Rise Once More (2 page)

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Authors: D. Henbane

BOOK: Rise Once More
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There is a crackling noise that echoes in the room, as the Halide bulbs flicker to life. The light is dim and off color at first, but soon each light heats up illuminating the gun range. There are several firing lanes with paper targets in the silhouettes of human torsos. Rednek closes the door tightly behind them, and presses a button that activates a red blinking light. Eve spins around, staring in awe at the back wall of the range.

Each gun is hung on the wall, in museum display quality, every one of them painstakingly organized by caliber and type. Each weapon is assigned a five digit code corresponding to drawer below containing its ammo. The collection is massive, well cared for, and literally has it all. There were guns from all around the world, each with it's own reserved place; assault rifles, hand guns, even vintage arms adorn the walls.

“Alex an' Amos made dis place. Them boys own cathedral an' when you live by da gun, yous die by da gun. Them boys loved them guns an' spent all they time here.” Rednek walks over to the wall and selects an AR15 rifle. He loads the clip with standard ammunition and readies himself in the firing range. The paper target is 80 yards away. He fires a practice shot, and then fires his kill shot. “Yep he be dead fo' sure. Hows about you Eve?” Rednek asks.

Eve looks over each weapon carefully and then makes her selection. It is a M1903 Springfield, a classic made for battle weapon, but a mismatch for her small frame. Rednek laughs under his breath, surely one round from that rifle will knock her onto her butt. Eve carefully loads the five round clip into the rifle and readies herself at the range. She takes aim at the target and fires a practice round. Rednek looks at the target and bursts into laughter. Eve draws the rifle to her shoulder once more and fires her kill shot. Rednek is laughing hysterically as he recalls the paper targets.

“Ma'am Eve you missed.” says Rednek.

“I don’t miss. Compare the caliber size on your target.” Eve says. Rednek removes the paper target and examines the holes. He is shocked that both the practice shot, and kill shot have been perfectly replicated with a larger caliber.

“For the record my grandfather was a sniper in World War II, and my old man was a sniper in Vietnam. You assumed I couldn't handle a rifle. My pa taught me a thing or two as well.” Eve says.


No Rest For The Wicked

Director Reese looks out over the vast blue of the Atlantic Ocean, high above the small islands, seated in the helicopter. Reese points towards a small island in the shape of a crescent moon. He gives a nod to the pilot and the chopper banks to the right. The shallow waters of Bimini attract people the world over, most are searching for a secluded spot to enjoy a vacation. But Reese's target is not on vacation. Reese spots him, down below in the greenish blue waters and motions for the pilot to touch down.

Alex hears the distinct sound of the chopper over-head. Alex rolls over in the water, glances up towards Reese and shakes his head in disbelief. He begins to swim towards shore immediately; he is uncomfortable with the idea of being disrupted but welcomes the thought of visitors. Soon, Alex is walking out of the shallow water and is confronted by Reese waiting at the shore line.

“Good to see you again, Alex.” Reese says.

“Same here. Why don't you come inside?” Alex says.

Alex waves his hand towards a simple beach hut on the north end of the island. The hut is situated about 100 yards from the beach and built mostly of crude cut timber-complete with a thatched roof of palm leaves and salvaged drift wood. Alex's simple hut has minimal furniture and a single bed in the corner. Every item inside is hand-crafted, utilizing every possible source of his meager existence and the few resources the island did offer. The walls are adorned with glass fish-net floats and other discarded items-that the sea offered up.

“I need your help, Alex.” Reese says.

“I thought you guys went digital.” Alex says.

“We have evolved into the digital realm but we are in need of old tactics for this problem.” Reese says.

“If that's the case, why not call on Amos for this favor?” Alex says.

“Amos is already involved and you are my last resort.” Reese says.

“Remember the day you asked me to join Omega Phi? You told me, if I spent a few years doing what others won't do. I would spend the rest of my life doing what others can not do.” Alex replies.

“Yes, I remember that conversation.” Reese says.

“Yet, here you are, asking me to come out of retirement and collectively save your ass.” Alex says.

“It isn’t that simple. Alex.” Reese replies.

“I was just getting attached to this place but it's just as well. You told me if I ever saw you again it was going to be really bad. Since you're here, I guess my odds of coming home alive are pretty slim.” Alex says.

Alex walks over to his meager bed and reaches underneath it. He drags a sturdy black briefcase out from under the bed. Alex places the box in the center of the room and opens the latches. Inside are two white rectangles that resemble a block of cheese, two blasting caps with chords, and a small LCD screen. Alex carefully inserts a blasting cap into each of the C4 bricks. With the slow determined skill of a surgeon, he strips the ends of the wires and attaches them to the brass terminals.

“Do I have time to pack?” Alex asks.

“Unfortunately... No.” Reese replies.

“I won't be leaving without this.” Alex walks over to his nightstand and opens the drawer, inside is a gold heart-shaped locket. He opens the locket. There is a picture of him at prom standing next to a lovely young lady. The detached look in his eyes fades and a slight smile forms at the edge of his mouth.

“I know you loved her, son, but let's not complicate this.” Reese says.

“I never stopped, so please stop referring to it in past tense.” Alex says.

“I need your mind clear and focused on the mission. Any distraction at all could cost your very life. Not to mention, I wouldn't be able to face your mother.” Reese says.

“What are you telling her. Dad? Let me guess I am in Afghanistan, defending a school for orphans? You haven't told her the truth more than three times your entire life. So forgive me for not following your romantic advice.” Alex says.

“Watch your tongue boy...” Alex interrupts Reese mid-sentence and pokes him in the chest with his index finger.

“What are you going to do, old man?” Alex says.

“Look, I know you are angry. But the reality is, we simply don't have time for this.” Reese says.

“If you want my help, you are going to have to give in to my demands.” Alex says.

“Demands? Just because you are my son doesn't grant you any special privileges.” Reese replies.

Alex walks over to the black box and begins to dismantle the explosives, knowing all too well-that Reese is in no position to negotiate. Alex isn't even sure what situation is unfolding but he does know that it must be of grave importance. Something has gone horribly wrong and his father is calling on his own trained killer. Alex is a man of discipline, his no non-sense approach to taking human life he inherited from his old man. Reese grinds his teeth, as he rubs his hands together nervously. Alex glances over to watch his reaction. From his observations he knows, Reese is about to crack.

“Blank check... How is that for demands?” Reese says reluctantly.

“Really?” Alex pauses to let the words settle in his brain. Alex had intended to just make him squirm a bit, before he accepted the offer but this is something he never expected. He wonders what could have happened to cause his father to be so generous. It must be far worse than he anticipated; the thrill of taking on something of this magnitude grabs hold of Alex's soul. He quickly suppresses the feelings and resolves to take full advantage of this situation. Alex re-arms the explosives, looks at his fathers desperate face and sets the timer for 15 minutes. “I'm in.” Alex says.

“Welcome back, Alex. Is that much C4 really necessary?” Reese asks.

“I don't want anyone looting my hula-doll collection...” Alex replies and Reese lets out a chuckle, then tosses him a Dlink. The two exit the hut and start walking towards the chopper. Reese motions to the pilot to start the engine and ready for take-off. Suddenly, Alex stops in his tracks, places his fingers in his mouth and makes a loud whistle. “Lets go George!” Alex yells. From under the hut emerges a large white American Bulldog with a large brown patch over his right eye.

“You still have that old mutt?” Reese asks.

“Yes... He's coming with us too.” Alex replies.

Alex greets his faithful companion next to the choppers open door, he lifts the dog inside and securely buckles him in. Reese takes his seat opposite the pilot and Alex settles in next to George. Alex leans over, lowers his head, to meet George at eye level. “No flying lessons today old boy.” Alex gives the go-ahead to the pilot and within minutes they are several hundred yards off-shore. Alex looks back at his island home, it is peaceful and serene. Then the explosives detonate. His former home bursts into a sea of flames, anarchy, and destruction.

“Lets get you up to speed, put on the headset and watch the screen.” Reese says. Alex places the headset on and turns his attention to the monitor on his right. It's a local news broadcast covering the recent events of the area.

Good evening folks around CNTX listening area. On tonight's episode of Spotlight in the Heartland, we focus on the events surrounding the old Home-stake Mine. It has been five days since the late night explosions rocked citizens of Lead from their deep slumber. The National Guard has been activated and is currently searching for survivors. Evacuation orders are still in effect for all of Lawrence County residents. The Department of Homeland Security asks all citizens to remain calm and abide by the evacuation orders. We contacted a member of the Department of Homeland Security about the evacuation orders and he forwarded us this information regarding the incident.

The DHS has issued a mandatory evacuation of Lawrence County. Please remain calm and follow the evacuation orders. Do not attempt, under any circumstance, to re-enter the affected areas. It may appear safe but unseen dangers exist, such as hazardous radiation and chemical exposures. Unless properly equipped, those attempting re-entry may easily become poisoned from exposure, which can cause death.

CNTX news has just received an update on this story. The Department of Homeland Security has released a statement declaring that the explosions, have been an act of terrorism. They have identified a person of interest. We will have a photo ready soon... The name released is Trixie Evans and the photo is now available. If you have any information concerning this person of interest, you are asked to call the hotline number listed on the screen. We have placed  a link on our website to follow this story as it develops.

In other news... The Vikings continue their losing streak. When will it end? Fans are calling for the head coach to be fired but the organization is sticking with their man...

Alex stares at the screen incredulously. Feelings of anger over whelm his brain and he struggles to not react on impulse. His years of training take over. His anger is subdued momentarily but feelings quickly resurface. It is not a secret that his father has a deep hatred for Trixie, for reasons only justifiable in Reese's own head. Alex is not in the mood for head games. This is the last straw. His father has crossed the line.

“Hasn't this gone on long enough? Have you lost your fragile mind?” Alex shouts.

I don't know what you're talking about, Alex.” Reese replies.

You know damn good and well, what I am talking about. It isn't enough for you. Will you stop at nothing to prove your point? The whole damn world gets it. Well except for you. We got it. You hate Trixie. But using your connections to frame her as a terrorist is just going plain too far!” Alex yells.

I didn't frame her... She brought this on, all by herself.” Reese replies.

I know you disapprove of my relationship with Eve. You couldn't have made it more clear over the years. I have loved her since high school and I will never stop loving her, no matter how inconvenient it is for you. Even, in your warped sense of reality, there has to be some understanding of right and wrong.” Alex says.

You still think I am out to lynch the old hag? As if some age-old vendetta, needs to be made amends? Son, you are barking up the wrong tree. Just watch this footage.” Reese undoes the Dlink from his wrist and places it in Alex's hands. “Dlink activate...Show file 013... Authorization... Omega one.”

Alex holds the Dlink firmly, as he watches the images unfold before his own eyes. He does not realize who Haus is but he recognizes the tattoo immediately. He continues watching, listening to every detail of the recorded conversation. He pays very close attention to the words of Trixie but it is very obvious her intent was not peaceful. “Who is the agent?” Alex asks.

“That would have been Agent Haus. I sent a special team to recover his body. In fact, they should have made it back to base by now.” Reese replies.

So that is what this is all about... Trixie causes you to lose an agent, so you are hell bent on revenge?” Alex says.

No, there is more to the story than that. Trixie, or should I say, Commander Trixie, was second in command on a new secret underground research facility...”

Who in their right mind would give her authority?” Alex asks.

People are losing their jobs as we speak.” Reese replies.

OK, let's get right down to the point. What else do I need to know?” Alex asks.

Trixie, not only murdered one of my agents, she murdered General Stratton, and stole a deadly virus. She has every intent of releasing that virus onto the general public.” Reese explains.

Where is she now?” Alex asks.

That exactly why I came to see you today... You are going to track her down and eliminate the threat.” Reese says.

You are one sick son of a bitch...” Alex pauses and tries to control his emotions. How could his father even ask him to do something like this? How could he explain this to Eve? Ideas race around inside his mind. Yet, he can't form a true rational thought. He thinks to himself that there has to be a way to end this without having to kill Trixie. Eve would never forgive him, and he knows he could never keep it a secret from her. What if he used Eve? Surely the power of her daughter pleading, would force Trixie to end her mission of destruction. Alex knows that he has a very limited window of opportunity to work with. “I understand what needs to be done here and as agreed I have a blank check for resources?”

Everything you want, no hesitation, and without question.” Reese replies.

What about the eye in the sky?” Alex asks.

Edith...” Reese says.

Yes, Director Reese?” Edith's voice sounds through the Dlink.

Change Agent Stone's Dlink clearance to Director...”

Are you sure Director Reese?” Edith asks.

Yes, any order or request from Agent Stone-should be considered a direct order from me.” Reese says.

As you wish Director Reese.” Edith says.

Anything else, Alex?” Reese says.

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