Risking Fate (22 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Foor

Tags: #Mitchell Family#4

BOOK: Risking Fate
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I could feel her hands reaching between my legs, but it was as if, I couldn’t move my arms. When I did lift them, everything
oved in slow motion. I felt Heather climb on my lap and her face touch mine, but I couldn’t speak. She was becoming blurry, and laughing the whole time.
I just sat there until all I saw was black.

When I opened my eyes, I had no idea where I was.
It was dark in the room and I was lying down.
The clock next to me said three thirty. As I t
ried to sit up, my head was p
ounding. I
put my hand over it, as I attempted
to focus on what the fuck was going on. I jumped back when I realized I wasn’t alone and I was in a bed, with nothing on. A naked Heather was spread on her stomach next to me.

I tumbled to the floor and searched the room for my clothes. After grabbing all that I could find, I ran out of there and into the bathroom. The vomit projected out of my mouth and barely made it in the toilet.

What the hell happened? I never would have done this. I never would have touched her that way. I had to be dreaming. This was all a nightmare.

Then my nightmare stepped in the doorway totally naked.  “You
okay, Baby

“No! What the fuck happened? How did we get in your bedroom?”

She came into the bathroom and seemed not to care that she was stark naked. I cringed just looking at her and started throwing up more. My life was fucking over.

“It was just like old times. After your third scotch, it was as if we’d never been apart.
You did things to me that you’ve never done before.
” She ran her hand through my hair and it actually hurt to have her touch me. “I miss your longer hair. You never should have let that little bitch cut it off.”

I backed away from her
and started making my way past her naked body. “I have to go!”

I ran out of that house as fast as I could. I didn
’t grab the bag
, or even a shirt
, but managed to grab my cell phone before running out the door
. Luckily, I always left the keys under the seat and was able to grab them without going back into the house. In the pitch black of night, I bolted off of that street.

That bitch put something in my drink. She drug
ged me. She ruined my fucking
life. I wasn’t just losing my daughter I was losing my
wife. I promised her no more secrets and there was no way I could live with something like this.

I pulled over to a parking lot and started crying my eyes out like a little fucking baby. How I ever could have thought that pretending to be interested in that evil bitch was okay,
instead it
was insane.  My wife, my daughter and my babies would never forgive what I’d just done. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t remember it at all. Hell, I couldn’t even kiss her without getting sick.

I grabbed my barely working cell phone and dialed Conner.


Amy? No it’s Ty. Conner, I fucked up.

I could hear him stirring and wondered if my beautiful wife was asleep in his arms. When I heard the door squeaking, I knew he’d gone outside.

Where are you? Randa’s been worried sick.

I’m in the parking lot at work. Look man, I swear to God that I don’t know what happened. I got there and couldn’t get near the bitch. I felt sick the whole time she talked. Next thing I know I’m drinking some liquor and waking up naked in her bed.

The line got silent and I knew Conner killing me would be better than Miranda hearing the truth.

Conner, I never would have done that shit. That bitch drugged me. I just woke up. I left
in her
house and drove away.
My life is over, Man.

I’m tryin’ to be a brother here and not someone that wants to kill you. How do you know you had sex?

I was naked. She was naked. You figure it out.

That don’t mean it happened. Drive home. I’ll wait outside.

If you’re going to kill me, use a gun. Make it fast Conner. I can’t take this guilt anymore.

Just get your fucking ass home. I ain’t goin’ to kill ya.

Even after I hung up the phone, I sat in the parking lot considering what I could possibly do to save my family. Miranda was never going to
me. My marriage was over and there was nothing I could say to save it. I promised her and I meant it when I’d said it. How could I have done something like this to her and to myself?

I arrived at my house about twenty minutes later. Conner was standing out at the barn, looking down at his phone. When he approached me, he saw I wasn’t wearing a shirt. I climbed out of the truck and prepared to have the shit beat out of me. I deserved it. I wanted it to happen.

“Jesus Christ, where’
s your shirt?”

“I couldn’t find it. I ran out of there as fast as I could.” I stood right in front of him just waiting, but as the seconds passed, I dropped to my knees and cried into my hands. “I’m so so fucking sorry, Conner. I promised her forever and I meant every word of it. I know you hate me. Just hit me. I deserve it so much.”

He got closer and kicked at my leg lightly to get my attention. “Stand up! I ain’t goin’ to hit ya. Christ Almighty, you need to get yourself together.”

I let my hands fall but the tears wouldn’t stop. I was being a fucking pussy when I should have just toughened up and accepted that I ruined my life on my own. Thinking about losing them, even Conner was too much to take. “My life is over. I can’t live without her,
. You don’t understand how much I love her, how much I love them. What the fuck am I going to do?”

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to the other side of the barn. “I’ll tell ya what you’re goin’ to do. You’re goin’
to stop cr
yin’ like a fuckin’ baby for starters. Then
goin’ to get your ass in that house and tell your wife that because nothin’ happened, you didn’t get the papers. You’re goin’ to tell my sister that you couldn’t go through with it.”

“I can’t lie to her, Man.”

“You need to, because it would be bad enough to hear what you think
, but to top it off, she would still have to battle that woman for custody without the love and support of her husband by her side. She’s pregnant with twins, in case you
noticed. She needs her husband.”

“She’s going to know.”

Conner shook his head and pushed me. “Ty, you told me that she drugged you. Is that the truth?”

I nodded.
“I don’t remember shit. I sure as hell
have cheated on my
wife. I never would have taken
things that far. I swear.” It didn’t matter what Conner believed. I knew the truth.

“As far as you know, nothing happened. You don’t remember it, so how are you lying? Shit, you could have passed out before anything did happen.”
He put his hand on my shoulder. “It’s taken me a long time to accept your marriage, but one thing I have always known, was that you loved my sister. Even before you two had somethin’ goin’ there was always somethin’ between you. I don’t believe for one second that you would do any of this on purpose. Miranda is just as at fault for this, but I know she couldn’t handle it. What happened tonight, stays between me and you. Understood?”
He shook his head. “Ty, when everyone was ready to turn their back on me, you opened up your home and let me get clean. I owe you my life. Consider this as a payback.”

I looked up at Conner and saw how serious he was. As much as I wanted to die for what had happened, I wanted to be with my family more. I’d
to not lie to my wife and I hated that I was doing it, but it was about my family,
not just me. It was about Izzy
, and Jax and Jake. I needed to be their father.

I agreed to never speak of what happened and forget about it. I knew that Conner would always have something on me, but for some reason I felt like it made us closer. If he had my back, then he truly
that I would never hurt my wife on purpose.

Once we got in the house, I got a shower and threw on some clothes from the laundry room. When I climbed into bed, I just laid there staring at my pregnant wife and I couldn’t help but to break down again.




Chapter 15


Falling asleep was impossible when I knew where my husband was. Conner never left my side and I had finally calmed down when I realized why he’d hit Ty. It was a good plan, but still a little hard to watch.

I’d fallen asleep sometime
after two in the morning, following hours of crying. Luckily, Bella went to sleep early and didn’t understand what exactly I was upset about anyway. We told her that her daddy had to do something with a loose cattle and she was content to that.

I woke up hours later to a sound I wasn’t very familiar with. As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw the back of my husband and his body was trembling. He was sobbing.


He rolled over and I could see from his face that he’d been crying for a long time. His eyes were swollen and even in the dark room, he looked horrible. Fear rushed over me and I ran through all of the scenarios in my head. Was I really ready to ask him what happened? Did I want to hear the details?
Did he love me enough to say no?

I reached my hand out and grabbed his, pulling it to my heart. “What happened?”

All I could think about was him cheating on me. If he’d done it to save our daughter, could I ever get past that?

“I didn’t get the papers. She didn’t believe me.” He started to cry more as I pulled him into my body. “I’m so sorry, Baby. God, I am so sorry. I just wanted to make things better for us. I wanted to protect our family.”

I kissed his head and wiped away the tears with my thumb. “Shhh, it’s goin’ to be okay. No matter what, we are goin’ to fight this woman. We’ll take it
court and fight her
on the grounds of her bein’ an
unfit person. The courts will believe us. Colt knows people. We can still beat this.”

Everything I was saying was true, but most of it was just optimistic thinking. Tucker’s mother was Bella’s grandmother and I found it hard to believe that the courts would be against her
having a relationship and getting to know
her blood relative.

Ty cried himself to sleep, while still nestled in my arms. It was uncomfortable, but I was too scared to wake him to get adjusted. Besides, after waiting up half the night and finally getting him home, I
didn’t want to let go. I needed to be close to him. I needed to know that he was still mine.

When I woke up the next morning Ty was lying there staring at me. He was on his stomach resting his head on his hand. With his free arm, he traced the skin on my cheek. “

I slid my body into his and waited for his strong arms to fold around me. When they did, I nestled my head against his chest. “Let’s not talk about anything today. Let’s just be together.”

His hand slowly moved
way up my t-shirt and I felt his fingers tracing the side of one of my breasts. The twins were moving all around, maybe because I was starving. Between the movement and my stomach growling loudly, Ty began to laugh. He carefully pushed me on my back and kissed my belly. “I love this life with you. I’d do anything for you.”

I ran my hands through his hair and watched him look up at me. “Touch me, Ty.”

My stomach growled again and he shook his head and laughed into my stomach. “When’s the last time you ate?”

I shrugged. “I don’t remember.”

Ty sat up and rubbed his hands into his face. I watched him walk toward the bathroom in his underwear. I had to bite down on my lip when I saw the beginning of his sexy crack peeking out of the top of them. His sexy body made me crazy and I started imagining his hands all over me.

I could clearly hear him
himself, but it didn’t stop me from removing my shirt and wrapping my arms around him. Ty jumped at first and then finished what he was doing. He spun around and backed up enough to take in the site of me. My big belly made me feel
huge, but I could tell from Ty’s eyes, that he didn’t agree with that.

He pulled the clip out of my hair and watched the length fall down over my breasts.  Ty
down on his bottom lip and held up his index finger. “Hold that thought.” He grabbed his
and handed me mine, with a wink. I brushed my teeth and he looked me up and down. His eyes were desperate and I wanted his mouth to tell me what they were thinking.

As we finished, he led me back to our bed. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

I laid down on his side of the bed and heard him talking to my brother.

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