Rise of the Altered Moon: Altered Moon Series: Book One (The Altered Moon Series 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Rise of the Altered Moon: Altered Moon Series: Book One (The Altered Moon Series 1)
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Their trip across Sindar was undisturbed; they encountered only a handful of people along the way. Most of them watched as the group passed by, not out of hostility as much as surprise that anyone would bother coming to Canalar. The streets were empty; the buildings were sealed against the sand and wind making Sindar seem like a ghost town. The group was quiet except for Hali’s occasional update on their progress.

A little after an hour they came to the MT&T office. The door light was green showing that the office was manned and open for business. The door itself was drifted over with sand as if no one had used it for months. CJ scraped the sand out of the way with the edge of his foot and tapped the door panel. The door grudgingly opened halfway and had to be shoved the rest of the way. The lobby lights blinked on, automatically keyed by anyone entering the building.

Startled by the lobby entry alert, an MT&T representative came out of a back office, surprised to see people standing there.

“Can…I help you?” he asked.

“Yes, please.” CJ stepped up and removed his mask and headgear. “Thank goodness we found someone. Beginning to think this place was deserted.”

“Why are you using the surface streets?” He looked the group over as the others took off their masks and headgear.

“Ah…good question.” CJ laughed a little. “What else would we use?”

“The trans tunnels,” the man said. “Didn’t your arrival contact tell you to use the tunnels? I don’t know why anyone would want to go outside on this infernal planet!”

“We didn’t have an arrival contact,” said Boss. “We came in our own ship.”

“Oh…in that case then, how may I help you?” the man asked as he moved back into the office and tapped several booking screens to life.

“Actually I need to report in,” said CJ. “My name is CJ Evermore, employee number 86482. I was an engineer’s third mate aboard the

“Did you lose your ship, Mr. Evermore?” the man asked from under raised eyebrows.

“No…well…yes,” said CJ, a little unsure how to proceed. “I need to report its destruction. You don’t know yet?”

“What? Destroyed?” the man said skeptically. “The
is the flagship of MT&T superliners. That would be galaxy-wide news. I don’t know what you’re trying to pull here, but if you think—”

“I’m telling you I was ON it!” CJ said strongly. “The
is gone! The ship, the crew, the passengers,
friends are gone! These people rescued me from the life pod.”

The man thought for a long moment, then moved over to key a comms panel.

, this is Merilee Remote Office Sindar, come in please.” There was a tense pause as they waited for a response to his hail. “MSL
, this is MRO Sindar, how do you read?”

“MRO Sindar, MSL
, this is Commander Dodge. How may we help you?” An answer came from a ship that had just been completely destroyed.

“What?” CJ stammered. “NO way! It can’t be! I was there!”

“Oh shit, this is bad,” Gar said, as the group traded startled looks.
We should GO
, he mouthed silently to Boss and Hali.

, Sindar, this is Representative Jenz Benson. I have a CJ Evermore here claiming to be an engineer aboard your ship and that the
had been destroyed.”

“Ah...negative on that, Sindar. I think that we would be aware of that,” came the reply. “Come again on the name of the engineer, please.”

“Evermore, CJ, number 86482, Engineer’s Third Mate,” Jenz said into the comms.

CJ tried to rub away the incessant tingling on the back of his neck.
What the hell is going on?
This isn’t happening. Please, Katy, wake me up.

“Negative, Sindar,” came the disquieting response. “We have no one aboard by that name, crew or passenger. No record of Evermore, CJ, 86482, being signed on for duty.”

“Copy that,
. Sorry for the trouble. I’ll take care of it on this end,” replied Jenz.

“No trouble, Sindar,

Representative Benson reached under the console and triggered the security alarm. Force fields shimmered on, separating the office from the lobby.

“What are you doing!” yelled CJ.

“Whatever your story is, you can tell it to security,” Jenz said into the comms. “Just stay where you are.”

“Screw talking to security,” said Gar. “Boss, we need to go.”

“Roger that!” said Boss. “Okay, gear up. We lose them outside. Make for the shuttle. We need to get back to the
before the shit hits the fan.”

The group moved toward the door, but Gar turned around and shoved CJ backward hard.

“Where do you think you’re going, shit scrubber?” said Gar. His hand went to the Rellia K-13 pistol that was under his jacket. “You stay here.”

“Stand down, Gar,” Boss said, as he moved in between them. “He comes with us.”

“Cap’n, this guy is trouble that we don’t need.”

“He’s coming. Is that understood, Mr. Gribbons?” Boss said with direct eye contact.

“Aye, Cap’n…understood,” Gar grumbled, but backed off.

“Now, let’s go,” Boss said. “Gar, Hali, lead the way. Double-time back to the shuttle! Weapons hot and eyes up! Go!”


Chapter Eight

JP was unaware of the troubles that the others were having in the main terminal. He checked the status of the fuel plates in the ISE and left the current ones in place as they had over fifty percent fuel level.
Lunar Mare
was down to her last backup fuel pack out of the four that were normally stored.

“Okay, we need three backup packs for the shuttle,” he said to himself as he wrote the quantity down on his pad.

He moved to the crew supply locker and thumbed the door button.

“Ration packs are full. Med packs are full. Sani packs are full,” he mumbled, checking them off his supply list. He closed the supply locker and moved over to the armory.

“Seven out of ten, Rellia K-13 HP pistols, check.” He checked them off his list, keeping in mind that three of the charged hydrogen particle pistols had gone out with Boss and the others.

“Four, Rellia K-20 HP rifles…check.” He checked them off too.

He closed up the armory panel and headed to the bridge. Slipping into the pilot’s chair, he hit the ship-to-ship comms. “
Altered Moon, Altered Moon
, this is
Lunar Mare
. How do you read?”

“Loud and clear,
Lunar Mare
…go ahead,” answered Trigger.

“Captain wants me to resupply while we’re here,” said JP. “Can you get me a rundown on anything we need for the

“Already done, JP, we’re two steps ahead of you. We could use a couple dozen ration packs and any fresh food that can be had. We need twelve fuel plates and Wilks wants a backup nav chip for the String Field Drive. That about does it.”

“Yeah, negative on any fresh food down here, brother,” JP joked. “I’ll try for the nav chip and secure the rest.
Lunar Mare

JP brought up the supply interface of the Canalar spaceport and punched in a request for the supplies. The interface displayed that the fuel plates, the nav chip, and the ration packs were in stock and available for purchase. JP hit the BUY NOW icon and entered the payment information of the West Becreth Trading Company. The payment processed through and the automated loading dock transferred the items to the landing bay.

JP loaded the supplies onto the cargo lift, stepped on and pushed the lift button, which raised the platform into the belly of the shuttle. He stowed the supplies away and made his way back to the cockpit. He started to go over the preflight checklist to pass the time, when he got an incoming comms.

“JP?” Boss called over the comms.

“I’m here, Captain.”

“No joy on sending a comms from the port. Heading to the Merilee office in Sindar,” Boss said over the headset.

“Copy that, Captain.” Ship is refueled and provisions are loaded.
Lunar Mare
is standing by.”

“Roger that,
Lunar Mare
,” Boss answered. “Comm check in two hours. Keltzer out.”

, JP moaned inwardly. “Because, I just love sitting in the shuttle…by myself…waiting for a callback,” he said aloud to no one.

He rubbed his temples and leaned forward to hit the ship-to-ship comms again.

Altered Moon
, this is
Lunar Mare
, come in please.”

Altered Moon
, G here,” was her reply.

“Ah, Gina, it’s always a pleasure to hear your voice.” “What’s the matter, Jordan, are you getting lonely down there?” she teased.

“Yeah, baby and about to get even lonelier,” he replied. “Trigger there?”

“He’s in the head,” she said. “Wanna wait?”

“Ah...no, just relaying a message from Boss.” No joy on comms from spaceport. They are moving to an outside MT&T location. Comms check in two hours.”

“Copy that, JP, will relay. Is there anything else?”

“Supplies are secured and I am standing by.” “Understood,” she said. “
Altered Moon



“What was that?” Trigger asked Gina, as he stepped back onto the bridge of the
Altered Moon

“JP relaying a message from Boss,” she answered. “They couldn’t get a comms off from the spaceport, so they’re going to an outside MT&T location. Comm check in two hours.”

“Un-frickin’-believable.” He leaned his head back with his eyes closed, clenching and unclenching his jaw. “Why is he doing this, G? He’s risking everything that we’ve built. If we get too much light thrown on us, our shady little operation here will come apart at the seams.”

“I know, Trigger. Boss just feels bad about everybody who died on that ship. He was only able to save one person out of a hundred thousand. He just wants to get CJ on his way and then we are outta here and back on our way.”

“Back on our way, G? To where? We fronted the credits to pull this heist! Now, we are out that
the score. We have to get back to a central system from here to scout out a new score. That’s more time and more money.”

“We may have to work some of it back up, yeah. But we’ll get by it and things will be fine, Trig, you’ll see. Boss hasn’t let us down yet and he’s not about to start.”

“Yeah, well I hope you’re right, G, I really do.” He turned away and walked over to the nav console to plot a course back to the central systems.

Gina sat at the star pilot station and monitored the flight system status panels. She wished Boss was already back and they were in full moon burn away from here. She didn’t need to be psychic to know that Trigger and Gar weren’t happy with Boss’ decisions. So far, they hadn’t said anything against him, but she could feel the discontent. JP and Cat seemed to be on the captain’s side. Wilks was so taken with Trigger, it was certain she would follow his lead, and Hali most likely would go with whoever was winning.

“Damn,” she swore under her breath.
Why did this have to happen?
She knew if things came to a pushing point there would be a fight for the ship. Maybe one last score, then she and Boss could take their splits and leave the
, the scores, and the grief to the others. Get off at some obscure planet and walk away into the crowd, just the two of them.
I’ll talk to him when he gets back. Get while the gettin’s good.

Just under an hour later, as Gina still mused about future possibilities, a sensor blip came up that indicated an engine signature, but then it disappeared. She ran a sensor sweep and the readings showed nothing.

“Trigger,” she called out.

“Yes,” he answered and looked up from the nav console.

“Sensors read a ship for a second on the edge of the system, then went blank.” she reported.

“Any contacts now?” he asked, as he moved back to the command station.

“Negative,” she answered.

“Direct primary sensors and visual scanners to that area,” he said. “Monitor for anything unusual.”

“There!” said Gina, after a short while. “See that? A blackout of some kind…something blocking out the stars behind it.”

The shadow took shape as it cruised into orbit around Canalar. The ship’s hull reflected no light of any kind. She had no running lights, no registry numbers, no transponder signal, and no ISE signature. She was a stealth ship, designed to disperse any sensor scan and reflect nothing back.

“That’s an MT&T Predator,” said Trigger. “This is no coincidence. G, bring the main systems up and stand by.”

“Roger that.” She brought the flight systems online.

“Cat, Wilks,” he called into the comms. “Secure the ship and take action stations. MT&T security cruiser just pulled into orbit.”



“JP!” Trigger’s voice came through the ship-to-ship comms.

Lunar Mare
here, go ahead
Altered Moon
,” JP joked.

“Alert one,
Lunar Mare
,” said Trigger. “MT&T Predator thought they’d come join our party. Any contact from Boss?”

“Understood! Negative on contact.”

“Break comm silence,” Trigger said to JP. “Contact Boss, advise him of the situation. Tell him the
Altered Moon
is standing by, ready to assist.”

“Copy that!” called JP. “
Lunar Mare

Lunar Mare
to Captain Keltzer,” JP switched the comms to ship to surface. “Alert one, repeat, alert one!
Lunar Mare
to Captain Keltzer, come in, please.”

“Keltze here, go ahea
Lunar Mare
.” Boss’ voice was scratchy due to the static from the wind and sand.

“Alert one message from Trigger, Captain,” JP raised his voice to be heard through the comms. “MT&T Predator now in orbit over Canalar.
Altered Moon
is standing by, ready to assist.”

“Copy and understoo,” came Boss’ reply. “Be ready for immediate iftoff upon our arrival. ETA thirty minut out.”

“Copy that! Immediate liftoff on your arrival. Aye, sir!” he said.

JP took the little time necessary to strap on a K-13 and pull out two of the K-20 plasma rifles, got them locked and loaded, and set by the outer hatch. He also stuck two remote flash bang grenades on each side of the landing bay entry door, just in case they needed a little more time. Party favors in place, JP got back to the
and powered up her systems.

“All right” he said to himself. “We’re ready to shit and get!”


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