Rock Hard (32 page)

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Authors: LJ Vickery

Tags: #Erotic Romance

BOOK: Rock Hard
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What? Hit the bitch, he thought, trying to resurrect his focus…his need to control the situation. His thoughts scattered. Dagon looked at Lenore, standing defiant before him and thought, strike out! But couldn’t bring himself to follow through.

Disgusted, he turned away. “Sit with the men!” He was angry and confused that he had not been able to put her in her place. He was surprised when Lenore acquiesced to his order. It was the first smart thing she’d done since he showed up.

“And you…” He turned to Matthew with no such compulsion toward leniency clouding his resolve. “…prepare yourself to be today’s lesson on how a human must battle a god.” Dagon disappeared in mist, only to reappear within inches of Matthew, with his hands wrapped around the hapless man’s throat.

“Fight me,” Dagon ordered and, in the next few minutes, Matthew battled for his life.

When Matthew was no longer able to pick himself up off the floor, Dagon went to where his knife had fallen, and Lenore rose to her feet, eyeballed her boss warily, meeting him over Matthew’s inert form.

“I won’t let you kill him,” she said quietly, but with an authority in her voice that Dagon respected.

“He handled himself well.” The god would let her win this one. “I’ll spare him this time, but he’s going to spend a few days in my new jail to complete his punishment.”

“Your new what?” Lenore backed off, but was wary.

Dagon ignored her for a moment. “You two,” Dagon barked, pointing at a couple of the large recruits “Quickly! Meet me in the basement, where I will be bringing in a large cage.” He turned to Lenore who was waiting for an explanation.

“While I was away, I procured a large quantity of a metal…osmium. It’s the only substance that holds strong against the gods.” He looked fondly at the knife in his hand, lamenting that he hadn’t been able to use the blade on Marduk. Osmium didn’t have power over the gods like the links that had been brought from the Underworld, but it could contain…and cut them.

“In its alloyed state with nickel and copper, I’ve had it forged into this lovely knife, and also into an enclosure, eight feet by ten.” He dissolved to partial invisibility. “Our burly humans will secure it to the floor.”

He pointed toward a comatose Matthew. “Bring him…” were his final words before dissipating.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

“I’m asking her tonight.” Having returned to Quincy, Marduk stood on the large stone patio at the back of their house, leaning on the wall and looking into the lush spring beauty of the Blue Hill’s woods. Anshar didn’t look at all shocked.

“Has, uh…either of you mentioned the ‘L’ word?”

Marduk looked amused but a little on edge. “Neither,” he confirmed. “But I know that I love her.” The thunder god looked down at his hands. “When I thought that I’d lost her,” a small rumble moved through the late afternoon’s wispy clouds, “it hit me that I wouldn’t be able to live without her. If she had died…” Marduk couldn’t finish the thought.

“Not to change the subject, but your ceremony…” Anshar looked sheepish. “I hope you don’t expect me to be your best man.” He glanced at Marduk as if to see if that made him upset.

“Well, I had thought to ask you.”

“I wouldn’t be able to handle it,” Anshar admitted. “Besides, I’d be so nervous that I’d crack very inappropriate jokes…well, you get the picture.”

Marduk let Anshar off the hook. “I guess I could ask Enlil,” he mused. “He is blood related to Tess, after all, and now that I’m thinking about it, he’d probably enjoy his duties.”

The mood between the two men suddenly turned pensive.

“Do you trust him?” Anshar could mention the bad blood that, in the past, had defined much of the two gods’ relationship.

“I do,” Marduk assured Anshar, although in a somewhat subdued manner. “Besides, if anything goes wrong with the ceremony, Tess would disown him and I think it would break his newly beating heart.”

“Yeah. You’re probably right.” Anshar brightened again. “He’s like a mother bear with a cub whenever she’s around.” Marduk nodded, but remained silent. There was one stumbling block to their plans.

“Anything else I can do for you?” Anshar knew him too well. He’d figured that Marduk had another request.

“You know there is.” Marduk turned to face his best friend. “Would you be the one to procure the osmium?”

“Consider it done.” Anshar saluted insolently, tongue in cheek.

If Tess agreed to the ceremony, things could move quickly.

“Thanks, brother.” If Emesh had been present, he would have insisted on hugs all around, but Marduk and Anshar settled on a heartfelt hand clasp.


Tess was busy pacing the floor of her bedroom. Yes, her bedroom! What the hell was going on? Since returning to the Blue Hills over a week ago, Marduk had installed her in this luxurious space and treated her with the utmost respect…which was beginning to tick her off!

Where was the he-man/god of few words who had spent their previous time together working her body into a frenzy? He certainly hadn’t been present this week. The supreme ass, now in residence, had been handling her with kid gloves, and didn’t resemble her Marduk in the least.

Monday night, they’d taken a walk in the woods, and he’d kept his distance even when she pretended to trip. He had caught her and then abruptly let go as if she were fire against his skin. Tuesday night, they’d gone to the movies, a romantic comedy with some sexy bits that she’d hoped would put him in the mood. During the most titillating part, he’d excused himself and went for popcorn.

Last night, Tess had had enough and challenged the group of gods to strip poker while Marduk was out, just to see if she could provoke a reaction from him when he returned. Enlil had stood, arms crossed stoically over his broad chest, watching with a distinct frown, ready to stop the game if it got out of hand.

He’d scowled as she’d worked five of the deified hunks down to their loin cloths. She expected he’d be furious when he found that she’d been holding four of a kind, which pretty much assured her of a really good peek at some immortal ass within minutes.

Unfortunately, Absu’d had five of a kind, after picking up two wild cards on the last draw, and Tess had been unbuttoning her shirt when Marduk walked in.

“What the…” Thunder and lightning actually appeared in the room and, without so much as a see-you-later, all the gods had decamped and left her with the maniacal male who had escorted her up to her room—did she mention HER room—without speaking a word. Then left! Arrogant and annoying!

Tess was done waiting. She knew where his bed was, and she was just going to go plunk herself down on it and demand…well…yes…dammit! She was just bloody well going to seduce him.

she called to the god who most likely had the best taste in women’s undergarments. He was thrilled to be involved in lingerie selection, and came up with a few tantalizing suggestions. Tess gave him free rein.

Newbury Street here I come,
he cried and was off in a flash.

A short while later, with red bits of silk in hand, Tess felt pretty confident. Let’s see if Marduk can resist this! Her jeans hit the floor.

Once finished, she turned to get a good look at herself in the mirror. Oh my! The lace-up corset pushed her breasts high and made the little she had look plump as flesh spilled over the top of the scant garment. The thong revealed all of her sleek posterior—or fanny, she giggled—and wouldn’t Marduk be surprised that she had spent time shaving in the shower, shaping just the perfect “landing strip” to entice him.

Nervous goose bumps rose on her arms as she donned a terry robe and sped down the empty hallway to his room. She had seen him walking outside and knew he would be up soon to shower, as was his custom before dinner. She entered his room, dropped the robe, and positioned herself on the bed in what she hoped was a sexy pose. Damn him for reducing her to this! She wondered how long he’d take.

Marduk wandered the grounds for a good long time, trying to work up his courage. He knew his mind, he just wasn’t sure about Tess’s. She seemed to enjoy his company, seeking him out and rubbing her fresh spring rain scent as close to him as possible. She even enjoyed poking into his head at odd times, teasing him and sharing little tidbits of humor. Surely that was not the behavior of a woman who was disinterested.

Oh hell. He looked at the rising moon. He’d definitely missed supper and she’d be wondering why. Not a good way to cajole her into the right frame of mind for what they needed to talk about. Marduk headed into the house.

The lights were off in his room as he walked in, but his whole body froze as he closed the door behind him. He sniffed the air. She had been here…or she still was. Reaching for the dimmer, he turned the lights up ever so slowly and swallowed reflexively at the sight on the bed.

Tess was stretched out on her side, sound asleep, her face cradled on one hand, the other clenched into a small fist on his pillow. He allowed his gaze to travel down her body, taking in the rise and fall of her chest where her creamy mounds overflowed the confines of a corset. His prick came to instant attention, but when he silently walked around the bed, the need between his legs became a pounding issue. Marduk moaned. The thong had him undone.

Tess stirred at the small sound and turned onto her back, eyelids flickering in the subdued light.

“Marduk?” she questioned sleepily, then awareness slowly came creeping back. Shit! She was lying on his bed, dressed like a courtesan, and had fallen asleep! She was supposed to feel sexy, but all she could do was worry if she had bed-head and nap-breath.

“Tess.” She looked up as he crooned her name.

Was he really unbuttoning his shirt? She scrambled to sit upright.

“Bathroom,” she squeaked and swung her legs over the side of the bed, scurrying for cover. When she was safely within, she leaned against the closed door, trying to wrap the courage back around herself that she’d had earlier. Well, at least she could brush her teeth. This time, Tess made use of Marduk’s toothbrush.

When she finally gathered the fortitude to emerge, she peeked out and saw that Marduk had moved to the bed and was stretched full length on his back. He had removed his shirt, but still wore his jeans. The top button had been popped and, as she moved toward him, her eyes followed the trail of dark hair down his flat abdomen until it disappeared into his briefs. His cock, happy at the perusal, swelled as she looked.

“I’m not sure you should be in here like this.” His voice was gruff. He was still playing it cool, but his body was telling a different story. Tess got bolder. She was not going to be put out like a bothersome cat, and sent that idea right into his brain before he could get any ideas about ejecting her.

I’m here for a reason.
She poked him in the chest, and thrilled at the rumble of thunder that ensued.

Marduk’s mouth popped open. “And what would that reason be?” Tess leaned forward over him and watched his hands clench the blanket beneath his hips. She hoped it was because they were itching to smooth the material over her breast where her nipples could be seen straining through the silk. She moved slowly onto the bed, approaching him on her knees, until she was close enough to touch. She spread her knees apart, the red triangle only inches from his face.

“I want you to touch me,” she crooned, and almost came apart as his finger reached forward and whispered over her barely covered sex. Holy gods, had she ever been this forward in her life? Had she ever been this excited? She was wet before he’d really even touched her. She needed Marduk naked and, before she could talk herself out of it, Tess reached to pull at his zipper. He caught her wrists and flipped her onto her back.

“No!” he commanded. “It’s my turn.” His fingers strummed at the apex of her legs and she pushed up, wanting more pressure.

“Impatient minx.” His eyes shot lightning and that surreal red glow came from his shoulder again. Was his chest broader than before? Tess was having trouble concentrating.

“Raise your hips” He licked his lips in anticipation and, as she did his bidding, he drew the small scrap of material down her legs. “I need to see you.”

Why was it so difficult for her to part her thighs? She trembled, and he gently helped move her legs apart a slow inch at a time. She felt the cool air move over her moist pussy lips, and he sat…looking. She squirmed in embarrassment, but Marduk held her still.

I’m taking my time with this,
he assured her. Lust and…something else, something much deeper, swept across his face. Tess stopped fighting. She’d soon find out whether she’d made a mistake giving herself to the large god.

Marduk lowered his head when he felt Tess go limp, and his breathing nearly stopped. Her dewy folds were so full and lovely where she had shaved, leaving herself bare and open to his full scrutiny.

“Tess…” he moaned.

He could wait no longer. Marduk brought a thumb forward and stroked up and down her slit, spreading the moisture. When she arched into his touch, he gave her more. Marduk slipped the thick digit a few inches inside and felt her pussy clench.

“Can we…do this now?” she asked tentatively, reaching a hand toward the front of his pants. He could hear the nervousness that had returned to her voice.

Marduk took charge and soothed his shaky mate. “Not until you’re fully ready.” He would give her an orgasm first, making her warm and receptive to his complete invasion. He was a little worried. The Marduk who Tess saw now, was not the Marduk who would be claiming her.

She thought she knew everything about him, but she was wrong. Tess was about to find out that his whole body became larger when he lost control of himself…every part of his body. She was nervous enough about this without making her panic outright and, even though he’d been able to hold himself in check so far, he wasn’t sure if he could remain caged when his dick finally found her softness and was encased in her warmth.

Marduk withdrew his thumb and brought his mouth down to cover her flesh, flicking at her ultra-sensitive clit with his tongue and causing her to gasp with pleasure. With a free hand, he reached up to loosen the laces on her corset, spilling her breasts free and pinching one nipple while he licked again. She screamed her pleasure. His tongue plunged into her core and she arched, spreading her legs even wider. This is what he had waited for! This was the taste of heaven that had eluded him for eternity.

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