Rivals (70 page)

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Authors: Jilly Cooper

BOOK: Rivals
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‘I fort you was never coming,’ said Freddie as he opened the door. In the kitchen was a bottle of Dom Perignon on ice and a huge plate of smoked salmon. Freddie had picked Rupert’s brains about seducing techniques.
‘The ideal picnic,’ sighed Lizzie. ‘I brought us some coffee cake for pudding.’
They stayed in the kitchen, in case they messed up the cushions poised on their points on Valerie’s settees. Briefly they discussed the franchise.
‘D’you think you’ll get it?’
‘I know we will,’ said Freddie. ‘Now let’s talk about us. I want to see a great deal of you, Mrs Vereker, but it won’t be easy wiv Tony Baddingham, an’ Valerie, an’ James breaving down our necks.’
‘James won’t be,’ said Lizzie.
‘Where is he at the moment?’
‘Inside Sarah Stratton, I should think.’
They both roared with laughter and, for the first time, Lizzie found she didn’t mind. She liked everything about Freddie, she decided – the way his eyes turned down at the corners, and his beer gut, and the damp patches under his arms because he was so nervous, and the way he smoked with his cigar between finger and thumb to eke it out, and coiled into the palm of his hand as though he was still hiding it from the foreman, who was probably now called Valerie.
As a writer, she told herself firmly as Freddie led her upstairs, one has to experience life. All the same she didn’t think she would have gone to bed with Freddie on that first day, and certainly not in Valerie’s bedroom, if she hadn’t found four of her favourite books in the spare room bookshelf, which she’d lent to Valerie when she’d had flu and which Valerie’d sworn she’d given back to Lizzie.
When they got upstairs Freddie initially seemed far more interested in showing off his gadgets – the eight-horsepower Jacuzzi and the bath which turned on by remote control and regulated the water from the bed, which was huge and oval, with its great dashboard of buttons at the head.
‘Shall we sleep in it,’ whispered Lizzie, ‘or hi-jack it and fly it to paradise?’
‘You do say the loveliest rings,’ said Freddie, drawing her close. His paunch slotted in below her splendid breasts, so it was very easy for them to kiss.
‘What music would you like?’ asked Freddie.
‘Brahms’s Second Piano Concerto,’ said Lizzie.
Next moment, incredibly, it flooded through the room. ‘I must have a pee first,’ said Lizzie, wading through the shagpile to the bathroom.
‘I’ll get undressed,’ said Freddie.
Lizzie washed herself with Valerie’s flannel, but not too much, in case she rubbed away all the lubrication. She wanted Freddie to know how excited she was. For a second she examined the lips of her labia, just peering out of her bush, like a wrinkled old tortoise, then shoved them inside. How could men possibly find women beautiful down there? Would her opening be prettier than Valerie’s? she wondered.
Coming out, she opened the wrong door and nearly went into the linen cupboard. Goodness it was tidy, as though it had been laid out with a set square. Adultery certainly taught you about other people’s houses. She expected Freddie to be completely undressed by the time she got back, but he had so much jewellery to remove that she beat him to it.
‘I’ve dreamed and dreamed of this moment,’ said Freddie as he stretched out beside her. ‘Ever since we first met at that ‘unt ball, eighteen monfs ago. I fort, what a lovely lady.’
‘I’m so fat,’ sighed Lizzie.
‘You’re not,’ said Freddie. ‘It’s much more fun climbing Everest than the foothills.’
Lizzie put her hand on his cock. ‘And it’s so nice to see software becoming hardware.’
‘And I’m going to declare this an area of outstanding natural beauty,’ said Freddie. Reaching for his glass of champagne on the bedside table, he emptied it into her bush and proceeded to lick it all off. After Mousie’s fragility, he reflected as he climbed on top of her, it was like having a wonderfully sturdy cob between your thighs.
‘I hope you’re using a Condom Perignon,’ mumbled Lizzie half-laughing and half-crying with pleasure as he entered her.
Brahms’s Second Piano Concerto was her favourite piece of music, but from then on she forgot its existence until the last ecstatic bars of the final Allegretto.
‘You’re absolutely perfick,’ whispered Freddie. ‘You’re the big fing in my life now.’
‘I love you,’ said Lizzie.
‘And I love you,’ said Freddie.
Afterwards they had another bottle and ate all the coffee cake, and longed to make love again, but decided it was too risky. To establish an alibi, Lizzie then went shopping in Cotchester, so drunk and happy she could hardly get the clothes back on the hangers. Coming out of the chemist, having bought a huge guilt present of Aramis for James, which she thought she might give to Freddie, she heard a car tooting.
Not being vain, she didn’t even turn round when it went on tooting, and only did so when Tony Baddingham lowered his electric window and yelled out to her.
Keeping her mouth tight shut so he wouldn’t catch the champagne fumes, wondering if he could see the words ‘adulterer and traitor’ branded on her forehead, she edged towards him.
‘You’re looking great,’ said Tony smoothly. ‘Really great.
Must have been a good holiday. What have you been buying?’
‘Scent for James,’ said Lizzie.
‘How very nice,’ said Tony. ‘And it isn’t even his birthday!
You’re a good wife, Lizzie. Look forward to seeing you on Saturday week.’
‘Saturday?’ said Lizzie, bewildered.
‘Sarah Stratton’s dinner party,’ said Tony. ‘We’ll have a good talk then.’
Back at Lake House, Lizzie rushed upstairs, washed off all her make-up and scent, removed the nail polish from her toes and got into her old clothes in case James came home early. Fortunately he was very late, so she was able to watch almost the entire production of
Midsummer Night’s Dream
by herself. It was magical, despite Titania’s bulge, and must have won Corinium a lot of Brownie points in the franchise battle. Throughout the performance, Lizzie kept thinking of Freddie, and how cuddly and sweet and kind he’d been, and how she wanted him to make love to her over and over again.
‘Funny goings on at Venturer,’ said James in a pleased voice, pouring himself an uncharacteristic drink the moment he got in. ‘Evidently Cameron’s pushed off to Ireland with Declan, and I’ve just seen Bas coming out of the Bar Sinister with Maud.’
Funny goings on everywhere, thought Lizzie dreamily, what with James and Sarah, and her and Freddie, and Rupert probably still hankering after Taggie. It was as though they’d all been affected by Puck’s mischievous witchery like the mortals and Titania in
Midsummer Night’s Dream.
James fell asleep the moment his head touched the pillow.
‘I am the mistress of a very nice man,’ wrote Lizzie ecstatically in her diary before she turned out the light.
The first Saturday in October Taggie overslept. Working late, she hadn’t got to bed until four. She was just making a cup of coffee when Wandering Aengus, mewing horribly, padded in with a live fieldmouse in his mouth.
‘Beast,’ yelled Taggie, hurling a dishcloth at him. She missed, but Aengus was so startled he dropped the fieldmouse, which took refuge under the dresser.
Having shut the enraged and growling cat in the larder, Taggie managed to rescue the mouse with a dustpan and brush and put it in a cardboard box. Dressed in only the briefest nightie and gumboots, she carried the box across the lawn to set it free at the edge of the fields. Very gently she tipped it out, but the poor little thing didn’t move; perhaps it had died of shock. Next moment she nearly died too. Coming towards her out of the blue mist across the dew-drenched field on a big, sweating dark-brown horse, rode Rupert. As he raised his hat, Taggie put her finger to her lips and showed him the mouse which was still motionless.
‘Aengus caught it,’ she whispered. ‘D’you think it’ll survive?’
Rupert privately thought a quick shove with his boot would put the mouse out of its misery, but, knowing this would upset Taggie, said it might just be frozen with fear, and why didn’t they leave it for a bit. Gazing at Taggie’s nightgown and gumboots, he asked her if she was going out. Taggie went crimson and said she’d been doing a late dinner party. There was a long pause. Casting desperately round for something to say, Taggie mumbled that it was a nice day.
‘Very. I’ve been cubbing,’ said Rupert.
‘Oh, poor little things,’ said Taggie in horror. ‘Did you kill any?’
‘No,’ lied Rupert. ‘I brought you these,’ he went on, producing some huge mushrooms out of his riding-coat pocket.
‘Oh, aren’t they beautiful?’ Distracted, Taggie examined their pleated pink undersides, ‘How really kind. Thank you so much.’
Anyone would have thought he’d given her another Fabergé egg, thought Rupert. Stammering furiously, she asked him if he’d like some breakfast.
‘I hoped you’d say that. I’ll drop off my horse and come back.’
Taggie raced upstairs and was appalled to see that her nightie had a huge tear, her eyes were full of sleep, and her mascara was all smudged. Frantically she washed, put on an old pair of black sawn-off cords and a dark-brown T-shirt which seemed to be the only things Maud hadn’t pinched, and started cooking breakfast. She steeled herself to the possibility that Rupert would get caught up in some drama at the yard, or at home, and forget to return; or that Maud, smelling frying bacon, would come down and join them. But he was back in a quarter of an hour with a bottle of champagne for Buck’s Fizz, and Maud stayed upstairs, perfecting a song called ‘Jogging in a one-horse gig’.
‘She really is working at it,’ said Rupert, edging the bottle open with his thumbs.
‘It’s wonderful. She’s so much happier,’ said Taggie, thinking how black and luscious the white mushrooms had gone, and tipping most of them onto Rupert’s plate.
‘I hope Tony Baddingham and your father don’t bump into each other on the first night,’ said Rupert as the cork flew through the window into the long grass outside, ‘or either your mother or Monica really will be a merry widow!’
He picked up the
which had a grim front-page story about the rocketing AIDS figures. Thank God he’d had that test.
It was such a lovely day, they had breakfast outside on the peeling white bench. Despite the warmth, the cedars, wellingtonias and yews flanking the house were already full of orange leaves from the nearby horse chestnuts, and the ground was littered with conkers. Lavender, roses, and evening primroses still bloomed on, bravely waiting for the first frost.
‘I’ve never felt such hot sun in October,’ said Rupert, taking off his jersey. ‘With a few more leaves off the trees, I’ll be able to see your house again.’
‘How was America?’ asked Taggie, dividing her bacon rind between a slavering Gertrude and Claudius.
‘Good,’ said Rupert, deciding not to mention four magnificent days hunting in Virginia. ‘I’ve found a marvellous stallion, and a brood mare for Freddie. Which reminds me, I saw Freddie’s red Jaguar parked outside Mrs Vereker’s house while “Cotswold Round-Up” was on the air last night. If he’s going to err and stray, he ought to find a more discreet car.’
Taggie giggled. ‘Lizzie’s so nice, isn’t she?’ she said, breaking a sausage in half for the dogs.
‘She certainly deserves some fun. James treats her like an old wheelchair he can fall back into in old age. This breakfast is quite marvellous. Why are you giving all yours to the dogs?’
‘I don’t usually eat breakfast,’ mumbled Taggie, taking a slug of Buck’s Fizz.
Rupert ran his eyes over her. ‘You’re losing weight. I’ll have to start adding molasses and carrots to your oats.’

Jogging in a one-horse gig, any time of night or day
,’ sang Maud from upstairs, ‘
Careless of the weather
very close together
lovers fall in love that way.

Rupert raised his eyebrows and filled up Taggie’s glass.
Please God, she prayed, make this moment go on for ever and ever. The next moment Gertrude had joined them on the bench seat on Taggie’s side, not giving herself enough room, so Taggie had to move closer to Rupert.
‘Well done, Gertrude,’ said Rupert, grinning. ‘You really are on my side.’
Taggie’s heart seemed to be beating completely out of time to Maud’s singing. Frantically, she stroked Gertrude.
‘Heard from your father?’ asked Rupert.
‘No,’ stammered Taggie. ‘Have you heard from Cameron?’
‘Not recently.’
There was another long pause. A conker plummeted on to the shaggy lawn. Laughing and watching her, Rupert waited.
‘You mustn’t worry about Daddy and Cameron being on their own together for so long,’ Taggie finally blurted out. ‘I know Daddy’s wildly attractive, but he is utterly obsessed with Mummy.’
Rupert was about to deny that he was remotely worried about Cameron. Instead he removed a long dark hair from her shoulder and put it in his shirt pocket.
‘I dreamed about you last night.’
‘You did?’ said Taggie in amazement. ‘Was it nice?’
‘Lovely, and extremely disturbing.’ He trailed the back of his fingers down her arm. Taggie quivered and stopped stroking Gertrude.
‘It’s the last night of the Horse of the Year Show tonight,’ went on Rupert. ‘Tabitha’s in the final of the mounted games. It’s a good evening. Why don’t you come with me? We could have dinner afterwards.’
Taggie nearly wept. ‘Sarah Stratton’s giving a dinner party. I’ve got to work.’
‘Pity,’ said Rupert lightly.
Gertrude stuck her nose under Taggie’s trembling hand, jerking it upwards, urging Taggie to stroke her again. Gertrude and me, thought Rupert.
‘The Baddinghams and the Verekers are going, so they’ll all talk about the franchise. I’ll probably be made to stay in the kitchen,’ babbled Taggie.

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