Rocking a SECRET (17 page)

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Authors: Crystal Perkins

BOOK: Rocking a SECRET
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“You guys have a bowling alley?”

“Yes. We have a movie theater, basketball
court, and even an ice skating rink, too.”

“How did I not know this?”

“We’ve been holed up here, hiding from your
fans and the press.”

“I’m sorry about that.”

“I’m not. It’s been nice. I just miss my own

“I miss your bed, too.”

“You mean you miss being tied to my bed,
don’t you?”

“I’ll answer that later. After I beat you at

“You wish.”

“I wish for lots of things. But let’s get
serious. How is the wagering going to work?”

“Hmm. We could do it by pins, or

“Holy shit. I just realized we can play
strip bowling. If you can get the cameras turned off, that is. I’m
assuming there are cameras.”

“There are cameras, but, yes, Ainsley can
shut them off for us. So, a frame by frame loss of clothes?”

“Oh yeah. And then a game by game


We shake on it, and then of course, we kiss
to make it official. My wish would be for this to last. I know it
won’t, but that doesn’t stop me from wishing.

* * *


I’ve been bowling all my life, but never
like this. We’re almost done with our first game, and both of us
are in just our underwear. I’m ahead by one pin going into the
final frames. Stella’s bent over the ball return, trying to
distract me. It’s working as I only hit three pins. I make myself
concentrate, even though it’s tough with a raging hard on. I manage
a spare and then a strike.

“Beat that, Bombshell.”

“I approve of that second nickname, just so
you know.”

“Duly noted.”

I try to distract her by pulling my briefs
down far enough for my cock to pop out as I lay on the lane next to
ours. She glances over and smiles, but doesn’t let me faze her. She
gets two strikes in a row, and then knocks down seven more pins. I
can’t even be mad because she looked so hot doing it.

“I won.”

“You did,” I tell her as I start to

“I didn’t tell you to get up.”

I lay back down and smirk at her. “I haven’t
lost my briefs yet.”

“So you won’t take them off for me if I ask
you to?”

“Are you taking off your thong?”

“Why yes I am.”

Instead of speaking, I whip off my briefs
and toss them towards the chair where the rest of my clothes are.
She shimmies out of her little scrap of lace as she walks over to
me. I put my hands behind my head and cross my ankles.

“Have your way with me, love.”

“Don’t mind if I do,” she tells me as she
straddles me, rubbing her fingers over my piercing before she
slides all the way down.

Fuck is she wet. “I love this. Being inside
you, and feeling how much you want me.”

“And I love knowing you’re this big and hard
just for me.”

“Only you.

Her eyes get sad for a few seconds, but then
her smile is back. She gets into the rhythm she knows does it for
both of us. I pull her down so I can play with her tits. I lick and
suck until her movements get erratic. “Kace.”

“I got you,” I tell her as I hold her hips
and start thrusting into her.

She comes hard, and I follow right after
her. I pull her to me and kiss her until we’re both gasping for
air. “That was a great prize.”

“Mine will be better,” I tell her, smacking
her ass before lifting her off of me. “Let’s get cleaned up and

She groans, but lets me pull her to her
feet. “I don’t think I’m 100% capable of playing a good game after

“I’m counting on that,” I tell her as I walk
us to the bathroom.


“Don’t be a sore loser.”

“I haven’t lost yet, but I
to be sore.”

“Naughty vixen.”

I look over at her when I don’t get a
response. I drop the paper towels in my hand when I see her crying.
I pull her into my arms and rub her back. Since this has been
happening a lot lately, I know she won’t want to talk yet. Or maybe

“I’m a mess,” she says after a minute.
“Let’s go out there so I can beat you again.”

“You know I love you, don’t you?”

“Yeah. I love you, too. So much.”

“We can just go upstairs and cuddle if you

“What I want is to have fun. Lots and lots
of fun. And sex. With you. Only you. Forever.”

“I’m totally down with that.”

“For now you are.”

“Forever. I want that, too.”

“You won’t always feel that way. I guarantee

“Is this about that secret you’re


“You told me you’d tell me if you could.
That’s all I can ask of you.”

“You’re going to leave me when it comes out.
I have no doubt about that.”

“But you’re doubting me. Don’t do that. I’m
a good guy. There’s nothing so bad you could be hiding that would
make me leave you.”

“I wish that were true.”

“Have some faith in me.”

“I do.”

“Then let’s go out there, so I can beat
and claim my prize.”

“Good luck with that.”

There she is, the sassy woman I love. Not
that I don’t love her when she’s crying. But it’s starting to scare
me. She’s so sure that this damn secret is going to tear us apart.
I won’t let that happen, though. I’m going to hold onto her and
give her my strength because I can tell she needs it.

This game is going much faster, because
we’re both trying hard to distract each other and win. We started
out naked, so it’s been working out well for both of us. She licks
her lips while squeezing a nipple. I stroke myself and play with my
piercing. It’s the sixth frame, and we both have a score of

“We should put the bumpers up so we’ll knock
something over,” she says with a laugh.

“Or just abandon the game and go directly to
the prize.”

“Let me guess, we’d be doing your prize,

“Oh Bombshell, we both know that no matter
who ‘wins’ we’re both going to score.”

She laughs so hard she snorts. She’s doubled
over and snorting. “Oh my God. That sounds like something they’d
say in a cheesy 80s movie.”

“I love cheesy 80s movies, and so do

“Yeah, yeah. I’m not forfeiting though, so
bumpers up or not?” she asks once she composes herself.

“Down. I don’t need them. I’m done letting
you distract me.”

“Oh really,” she says, directing a look at
my fully erect cock.

“It’s better that way. It can help guide

“No. Just stop. This is your new tactic,
isn’t it? You’re going to cheese your way into a win, since you
couldn’t do it with sexy times.”

I honestly wasn’t, but now I so am. “I can
definitely do ‘it’ with sexy times. Any time you want it.”

Instead of answering, she starts singing
“Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.” Badly and way off-key. She’s dancing
all crazy and practically screeching out the words. I sincerely
hope she’s messing with me. I grab her, silencing her with a

“Please tell me you were kidding with

“Sorry, but there’s a reason I work behind
the scenes.”

“You’re killing me. My ears are literally
dead, but the rest of me isn’t doing so well, either.”

“I would think my other talents would
outweigh my musical shortcomings.”

“They more than make up for your screeching.
But the dreams I had of us doing a duet have just gone up in

“When did you ever dream of us doing a

“Two nights ago?”


“Yeah. I know it’s stupid, but I though it’s
be cool to have you onstage with me.”

“Autotune?” I ask. He raises an eyebrow.

“Don’t be. I have lots of other dreams—and
fantasies—that involve you, me, and no singing.”

“Me, too.”

“Yours will have to wait because I’m about
to win this game,” I tell her as I grab my ball and throw it,
hitting a strike. “We’ll get to them later. I promise.”

“Well, shit.”

She tries, but I’m on fire. I want it my
way. I know she’d let me do it later, but winning is so much
better. I end up winning by eighteen points. I do a victory dance
as she rolls her eyes.

“Lay it on me. What are we doing?”

I pretend to think about it, but I already
know. I’ve known since I walked in here tonight and saw the retro
ball return systems. She’s going to love this as much as I am.
Maybe even more.

“Straddle that empty ball return over

“You want me standing.”

“Yes, bent over, and with your lips over the
fan thing.”

“You want me to kiss it?”

“I want you to feel that warm air on your
clit while I’m fucking you from behind.”

“You weren’t kidding when you said we’d both
score tonight.”

“No, I really wasn’t.”

She positions herself like I told her to,
her back arching as she feels that air blowing on her like my mouth
usually does. I come up behind her and gently push her down so that
her arms are bent, and her ass is in the air. I grip her hips and
thrust into her as she cries out.

“You like this don’t you? Feeling the air at
the same time as you’re feeling my cock. It’s like there’s two of


“No other man’s ever going to be with us,
Stella. So this is the closest you’re going to come to this with

“I only want you,” she says with a gasp as I
pinch her nipples.

“I want it to be better than when you were
with those other guys.”

“I already told you you’re the best.”

“I’m better than two?” I ask as I move one
hand down to spread her open and let the air hit her more

“God, yes.”

“I love making you come, almost more than I
love coming. Did you know that? Most of my fantasies are about how
I can make you come harder and better.”

“I dream of sucking you dry, with my pussy
my mouth.”

“Are you going to suck me with that sexy
mouth of yours later? And play with my barbell?”


“We’re going to have to 69 so I can lick


“I want to make you pass out from the
numbers of times I’m going to make you come tonight.”

“You’ll pass out first,” she says, starting
to move back against me as she gets closer.

“With my cock still hard inside of you so I
can wake up fucking you.”

“Kace—Kace—Kace!” she screams as she
shatters around my cock.

“Fuuckk!” I yell as I come so hard my legs
give out and I have to grab the sides of the machine to stop from
crushing her.

“Once you can stand, we should take this
upstairs for rounds three through ten.”

“If you think it’s only going to be ten,
you’re forgetting who you’re working with.”

“You have a show tomorrow.”

“Are you really forgetting how young I

“I prefer to focus on what you do to

“My youth is what makes that happen,

“Stamina is my new favorite work, K.”

“Let’s go before round three happens in

I stand up and help her off the machine. We
get dressed in silence, and hold hands as we walk out. This was
hands down the best time I’ve ever had in a bowling alley. And I
already know it’s only going to get better and better.

Chapter 14


I wake up to little kisses all over my bare
back. “No. I need sleep.”

“No rest for the wicked.”

“I’m not fully wicked, just a little

“Well, my bad Bombshell, we have to be at
the theater in an hour.”

“I’m too old for this.”

“You weren’t complaining last night. Or this

“I’m not really complaining now,” I say,
lifting my head to smile at him.

“Best night of my life, hands down.”


I pull him down to me, and we kiss for
several minutes. Sweet and sexy kisses where we sip from each
other’s lips and dart our tongues out for small tastes. Neither one
of us tries to take the kisses deeper. It’s perfect, and I want to
stay right here in this bed with him forever.

“We have to go.”

“I wish we didn’t.”

“We’ll be back here after the show.”



I shower quickly and happily take the coffee
and toast Kace hands me before we walk out the door. “Thanks for

“I’d have done more, but I was out of time.
There’ll be food backstage when we get there.”

“Trying to keep me fed and happy?”

“You know it.”

I do. Especially this last week, Kace has
shown me that he wants to be with me for the long haul. To say I’ve
been a mess is an understatement. I really have no control of when
and where Chad is going to tell Kace. And I need more memories.
Ones like last night. Good memories to hold in the pieces of my
heart when it breaks.

“You’re getting quiet on me, love.”

“Just thinking about what to plan for our
date tonight.”

“It’s my turn to plan.”

“You want to plan our date?”

“I’ve done it before, and very well if I
remember correctly.”

I do remember the night in my apartment that
he planned. It was romantic and very, very hot. “It was

“Tonight shouldn’t disappoint you,

I would tell him that he’ll never disappoint
me, but that would be a lie. Even though I know what’s coming, I’m
still going to be disappointed in him. Knowing what his reaction
will be doesn’t make it any easier to accept it.

“You’ve already planned?”

“I have.”

“I love you so much, Kace. Please don’t ever
forget that.”

“I won’t. You have forever to show me,

“I remember.”

I kiss him before I start crying. This is
different than how we kissed in my bed. I can feel my desperation,
and I think maybe he can, too. When we break apart, I look up and
meet Nate’s eyes in the rearview mirror. He gives me a sad smile
because he knows what’s coming. It seems like everyone but Kace

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