ROAR (71 page)

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Authors: Kallypso Masters

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Either way, the piece was gorgeous, sensual, and hit much closer to home than her mother might have intended.

“Just set it there for now.” She pointed to the kitchen counter. “I need to give a little more thought to where it fits best.” The coffee table in the great room would give it more exposure to guests, but she leaned toward keeping it all to themselves in their master bedroom.

While he poured a glass of ice water, she crossed the room to wash her hands, first removing the ring she now wore on her left ring finger. Their first night here, he’d surprised her with the platinum band to wear that had been inscribed on the inside with “Roar” spelled in Norwegian runic lettering. She had only been able to decipher the two r’s at either end of the word until he enlightened her.

When he’d placed it on her finger, he said it was yet another token of his love—but also a signal to any non-lifestyle men who didn’t get the message to steer clear from her collar.


She smiled as she dried her hands.

“What’s so funny?” Kristoffer came across the room and wrapped her in his arms, cocooning her.

“Not funny, really. I was simply remembering why you gave me a ring in addition to my collar and bracelet.”

He shrugged. “Call me a Viking. I lay claim to what’s mine.”

“If I’m not mistaken, your ancestors were renowned for laying claim to what was everyone else’s, too.”

He gave his Viking battle cry as he tilted her off balance and devoured her neck. Kissing her there never failed to make her wet. Then he whispered in her ear, “My sprite, rest assured my plundering and pillaging days are over. I’ve won the most valuable treasure of all.”

She pivoted around to face him as his lips lowered to hers, barely brushing them at first before doing a fair job of plundering her mouth with his tongue. She opened her mouth to allow him to further claim her. One hand held the back of her head firmly to keep her in place, while the other glided up the inside of her thigh-length T-shirt to cup her breast. Her bra left her body the minute she returned home from work, per his instructions, although that had always been the first thing to go when she’d lived alone, too. Only now, she had instructions to go without panties around the house, too, as long as no one else but Kristoffer was there.

When he pinched and twisted her nipple, she gasped, breathing his essence into her soul. His hand lowered from her head to cup her butt and pull her against his erection, signaling to her they were finished unpacking this Sunday afternoon.

He broke away, took her hand, and tugged her toward the open-concept living room. “Let’s go outside.”

She was disappointed that they weren’t going to play after he’d touched her so, but they still had plenty of time before she was due at the hospital in the morning.

*     *     *

Kristoffer had been planning this scene for days, but they’d had so much work to do before Pamela started the workweek again. With another four or five hours of daylight, the time was now.

“Close your eyes and wait here in position three.” He walked to the foyer coat closet to retrieve what he’d stowed there earlier. With a sleep mask in one hand and toy bag in the other, he returned to find her stance perfect.

Coming up behind her, he slipped the sleep mask over her eyes.

“Can you see anything?”

“Not a thing, Sir.”

“Release your hands from the box hold and hold them over your head.” After she had followed his instructions, he tugged her T-shirt over her head and used it to tie her hands together in front of her with a secure knot. Seeing her standing completely naked, bound, and blindfolded made him so hard he was tempted to take her upstairs to their bed and scrap the whole scene.

But he had better self-control than that.

“I’m going to take your arm and lead you. Take small steps. I’ll catch you if you stumble.”

He’d walked the path to the bristlecone pine tree several times to clear away any debris or obstacles. Her arm tensed when she realized he was opening the door.

“Trust me.” The privacy fence would shield her nakedness from anyone outside and the nearest neighbor’s house was on the opposite side of their acreage. Not that she seemed all that concerned about being naked outside.

God of Thunder, I love this woman!

He bent to whisper in her ear. “So that we don’t have the neighborhood watch folks filing reports or complaints, I’m placing you in voice—and noise—restriction.”

She nodded that she’d heard and understood.

“You have your safeword if you need it.” But he intended to torture her senses in a pleasant way today. If she did become a little loud, they might find out they had some kinky neighbors—or would learn which close-minded ones to steer clear of. What they chose to do in the privacy of their own property was no one else’s business.

When they reached the tree he’d prepared for her Friday, he stopped and took her bound hands to lift them over her head. Just a little short, so he’d have to retrieve some rope from his bag. First, he used his hands to stroke her beautiful body. Her nipples remained aroused, probably from the illicitness of the scene.

Rope in hand, he positioned her facing the tree and slung the rope over a branch stub. The other day, he’d checked the tree for any loose splinters or areas that might abrade. While gentle friction with the tree trunk would be a turn-on for them both, his goal wasn’t to wear away her skin enough to cause bleeding.

With Pamela’s back bared before him, he placed a kiss on the Roar tattoo. They’d gone to the tattoo artist again three weeks ago to have his Sprite tattoo added to the same spot on his body. Yet another bonding experience for the two of them.

Taking the flogger in his hand, he stroked her skin from shoulders to calves, slowly, sensuously. Gooseflesh rose on her arms as he paid them some attention, too. In no hurry, he let the kangaroo hide become a part of her. She’d told him this was her favorite. He wasn’t sure if it was the way it felt or that Gunnar had left it for them on the bed the evening of her collaring.


Her spicy scent rose from her skin. He stepped away and lightly swished the flogger tails against the skin of her shoulders, flicking her tresses. He loved her hair loose, even when it would have been sexier to see her skin pinken up.

But there was plenty of exposed skin still. He let the tails slap against her ass briefly. Her hands clenched, and he heard her sharp intake of breath. So responsive. Did the tree bark bite against her breasts as she jerked and fought her restraints? Or did that only heighten her senses?

The falls now thudded against the curve above her rounded ass and on the tat. The dimples on either side of her hips mesmerized him as he increased the rhythm of his strokes. Her pale skin reddened quickly. His stiff cock throbbed.

He directed the flogger to her calves then thighs. When he slapped her ass again, her soft panting matched the rhythm of the impacts. He worked the flogger into a frenzy against her skin. She tried to pull away from the tree, but the hand and arm restraints made it impossible.

Was the tree bark rubbing her skin? He’d check soon, but for now didn’t let up. He’d like to see if he could get her into subspace. Judging by her body language and the hitches in her breath, Pamela was in the throes of passion, not pain.

If he didn’t get her to subspace, he’d at least make her come.

When her head lolled backward and her clenched hands loosened, he thought perhaps he’d succeeded in the former, helping her to reach that state of euphoria coveted by submissives, but when he slapped her ass once more with the flogger, she lifted her head and clenched her fists.

Man, he didn’t want this scene with his sweet sprite to ever end.

Wanting to awaken her senses before taking her deeper, he returned the flogger to his toy bag. He reached deep inside and removed the perfect toy to bring out more gooseflesh on her tender backside.

He smiled. He couldn’t wait for her response.

*     *     *

On fire! Her shoulders, thighs, and butt burned, but she wanted more. When he stopped, she fought back a groan and took a deep breath, instead. Her mind floated back to the scene. There had been a moment when she thought she’d reach subspace, but not yet. She’d get there one of these days because each scene they did, she came closer. Her willingness to stay in the moment and not overthink things—thanks to Master Roar’s training—had made a huge difference.

She wouldn’t get there if she kept dwelling on wanting to get there, though.

Master Roar took her hair and draped it over her left shoulder, baring her back. The stroke of something soft tracing a meandering path from her neck down her spine to her lower back awakened her skin even further. It tickled. A feather? Furry paddle?

As it drifted in a sashaying motion over her back, goose bumps rose on her butt cheeks in anticipation. Already so sensitive from the flogger, her skin further awakened to his touch.

She felt more alive than ever before. An outdoor scene was so elemental. In the beginning, she’d heard the sounds of the neighborhood—children playing, dogs barking, cars driving by. But her total awareness was now on the tip of an extremely soft feather. Ostrich, most likely.

Her mind remained firmly in this moment with Master Roar.

The feathery object trailed down the back of her right thigh, and she parted her legs as much as she could, but a swat to her backside with his hand told her she hadn’t been given permission to change her position. She moved her feet back to where she thought they’d been before.

Disappointed that the bundle of nerves between her legs would be harder to reach from where he stood, she couldn’t help but imagine the feather, or whatever was tickling her, would bring on an explosive orgasm.

Unfortunately, perhaps because she hadn’t been obedient, he started back up, but teased a spot on the upper part of her ass a moment. Her tattoo? When he changed direction again to move lower, she once again held her breath. Closer.

Yes. Keep going
. So close!

However, instead of touching her between her legs, the feather flitted over her butt crack and coursed up her back yet again. When it stroked the side of her breast, her nipples hardened, sensitive from being rubbed against the bark during the flogging.

But the feathery touches wiped away the pain. The flesh rose on the side of first one breast and then the other as he meandered an erratic path over her body. She fought to stand still, but couldn’t help sometimes squirming as she tried not to scream. What a rude awakening for the neighbors to find out the neighborhood had gone to pot—or kink, as the case may be.

When Master Roar traced a path inside her armpit and up the underside of her arm, she started to jerk away from the ticklish sensation but remembered her training and clenched her hands while breathing slowly, instead. There weren’t many places she was ticklish, but of course, he’d found one.

When the feather stopped moving against her skin, she waited. All too soon, though, he began untying the rope and lifting her hands off the branch above her. Her arms protested being lowered, but he massaged her shoulders to take away some of the discomfort.

Was the scene over? He turned her around, though, and pressed her backside against the tree. She smiled. The trunk now scraped the burning skin of her butt cheeks. Her bound hands were lifted above her head once more, and ropes secured her to about the same spot, but this time she was raised on tiptoes.

He adjusted the rope. “Feet flat on the ground. I don’t want you getting a cramp.”

He also placed a belt around her waist, securing her to the tree another way. Her nipples swelled as the cool breeze kissed them. So sensitive.

When she heard the tinkling of a familiar chain, she knew he’d brought out the nipple clamps. Her hands clenched in anticipation.

“Prepare for the bite of the clovers, Sprite.”


Those were well-known as the most vicious of all nipple clamps. He’d never used them on her before, but had been consistently ramping up their play in that area, one of his favorites.

She clutched her hands together and steeled herself as he pinched and twisted her nipple.

“Deep breath.”

Here it comes!
She inhaled too quickly, and the clamp pinched her sensitive peak on the exhalation. The initial pain made it hard to tell which type of clamp he’d used, but she hoped he wouldn’t tug on the chain and tighten the clovers.

Be strong for him.

As he told her time and again, his pleasure was found in having a well-behaved, satisfied submissive.

“Breathe again. Slowly, this time.”

With the second clamp on, she waited. The pain dissipated quickly. When he tugged on the chain, making her nipples dance, she braced herself for the pain to worsen.

But the pain only stimulated her. Were they actually clover clamps? Had she become accustomed to high levels of pain? Or was this just another mindfuck?

Her focus returned to the sinfully delicious things the amazing Master Roar was doing to her body in

The next sensation she felt was slightly prickly with a strong scent of pine. Landscapers had planted bristlecone, mugo, and pinyon pines in the yard. The needles brushed softly against her right breast. Would they prickle if he reversed direction? So far, the strokes were soft, making her almost certain it was the bristlecone. The needles caressed the curve of her breasts and then underneath. Her nipples bunched, and she let out a moan of ecstasy.

“Quiet, or suffer the consequences. You’ve been doing well up to now.”

Without warning, what must be a second branch bit into the side of her other breast hard enough to make her hold extremely still.

She heard a swishing noise, and he began using the two branches in a flogging motion on her nipples, sometimes gently and others times harder with the occasional pinprick sensation. Her head grew light as she surrendered to the feelings. Her head lolled back against the tree trunk.

She wanted so badly to express how much she enjoyed this exquisite scene, but remained in voice restriction. The needle flogging ended abruptly, and she waited in frustration until, once more, the sides of the soft needles poked at her breasts.

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