Rock Hard (28 page)

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Authors: LJ Vickery

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Rock Hard
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The gods quickly cleared the rubble and then it was Ninurta’s turn. He parted the earth, going ever deeper. Ninurta felt the rightness of the soil. He sensed the presence of Merrymount the deeper he delved. He was close. With one last movement, he uncovered the key that had been hidden away all those years ago. He and Enten were silent, just for a moment.

Enlil. We have found the key. Huxley will have to come remove it.

Thank the gods,
Enlil uttered, and gave instructions to Huxley.

Huxley looked up at Linda. “Can I use your bathroom?” he asked, and while the couple was still engaged with Enlil, he headed in the direction Linda pointed and then segued to the cellar. Once there, he lowered himself into the hole that had been made, using a rope that he found neatly coiled on the worktable, hemp of course, cursing all the while that Ninurta hadn’t made the pit wider to more easily accommodate his shoulders.

“Bitch, bitch, bitch,” Ninurta called down into the cavity. “Be happy I didn’t make you use a shovel.”

At the bottom, Hux couldn’t bend to get the key. He ended up having to wiggle out of one boot, pick the key up with his bare toes and transfer it to his hand, all the while sending a colorful diatribe skyward. He was dirty and pissed off by the time he reached the surface.

“I think you did that on purpose,” he groused, carefully pocketing the precious item.

“Initiation’s a bitch.” Enten’s delivery was so deadpan, Huxley wasn’t sure how to take it, but then the god added, “Good job, man,” before turning back to undo the mess they had created. Huxley took the stairs back up two at a time.

Ninurta began filling the hole with dirt but, just as he was finishing, Enten yelled.


“Huh?” Ninurta stepped back.

Enten pointed. “What’s that?”

Ninurta got down on his hands and knees, looking where Enten indicated. “I don’t know.” He began brushing dirt away from a small, light-colored object. “It looks like a vessel of some sort.” And sure enough, he uncovered a small clay pot no bigger than a tennis ball. Once he acquired it, he opened it up. Nestled inside were small bones and dried herbs. “Must be some kind of a Native American talisman. I’m keeping it.” He held it, safely cradled, while he filled in the rest of the hole.

Huxley emerged back in the living room, covered in dirt. Luckily, Enlil saw him first, and compelled the nice couple to ignore the anomaly, expounding on the great evening and promising to return soon. Huxley knew Enlil had enjoyed the outing and would be looking forward to another visit.

“Thanks for having us!” Hux waved from the street. Ninurta and Enten ghosted down beside them.

“As soon as you’re a few streets away, a small earthquake would be nice to help explain the buckled concrete in the basement.” Enlil suggested to Ninurta.

“Easy. Consider it done.” The invisibles misted away.

The pair with bodies took off on their bikes for Maine.

Chapter Twenty-Five

Dusk was coming on, and Tess had fallen asleep snuggled up to Marduk’s warm body. She had turned, and her tight little ass was pressed tightly up against his aching erection. He could almost forget his injury, his prick was so hard.

On the small mattress, he attempted to move away, but her fanny followed. Marduk was unsure whether the sweat on his brow was the beginnings of a fever or severe sexual agitation. Now she was stirring…and…squirming! His erect dick wept as she wedged solidly against his groin.

“Tess,” he whispered fiercely against the back of her neck. “Tess, wake up!”

She sighed, and he could tell the minute she became aware of her compromising position. Her entire body stilled and, without thinking, she brought her hand back as if to make sure the hard protrusion she was up against was what she thought it was. Then her brain engaged.
She spoke into his head, then snatched her digits back on contact. Marduk groaned in disappointment.

“I would have liked that,” he murmured hoarsely. Tess quickly scrambled away.

“I’m not so sure I would have,” she gulped, peeved at herself. Liar! She had been dreaming about touching him, tasting him, and not only had she enjoyed it, she had encouraged it. What was it about Marduk that made her lust, made her need? After Gage, she’d never hoped to feel…anything. The god made her feel everything, and more. She was gathering up her courage to perhaps explore some more, when she became aware of voices raised in the adjoining room. Her stillness transmitted to Marduk.

“A vehicle pulled up while you were sleeping.” He spoke in a low voice. “At least it’s not Dagon.”

“Probably just another one of the Posse.” Tess didn’t like the position they were in. “How long do you thing before Hux and your guys get back?”

“If they were successful, I’d think they should have the key by now. If they’re on their way back, it could still be four or five hours. We just have to hope that Dagon is busy and won’t be back before them.”

“Tess, try communicating with Anshar or Lahar back at the farm. I’ll talk you through it. You’ve almost got it, and it shouldn’t be too hard if you really concentrate.”

“I’ll try.” Tess was pretty confident. She had heard bits and pieces of things from far away that last time.

“Start by picturing them in your head,” Marduk urged. “Close your eyes and see Anshar’s crazy smile and Lahar’s arrogant smirk.” Her breathing evened out. “Now reach out like they’re here and you’re going to touch them.” Her fingers twitched. She’d do best to take Marduk’s advice, literally.

“Call them, Tess. Let them know it’s you.”

Anshar, Lahar!

Tess! Is that you? It’s Anshar, can you hear me?

Tess beamed in response, her eyes still closed. This was easier than she’d expected.

I hear you, Anshar!
She was very excited that this was working.
Marduk and I were wondering if you’d had any success finding the key.

We’ve been in touch with Shamash. Hux has the key in hand, and he headed our way about an hour ago. It should take no more than three hours to get here…
Anshar laughed…
but I’d bet on less than two.

Tess gulped at the idea of Hux doing a hundred miles an hour on the highway, but knew he’d push it to the limit to save her.

How are you doing?
Lahar’s voice cut into her head.

We’re okay for now,
Tess reassured.
I’ve bandaged Marduk up, and he doesn’t bleed too much if he remembers not to move. We’re…Lahar, I have to go. Someone’s opening the door!
She cut their connection and settled closer to Marduk, wondering what was next, as the door burst open.

“I brought you some food.” Matthew threw a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter on the floor with his left hand, his right still immobilized by a cast.

“But he’ll have to help feed you.” He looked pleased with himself as he came closer, knelt down, and grabbed Tess by the wrist. Marduk growled and reached for the man, but stopped and ripped at his collar with a roar of pain.

“I love that,” Matthew taunted. “A shock collar for gods! Think we should take out a patent?” He raised Tess’s hand and knelt on her elbow to keep it in place while withdrawing handcuffs from his jacket. He hooked one side around her wrist and fastened the other securely to an eye bolt in the wall by her head. “My new companion and I have to go into town so I can rent a car,” he explained. “I’ll be heading back to Plymouth, but you’ll be pleased to know that my buddy will be coming back to watch over you,” he continued smugly.

“I know god-guy can’t leave the property without setting his canine collar off, so I’m not worried about him. I’m just making sure you stay put until your babysitter gets back.” He slapped her lightly on the cheek, obviously enjoying the outrage pouring off the subdued immortal at her side, then made sure to run his hand slowly down Tess’s chest to elicit an even greater reaction.

“Bingo,” he cried, giving Tess’s nipple a little squeeze, watching Marduk do the nuke-your-neck thing again. “Too bad I’m leaving. It would be entertaining to see just how many times you’re willing to fry.” Matthew got up and left, closing the door behind him.

“I’m going to rip his fucking head off when I get out of this!” Marduk seemed to be at his boiling point, and…growing larger?

Tess attempted to calm him.

“He didn’t hurt me,” she reassured, as she used her free hand to knead his shoulder. Hell, she had gone through so much worse, Matthew didn’t even come close to rattling her cage. “Listen, they’re leaving.” Sure enough, the sound of car doors cut through the now darkened room. “Let’s eat.” Tess was starving. With awkward movements, they quickly made sandwiches.

After they were both sated, Tess attempted several times to slip her hand through the cuff that was snug around her wrist, but only succeeded in drawing blood. Marduk put a stop to it.

“Don’t.” He reached out and gripped her hand, keeping it still. “Hux will be here soon, maybe even before our new keeper gets back from town. There’s no need to hurt yourself.” His body moved closer to hers and Tess felt his lips on her abraded wrist. He moved languidly down her arm until he was mere inches from her face. Her mouth parted in anticipation, and her barriers fell. She wanted Marduk’s kiss.

His lips brushed her. She sighed against him, and he clasped her face between his hands. She let him see the mixed expressions of both desire and fear that permeated her face. Tess was confused when he drew back.

“I want to try something, Tess.”

“I don’t think I…” she started uncertainly.

“It’s a little radical, but I promise not to touch you.”

Tess felt oddly disappointed.

“Do you trust me,” he asked, like his life depended on her answer. Tess never hesitated.

“Yes, Marduk, I do.” And she believed it. Her body relaxed at the knowledge. She trusted him! This god, who could easily destroy her life. She believed he could bring her to back to a world of trust and love. Had she just thought “love”?

“Whatever you have in mind,” she joked nervously, “I can take it.”

It was a weak quip. Marduk knew she could “take it,” but would she melt under his ministrations? Reading his thoughts, he wanted her warm and wet and bucking under his hands. Tess came to the sudden realization that she wanted the same thing.

“Lay back and relax, Tess, and I’ll do the same.” She was all curiosity when he settled beside her on the mattress with hands at his sides.

“Close your eyes,” he commanded huskily. In a flash, Tess figured out where this was going. She tried to calm the excitement that fluttered in her chest, but was wildly unsuccessful as she began to envision…just what he wanted.

Using a mind connection that had worked so well before, a picture of Marduk rose up and over Tess, facing her and straddling her thighs. She could feel the heat of him through his jeans. How was that possible? Slowly, his gentle hands undid the buttons of her shirt. Tess cracked an eye and looked down. Nope. Marduk not on her. Shirt not opening.

“Keep your eyes closed and don’t lose focus,” his voice caressed. Marduk was doing it all virtually. But boy, it sure felt real.

Tess closed her eyes again and swore she felt cool air waft across her chest. Settle down and enjoy, she reminded herself. This obviously won’t hurt a bit.

Marduk took his time. As the last button pushed through its hole, his fingers moved across the tender skin of her stomach. Her muscles clenched. Moving ever so slowly, he popped the front clasp on her white lace bra and moved the now separated halves to expose nipples that were alert to his attention.

Tess quivered, awaiting the first touch, and when he filled his large warm palm with one entire breast, she couldn’t help but arch into it and cry out in ecstasy. She lamented that the other wasn’t receiving equal treatment.

Her thoughts, so fully connected to his, must have crossed into his head because he cupped the second breast as well, gently moving his thumbs and forefingers to work her aching nipples into tight buds that spread heat throughout her body and straight to her core.

Her hips moved involuntarily beneath him, begging and demanding he turn his attention to her throbbing pussy. She was more than ready.

“Are you wet for me?” Tess heard him ask. She couldn’t answer.
That’s all right,
he whispered huskily in her head,
I’ll find out for myself.

One hand gently pinching her nipple, his weight shifted off of her and he lowered the other hand to her jeans. She thought he would pop the button, but instead he ran a finger with agonizing torpidity down the seam that ran from the top of her zipper to her clit that was now screaming for attention between her thighs. She thrust her hips upward.

He palmed her sex, the acute heat of his hand now scorching through the denim. She whimpered in need. The clutch of his fingers moved, exerting exquisite pressure across the lips of her weeping pussy. The rasp of material dragged back and forth. Tess nearly lost her mind. She vaguely knew what was happening, that she was coming close to some kind of a climax, and she reached for what could only be an orgasm. Surely it would blow her apart with its intensity!

Marduk removed his hand, as if sensing how close she was. Tess moaned at the loss, brought down from her plateau. Damn, she’d been so close to that elusive goal! Then she felt Marduk undo her jeans and was brought right back to a sharp edge of pleasure. Her zipper dropped and one large finger scooted across her stomach to test the little bow that decorated her panties. She held her breath.

Lift your hips,
she heard, and involuntarily she did so. Her jeans whispered down her thighs. She knew they ended up in a heap, but didn’t care.

Spread your legs for me,
came his next command, and she was shaking as her knees fell apart. His hand slid beneath her panties, and Tess’s breath caught in her throat. She felt his knuckle caress her wet and ready folds. It was the most gentle, yet sensual touch she’d ever received. Never before had she craved what she wanted now, for his fingers to move up inside her. To fill her up hard and fast.

I need to see you,
he rumbled, and somewhere outside, Tess was aware that thunder tore through the sky. His desire to look at her fueled her arousal. Her heart was beating out of her chest for want of his touch. She was so wet for him! If he didn’t stroke her heated pussy soon, she’d surely scream!

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