Authors: Alisa Grey

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«I love you, Claire».

We were both naked by then. We made love furiously and I was happy. I wanted him so bad. I needed to feel him moving inside of me. When we both came, we were sweating. My heart was beating fast. I wanted to do it again.

«Please, Claire. Just give me a minute...»

He was barely breathing. I kissed him anyway and caressed his body. My hands were willing to touch him, and so they did. I licked his chest and felt him humming.

We made love again and again. I don’t know how many hours we spent like that, but I started feeling hungry. We were very tired and we both started laughing. I looked out of the small porthole and saw that it was dark. We needed to take a bath and then we would be able to go grab something to eat. Taking a bath was hard, anyway. We were willing to make love once again and couldn’t take our hands off of each other’s body.

When we got to the restaurant, it was late.

We were sitting at a small round table with eight people. They were already eating.

A short man asked us: «You must be the Campbells, right?»

Sam shook his head.

«My wife, Rose, and I were wondering where you were. You know, maybe Mrs Campbell got sick because of the sea waves...»

Rose was a small woman. She was wearing a nice but awkward dress.

«My wife was sick, yes. But now she’s feeling much better, thank you».

Sam had replied in a very polite voice.

I was pale, actually. But no, I wasn’t feeling sick at all.

«My name’s Jack Hill. That’s Rose. We’re from California. I’m in the horse business».

We both shook our heads.

«We’re Pierre and Nicole Dupont. These are Caroline, Blanche and Alan. We own a company in North America. We sell wood and wooden items».

He spoke English with a French accent. It must have been because of his birthplace. North America was a bilingual country. He was elegantly dressed; he was thin and quite tall. His wife was quite sweet and silent. She had a lovely dress. Their white hair made me think they both must have been over fifty.

Their sons must have been somewhere between fifteen and twenty. I was eighteen. I was already married, I had a lover and I was willing to have sex with him. The thought stuck me. I suddenly thought of Alex and shivered.

«Are you okay, Madame?»

«I am, thank you.»

Sam was caressing my bare leg. He had found a way to do so without anyone noticing.

«We’re Oscar and Mary Kilkanny, we’re from Cork, Ireland. We own a fishing company. The fish is really good in North America and the new upper-class is crazy about it. Americans seem to like fish very much.»

His wife looked at me hastly. Was she jealous? Then she looked at Sam and calmed down. My husband was much more charming than his. But I sensed Oscar Kilkanny was the kind of man who was always up to something. He must have been a most unfaithful man.

«I must say something...», Oscar Kilkanny said. «Your wife is a very beatiful woman. She must have excellent breasts. I wouldn’t waste my time having dinner, if I were married with her».

Sam nearly choked.

«Yes, she is very beautiful. I’ll keep that in mind».

Oscar started laughing while his wife turned pink.

Dinner was unpleasant. When it was over, Oscar asked Sam to have a cigar. I didn’t want him to, neither did Sam himself. Oscar insisted.

«Come on, boy. She won’t be flirting with anyone else, in the meanwhile. I’ll be with you, right?» And he laughed. That was really embarrassing.

Sam looked at me, but Oscar was quick: he grabbed Sam’s arm and took him away.

«You’ll have sex with her later».

I was alone with the ladies. Mary spoke.

«Are you sure you’re seasick? I mean... if I were in the ocean with your husband, I’d surely know what to do. I wouldn’t be seasick... at all».

I was drinking and choked at once. What a woman!

By the time Sam was back, I had turned red. We were both tired and went to our room.

When he shut the door, Sam stood against the wall for a few seconds. Then he hugged me and kissed me. He reaised my skirt as I undid his trousers. We had sex against the wall, half-naked and half-dressed.

«Is this because of Oscar?», I asked him while he kissed my neck.

«No. I’ve been thinking about this since we went downstairs».

He whispered to me.

We undressed and went to the bed. We made love. I was happy and I knew he would always take care of me. London and Alex were just bad memories.

He was kissing my breasts.

«You know, Claire... Alex will search the world until he finds you. I’ll kill him, if he harms you».

I stopped breathing. He kept kissing me. He kissed my body and he got to my legs. He entered me with his tongue. I laughed.

«Oh, Sam... you’ll kill me».

I laughed and laughed. Then I saw his eyes looking at me. They were so blue. He kissed my lips. And looked into my eyes.

«Let’s make love, Sam».


Few days later, we got an invitation. The captain asked us to take part to a music soirée. It was a good way to meet new people. I was willing to meet someone who could tell me about North America.

I chose a nice outfit. It was a red dress that I had never had the chance to wear. It was quite simple, but it was brand new and classy. My hair was tied up in a chignon, my shoulders were naked and the skirt of the dress made me look taller and thinner. It was a bit flashy, yes, but I looked really good.

I really wanted to meet new people because I was scared. I knew no one and needed to make friends. If I was to start a new life, I’d need people to support me. I was worried about the language as well. I had heard that in North America they spoke a Scottish slang.

I knew I had made choices that would change my life forever. I knew there was no turning back and I also knew it was time for me to do something. I needed to feel actively part of our new life.

«Do you think I look pretty?», I asked.

«You surely do.»

«Do you really think so?»

«You are incredibly beautiful. Words fail me.»

We were late and as we entered the deck, people stared at us. We sat in the back. At the centre of the room, I saw a beautiful pianoforte. Black and shiny. A good-looking musician was playing. He was really good. He was elegantly dressed as well.

When he stopped playing, he greeted everyone. He even came to me and bowed.

«Madame, you are outstanding. Just like a ray of light in the shadows».

I turned red and so did Sam. Everyone was looking at us.

The pianist smiled at me as if he was alone with me. His eyes were green and his hair red.

«Milord, I’m pleased to meet you», he said to Sam. «My name is Robert Turner».

Sam shook his hand. «Sam Campbell.»

«This lady is awesome, don’t you think? You surely have good taste.»

«She’s my wife», he replied sharply. The pianist didn’t seem to notice. Then he looked Sam in the eyes.

«You don’t seem to be flattered, Milord. Do you want me to tell you that you are very charming?»

Sam was angry, I could see that. He looked at Robert and he opened his mouth. He was much taller than the pianist and he was really going to tell him to... well, you know. But Robert Turner was quick. He said: «I can’t stand the ones like you... I was hoping I had left all of them in London. Living in North America won’t be pleasant for you», and he left us.

Jack came to us.

«Good evening, Jack. Where’s the lovely Rose?»

«Madame, that was Jackson Turner. He’s the second heir of a wealthy American family», he said to me.

Sam put his arm around my waist.

«I can see you’ve never heard of the Turners», Jack added. «You’ll get to know them. They own carbon mines and they build railways in Nova Scotia. I think this boat might be theirs, actually... Mr Campbell, hold on to your wife. Jackson Turner is not an especially good fellow. He’s always attracted by young women. So... I believe you must keep an eye on your wife. You know, women tend to like him. So...», and he laughed loudly.

Sam held my hand as Jack Hill went away.

«Do you fancy him, Claire?»

«Of course I don’t! Sam... I love you».

I kissed him on the cheek and he relaxed.  But it was clear that he would keep an eye on Jackson Turner.

The days flew by. We used to talk for hours. We had projects to make and things to think about. We didn’t really want to have a social life, by then.

«Do you think your mother’s going to like me?»

I was hugging him and I laid my head against his chest. He caressed my hair.

«Of course she will. She’ll love you. You’re so nice and sweet... and kind. You’re the perfect wife».

I felt much better. I was really in love with him.

«Don’t you fear I won’t have much spare time anymore?»

He caressed my cheek. «I know you’re passionate about helping others. I won’t stop you. I know you have your path and I’ll stand by you. You’re the woman I love. And I love you because of that. I don’t want you to change».

I hugged him and cried.

«Thank you.»

I was happy and speechless. I was always stuck, when he told me such things. I saw myself through his eyes and I could see us spending the rest of our lives together.

«Claire, I want a white house. On top of a hill, near the sea. I want a garden, and a beach, and woods surrounding us. And I want many children. I like children, Claire. But I don’t want any of this, unless you want it too.»

I could picture our house and our children. «I like children too. Even if I like you more.»

I turned red and hugged him. He hugged me back.

«I think we’ll have to meet John McLeod. He’s Scottish, I believe, and he is the governor. He’ll help us out».

We used to dream a lot. It was a lovely way to spend the time, daydreaming. I knew we would sort it all out somehow.


It was day number eight on the boat and I woke up feeling really sick. I was cold and couldn’t stand up. I did it anyway and got to the bathroom. I threw up and looked at my reflection in the mirror. I was pale and didn’t look good. I saw my belly. I then looked at my breasts. They seemed bigger. I didn’t really take notice of that. It had been raining for days, so I might have been sick because of that. I had barely eaten, on the night before. I went back to our bed.

Yes, I was seasick. It must have been that. Sam was still sleeping. He was perfect.

I was stuck to see him like that. He had long legs and muscled shoulders. He had a great body. I wanted to be with him forever and couldn’t even think of parting from him. What if Alex found us somehow? I didn’t want to go back to London, nor to be a property. I liked my new relationship and I liked being part of a real couple.

I could barely breathe. It was all so different from anything I had experienced before. I reached out and touched his skin. His back was smooth. I kissed it but I felt a strange pain all over my body. I had a headache and felt like I was going to be sick once again. Sam opened his blue eyes and asked me: «Are you alright?»

He sat and looked at me. I felt sick and hurried into the bathroom.             

«What’s wrong?»

He was worried. He was on the doorway.

«I’m seasick, I believe. I’m fine».

He looked at me.

«I’ll come back to sleep, Sam. Don’t worry».

He came to me and sat on the bathroom’s floor next to me.

«Oh, Sam, don’t...»

«Do you want to drink something?»

«I’d like some bread».

He stood up and got dressed. «I’ll be back». He kissed me on the forehead and left.

I felt lonely and awkward.

I opened the trunk and picked something to wear. I felt someone knocking on the door. Sam must have hurried. He must have been worried. I opened the door and smiled.

It was Oscar. He looked at me. I was barely naked.

I wore my jacket and tried to shut the door, but he was quick: he came in. I wanted to do something, but didn’t know how to act. I wasn’t feeling comfortable. He came to me and my back hit the wall. He opened my jacket and touched my breasts. He undid his pants and took off his trousers.

«Now you’ll shut up. You’ll like it, you know you will. Don’t you think I can’t hear you as you’re fucking with your husband... you’ll enjoy it, you know...»

He was holding me still. He was sweating and his breath smelt bad. He was too close to me, I felt bad. He tried to open my legs, but I kicked and kicked. I hit him and as he was lying on the floor, I run to the door and opened it.

«Go away! Or I’ll tell your wife, Sam and the captain. Go away!»

I was angry and I felt like he had humiliated me. I felt like killing him, but I need him to go away, because Sam would be back any moment and I didn’t want them to fight. My husband was my one true love and I wanted to be with him. I was feeling sick.

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