Ripe: A Stepbrother Pregnancy Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Ripe: A Stepbrother Pregnancy Romance
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Jesse stared down at her, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. "Why?” he insisted.


Elise didn’t have to ask what he was referring to. "I can’t give him up, Jesse,” she whispered, splitting his name right down the middle again. Only this time, it wasn’t as sexy as it was terrifying.




She said him.


Chapter Three

"Jesse.” Elise trailed her fingers up his arm in the way she only ever did when she knew he was on the verge of a panic attack. Now was certainly one of those times. "I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but this baby is a part of us and I can’t just—”


“Stop,” Jesse urged, pulling out of her and slinging his legs over the edge of the bed in one fluid motion. He could feel her looking at him with that wide-eyed, pitiful gaze she had down to a science, but he didn’t turn around to acknowledge her.


“Why, Jesse?” Elise questioned, scooting up behind him. “Why do you keep avoiding this? It’s not fair to me. I mean…it’s not like I have the option. Have you seen me lately?”


“Stop,” Jesse said again. “I knew you’d change your mind. God, Elise. We aren’t equipped for this. I can’t be a—”


“No, you stop!” Elise hissed, cutting Jesse off in midsentence. She grabbed him by the arm, forcing him to look at her for longer than a second. “Grow up, Jesse. Sex has consequences. This is one of them. Why don’t you just own up to something for once?”


Jesse’s intake of breath was swift as Elise’s eyes burned angrily against his. Before he could say anything, she grabbed hold of his cock and stroked it back to full-staff as he stiffened beneath her.


“I—Elise—you can’t keep—


Elise stared Jesse down as he stammered out one fragmented sentence after the next. “Show me what kind of man you are,” she insisted, keeping her eyes focused on his face.


“Elise, what the fu—”




As soon as Jesse saw Elise lick her hand, his eyes snapped tightly shut. If he kept looking at her, he knew he’d explode right then and there. When her fist closed around his base, he swallowed down the spit building in the back of his throat and willed himself not to cum. There was no way this was happening. This was all just a dream. He didn’t knock up his stepsister, and she wasn’t jacking him off just a walls-length away from the ever-looming ear of their parents.


“What do you think about the name Isaiah?” Elise questioned, never losing her grip on Jesse's cock. “I was looking in this baby name book at one of the libraries we stopped at during the tour. It has a ring to it don't you think?”


When Jesse didn’t respond, Elise's hand stopped moving. “Well?” she pressed. “What do you think?”


Jesse exhaled a deep sigh, rubbing his face in annoyance. Before Elise went and opened her mouth he wasn’t thinking about anything other than the incredible way she was making him feel, but now he was once again flooded with thoughts of his all-too imminent future. He couldn’t focus on it though. Even though she was no longer stroking him, Elise's hand was still flush against his cock. Just when he was sure she was about to say something else, he heard a rustle, and…
oh fuck…


There was
possible way Elise could be sucking him off after asking him these kinds of questions, but that was exactly what she was doing. The inside of her mouth was hot, tight, and so fucking wet he could hardly stand it. Not wanting it to end, mostly because she couldn't talk with him stuffed down her throat, he pressed down on her head and urged her to increase her suction. Refusing to take his orders, she slid upwards, wrapping her lips around his tip before pressing wet kisses down along his base.


When Jesse’s breath hitched in his throat, Elise glanced up at him, smirking around his girth.


“Jesus, Elise,” Jesse breathed. He and Elise stared each other down for what felt like an eternity, and when her mouth finally became tired, he took the opportunity to flip her roughly onto her stomach. Her inner labia were wet, glistening, and just as swollen as her other set of lips. At this point he could’ve really used a cold shower to calm his nerves, but what he got instead was far more satisfying.


Jesse gripped hold of Elise’s ass like a lifeline, digging his fingers into her flesh as he entered her from behind. She felt just as amazing as she looked. With every well-angled thrust Jesse brought down upon her, she seemed to forget about the more pressing issues at the forefront of her mind. Her buttocks smacked against his core and she dug her head into his pillow, tensing as he leaned in to grab hold of her breasts. When she finally came to, it didn’t take more than a minute for her to start talking again.


“I really like Isaiah. I just know it’s a boy, Jesse. I can feel—”


Jesse refused to listen. Instead, he thrusted into her even harder, only this time with more force.


“Jesse!” Elise gasped. She started to protest but she stopped when he made contact with the soft pad of her g-spot. “Christ, don't—don't stop. You’re going to make me cum again.”


Elise dug her hands into the sweat-drenched sheets beneath her. When she turned her head to look Jesse briefly in the eye, his breath hitched in his throat. He was sure no other woman would ever look at him with such passion ever again, and when the wave of his release finally passed, he collapsed in a sweaty heap beside her.


Elise, however, wasn’t ready for things to end just yet. She straddled Jesse, keeping her eyes steadied on his as she stroked his exhausted cock back into something that halfway resembled an erection.


“Fuck, Elise. I don’t know if I can—”


Elise slid down on Jesse before he could finish his sentence, taking all of him inside of her with a warm sigh. The way she was riding him made it seem as though she was trying to get knocked up a second time. As her breasts bounced above him, she buried one hand in his hair and used the other to explore the tight columns of his abs.


“Jesse,” Elise whispered, bending to graze her tongue along the base of his throat.


Jesse groaned, lazily opening his eyes to meet hers. He discovered right away that her soft features were contorted in annoyance and…
. What was she about to say this time? Did she really think that she could screw him into submission? Remaining quiet, she leaned into him even closer, keeping her grip tight on his cock as her bare flesh grazed his. Her mouth was right by his ear now, and the angle made him slide into her even deeper. She gyrated her hips, speaking between moans.


“What do we do, Jesse? How are we going to go to school? What is everyone going to think? It doesn’t matter. I can’t—
—” When Elise reached her peak, she was no longer capable of finishing her thought. Instead, she brought her mouth back down against Jesse’s, proceeding to kiss him in a way she rarely ever did.


Jesse grabbed hold of Elise by the wrists and flipped her onto her back, pinning her arms above her head. She was panting now. “Jesse,” she tried, writhing beneath him as a look of desperation surfaced in her expression. He was still firmly inside of her. All she needed now was for him to pick up the pace. “I'm so close,” she gasped, struggling to stay quiet. “I feel like I’m about to lose it…”


Jesse knew she wasn’t talking about what he wanted her to be. He pulled out of her with a groan of frustration, keeping his hold tight on her wrists. “So…” he said, keeping his gaze steadied on hers. “Isaiah huh?”


Elise closed her eyes and smiled against him, blinking back the tears that gathered in the corners of her eyes. “Yeah,” she whispered. “Isaiah.”


Chapter Four

The drive to her best friend's house seemed longer than usual that evening. Elise was exhausted by the time she pulled up in front of the small two-story home and parked, stepping out onto the asphalt.




Isaiah jumped into his mother's arms and smothered her with kisses.


“Hi buddy!” Elise greeted, putting all her energy into sounding more alive than she felt. “Did you have fun with Aunt Deanna today?”


“We went to the beach…and we had brownies!” Isaiah grinned extra wide at that last part. He knew his mother didn’t approve of him having too much sugar. It kept him up all night.


“Brownies?” Elise noted, glancing up at Deanna.


“Just one,” Deanna promised with a smile, exchanging a look with Isaiah that said they were in on the same secret.


Elise smirked and stepped inside to retrieve Isaiah's things. As she bent down to pick up his backpack, she couldn’t help but notice all the signs of him throughout the house. His finger paintings hung on the fridge, toys he brought from home were scattered across the floor, and a few of his shirts were waiting to be washed near the laundry.


Elise immediately felt guilty. It looked like he lived here.


“A nice man talked to me today,” Isaiah announced from his car seat as Elise drove them home.


“What?” Elise frowned and looked up at him through her rearview mirror. They’d been over this at least a dozen times. He knew by now that she didn’t like him talking to people he didn’t know, especially men. “You’re not supposed to talk to strangers remember?”


“But he was nice! I seen him at the beach and he built a sand castle with me!”


him,” Elise corrected. “And nice or not, I don’t want you talking to people you don’t know. Aunt Deanna was with you, right?”


Isaiah nodded, growing silent as Elise signaled her blinker and made a left hand turn. When she looked up at him again, she saw that he was looking straight at her. She smiled at him, but he asked her a question instead of smiling in return.


“How come I don’t have a daddy?”


Elise was completely unprepared for the question. She stalled as she tried to come up with a response that a child would understand.


“Lots of people don’t have daddies in their lives honey. That just means their mommies love them all the more.”


“But you’re not the same color as me,” Isaiah stated. “Is my daddy?”


Elise felt her mouth go dry. She was used to her son having a lighter complexion than her own. It hadn’t occurred to her that Isaiah would eventually take notice and ask her about it.


When Elise didn’t respond, Isaiah continued speaking. “Aunt D said she thinks I’m this color because of my daddy. Is that true?”


Elise’s blood pressure spiked at the mention of Isaiah’s father. Deanna should have known better than to talk about Jesse with Isaiah.


“Isaiah honey, it’s been a long day for mommy. I need some quiet time, okay?”


“But I wanna know!” Isaiah said, refusing to let her off the hook that easily. “Is my daddy the same color as me?”


Elise felt her temples start to throb from anxiety as she wracked her mind for an answer that wouldn’t lead to further questioning from him.


“No honey, you’re not the
same color as your daddy. You have a little bit of his color and a little bit of mine. It’s like when you play with watercolors and mix up the paint.”


Isaiah looked out the window as he digested his mother's words. A little boy on a scooter approached on the sidewalk, capturing his attention. Just like that, any thoughts of his father were quickly replaced by his longing for a scooter of his own.


Elise exhaled a breath of relief, averting her attention back to the road. Work was monotonous, and after spending the day dealing with one high maintenance customer after the next, she was
not in the mood to think about Jesse.


A pile of laundry, dirty dishes, and unpaid bills greeted Elise as soon as she opened up the door to the small apartment she shared with her son. A nearly empty refrigerator held nothing even remotely appropriate for dinner, and unfortunately, the cupboards were just as desolate.

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