Riverbreeze: Part 3 (3 page)

Read Riverbreeze: Part 3 Online

Authors: Ellen E. Johnson

Tags: #powhatan indians, #virginia colony, #angloindian war, #brothers, #17th century, #Romance, #early american life, #twin sisters, #dreams, #jamestown va

BOOK: Riverbreeze: Part 3
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Elizabeth couldn’t stop her mouth from dropping open. What a surprise! At that moment, she fell in love with him all over again.

It seemed that the others were equally astounded.

Rob smiled then and put his arm around Elizabeth. “It seems I’ve taken my wife by surprise.” He said with a chuckle. Gently he stroked a finger down the line of her jaw, then pushed under her chin to close her mouth. “I would hate to see a fly fly right into that lovely mouth, my dear.” He whispered close to her ear.

She immediately snapped her mouth shut, blushing in embarrassment.
! Obviously he didn’t like it if someone else teased her or teased him about his wife, but it was all right if he teased his own wife!

“Where did you get those adorable little breeches for Robin?” Emily asked, effectively changing the subject.

Elizabeth gave her a grateful look. “Evelyn helped me alter a pair of Robert’s old breeches for him. Robert didn’t want him in smocks anymore except for bed, of course.”

“I can understand that completely.” Charles said, giving a nod of approval to Robert. “I wish I had thought of that rather than stick to tradition.” He turned back to watch the three boys petting the dogs while Nathan hovered over them, ready to grab the dogs back if they became too irritated at all the attention and looked like they might bite. Once again Elizabeth appreciated him so much for having such a wonderful bond with the dogs.

The Crockett boys were dressed identically, wearing long tan dresses over white shirts, and ankle-length brown wool coats with red silk trim. With their long curls they could almost pass for girls. They even wore matching brown felt hats with pink plumes. Charles continued, “Look at them. My sons are wearing dresses. No more, Emily. Breeches, it is.”

“Whatever you say, darling.” She said with a little smile, and a wink at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth smiled in return. “If you need help with any sewing or a pattern, call on Evelyn. She’s the expert.”

“Thank you. I’ll do that.”

A shout came from behind them on the shore. The two couples turned to see Jamie and Evelyn striding towards them. What perfect timing, although Emily never had a chance to ask Evelyn about sewing or patterns. Elizabeth believed that Emily was slightly shocked at Jamie and Evelyn’s appearance, and possibly a little embarrassed as well.

Elizabeth was too, for Jamie and Evelyn looked the picture of health and something more: disheveled hair, flushed cheeks, bright eyes and big foolish smiles. Clearly, one could imagine what they had been doing.

That green-eyed monster struck Elizabeth again and for a split second, she pressed her lips together and let out a big sigh through her nose.

After exchanging quick greetings with the Crocketts, Evelyn stepped up to her twin to give her a hug. Despite Elizabeth’s jealousy, which she forced herself to get over, she embraced Evelyn in return. Jamie clapped Robert on the back, saying, “I thought we would beat you, but…” He stopped short and with a grin too revealing, he looked over at Evelyn with burning eyes that made Evelyn blush like a virgin.

Robert cleared his throat. “If you two will quit making lovey-dovey eyes at each other, you can come with us to Van Dijk’s ship to look at material.”

“What!” Jamie exclaimed, his mouth dropping open!

“Material?” Evelyn spoke at the same time. Her eyes lit up with a different kind of passion as she asked, “You’re going to look at material? Oh Jamie, may we go?” She pleaded.

Mention shopping for material and Evelyn usually went into ecstatics.

“We’ll all go.” Robert said, “Emily…” He nodded at her. “And you, Charles?” He looked pointedly at him.

“Of course.” Charles muttered, knowing when he was defeated. This trip was going to cost him.

* * *


In the end Charles Crockett got off cheap. This time. He and his wife didn’t go aboard the ship. Even though Abigail volunteered to stay with the boys, Emily wouldn’t leave her sons and they weren’t in need of any material anyway. Charles had already made his purchases over a month ago. Elizabeth remembered the first time she had met the Crocketts, both of them wearing fine new clothing.

So Emily stayed with Abigail and helped her to arrange their quilts at the edge of the field while Charles took off to speak with Captain Neale. The servants also remained with the women and children, Nathan watching the dogs while Dolnick guarded the men’s muskets and pistols.

Luckily they didn’t have to wait very long for a boat to take them to the Dutch ship. Only one couple was ahead of them, Helen and Robert Boyle, and they all chatted briefly before the Boyles were ferried away. The Boyles were similar in age to the Bassetts and new to the colony and it was clear that young Helen hated it here. Her behavior was atrocious and she gave her husband grief about everything and even threatened to stow away on one of the ships returning to England if he didn’t buy her everything and anything she wanted. She was already wearing a gorgeous high-waisted, low cut gown of light blue silk with a full gathered skirt and puffed sleeves to just below her elbows, ending in frilly lace cuffs. Her hands were covered in tight leather gloves that reached to the ends of the sleeves of her gown and a coordinating navy cloak fell gracefully from her shoulders. She had strands of pearls woven through her silky honey-blond hair and draped around her swan-like neck. She was a beauty, that was obvious and perhaps that was why her brow-beaten husband indulged her, but good heavens! Elizabeth had never seen anyone that spoiled! Not even herself, she thought with a small smile.

When they were alone on the quay, just the four of them, Robert spoke up, staring after the Boyles. “That girl either needs a belt taken to her backside or taken to bed and ravished until she can’t speak anymore. I bet poor deballed Boyle hasn’t done either.”

Jamie laughed. “You see how quiet my lovely wife is.” He said suggestively, hugging Evelyn close and kissing her temple.

“Jamie!” She blushed bright pink and tried to hide her face. But Jamie was right. Evelyn had been quiet all through the conversation with the Boyles. Either she was thinking about shopping for material or she was remembering her ride with Jamie. Mmm. That would be a difficult choice for Evelyn. Material. Jamie. Material. Jamie. Elizabeth couldn’t help but smile to herself. She would tease Evelyn about that later.

Now she turned her attention back to her husband. “You would beat a wife for acting like that?” She asked, genuinely interested in his answer.

“Legally, I would have every right.” He answered.

“I know you have every right.” She retorted. “But I thought because of your past you would never be so cruel.”

Rob opened his mouth to defend himself, but Jamie spoke first. “Uh oh. You’re in trouble now.” He said with a grin.

Robert glared at his brother. “You stay out of this.” He growled. To Elizabeth he said, “Can you honestly say you believe she doesn’t deserve a beating?”

“Yes!” Elizabeth answered without thought.

“Oh please.” Robert scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. “She’s a shrew! Like I said, a beating or a loving. Either one will shut her mouth.” His tone indicated that his mind was set and there was no room for debate.

“Oh really?” Elizabeth said, ready to have some fun with him. She sashayed closer to him, swaying her hips and walking her fingers up his arm in a very suggestive manner. “If I were to act so spoiled and whined and complained until you couldn’t stand it, what would you do to me? Beat me? Love me?” By this time her fingers were caressing the side of his face.

She wasn’t sure how Robert would react to her teasing, but she quickly learned how happy he was to play along with her. He grabbed her hand and looked deeply into her eyes. Slowly he kissed each fingertip, pinning her with his piercing gaze. A shiver went through her. This could become dangerous. Her little game could backfire on her for he could quickly put her in an embarrassing and compromising position right here in this public place. She should stop this right now, but for some unknown reason, she didn’t.

His voice was low as he said, “I would throw you over my knee, lift your skirts very slowly as my hand skimmed up your legs and then I would spank you until your bottom was rosy red—“

“Rob!” Jamie gasped, chiding him.

Robert ignored him. He continued as Elizabeth stood frozen, her heart pounding, her breath held, “Then when your flesh was sufficiently warm and burning with pain I would plunge my fingers into your—“

“Rob!” Jamie shouted louder this time, grabbing his arm and squeezing hard. “This is not the place for your perverted fantasies.”

Robert’s head came up, a funny little smile on his face as if he had been caught doing something naughty, which he had! Nevertheless, he shrugged his shoulders and said, “She asked.”

And then he looked back at Elizabeth and in that low voice, said, “You asked.”

She swallowed hard. Yes, she had asked and she had heard something that she should have never heard—Evelyn shouldn’t have heard it either—but against her own better judgment she had followed some naughty streak in herself and had taunted him and lost. “Now I know.” She said in a shaky voice.

“Yes, now you know.” He said in a queerly flat voice.

Fortunately for Elizabeth, they were interrupted at that point by a distant scream.

“What was that?” Evelyn said, finally speaking. Elizabeth glanced at her and could sense that Evelyn had been just as shaken by Robert’s revelation as she had and now was eager to change the subject.

“Look!” Jamie exclaimed, pointing to the Dutch ship.

All eyes looked. A man was diving off the ship into the river where a woman was desperately trying to keep her head above the water. She was flailing her arms so wildly, it was almost impossible for the man to get close enough to save her.

All of a sudden Robert guffawed. “Wouldn’t that be grand if that was Helen Boyle in the water? Aw…” He mocked her. “Her beautiful gown ruined, her coiffure wrecked.”

Elizabeth just stared at him, too shocked to speak. She had seen him lose his temper before and yell scathing insults at a doctor, and she had seen him spar with Jamie time and time again, and she had heard him spout sarcastic remarks about others until she was sure the others’ ears were burning, but never had she seen him act so cruel and heartless toward a woman. Did he hate Helen Boyle so much or did he hate her behavior?

Jamie was equally as shocked and disgusted. “That is just plain vicious of you. She could drown!” He said, shooting his brother a condemning look.

“Pah! She’s not going to drown.” Robert scoffed. “Look, they’ve thrown down two ropes and the man has already caught her. All they have to do is pick them up.”

“True…” Jamie relented, watching the rowboat approach the man and the woman. It was quite a show watching the girl being dragged into the boat, but finally it was accomplished.

And then the screaming and screeching began. Alas, it was Helen Boyle and her shrill shrieks could be heard all the way to shore.

“She hasn’t learned a damn thing.” Robert said, shaking his head in disgust. “I need to have a talk with her husband.”

“Maybe her husband was the one to push her overboard.” Jamie suggested, strangely taking Robert’s side even after he had scolded him earlier.

“Here she comes. We’d better give her a wide path.” Robert said, moving aside.

Elizabeth moved with him, still close enough to elbow him in the ribs. She frowned at him. “Be nice. Have some compassion.”

“I agree with Robert.” Evelyn suddenly said.

All eyes jerked to her. She had been so quiet it came as a surprise when she spoke.

Elizabeth’s mouth dropped open. “You too?” She gasped.

Evelyn turned slightly pink under her sister’s stare. She shrugged a shoulder embarrassingly. “I mean, Helen Boyle’s behavior is deplorable. She’s utterly selfish and spoiled. Remember Papa and Louise always reminding us to think of others first? Despite all our advantages and possessions we were never to behave like spoiled brats. I’m sorry, but I have to agree with Robert in this instance.”

“Oh!” Elizabeth gasped, her eyes wide. She couldn’t stop staring at her sister.

Robert smiled smugly. “Thank you, Evelyn.” He said.

“You’re welcome.” She said, dipping her head shyly. Then, in a small voice, she asked Elizabeth. “Do you still love me, Bess?”

The question caught Elizabeth off guard. But after only a second, she melted, saying, “Of course I still love you, you silly.” And they hugged, giggling in each other’s arms.

“So, do you still love me?” Robert asked, from behind her.

Elizabeth went still. The rascal! He knew how to manipulate her.

The sisters parted and Elizabeth gave in. Rolling her eyes, she faced her husband and grudgingly said, “Yes, I still love you too.”

“Thank God!” He exclaimed, his eyes bright with delight. He grabbed her around the waist, lifting her off her feet. “I thought I’d be the next one in the river!”

“Oh, put me down!” Elizabeth scolded him, her hands clutching his shoulders.

He did, but only after he whispered, a wicked twinkle in his eye, “Later, my spoiled one.”

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