Road to Peace (20 page)

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Authors: Piper Davenport

BOOK: Road to Peace
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Hatch pulled me closer to him. “First, never apologize for having an orgasm. Second, Niall’s dead, baby. It’s okay for you to move on. And third, we’re not done.”

“Really? What’s your plan, handsome?”

“You’re gonna have another orgasm or twelve.”

I shivered. “Twelve, Connor, seriously?”

“I’m always serious about orgasms, Sunshine.”

“I’m very impressed by the focus you’ve given your task, darling.” I slid my hand to his cock. “Now, I’d love to see if I can get you to rise to the occasion so I might also have a little fun.” I grinned as his breathing grew shallow. “Mmm, nicely done, Connor.” With his help, I knelt in front of him and wrapped my mouth around him. I really wish I had use of both hands, but for the moment, I’d have to make do. I couldn’t keep myself from comparing, considering he was only the second man I’d seen naked… at least up close and personal.

I enjoyed oral sex, but I typically preferred giving more than receiving. Tonight, however, I’d enjoyed receiving it immensely and I knew that was because Hatch knew what he was doing. I took his cock in as far as I could and used my hand to pump, adding a little pressure as I slid up and down his shaft. I knew he was into it the second he slid his fingers into my hair and anchored me against him.

His body moved against me and I took him all the way, grabbing his ass to steady myself as his legs locked. “Baby, I’m gonna come.”

I nodded.

“You sure?” he rasped.

I nodded again and swallowed as he came inside my mouth. I honestly couldn’t think of anything sexier than taking his cum inside of me. I sucked and kissed until I felt he was done and then his hands were under my armpits and I was lifted to my feet. “Fuck, Maisie.”

I grinned. “Was it as good for you as it was for me?”

He kissed me gently and stroked my cheek. “This was really supposed to be all about you tonight.”

“Well, that worked.”

“How’s your arm?”

“It’s a little sore,” I admitted.

“How long ago did you take your pills?”

“Right after you left.”

He frowned. “Babe, that was like seven hours ago.”

“I’m trying to wean myself off.”

“Do you have any in here?”

I shook my head.

“You okay with me getting some from the kitchen?”

“Not naked, I’m not.”

He grinned and walked into the bedroom, pulling on his jeans and buttoning them. He left the bedroom and I took a minute to clean up.

* * *

Hatch walked out to the kitchen and grabbed the Oxy and a couple of bottled waters. He’d just closed the refrigerator when Beckett walked up to the island. “I thought you left.”

“Maisie was havin’ a rough night, so I came back,” Hatch said.

Beckett cocked his head. “What exactly do you want with my sister?”

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t quite get a handle on you,” he continued not really answering Hatch’s question.

“What you see is what you get, man. I got nothin’ to hide. I care about your sister and Poppy. Where it goes from there’s really none of your business.”

“Do you want money?”

“What the fuck?”

“From my sister. Do you want her money?”

“I get that you don’t know me, but you askin’ me that question is the same thing as challengin’ me to a duel in your country, so I’d suggest you fuckin’ walk away before I say or do somethin’ I can’t take back.”

“We don’t challenge people to duels anymore.”

“No shit?” Hatch droned, because he didn’t really give a fuck. “Well, whatever you consider to be the biggest insult, that’s what you just delivered.” He leaned against the island. “Maisie’s fragile, so I’m not gonna burden her with this and I’m gonna let it go. But when we get to the point to make this permanent, and I believe we will, I’ll make sure her money’s protected. I don’t need it, I don’t want it. You got questions or concerns outside of that; you need to bring those up to her, or to her and me together. I’m not gonna talk about her behind her back or make back room deals that involve her.” He nodded toward the bedroom. “Now, I gotta get Maisie some pain meds.”

Hatch forced down his irritation as he headed back to Maisie’s bedroom, locking the door behind him. Maisie walked out of the bathroom her smile fading quickly. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, baby.”

“Connor,” she admonished.

“Your brother’s concerned.”

“Bloody hell,” she snapped. “What did he say? Tell me everything.”



“No, baby. If you want to know what he said, you can ask him.” She moved to leave the room, but he stopped her. “But not tonight.” He grinned at her huff. “Look, he’s your brother. It’s his job to look out for you and I don’t fault him for that. I said my piece. He either accepts that or he doesn’t.”

“Well, it’s none of his bloody business and I’m going to make sure he knows that.”

tonight.” Hatch dropped the waters on the bed and slid his arm around her waist. “I’m not done with you.”


“Maisie, you’re naked and smokin’ hot and you just gave me two incredible orgasms. I want a couple more of those before I have to get up and leave your bed.” He kissed her neck. “I don’t want to talk about your brother anymore.”

She sighed. “Me neither.”

“Except, what’s up with the ‘sausage’ shit?”

I giggled. “Dame Edna. I’ll show you some clips tomorrow. We all call each other sausage.”

“And I thought it was somethin’ weird,” he retorted. “Let’s get some meds in you and then I’m gonna soothe other hurts, okay?”

Maisie nodded and Hatch kissed her again before they spent the night making love as quietly as they could.





AWOKE THE next morning to an empty bed and turned my head to see my clock said nine a.m. I sat up with a gasp and shook my head. Hatch must have turned off my alarm. I saw a bottled water and a pill sitting on top of a post-it note.

Take this when you wake up. I told Cricket to come at eleven and turned off your alarm. See you after I drop Poppy off – H.

I’d just taken the Oxy when my bedroom door opened and Hatch walked in. “You’re awake.”

“Just. I can’t believe you turned off my alarm,” I complained. “I have work to do.”

He chuckled and closed the distance between us. “You needed to sleep.”

“I get it, but your sister has class this afternoon and we have limited time.”

“You’ll work better if you’re not exhausted,” he countered.

“You did kind of wear me out.”

Hatch kissed me gently. “I grabbed bagels and coffee, and got the mail while I was out. You need help gettin’ dressed?”

“I might. But you have to promise you’ll actually dress me… no getting sidetracked.” I heard a quiet yip and frowned. “What was that?”

Hatch stretched his arm out toward me. “That was Little Fucker.”

“Excuse me?”

Opening his hand, the tiniest little puppy rested its head on Hatch’s fingers before trying to chew one of them off. Hatch gave it a little cuddle then handed it to me. “Some asshole dumped six puppies at Cade’s site yesterday. I was taking them to the Club and Poppy begged to keep one. I told her I’d talk to you. So, I’m talkin’ to you. Yay or nay to Little Fucker?”

“Honey, I can’t deal with a puppy.” I slid out of bed as I hugged the furball to me. “You and I both work full-time, Poppy’s in school, we’re heading to London in a few months… no. No to…”

Hatch grinned again. “Little Fucker.”

“You can
call him that, Hatch.” I held the puppy to me. “Can he? No, he can’t. You’re not a little fucker, are you? At least you won’t be when your tiny little balls get chopped off. We need to come up with something better.”

Hatch chuckled. “You name him, you keep him, Sunshine. That’s the law.”

“What the heck are we going to do with a dog when we’re out of the country?”

Hatch slid his arm around my waist. “Got a family who can watch him while we’re gone, honey. He can come to work with me as well. He’ll be good in the office and I bet the customers will love him.”

I smiled slowly, my heart racing. “Does that mean you’re coming with us?” I asked hopefully.

“Gotta get a passport, but yeah, baby, I’m comin’ with you.”

I jumped a little and let out a squeak. “I wish I could clap my hands.”

Hatch dropped his head back and laughed. “Fuck you’re cute.”

“Glad you think so.” I kissed Hatch’s chin. “Because you’re potty training Little Fucker.”


“Yeah,” I retorted. “We’ll let Poppy rename him.”

Hatch shook his head. “Like hearin’ Little Fucker outta your mouth, Sunshine. Gonna miss it.”

I batted my eyelashes. “I’ll call your cock that next time I blow you.”

Hatch laughed so hard he started coughing. “Holy shit, baby, warn me when you’re gonna be funny.”

“No way. This is way more fun for me.”

The puppy started to squirm and I handed it off to Hatch. “Looks like he needs to pee. I think I’m good to get dressed on my own, so I’ll meet you in the kitchen.”

Hatch took the puppy and left my room and I got dressed as best I could and headed for the food source.

I walked out just as Beckett arrived wheeling his bag past me. “You’re leaving?”

“My job here’s done. I’ll report back to Kenna that you’re better than expected,” he said. “But I’m coming back if you’re not at the table for Mum’s birthday.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be there. And I’ll ring them soon.”

“I already said good-bye to Poppy.” He pulled me in for a gentle hug. “I love you, sis. Don’t ever doubt that.”

“I don’t Becks. I love you, too.” I grabbed his arm. “But if you ever disrespect my man again, I may do something nasty to you in your sleep.”

With a chuckle, he kissed my cheek and then walked out the door.

Hatch walked in a few minutes later and locked the door. “Saw your brother. All good?”

I nodded. “I think so.”

“Did you know he was leaving?”

I shook my head. “My brother does his own thing. No one knows what he’s doing unless he wants you to know.” I raised an eyebrow. “A lot like someone else I know.”

Hatch handed me the dog. “Coffee?”

“Yes, love, that would be great.” I snuggled close to the furball. “Thanks.”

“What time’s your brother’s flight?” Hatch asked, and handed me a cup of coffee and a bagel.

“No idea. I’d imagine his pilot filed the flight plan a while ago if Becks just left.”

“Come again?”

“Beckett has his own plane, Connor.”

“No shit?”

I shivered at his tone. It was flat. This was not good.

“Just how much money do you have?” he asked.

“Not enough to have my own plane,” I assured him. “Beckett’s loaded, Connor. I’m comfortable. And you haven’t met Kenna. She’s in between me and Beckett. She’s a total nut. You will

Hatch’s knuckles were white as he gripped the island.

“Don’t shut down on me, Hatch.”

“Just give me a second here, Maisie.”

Growing up the way I did, I learned pretty quickly that money separated you from the real people. Moving to America evened the playing field a little bit, but if Hatch knew just how much money my family had, he might run before he knew how little I cared about it. “Please don’t think this changes us.”

“Changes us, how?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know. You’re freaking me out a little because you look like you just swallowed poison.”

He took a deep breath. “I grew up rough. Poor. Poorer than poor. Mom died when I was barely twenty, Dad went to prison the same year. I was left to raise myself and my siblings, including Cricket who was three. I was makin’ minimum wage. We had nothin’, so I have no concept of flyin’ anywhere, let alone overseas and in my own plane. You gotta give me a minute.”

I blinked back tears. “You raised—”

He shook his head. “Not havin’ this conversation right now, Maisie. Don’t want your pity.”

“I’m not giving you my pity,” I snapped.

“Yeah?” he challenged. “Why you cryin’?”

“Because sometimes I cry for no reason!”

Hatch’s expression went blank and my heart raced.

“Forget it.” I slid off the stool. “Your sister’s going to be here soon and we have a lot to do. I’d just like to say that I can’t help that I have money and if you come with us to England, you’re going to have to gird up your loins because you’re going to meet other people with money. You may even meet the queen.”

“You’re shittin’ me.”

“Yes, I am. You won’t meet the queen,” I confirmed.

I heard some unintelligible muttering as I headed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.

* * *

Cricket arrived just before eleven. Hatch and I were at a stand-off, and Cricket gave her brother a pretty forceful glare when she walked into the condo. “What did you do to Maisie?”

“I’m headin’ to the Club,” Hatch said not answering her question. “Am I takin’ Little Fucker?”

“Yes,” I said, my tone clipped.

Hatch scooped the puppy off of my lap, turned on his heel, and left the apartment, barely managing
to slam the door.

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