ROAR (39 page)

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Authors: Kallypso Masters

Tags: #Fiction

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“We have our own toy bag?” she asked, eyes opening wider. Did she think he would use his and Tori’s?

“Of course.”

She smiled.

Not only did he prefer new items and implements for hygienic reasons, even the ones that could have been sterilized would hold too many memories.

In her right hand, he placed what would forevermore be deemed Mister Safety to him.

She looked up at the thing. “Sir, what a perfect mascot to promote safe, sane, and consensual play!” He shook his head at how in sync they were.

“Oh, look! He’s in a business suit. That’s one of my favorite fantasies.”

She’d never mentioned
before. Was it one of the reasons she’d been attracted to him in the first place? He’d almost left his suits behind before realizing they might want to partake of some fine dining on this trip. Now he wished he hadn’t gone so casual tonight if she thought his suits were sexy.

Get this scene back on track, Roar.

“Any other questions before I strap on the ball gag? Have you ever been in one before?”

She sighed. “Oh, yes.”

Why did that not surprise him? Would the annoying thing do a better job of deterring her from future disobedience this time? He hoped so.

“No more questions, Sir.” She sounded resigned, but not upset.

“Open wide and keep your tongue on the floor of your mouth.” She nodded when ready, and he wedged the ball between her teeth. “Wider.” It filled the space in her mouth, but should still make it possible for her to breathe and swallow. He’d check, though.

“Inhale through your nose.” She didn’t seem to panic and did as he’d asked. “Good girl.

“I think you’re going to do fine, but just in case, after this is strapped on, I’m going to lift your shoulders and head with pillows. Being elevated won’t do anything to stop the drooling, I’m afraid, but should make it easier for you to swallow. Don’t worry about the drool, and I won’t. It can’t be helped.” Humiliation wasn’t his kink, but couldn’t be avoided when using the ball gag.

“Lift your head.” He wrapped the strap around the back of her head and fastened the hooks at the side of her mouth. She looked ridiculous, but her eyes remained calm. While her head was up, he supported her shoulders and placed a couple more pillows under to help her breathe and swallow with more ease.

“I’m returning your blindfold now.” He slipped it over her eyes again. “If you can’t breathe or swallow, squeeze Mister Safety before you are in full-blown panic. Because we don’t have your Jeannie and Cocoa Beach safewords to differentiate between totally stopping and just slowing down to talk about what’s going on, we won’t consider your using the squeeze toy to be a scene-stopper. If you use it, I will halt whatever I’m doing and check in with you to see what’s wrong.”

She nodded.

Other than the ball gag, she looked delectable stretched out before him. Waiting. Wondering when and where the next drop of wax would fall. He relit the candle, let the wax build up again preparing for another…


This one hit the areola of her left breast. She inhaled quickly in surprise, easily breathing through her nose. Her body relaxed as soon as the heat dissipated. Not giving her as long to wait this time, another opaque droplet hit her right areola. Her left hand clenched, but she was careful not to squeeze Mister Safety. Her legs remained in place as well.

“Very nice, Sprite.”

He picked up a second candle and ignited it from the first before letting two drops land almost simultaneously, one on each nipple.

She moaned from the back of her throat. Not giving her time to rest, he soon had both breasts covered in white wax. He moved the candles closer to her body, hovering just below her belly button building up a good amount of melted wax. These would be hotter than the others due to its proximity to her skin.

As if anticipating where the next drops would fall, she started to lift her legs to protect herself, but apparently thought better of it and stretched them out straight again.

“Good girl.”

He tilted the candle sideways, a few inches lower than her naval so that the wax wouldn’t flow inside, where it wouldn’t be fun for either of them to remove it later. The wax splashed onto her skin and ran a few inches toward her mound before the rivulet solidified. Sprite’s knees flew up toward her abdomen in a defensive response.

“Tsk, tsk.”
No, that won’t do.

She straightened out her legs immediately and held them rigid on the bed. The creases on her forehead conveyed her worry.

“Too late, Sprite. We’ll deal with disciplining you for that later. Remember, legs are to remain stretched out unless otherwise instructed.”

He needed to work on helping her find ways to control her body’s responses. Training her to be
submissive, rather than preparing her to please some other Dom, put a smile on his face.

She could be mine for life

Hold on. He shouldn’t jump too far ahead of the game.
Focus and remain present
, as he often reminded her to do.

To test her concentration again, he gently kicked the toy bag with his foot hard enough to make her think he was searching for restraints for her legs. When he rained an unexpected barrage of wax droplets onto her abs, her muffled squeals and hisses delighted him.

Then what sounded very much like “Oh, Christ!” emitted from around the gag.

“Sprite, you still being able to express yourself in words even with a ball gag truly amazes me. I’d be lax in my duty as your Dom to let these transgressions go uncorrected. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

Kristoffer blew out the candles and returned them to the saucer. “Lift your hips.” He placed two pillows underneath her to raise her pubic area to an angle where the wax would hit its intended marks with the greatest impact. Her short curls would keep her from feeling the most intense heat directly on her mound, but if she shaved her lower lips, as he suspected she did given her neatly trimmed bush, she’d be in for some serious discomfort.

“Tent your legs and spread your knees open.” Her slight hesitation told him she expected the worst, but to her credit, she followed through with his command.

This should be interesting

He picked up the two candles again and re-lit them. After letting the melted wax build up, he let the first large drop from each fall from a height of two feet onto her inner thighs. The muscles of her legs contracted, but she held her position perfectly despite the discomfort she must be experiencing on such tender and new areas.

“That’s my girl.”

Without pause, he let two smaller drops hit the area between her mons and the juncture of each of her thighs. A drawn-out moan escaped her gag, as sweat broke out on her forehead. Her left hand clenched the rope as she struggled for control and to prepare herself for the next, no doubt.

“Excellent control of your legs that time, Sprite.”

Making a sudden change in plans, he extinguished the candles once again, laid them on the saucer, and reached up to untie both hands. The frown lines on her forehead spoke volumes. She must be thinking they were finished.

Not by a long shot, Sprite.

“Lower your arms.” She did so, moving stiffly. “Hands on your inner thighs.” She complied, careful not to release the squeeze toy in her right hand.

Picking up a candle from the saucer again and reigniting it, he crawled onto the bed and knelt between her calves, careful not to touch her. They were moving into dangerous territory. He wasn’t ready to give her an orgasm with
hands yet, even though he’d told her it might be used as a reward sometime.

One step at a time.

He stared at Pamela’s labia. Shaved, as he’d suspected.

My dear Sprite, this is going to hurt like hell

“Remember Mister Safety, if you need him.” He couldn’t help but smile at the wrinkling of her brow before she moved her hand, as though remembering the stress toy. “Ready?”

She nodded as her entire body tensed in anticipation and fear. He waited until she relaxed ever so slightly before letting the wax drip over her labia.

Yet again, he made out her muffled curses. Unable to control her response, she tried to clamp her knees shut only to encounter his body blocking the movement.

. Okay, so he hadn’t thought through the possibility of being squeezed between her thighs like this. Who was tormenting whom?

“That’s number three. Where should your knees be?”
And why aren’t they anywhere but clamped around my sides

Pamela flung them open and away from him. She took a deep breath and let it out in a hissing sound around the ball gag. Drool escaped the corner of her mouth. With a foreign object as large as this one in her mouth, drooling was a natural response and nothing he could control or alleviate for her.

As the silence dragged out between them, her brows knit together as if in preparation to accept more pain. So brave. So beautiful. The thought of returning to a world where the two of them were nothing but casual friends had officially flown out the window. Tonight, he’d unleashed a torrent of emotions and feelings that could never be buried again.

He removed himself from between her legs and knelt at her side before letting more wax fall on her shaved labia. Her hips rose slightly from the pillow, but he heard no curses, and she quickly recovered her composure.

Thankfully, her legs remained open for him this time, too. “Better, Sprite. Now, spread your folds for me.” She didn’t move. “Don’t make me wait.” She started to reach with both hands. “Use only one hand—two fingers. You may need Mister Safety for this.” His warning made her hand tremble, but she reached down to spread open her lower lips with her other hand.

Her trust and obedience melted his heart.

He should force himself to focus on her face. Her forehead. The gag. Anywhere safe.

Instead, he couldn’t take his eyes off her clit as the swollen nub slowly came into view the wider she spread her wax-covered lips. She stopped, fully exposing the tender flesh to him.

So trusting. So willing. So…

How would she handle what was to come? He couldn’t wait to find out.

Chapter Thirteen

amela’s index and middle fingers halted their outward movement. She took a slow, deep breath. Unless he was trying to psych her out, Roar intended to drip hot wax directly on her exposed clitoris. No one had ever taken wax play to this extreme with her before. Not even close. Was she ready? Or should she use her safe gesture?

Don’t wimp out during your first scene as his actual submissive.

She had no clue if she could take what he intended to do, but owed it to him and to herself to allow him to try. After the first drop of wax fell, if it was too much to handle another, she’d bail.

“Sprite.” His stern voice brought her back.

Had he given her another command? Or had she not performed the last to his satisfaction?
Focus, Pamela—now more than ever!
She spread her lips wider for him.

Before she could prepare mentally, the first drop scorched a new spot on her outer lips where she’d shaved herself bare. Intense heat ripped through her genitalia. She prepared for the next, but it hit her finger instead. Had he intentionally missed? Probably, because he’d been extremely accurate as far as she could tell up to now.

Forcing her mind to slow down her heart rate and breathing, she still wasn’t prepared for the next searing drop of wax landing on her exposed and vulnerable clit hood.

Fuck! Oh, Christ!
Every nerve ending in her body exploded. Her hips lifted off the pillow an inch or two before she forced them back down as she breathed slowly and tried to regain her composure.

Had she made the sounds, or merely screamed the words in her head? And where were her legs? She returned them to their widest span. How much had she moved a moment ago? Her mind had focused solely on the pain but not how well she was holding her position. She hoped she hadn’t clamped them completely shut.

Her focus homed in again on her distressed clit hood. Was it caught in the crosshairs of another drop of wax? When would it fall? Would it hit her even more sensitive clit hidden inside, afraid to come out?

Don’t anthropomorphize your genitalia, Doctor Jeffrey.

She tried to steel herself and block out all other sensations.

“Because you can’t speak or use your right hand, I want you to give me your pain level in this moment on a scale of one to ten. Use your left hand. If you need to go higher than a five, make a fist before the second set of numbers.”

She’d been a six at the point of impact, but was already down to a three now. It had been intense, but quickly dispersed. She flashed three fingers at him.

“Very well. Let’s continue.” His voice sounded huskier, deeper.

Did watching her in such agony turn him on? Was
his kink? The man must be a sadist like his cousin.

“Push the hood aside and expose your clit to me.” No time to guess at his preferences. She’d have to learn them firsthand.

“For taking so long, I’m going to have to add to the consequences you receive later. Now, do as I asked.”

With no choice, she opened her labia again, this time catching the edges of the hood with each finger, and held her breath. Her clit throbbed, totally unaware her hood wouldn’t protect it this time. But
was fully aware of what was coming next. This was going to—


The wax hit her clit dead center. “Oh, my fucking Lord! Shit, shit, shit!”

She didn’t know if the ball gag did anything to distort her curses, but the energy she put into them certainly made her feel better. Pamela no longer cared how long she’d be disciplined later. She needed to vent as vulgarly as possible.

Wait! She had another option before he let a second drop of scorching wax hit her there. While the pain dissipated quickly, the next one might be worse. Her grip tightened on Mister Safety. She could let him do the talking this time. Kristoffer had promised her using the safe gesture would only halt the scene and give him a chance to assess her situation. She wasn’t at a point where she’d want to end totally—just affect where any other drops of wax fell.

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