Road to Peace (22 page)

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Authors: Piper Davenport

BOOK: Road to Peace
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Cricket had walked into the job and owned it in less than a week. I had never seen anyone pick up a job so quickly, and I don’t think I could have eased back into my day-to-day so seamlessly without her.

Alison was keeping her distance, which I fully understood and appreciated, but through Ryan she relayed that she didn’t want her actions to affect Grace and Poppy’s relationship and I agreed. So, the girls got together on a regular basis, but always at my place or somewhere public I took them. Poppy was never allowed at their house or somewhere Alison would be. I don’t think the girls really cared one way or the other, so long as they got to hang out.

I hated it. I missed my best friend. I’d see her from a distance while I was picking up Poppy from school on occasion and she’d give me a sad smile and wave. I’d wave back then I’d go home and cry privately, unless Hatch was with me, then I’d cry in his shirt.

I wanted everything back the way it was. I knew it never would be, but it didn’t make me wish for it any less.

Jaxon had alerted Child Protective Services to the volatile nature of the Clark home and they did a full investigation, but with Ryan being a decorated police officer, and Alison never having threatened her children (or anyone before me), there was no evidence to warrant them stepping in. Hatch wasn’t happy with this answer and neither was Jaxon, so the Dogs and Jaxon’s team were watching at a distance for any red flags. So far things were calm, and Poppy promised she’d let me know if Grace said anything to the contrary.

A little before three on Friday afternoon, my cell phone pealed on my desk. “Maisie Mann.”

“Mrs. Mann, it’s Anthony Miller.”

Anthony Miller was the lead prosecutor on Alison’s case. I really had no desire to speak with him, but I’d stupidly answered the phone. “Hello, Mr. Miller.”

“I need to run something by you. Is now a good time?”

“Ah… sure.”

“Mrs. Clark has indicated she may be willing to take a plea to avoid trial.”

“Well, considering I don’t think she should go to trial at all, you should let her.”

“Even after what she did?”

“Look, Alison has some issues with mental health, but she needs help, not jail,” I said. “If there’s a way she can be treated instead of doing time, I’d like that to be the priority.”

“Okay, Mrs. Mann I’ll see what we can do,” he said.

“Thanks, Mr. Miller.”

I hung up and immediately called Hatch. “Hey, Sunshine.”


“What’s wrong?”

I groaned and filled him in on my conversation with the D.A.

“Wow,” he said.

“Yeah.” I squeezed my eyes shut trying to ward off a headache. “I can’t believe they’re even going there. I’m not pressing charges, why am I even involved?”


“I know, I know. She totally single-white-female’d my life.”

“Technically, she married-white-female’d it.”

I snorted on a reluctant giggle. “Don’t make me laugh. I’m too frustrated.”

“It’s the State versus now, Maisie, so it’s really out of your hands. But be prepared for them to subpoena you to testify.”

“I might be conveniently out of the country.”

“Rebel,” he said.

“That’s me. Badass to the core.”

Hatch chuckled. “Got a club get together tomorrow night. Family only. You and Poppy in?”

“Um, sure.” I dropped my head to the desk and stared at the carpet. “What happens at a Club get together?”

“Food, drink, communing with the brothers and their families,” he explained. “Showing you off.”

I smiled. “So this is the equivalent of meeting the parents for me?”

“Pretty much.”

“I like that, darling.”

“Me too, Sunshine.”

I sat up and turned my chair to look out the window. “I miss you today. I kind of want to blow this joint and find somewhere private where we can get naked.”

“Your place or mine?”

“I can’t just up and leave.”

“You’re the boss, Maisie. That kind of ensures you
just up and leave.”

He had a point.

“You got a meetin’?” he asked.

“Well, no. But, didn’t you drop Poppy at my place?”

“Right,” he said. “Why don’t you meet me at the shop? We can swing by the compound.”

“I can’t leave Poppy at the condo, love. It’s fine for an hour or two, but not forever.”

“Susie’s with her.”

“Who’s Susie?”

“Prez’s old lady. She’s cool. You’ll love her.”

“Okay, we need to have a conversation about not leaving my daughter with people I’ve never met before.”

Hatch sighed. “I get it, baby, but it was either Susie or Flea, and I know you’ve met Flea, but he’s young, and from what I’ve been told, considered hot, so I figured you’d feel better havin’ the fifty-six-year-old wife of our Club president hangin’ with her, rather than the twenty-two-year-old horny-as-hell recruit. Not that he’d touch her, just to be clear, but I wanted to make sure she was covered and I made a judgment call in the moment.”

“You have a point.”

“I know I do, Sunshine.”

“I feel weird about making Susie stay with my daughter for us to go off for an illicit sex hour.”

He laughed. “Babe, believe me, she’d be all for it.”


“Yeah, seriously. So, compound, yes or no?”

I bit my lip. “Will we be alone?”

“In the sense that I have a private room there, yeah. People are in and out all the time, baby, but think of it as a hotel.”

I wrinkled my nose. “This isn’t what I had in mind for a private—”

“I know, Maisie, and I’ve got somethin’ planned, but that somethin’ isn’t gonna get me access to your pussy in the next twenty minutes, so… meet me here?”

I shivered. Yes, I absolutely wanted him to have access to my pussy in the next twenty minutes.


“Oh, sorry. Yes. I’ll meet you at the shop in twenty minutes.”

He chuckled. “Okay, baby.”

I hung up, grabbed my laptop, and packed up. “Cricket,” I called, and she peeked her head into my office. “I’m heading out for the weekend. If you want to finish up whatever you’re working on and do the same, go for it.”

“Thanks, Maisie, that’d be great.”

“Will you lock up when you leave, please?”

“Sure thing.”

I headed out to my car and grinned as I made my way to my man. We’d done all the things we were supposed to do when starting a new sexual relationship (according to Hatch). He got tested and I went back on the Pill.

Since I no longer had Alison to talk to, I was grateful he’d filled me in on the necessity that I demand a clean bill of health from my sexual partners. Pointing out the fact he was my
sexual partner, and I had no desire to look for another one, ever, had earned me a mind-blowing orgasm before we had the additional conversation about me going on the Pill so we didn’t have to use condoms. Secretly, I didn’t care if I got pregnant, but considering we’d been dating for just over a month, the responsible thing to do was… well, to be responsible.

Pulling up to the shop, I climbed out of my car and walked into the small customer area. Hatch was at the front counter helping a young woman who looked like she might want to devour him. Seriously, the girl was virtually panting. I got it… Hatch is pant-worthy, but I immediately wanted to scratch her pretty green eyes out. I took a deep breath and reminded myself that this was his place of business and Hatch’s crazy hot body was mine. I had nothing to worry about.

“You should be all set,” Hatch said, and handed over her keys.

“Thanks.” She twirled her hair. “What was your name?”


“Thanks, Hatch. That’s my cell, you know, if you ever want to grab a drink.”

My mouth dropped open and I stepped forward.
I will cut a bitch!

Hatch grinned. “Sorry babe, I’m very, very taken.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, he’s sure,” I snapped.

The woman turned, obviously surprised someone else was even in her space. “I take it he’s taken by you?”

“Indeed,” I said smugly as I closed the distance between myself and my man. My hot man. Hatch settled his hand on my lower back.
See whore? My man!

She did a full body scan of Hatch. “Lucky.”

“Very much so,” I breathed out.

“Well, should anything change... ”

“Are you for real? Walk away,” I hissed, and Hatch hooked his arm around my waist as I lunged for her.

The woman quickened her step and headed to her car.


Hatch chuckled turning me to face him. “Someone’s feisty.”

“How often does that happen?”

“Not goin’ there, Sunshine,” he said.

I growled. “The audacity!”



Hatch’s eyes softened and he smiled. “Hey.”

I sighed, melting against him. “Hey.”

“There’s my girl. How was your day?”

“Other than the obvious, not bad.” I looped my arms around his neck. “How about yours?”

“Good now.”

I grinned and he lowered his mouth to mine. Breaking the kiss, he pulled away and headed toward the shop. “Gotta wash up. Come meet Cullen.”

I followed him into the back and a tall, gorgeous, dark-haired man peeked out from under the hood of an electric blue car. Don’t ask me the make or model, I have no idea, but it was a pretty color. Cullen looked like Hatch, but with much shorter hair and clean-shaven. He also smiled immediately.

“Cull, this is Maisie,” Hatch said, and walked to the sink.

“Hey, Maisie,” Cullen said. “I’d shake your hand, but I’m covered in oil.”

“No worries. It’s lovely to meet you.”

Cullen glanced over his shoulder then stepped closer to me. “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. He’s really happy. We all appreciate it.”

I blushed. “It goes both ways, Cullen, but thanks for saying that.”

Hatch walked back our way and slid his arm around my waist. “You comin’ tomorrow night?”

Cullen nodded. “Yeah, I think we all are.”

“Cool. We’re headin’ out. Bill’s not expectin’ his car till next week, so if you want to close up for the night, feel free.”

“Okay, brother.” Cullen smiled. “I think I’ll do that.”

“See you tomorrow.”

“It was nice to meet you,” I said.

“You too, Maisie.” Cullen shut the hood on the car and went about closing the big bay doors while Hatch grabbed his stuff.

“I’ll drive, Sunshine,” Hatch said.

“You don’t have your truck?”

“Cullen will take it home.”

“Why?” I felt heat infuse my face. “Does he know what we’re doing?”

Hatch laughed. “No, but damn you’re cute right now, so maybe I should tell him.”

I grabbed his arm. “Don’t you dare.”

He kissed me as he backed me out to my car. “Need to get you naked, Sunshine, so hand me your keys.”

I did so immediately and we headed to this compound he spoke of.

We pulled into the parking lot of Big Ernie’s and I was a little taken aback. I’m not sure why, really. I suppose when Hatch said “compound,” I was expecting an impenetrable building like a castle with a moat, or a fortress of concrete or something.

He parked the car and we headed inside. The place was eerily quiet and we didn’t see another soul as he led me up a back stairwell and down a hallway to a door near a window to the outside. Unlocking the door, he pushed it open and stood back so I could precede him in, flipping the light on behind me.

Before I could take in the room, my purse was removed from my hand, and I was turned to face him. “You’re gorgeous, you know that?” he said.

I grinned, tugging at his cut. “Why, sir, are you just saying that to get into my panties?”

“Yup.” He threw off his cut and pulled off his shirt. “Is it working?”

“Why yes, yes it is.” Licking my lips, I ran my fingers between his pecs. He reached for me, but I shook my head as I unbuttoned my blouse. “You don’t get to touch.”

“Come again?”

“Oh, you will, baby.” I ran my tongue over my upper lip. “Again and again and again.”

“Fuck me.”

“Hmm-mmm, I’m gonna do that too.”

He reached for me again, but I stepped away. “Maisie,” he growled.

“Yes, darling?” He crossed his arms and I smiled. “I’d like you naked and on the bed, please.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“Connor,” I nodded to the bed as I slipped out of my blouse, “now, please.”

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. He looked like he had no clue what the hell he was supposed to do. To be honest, I wasn’t quite sure what
was supposed to do. I’d never been bossy in the bedroom, but it was turning me on, so I went with it.

It took him a few seconds, but he let me go with it as well, getting naked and stretching out on the bed. I removed the rest of my clothes and stepped to the bed smiling down at him. I didn’t think I’d ever get sick of basking in the glory of his body. He had the words “Never Forget Catherine~1995” in flowing letters just under his heart and I leaned over kissed it like I had several times before. He’d gotten it the day after his mother had been buried and I know he still felt her loss.

“Watch your arm, Maisie.”

“I’m fine.” I was putting all of my weight on my left arm in order to baby my right. “No talking.”

Hatch stretched his arms behind him and settled his head on them. “Whatya gonna do, Sunshine?”

“I’m working on that.”

He grinned. “I’m at your disposal.”

I wrapped my fingers around his hardening length and slid my hand down, cupping him before taking his cock into my mouth. Hatch hissed, bringing his knees up and fisting his hands in my hair.

Before I could get to anything fun, I lost purchase on his dick and I was dragged up his body. “Hey!” I snapped.

“On your knees.”

I wanted to bitch about not getting the chance to finish what I started, but on my knees was my absolute favorite position and I immediately went there. Hatch guided himself inside of me and I dropped my head back at the sensation.

“You wanna be the boss, Maisie?” he asked as his palm connected with my bare bottom.

I whimpered and pushed my body back against him.

“Mmm, you like that, huh?” He slammed into me again, his palm slapping me a little harder this time and the sensation overtook everything. God, it felt amazing, but when he slid one hand between my legs and fingered my clit, I came the second the palm of his other hand slapped against my bottom again, and I cried out his name as I buried my face in the mattress while he continued to thrust into me. His body locked and he wrapped his arms around me, gently rolling us to the side so we were spooning, staying connected as he kissed the back of my neck. “Just gets better.”

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