Riverbreeze: Part 3 (35 page)

Read Riverbreeze: Part 3 Online

Authors: Ellen E. Johnson

Tags: #powhatan indians, #virginia colony, #angloindian war, #brothers, #17th century, #Romance, #early american life, #twin sisters, #dreams, #jamestown va

BOOK: Riverbreeze: Part 3
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That must have been all right, because she continued, “I am not afraid.” She dug her nails into his arms again.

His turn. “You are not afraid. You are not afraid of anything in this world.” Was that going too far? Was he doing this right? He had never participated in anything like this before, but he understood what she was doing. She was projecting her strength to Elizabeth, but in her weakened condition, she needed his help. He was glad to help.

“I am strong.” She said, again digging her nails in his arms, signaling him.

“You are strong; you are very strong. You are brave and strong, and you are without fear. You have the love and strength of our Lord God. His light and salvation will protect you and comfort you.”

With that Evelyn slumped in his arms. Her head lolled back. It frightened him, but then he thought that she had only fainted or fallen asleep. He moved to lay her down, but she tightened her grip on him again, stopping him.

“Hold me still.” She whispered. Then her eyes fluttered open and she smiled weakly at him. “Thank you. You were perfect.”

He was stunned. He didn’t think he had been perfect. “How are you feeling?


He rubbed her back, feeling her small shoulder blades and the delicate knobs of her backbone. “There will be other babies.” He said softly, remembering her dream.

“But I wanted this one.”

He didn’t know what to say to that. He just continued to hold her, caressing her hair and smoothing it down her back. Finally he asked, “Did Elizabeth lose hers?”

“Yes. She lost hers first.”

That was shocking to him. Did Elizabeth’s miscarriage prompt hers? He wanted to ask her, but didn’t. That would have sounded like he blamed Elizabeth and he didn’t want to upset Evelyn. Instead he said, “Robert will be furious when he finds out.”

“Are you furious?” She asked softly.

He took in a quick breath. His first reaction was to say no, but on second thought he was furious, furious at Wesley. “Yes.” He said in a hard voice. He looked her straight in the eye and added, “My brother will pay for this. I promise you, he will be punished.”

“Good. I want him to hang.” She said coldly.

Jamie was shocked she would say that, but that wasn’t such a bad idea.

Abigail appeared then, carrying a pile of clean linen in one hand and a pitcher of water in the other. “I took these sheets from Robert’s and Elizabeth’s room.” She said, coming closer to the bed. “I hope that’s all right.”

“That’s fine.” Jamie said. He turned back to Evelyn. “Are you going to be all right?”

She nodded. She caressed his cheek. “I’ll be fine now. Elizabeth will be too. I sense her sleeping.”

“You can sense that?” Jamie gasped.

She smiled peacefully. “I can tonight.”

“Amazing!” He breathed. He touched her face, staring at her with wonder in his eyes for a silent moment. She continued to smile serenely.

Finally he shook his head, realizing Abigail was waiting for him to leave. “Right.” He said, “I’ll leave you to get cleaned up. Let me know if I can do anything else.” He stood up.

She nodded, but didn’t say anything, just smiled at him. He kissed her once and left, leaving Abigail to tend to his wife.

* * *


Hours later, in the middle of the night, Evelyn had a dream, a wonderful dream. When it was over, she woke up, crying with happiness. She grabbed Jamie’s arms and shook him. “I saw her! I saw where she is!” She exclaimed.

“What? Where?” Jamie rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

She spoke excitedly. “In a small cabin with a fireplace. She’s on the floor in front of the fireplace. The fire is high and warm.”

Jamie sat up. “Did you see what she’s doing? Did you see Wesley?” He asked, feeling stupid for asking. How could she have seen Wesley? How could she have seen what Elizabeth was doing? But he knew that she saw a lot of strange things in her dreams.

Evelyn just shook her head. She looked anguished. “No.” She whispered.

He took her arms in his hands. “Tell me more about the cabin.” Jamie urged her.

“The fireplace is made from stones, not brick. There are things hanging from the lintel…” She said, staring straight ahead, but not really seeing anything. She was remembering. “…a ladle….tongs…brooms…”

“I don’t know anyone with a stone fireplace. What else?” Jamie demanded.

She frowned, trying to remember every detail. “There are dried herbs hanging from the ceiling, some dried tobacco and there are some shelves next to the fireplace.”

Jamie shook his head. “What is on the shelves?”

“Bowls.” She frowned again and covered her face with her hands. “Um…a candle box…three books.”

“Books!” Jamie exclaimed. “What are the books?”

She shook her head. “I didn’t see.” Then all of a sudden she gasped. “I remember! There were animal skins hanging from the wall on the other side of the fireplace from the shelves!”

“Animal skins! Let me think.” Jamie said, stroking his day old whiskers. “Who keeps animal skins in their cabin?”

“Wait. I remember something else.” She looked at Jamie with wide, excited eyes. She gasped. “The man with the scarred face!”

“You mean Wesley?”

“No! Burcher. Billy Burcher!”

“She’s at Burcher’s cabin?”


“Are you sure?”


Jamie jumped up. “I have to tell Robert.”

“Is he home?”

Robert hadn’t come home that night, at least not by the time they had gone to bed.

“I’ll find out soon enough.” And he ran out of the room.

Evelyn’s heart pounded with hope and excitement. Now they knew where her dear sister was. Now all they had to do was rescue her.

“We’re coming for you, Bess.” She whispered. “Stay strong. It won’t be long now.”



Chapter Forty-Nine: Rescue



Robert didn’t go directly to the Powhatan village after leaving the Paulette’s. He went to see Nick Bannister. Originally he had thought that he would have Nick travel down the river to spread the word of Elizabeth’s abduction and the search party that Sheriff Huett was forming, but when he arrived at Nick’s, Adam Cooke, the Bolton brothers and Gerald Warden were visiting. Actually they had just finished sowing Nick’s tobacco seeds and were having dinner. Tomorrow they would sow Adam’s seeds and so on. None of these men had indentured servants, so they had formed a sort of ‘tobacco bee’ where they helped each other with their farm work since they also had their trades which kept them busy most of the day.

After much discussion, it was decided that Nick would accompany Robert to the Powhatan village to fetch Owasewas. Nick was excited; he had never been to a Powhatan village before and since Robert had connections with the Powhatan’s, Nick had nothing to fear.

The rest of the men would spread the word and help Huett form the search party.

Robert and Nick arrived at the village around midnight, riding half the way on their horses, leaving them under the shelter of a stand of Loblolly Pine trees just before the Chickohominy River, crossing the river using one of the boats left on the shore for that purpose and then hiking the rest of the way. Of course, there were savages on ‘look out’ guarding the village and luckily Owasewas was one of them; otherwise Robert may not have gotten such a friendly reception.

Owasewas was understandably surprised to see him again, but once he heard about Elizabeth’s abduction, he readily agreed to join Robert in the hunt for Wesley. Robert even pondered the idea of allowing Owasewas to keep Wesley for a sacrifice rather than killing him outright. He had felt sick when Connelly had been sacrificed and had not wanted to watch, but Wesley…..that was a thought worth considering.

All three men were bone tired at that hour and Owasewas invited Robert and Nick to sleep for a few hours in his family’s longhouse. Robert questioned whether Owasewas’ family would welcome him and Nick, but Owasewas reassured him that his family would. His mind at ease, Rob then agreed and he and Nick accompanied Owasewas to his dwelling, welcoming the chance to rest upon some warm animal furs for several hours before having to face the journey back to Robert’s house where they would pick up Jamie before rendezvousing with the Sheriff and the search party.

It was warm and cozy in the longhouse and Robert felt himself succumbing to sleep almost immediately. However, just before he closed his eyes, he did notice Nick, who was wide-eyed with curiosity despite his fatigue, join one of Owasewas’ younger sisters in her furs. Well, so much for him being faithful to Rebecca, Robert thought. But he didn’t fault Nick. Nick was a young and healthy man, and well…he was young and healthy and robust! And the girl was young and pretty and alluring. It was what they did! Thankfully, he slept through all of it.

A few hours later they were on their way and they arrived at Riverbreeze just at the crack of dawn.

As soon as they stepped through the back door, Jamie burst out of the kitchen. “Where have you been?” He demanded of Robert. “I’ve got news!”

It took only a few seconds for Robert to get over the shock of Jamie’s greeting…or non-greeting as it was. “What is it?”

Jamie glanced at Nick and Owasewas and made a decision. He grabbed Robert’s arm and said, “Come into the parlor.”

“Can Nick and Owasewas at least go into the kitchen and get something to eat?”

Jamie waved them into the kitchen with an impatient gesture while pulling Robert into the parlor.

“What is wrong with you?” Robert demanded, annoyed at Jamie’s brusque manner.

Jamie didn’t pay any attention to Robert’s demand. In hushed tones, he said, “We know where Elizabeth is.”

Robert was taken aback. “How? Where?”

“At Billy Burcher’s cabin—“

“Billy Burcher’s cabin?” Robert cut in. “How do you know that?”

“Evelyn had a dream. She dreamt it!” Jamie said, smiling broadly. He was buzzing with excitement.

Robert felt a surge of adrenaline go through him. “What are we waiting for? Let’s go.” He took one step towards the doorway.

Jamie caught his arm. All of a sudden he wasn’t smiling anymore and he said softly, “Wait. There’s something else.”

“What, Jamie? We have to go now!”

“No. Evelyn had a miscarriage last night.”

“Oh, Jamie.” Robert put his hand on Jamie’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry. I should have been here for you.”

“No, ‘tis all right. But Elizabeth had one too.”

“What?” Robert asked slowly, shocked. “How do you know that?” All of a sudden he felt like his world was crumbling around him. Elizabeth abducted; now Jamie was telling him she had lost the baby. And poor Evelyn had lost hers as well.

“Evelyn felt it. Remember the pains she had all afternoon?”

Robert nodded numbly.

“That was Elizabeth’s pain and then Evelyn had her own pains.”

“Oh my God, Jamie.” Robert moaned. He looked into his brother’s eyes as they shared a moment of loss and sadness. “Elizabeth was all alone. Worst yet, she was with
!” Robert started to get angry. “That goddamned, filthy piece of slime!” He felt the rage build up in him until he was furious. “Come on, let’s go get him.”

“I agree, but…” Jamie stopped him one more time with a hand on his arm. “What are we going to do? Capture him? Kill him? Evelyn wants him to hang.”

Robert sneered. “We could hang him ourselves…or we could let Opechancanough have him. Remember Connelly?”

Jamie grimaced. “I remember.” He said, but then his expression changed to one of thoughtfulness. He smiled a little. “Actually, that might be a good idea, but…” He turned serious. “Should we take the law into our own hands like that?”

Robert sighed. “I want to. Earlier I was ready to bargain with him and let him get away with this, but now that we know where he is, I’m ready to attack. I want to watch him suffer. I want him to see me killing him or watching him die on that post at the hands of the Powhatans’.”

“If he hanged, he would see us watching also.” Jamie said matter-of-factly.

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