Righteous Obsession (61 page)

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Authors: Rose Riker

BOOK: Righteous Obsession
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“Do you remember being stabbed?”

Colin ducked his head again and said softly, “Yes.” 
He shifted uncomfortably.  “If you don’t mind, I’d rather not talk about this,

“Of course.”  He nodded understandingly.  “When did
you find out about your biological father?”

Colin squinted while he thought back.  “I think it was
a couple of days after it happened. My parents told me he’d come to New Orleans
when he’d heard about what happened and he wanted to see me.”

“What was your reaction?”

Colin smiled faintly.  “I was less than thrilled, but
he came to visit me and we started talking.”

“How did he find out you were his son?”

 “He’d seen the cover story on Unforgiven in People
Weekly.  I guess his co-workers were kidding him about our resemblance.  He
started to wonder so he hired a private investigator.”

“Do you have any idea why Father Michaels allegedly
tried to kill you?”

Colin shrugged.  “No.”  He shook his head.  “What
happened to me will be with me the rest of my life, but there were some good
things that came out it.”

“Such as meeting your biological father?”

“Yes, and finding out I have a sister.”  He smiled
widely.  “I always wanted a sister!  I also found out I have another set of
grandparents too.”

Luke and Nora were also watching the interview and
they smiled at each other as Colin spoke about them. Maybe he was warming up a
bit towards them.

The interview shifted into other areas of discussion. 
Colin told Richards about Unforgiven’s plans to begin recording a six-song CD
in October and it should be in the stores in December.

“When do you think you’ll be back on tour?”

“We’re aiming for January right now.”

“Are you nervous about going back on tour?”

“Yeah,” he admitted.  “It’s never going to be the
same.  I know I’m going to cringe and jump back every time somebody rushes up
to me.  I’ll always be thinking they’re going to pull out a knife.  I know also
I’ll always be wondering about whose sitting in the audience.”

“You mean if your alleged assailant isn’t arrested?”

“Even if he is caught.”  Colin motioned to somebody
off-camera.  He got up then came back with Alethea.  “I want to introduce my
bride to everyone.  This is Alethea.”

She smiled and nodded nervously.  “Hello.”

“I’m happy to meet you, Alethea, as I’m sure our
viewers are.  I see Colin’s reputation for beautiful women isn’t exaggerated.” 
He turned back to Colin.  “One final question …”

Colin shut off the television.  “So, what do you

“I think I want to know what he meant by your
reputation for beautiful women.”

“Well, he was paying you a compliment, of course!”  He
paused then continued, “You knew I wasn’t exactly a monk before we met.  I’m
sure your co-workers had some stories to tell when they found out we were

Alethea smiled faintly.  “They said you weren’t big on

“Well, commitment becomes very easy when you find the
right woman.”

“And the right man also.”

Colin smiled, put his arm around her and suggested,
“Why don’t we go upstairs and recommit ourselves, Mrs. Matthews?”  He
chuckled.  “I suppose your co-workers warned you I was a sex fiend, too?”

Alethea giggled.  “Actually, the only thing they
really wanted to know was if the rumor about…”  She started giggling so hard
she couldn’t finish her sentence.

Colin knew what rumor she was referring to and rolled
his eyes. “God!”  He looked at Alethea who was smiling impishly.  “What did you
tell them?”

“I just smiled pleasurably and let them draw their own

Colin laughed and shook his head.  “Honestly! I have
absolutely no idea how that rumor got started, Alethea!”

She pinched his rear and teased, “Well, it’s not
entirely unfounded!”






















Chapter 48


Colin and Alethea drove to Hillsborough on Sunday for
the reception his mother had planned.  The number of cars parked in the
driveway and in front of the house attested to the number of relatives and
friends attending it.

“Didn’t mom say it was going to be a small reception? 
This looks more like a Star Trek convention!”  Colin muttered as he parked his
Patriot a half-block from the house.  “Don’t be shocked if my maternal
grandparents start in about Jeff first thing!”  He warned Alethea before he
opened the front door.  No sooner had they entered the foyer than two sets of
grandparents engulfed them with hugs.  They inundated Colin with questions and
concerns about his health.

“I’m fine,” He assured them.  “I’m completely healed
and there’s been no permanent damage.”

“No thanks to Jeff Michaels and his son!”  Grandma
Eileen boomed.  “Grandpa and I weren’t at all surprised to hear it was his son
who did this to you!”

Colin sighed then said reasonably, “Come on, Grandma,
that’s not fair.  He isn’t responsible for what his son did anymore than
Grandpa and Grandma Michaels are responsible for him splitting on mom.”

“I think he has a lot of nerve trying to push back
into your life when he refused to take any responsibility for you twenty-eight
years ago.  I can’t understand why you’re letting him either, Colin!”

“Colin made the decision to see Jeff, Eileen.  Jeff
didn’t force him into a relationship,” Grandma Beth said softly, but

“Can we table this discussion until another time?” 
Colin requested.

“We don’t want you to feel as if we’re nagging you
about Jeff,” Grandpa Ted explained.  “Eileen and I are just concerned you’re
going to get hurt.”

Colin smiled.  “I know, Grandpa, and I really
appreciate your concern.”  He gave both his grandparents a hug.

Grandpa Roger took up the slack.  He greeted Alethea
with a hug, announcing to the room, “Well, didn’t I tell you Colin had found
himself another beauty?”

Alethea smiled.  “I heard that from somebody else just

“And he didn’t let you get away, Alethea,” Roger

“No, Grandpa, I didn’t,” Colin acknowledged.  He took
Alethea’s arm and quickly steered her in another direction before his
grandfather could spill the beans about any of his former girlfriends.

“Is there something you don’t want your grandfather
telling me?”  She teased.

“No, of course not.”  After Colin had introduced
Alethea to everyone who hadn’t been able to make it to their wedding, his aunt,
Angie, took her into Peter’s study for their promised, overdue chat.  Colin
went in search of his parents.  He found his mom in the kitchen.  He gave her a
hug. “Hi Mom!  How’s it going?”

“It’s fine.  How’s everything with you and Alethea?”

“It’s been really good, lately.”

“I’m sorry about mom and dad starting in about Jeff
the moment you came in the door.  They were quite upset about what you said on
CNN.  They felt you were excusing what he’d done.”

“Do you and dad think that’s what I did?”

“No.  We thought you handled it very well and we’re
glad to let sleeping dogs lie.”

“I talked to Jeff last Sunday.”

“What did he say?”

“He asked me to apologize to you for what he said when
we had that fight.”

“Tell him I’ve forgotten it completely.  Otherwise,
how did it go?”

“Okay.”  He shrugged.  “We didn’t get into anything
too deep.”  He smiled suddenly.  “I did get to talk to Caitlin.  She’s really
got lots of spirit!  I think you’d really like her, Mom.”

“Maybe, you’ll introduce us sometime.  Have they heard
anymore from Father Michaels?”

“They didn’t say and I didn’t ask, but I think they
would’ve told me if they had heard anything.  They didn’t want to talk about
him or Mrs. Michaels.”

“Well, that’s understandable.”  She picked up a
platter of fried chicken.  “Would you grab those other two bowls for me?”

“Sure.”  He followed her into the dining room, setting
the bowls on the table.  “Where’s Deb?”

“She’s upstairs studying.  Maybe I can convince her to
take a break and come down.”

“Have you seen Liam?”

“Not since Angie and her family arrived.”

“I think I’ll go look for him.”

“Okay.  I’ll see you later.”

Colin went to look for Liam and found him sitting on
the staircase, talking with some of their cousins.  “Hi, Colin!”  Liam gave him
a hug.  “I was going to say hello to you and Alethea first thing, but the
grandparents got to you first.”

“Well, this is the first they’ve seen us since our
wedding.”  Colin chatted with his cousins for a while and after they left he
sat on the step beside his brother.

Liam studied him carefully.  “So, married life is
great, huh?  You look really happy.”

“It is and I am!  It’s great knowing Alethea’s there
when I come home.”  He picked at a loose thread on the carpet.  “It’s
comforting to know she’s there when I wake up scared shitless at night.”

“Are you still having nightmares?”

“I haven’t had one lately,” Colin replied, crossing
his fingers.  “I think I’m slowly starting to get things straight in my mind
with help from Doctor Hughes.”

“I have an appointment with her next week.  You really
like her, huh?”

“I do and I know she’s helping me.”  He laughed
suddenly and nudged Liam.  “So, what’s happening with you and Alison?”

Liam blushed and smiled.  “We try to talk two or three
times a week and we e-mail each other just about every day. Alison’s started
her second year of nursing school and it’s keeping her really busy.  She wants
me to come to her graduation in June and bring my family.  I told her I’d try,
but I didn’t know what our summer schedule would be like so I couldn’t plan too
much ahead.”

“Find out the exact date and I’ll make sure we have a
couple of days free.”

“That would be great, Colin because I really do want
to go.”  He smiled again.  “Alison has been thinking about looking for a job in
San Francisco after graduation.”

“How do you feel about that?”

“I’d really like it!  It’s hard being three thousand
miles apart!”

“What do mom and dad think about her?”

“They’ve talked to her when she’s called and they really
like her.”  He grimaced and said, “I guess I’ll have to meet her family

Colin chuckled.  “Undoubtedly.”

“Were you nervous about meeting Alethea’s family?”

“I was terrified actually!”  He laughed.  “Hey! 
Wouldn’t it be weird if we both married Southern ladies?”

“Whoa!  I think you’re jumping the gun a bit, Colin!”

“Maybe, but I think not,” he teased.  “So besides
courting Alison; what else have you been doing?”

“Well, I’ve been working on a couple of songs for the
new CD.  One’s almost done, but the other one isn’t going as fast.”

“Well, if you need any help with it, give me a call.”

“If I’m still stuck in a few days I might do that.”

Alethea suddenly appeared from the living room.  “Here
you are!”  She said to Colin.  She gave Liam a hug.  “How have you been, Liam?”

Liam shrugged.  “You know, some days are better than

“Colin and I are always here if you need us.”

“I know.  Thanks, Alethea.”

“Did you and Angie have a nice talk?”  Colin asked.

“Oh, yes!  Very interesting!”

Colin got to his feet.  “I’m going to talk to dad.” 
He went into the kitchen and found his father refilling a bowl with potato
salad.  “Can I talk to you, Dad if you’re not too busy?”

“Sure.  Let me finish this first.”  When Peter
returned he suggested they go outside.  They sat by the fishpond.  The Koi
immediately came to the surface with their mouths open.  Colin reached down,
got a handful of pellets out of the jar beside the bench and tossed them into
the water.  They watched as the Koi swam frantically around, gobbling the

“You know, I never can figure out how they know when
somebody’s here,” Colin remarked.

“I’ve come to the conclusion they feel the vibrations
inside the pond when somebody walks up and they come to the surface.”

Colin nodded.  “That makes sense.”

“What did you want to talk to me about, Colin?”

“It’s about Jeff.”  Colin explained about the phone
conversation he’d had with Jeff.  “I guess I need to know that my having a
relationship with him is okay with you because I’m feeling like a Judas!”

Peter smiled and gave him a hug.  “Colin, do you
remember what I said to you in the hospital?”


“Well, I haven’t changed my mind.”  He ruffled Colin’s
hair affectionately.  “I’m not the least bit insecure about your having a
relationship with Jeff.”

Colin smiled.  “Thanks, Dad, and I want you to know
you’ll always be my only father and I love you.”

“Thanks for saying that, Colin.  It means a lot to
me.”  He took a deep breath.  “I know eventually you and Alethea will have
children and there will be times when Jeff and I will be unavoidably thrown
together.  I promise I’ll work on moderating my behavior towards him because I
don’t want my grandchildren feeling like they have to choose between us.”

“I know you’ll do what’s best, Dad because you’re a
good person.”  Colin got to his feet.  “I guess we’d better go back inside
before mom sends out a posse.  Thanks for listening.”

“You know you can always talk to me about anything
that’s on your mind.”

“I know.  Thanks.”  When they came back inside, they
saw Debbie was in the kitchen, filling a plate with food.  “I’m glad you’ve
decided to take a break from studying to join the party, Deb,” Peter said.

“Actually, I just came down to get something to eat.”

“Well, you know you’re welcome to join us if you
want,” Peter said before he left.

She nodded in reply and smiled.  Colin sat down at the
table.  “How are you doing, Deb?”

“Better.  Your parents have been so good to me.  They
treat me like their own daughter.”

“Well, they think of you as their daughter,” Colin
replied with a smile.  “How’s school going?”

“I really like it!  The curriculum has a lot more to
choose from than my other school did.  The kids I’ve met have been really nice
too.”  She suddenly gave Colin a shy smile.  “There’s this one guy…”

 “I see …”

“His name is Cody Williams and he’s tutoring me in
computer science.  He’s really nice.  I really like him and I think he likes me
too.  He’s president of the student council, he’s on the debate team, and he
plays on the basketball team, too.”

“A man of many talents, huh?”

“He’s also awesomely cute and I’m hoping he’ll ask me
to homecoming.”

“I don’t doubt for a moment he will!”

Amanda came into the kitchen and smiled when she saw
Debbie.  “I was just going upstairs to see if I could coax you into coming
downstairs, Deb.”  She put her arm around her.  “Come with me.  I want
everybody to meet you.”

Debbie looked uncertain.  “I don’t know, Amanda.  It’s
a family gathering.”

Amanda gave her a gentle shake.  “And you’re part of
our family now, Deb.”

Colin laughed, shook his head and crossed his arms. 
“Mom has her mind made up and take it from me – there’s no gainsaying her!”  He
followed them into the living room and while Amanda introduced Debbie he
glanced around for Alethea.  He finally spotted her in a corner of the living
room with Grandma Beth and Angie.  The three of them had their heads together
and were giggling suspiciously.  He waited until his mom had introduced Debbie
to them before going over there.  “What’s so funny?”  He sat down at Alethea’s

Alethea started to giggle again.  “Your grandmother
and Angie were just telling me how you flashed the neighborhood!”

“Flashed and mooned it at the same time!”  Angie joked
as she ruffled his hair.

Colin groaned inwardly.  They told that same story to
every girlfriend he’d had since he was fourteen!  “I was only two and I didn’t
know I wasn’t supposed to be taking a walk in my birthday suit.”

“Colin still has a penchant for shocking the
neighborhood!”  Alethea teased and told them about his experience with Mrs. Von
Neumann.  They were laughing uproariously by the time she finished.

“Yeah, but Alethea didn’t tell me anybody was watching
until I was all the way out of the pool!”  Colin laughed.  By the time they
were ready to go home they had accepted several dinner invitations, including
one with Grandpa and Grandma Scott.  Colin supposed his grandmother was going
to use it as an opportunity to continue her tirade against Jeff.

“Tired?”  Colin asked Alethea as they drove home.

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