car accident or of their plane crashing occurred to him.  He tried to get
up, but a jolt of pain so bad it felt as if a lightning bolt had hit him and
shot through his right side.  He fell back, biting back a cry of pain.  He
tried to think but his mind was foggy and moving slower than molasses.  He
silently recited the verses to
Ruins of Love
in an attempt to calm
himself.  A picture of him singing the song at the concert popped into his head
and of the fans standing on their feet cheering and clapping wildly after the
final encore.  He saw himself turning around and seeing Mace and Jake, but
instead of Liam, Jodi Crane was playing his keyboards.  Suddenly the fog that
had shrouded his mind dissipated and he could recall everything: His and
Alethea’s wedding, Liam’s disappearance and Liam’s kidnapper.  Finally, he
relived his stabbing vividly, feeling the knife being thrust into him, seeing
his assailant’s look of ecstasy and feeling it being wrenched out of him
again.  Colin closed his eyes and a groan slipped out of him.


He opened his eyes and saw Alethea’s worried face
hovering above him.  She stroked his face.  “Are you in pain?”  He tried to
speak but nothing came out, but a croak.  “I’ll be right back.”  She was back
in a second, holding a plastic cup with a straw in it.  “Here, take a sip of
water.”  Colin took a small sip then a second one.  “Better?”  Alethea asked,
setting the cup aside.

He nodded then whispered, “Liam?”

“He suffered minor injuries and they kept him
overnight for observation, but he’s supposed to get out later today.”

Colin nodded. It was too much of an effort to talk.

“Do you remember what happened to you?”

He nodded.  “Stabbed.”  His hand moved restlessly over
the covers and he could feel the thickness of the bandage that covered his

Alethea nodded.  “Yes.  You were in surgery for over
two hours while Doctor Trumbull repaired the damages, but he said you’re going
to make a full recovery.”

“Catch …him?”

“No, but McGregor wounded him and the police think
it’ll slow him down and make him easier to apprehend.”

“So tired,” Colin mumbled.

“I know, but can you stay awake for a few more

He nodded again.

Alethea tapped on the window of the intensive care
unit and motioned to Colin’s parents. They hurried into the room.  Amanda
brushed back his hair and gave him a kiss on his forehead.  “How are you? 
We’ve been so worried about you.”

Colin nodded and tried to smile.  “Been better.”

Peter squeezed his hand and gave him a kiss.  “Do you
have any pain?”

“Little,” He admitted, “Really …tired.”

“We’ll let you go back to sleep.  It’s what will do
you the most good,” Alethea replied.

“Okay.”  He replied and closed his eyes again, but
before he dropped off the sleep, he mumbled, “So …glad you’re here.”

Amanda stroked Colin’s forehead then looked up at
Peter and Alethea and said, “Colin’s forehead feels hot to me.”

Peter placed his hand on Colin’s forehead.  “Yes he
does, but I think it’s because they’ve got three blankets covering him.”

Alethea felt his forehead.  “He does feel hot, but
it’s certainly an improvement over last night when he felt so terribly clammy.”

A nurse came in to take Colin’s temperature and blood
pressure.  They had been coming in every half-hour since he’d gotten out of

“Good morning,” Doctor Trumbull said as he entered the
room.  “How is Colin doing?”  He took the chart the nurse handed him and
studied it.

“His color’s a lot better and he was awake briefly,”
Alethea said.

“Good.  That’s a very good sign.”

The nurse led them out into the hallway.  “Doctor
Trumbull will speak to you as soon as he finishes examining Colin.”

It was several minutes before Doctor Trumbull came out
of his room again.  “How’s Colin, Doctor?”  Alethea asked.

“Well, his blood pressure has continued to rise and
it’s currently 110/70.  That’s the good news.  The bad news is his temperature
is also up, not significantly, but still above normal.”

“Does it mean Colin’s developing an infection?”  Peter

“The possibility was always there.  I’ve had him on a
wide-spectrum antibiotic since he came out of surgery, but I’m ordering a blood
culture done.  Once I get back the results I’ll decide then whether or not to
increase the antibiotic he’s currently on or switch him to a different one.  In
the meantime he’s not in any immediate danger.  Why don’t you have breakfast,
get some rest, and I’ll check back with you when I’ve gotten the test results.”

“Thank you, Doctor,” Peter replied.  He turned back to
his wife. “How does some breakfast sound, Mandy?  Alethea, you’re welcome to
join us.”

“I don’t know,” Alethea said as she looked into
Colin’s room.

“Colin’s asleep and he probably won’t wake up again
until later.  When did you eat last?” Amanda asked.

Alethea shook her head in a dazed manner, trying to

“I thought so.”  She took Alethea’s arm.  “You’d
better have some breakfast – no arguments.”

“But I don’t want to leave,” She protested.  “I’m
really not hungry anyway.”

At that moment Louisa and Beau came down the hallway. 
Louisa carried a bag and Beau was shaking his head in disbelief.  “Do you know
there’s close to three hundred people, mostly kids and young people waiting
outside the hospital?”

“I think they’re fans of Colin’s.  The news of his
stabbing has been all over our local news and it’s one of CNN’s top stories,”
Louisa added.

“Thank God, we called our families last night!”  Peter

“Louisa, we’re trying to convince Alethea she should
eat breakfast,” Amanda said.

“I can’t leave Colin alone.  What if he wakes up again
and none of us are there?”

“You won’t be gone that long and I’ll sit with Colin
until you come back.  If he does wake up I’ll tell him you’re having breakfast
and you’ll be back shortly.”  Sensing that Alethea was weakening, Louisa held
out the bag to her.  “We stopped by your hotel and picked up a change of
clothing for you.”

Alethea looked down, noticing her appearance for the
first time since Colin’s stabbing.  “I’m a mess!”  She sighed.  “Well, I am a
little bit hungry, I guess.  I’ll get cleaned up and changed and then we can
have breakfast.”

“I think I’ll join you for a cup of coffee,” Beau

Alethea was back in a few minutes, her clothing fresh
and feeling much better.  “Thanks, Mom, for doing this.”

“Thank you, Louisa for helping us to convince her.” 
Amanda said.

By the time they’d gotten back from breakfast Doctor
Trumbull had the results of Colin’s blood culture and had decided to go with a
different and stronger antibiotic.  “We’re lucky because we caught this
infection in its earliest stage.  It should respond well to this antibiotic and
it won’t lengthen his recovery period.”

Colin’s temperature continued to rise, but finally
leveled off at 102 degrees.  He woke up briefly when Liam stopped in to see
him.  “So glad you’re okay,” he whispered.

“I wouldn’t be if it wasn’t for you!  How are you?”

“I’ve been better, but I can’t complain,” he joked

“I’ll let you go back to sleep,” Liam said.  “I just
wanted to check on you.”

“Glad you did.  Sorry, I can’t seem to stay awake for
very long,” He apologized, his voice drifting off as he fell back to sleep.

Liam left Colin’s room with his parents.  “Is Colin
really going to be all right?”

“Yes, eventually.  He’s got a temperature and he’s on
a strong antibiotic.  That’s probably why he seems so groggy,” Amanda
explained.  “But he looks one hundred percent better than he did when he came
out of surgery last night.”

“Amen to that!”  Peter added.

Rather than fighting their way through the mob of
media people that had the hotel under siege Louisa had invited Peter, Amanda
and Liam to stay at their home.  “It’s a huge house and there’s plenty of
room.”  They accepted her offer gratefully.  Liam was grateful because he felt
more secure there than he would have felt in the hotel even with his bodyguard
and the hotel security guards.  Peter and Amanda didn’t worry about leaving him
alone because Vanessa was still staying there, too.  She had no intention of
leaving until Colin was well on the road to recovery.  Liam was grateful for
her company because he didn’t have to be alone with the fears that seemed to
plague him lately especially with their assailant still at large.

Jeff Michaels came downstairs, Sunday morning after
changing out of the clothes he’d worn to Mass.  He walked into the kitchen
where Kathleen was putting breakfast on the table.  “Anything I can help you
with, Kate?”

“No, everything’s ready.  Where’s Caitlin?”

“I thought I heard her cell phone ring when I was
upstairs.  She’ll probably be along in a few minutes.”

“Everything will be cold,” Kathleen fussed.

They heard Caitlin hurry downstairs and go into the
family room then heard the television.  It sounded like CNN, but Jeff couldn’t
make out what they were saying.  “Cait?  Breakfast is ready,” Jeff called.  He
didn’t get an answer.   He went to the door of the family room.


Caitlin turned around at the sound of his voice. 
“Sorry, Daddy!  Jemma called and told me to turn on the newscast on CNN.  She
was crying when she called!  It’s horrible and I don’t blame her for being

“What’s wrong?”  Jeff asked alarmed.

“Somebody stabbed Colin Matthews after Unforgiven’s
concert in New Orleans last night!  The news said his condition is critical and
he might not make it …Daddy!”

Jeff gasped, grabbing the doorway of the family room,
his face draining of color and his eyes glassy-looking.  Caitlin ran to his
side.  “Mom, call 911!  I think Daddy’s having a heart attack!”

Kathleen came from the kitchen and stood in the
doorway listening to the news report about Colin’s stabbing. Her eyes were
gleaming and her smile was triumphant.

“No!”  He slumped down into a nearby chair.   “I’m

“No, you aren’t!”  Caitlin argued.  “Something’s

Jeff rose unsteadily to his feet.  He moved very
slowly as if he’s aged ten years in a moment’s time.  “Cait, come into the
living room with me, please.  There’s something I need to talk to you about.”

Kathleen hurriedly stepped in front of her husband. 
“What are you going to tell Caitlin?”

“What I should have told her as soon as she was old
enough to understand it.”

“Jeff, we agreed a long time ago our children would
never know about that unfortunate past escapade of yours!”

“Kate, it wasn’t an escapade and neither Dave or
Caitlin are children any longer. They have a right to know.”

“A right to know what?”  Confused and upset by her
mother’s sudden animosity, Caitlin looked from her mother to her father.

“Cait, in the bottom drawer of my desk is a manila
envelope.  The drawer’s locked and you’ll find the key under the blotter. 
Would you get it for me, please?”

“Sure, Daddy,” She replied, happy to escape from the
tension for even a moment.  She was back quickly with a thick envelope and gave
it to her father.

He sat down on the couch and carefully placed the
envelope on the coffee table in front of him.  “Sit please, Cait.”

“This is thoroughly sickening!  I can’t believe you’re
going back on your promise to me!”

Jeff looked up at his wife, suddenly realizing how
much she knew and, apparently had for some time.  He shook his head tiredly. 
“Kate, I’m sorry, but when I made that promise to you I never thought I’d feel
any different.”

“I’m never going to forgive you for this!”  She spat
and stormed out of the room.  They heard her bedroom door slam upstairs.

Jeff turned back to Caitlin and explained, “What your
mother and I are arguing about is my first marriage and the child it produced.”

Caitlin mouth dropped open with shock.  “No!”

“Yes. I was married when I was eighteen.  We weren’t
out of high school even a year and in retrospect, it probably would’ve been
better if we’d waited, but …” He shrugged.  “We’d barely been married three
months when Amanda got pregnant.”  He paused with a pained look on his face
then continued, “I was very immature and irresponsible.  When she told me all I
could see was a major ball and chain on my party time so…” He paused with a
pained look. “I took off.”

“You ran out on her?”  Caitlin asked in a shocked

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