Rocky Ride (Thompson & Sons) (17 page)

Read Rocky Ride (Thompson & Sons) Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #police romance, #small town romance, #Bad Boy romance, #Vivian Arend, #tattoo romance, #hot sexy romance

BOOK: Rocky Ride (Thompson & Sons)
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Anna didn’t speak, but she looked far more willing to listen.

“There’s been no one but you. No one, because there was no one I wanted more than you.” Mitch leaned over so he could stare into her eyes, the intensity of what was inside pouring out with his words. “Every time I wake up, I smell the scent of your shampoo and it makes me hard, and then I remember that you aren’t there anymore, and it’s my fault. It’s like you’re in my veins, dammit. Everywhere I look I see things that remind me of you. Every song I hear. It drives me crazy, and yet the reminders are the only things keeping me sane. There were no other women, Anna. Since I couldn’t have you, I didn’t want anyone else.”

Her face was still drawn and tight, but her eyes were far more alive than he’d seen in months. Hope stirred inside—the faintest hint. No matter how stupid he felt at being played by Nick, there was a light ahead of them, and he reached for it with everything he had.

“I was wrong, Anna. I should have talked to you, because my great decision caused us both nothing but pain. I’ve missed you so fucking much. I’ve missed your passion and your fire, and your soft side and your sexy smile. Damn, I’ve missed everything about you.” He reached for her, forgetting momentarily about the handcuffs, his arms jerking to a stop before he could take her back in his arms where she belonged. “Do we need the cuffs anymore?”

Anna raised a single brow. “You don’t think you’re done apologizing, do you?”

“Hell no, but I can apologize a lot better with my hands free.”

A reluctant snort escaped her. “I bet you could.”

She glanced over her shoulder and reached for his wrists, but instead of letting him go, she helped him to his feet and tugged him toward the parking lot.


“Trust me.”

Mitch stepped quickly at her side. He deserved whatever hell she put him through for falling for Nick’s lies. He was going to fucking get revenge on the man no matter what, though.

The only good thing seemed to be that the months of pain were over. “I’m sorry,” he repeated.

“You’d better get used to saying that.” Anna paused beside a transport trailer, guiding him to the front sleeping quarters. “You have five full months of
I’m sorry
to catch up on.”

“As long as it takes,” Mitch vowed. “Whatever it takes.”

She jerked the door open and gestured him into the small space.

Mitch glanced around, shuffling his feet on the tiny floor area. “Whose trailer is this?”

“Steve’s. Trevor and Steve brought animals for the petting zoo, and the trailer is the biggest we own.”

She planted a hand between his shoulders and pushed him toward the corner where a straight-back chair was tucked into the compact space. Mitch jiggled the cuffs again.

“Forget it. Sit down,” Anna ordered.

He turned and obeyed, impatience and worry he’d pushed too far, too fast warring inside. “So…”

Anna pulled the elastic from her hair, carefully laying it on the table to the right of the twin-sized mattress. “So, you wait. I’m in uniform, and while I’ve got plans, they don’t involve being kicked off the force for inappropriate behavior. I don’t go on shift for another fifty minutes.”

Mitch’s mouth went dry as her hands went to the top buttons of her khaki-brown shirt. “You’re going to torture me, right? As punishment for being an ass.”

The top curves of her breasts appeared. Absolute torture, whether she intended it or not. His body tightened as if he’d been on a tight leash and aching for her for months—all true.

The fabric opened, falling aside to reveal flashes of smooth skin and one of her flaming-red bras.

“Sweet Jesus, woman.”

Anna’s fingers slipped lower to her belt and zipper, pulling the leather open, sliding the metal down. “Five months thinking about what I wanted to do with my life, Mitch. Part of me wants to thank you, because as much as it sucked, it forced me to make some decisions. I’ve changed in that time.”

“And part of you wants to take a very small knife and skin me slowly?”

“Then sprinkle you with salt. Yeah, that about sums it up.” Anna pushed her pants to the floor and stepped out of them.

When had she taken off her boots? Mitch must have missed it while fixated on the tiny red patch of fabric covering her mound. “Tell me you forgive me. Tell me you still want me.” He’d beg if he had to. Anything to keep her there with him, not just in the trailer stripping off her clothes, but there in his life.

Anna lifted her chin. “I forgave you last night after I tossed a few darts at your picture. Doesn’t mean I’m not still pissed. You don’t make decisions about my life without me, Mitch. Being without you broke my heart. ”

“And mine as well. So take these damn cuffs off me so I can pick up the pieces and start putting them back together again.”

She held out a hand to ward him off, even though he was the one restrained. “First we need to get one thing straight. We’re here having this conversation because I choose to focus on the fact you made a wrong decision for the right reasons. But if you go around me again, Mitch Thompson, I will use those cuffs on another part of your anatomy and you will sing soprano for the rest of your earthly days.”

Mitch could work with that, only… “Don’t try to tell me not to protect you.”

“I don’t need protecting, I need a partner who wants me, all of me.” Her eyes flashed. “Which reminds me—no killing Nick.”

A growl escaped before he could stop it. “Fine, then I’ll just maim him a little.”

“No, you will leave him alone. I’m dealing with him in a work-appropriate manner, and you will not go and screw up everything I’ve put into place.”

“I don’t know that I can do that.” Mitch shook his head. “The bastard lied to us. What the fuck are you defending him for?”

“He’ll get his own in a short enough time,” Anna promised. “But if you get yourself arrested for beating the crap out of him, I swear I’ll leave you in jail to rot, and there will be no coming back. Ever.”

He listened to what she was saying, but Nick getting off scot-free burned. “A little retribution is in order.”

“I’d prefer to put him out of my head and deal with other more pressing issues.” Anna stepped into his personal space, naked limbs and open shirt turning the conversation to a whole new topic. “I’m in charge. Say it, Mitch.”

“Anything,” he vowed. “Anything you want.”

She pulled a condom from her shirt pocket, and a million dirty urges rushed along his spine along with unbelievable joy. “You haven’t been with anyone else?” she asked.

He shook his head. “Only you, ever since we got tested back in the fall.”

Anna dropped the package on the table, then turned him to face the wall, his palms bumping her belly as she unlocked the cuffs. “You know what I want? I want you.”

Her words became the key that set him free. He twirled and before the cuffs hit the floor with a resounding clang, he had her lifted in the air. Anna wrapped her arms around him, and he took the single step needed to drop them to the mattress, reaching for a kiss with a desperate hunger.

She wanted him? He was never letting her go again.


, but all thoughts of her job and Nick and his lies and their past hurt slipped away as Mitch joined their lips. His long, hard body pressed her to the mattress, but all she could focus on at first was the devastation of him kissing her senseless. Teeth and tongue, breaths mingling until the distance between them faded to a memory, and she knew this was where they both belonged.

Together. United. Frantically touching as if their lives depended on the next caress. The next connection of fingers over skin.

Mitch kissed his way to her throat, sucking lightly as he pushed a hand under her bra, palm resting over her breast. “I ached for you,” he whispered. “Every night I was tempted to drive to your house and beg for you to let me come in. Beg on my hands and knees for you to forget everything I’d said about it being better for us to be apart.”

Anna curled her fingers through his hair, her throat gone tight at the emotion in his voice. Her tough, bloodthirsty biker was ripping her apart with his sweet words because they were true. So very true—and clear in his every touch. “I probably would have pointed a shot gun at you at first,” she confessed. “After that night at the bar.”

He pulled back and stared into her eyes. “You already shot me in the heart.”

The final knot of anger and pain melted. “Take off your clothes,” she whispered.

Mitch’s eyes widened as his gaze traveled down the skin exposed by her open shirt. “Your tattoo. Sweet fuck, I need to see it.”

“Clothes off first.” Anna sat back, clutching the front of her shirt together.

Mitch toed off his boots, grabbed the back of his shirt and whipped it over his head. Anna watched eagerly as he stripped, hard muscles and ink coming back into view. She loved the curving line along his hips, the chains shifting on his torso. Loved the way his biceps flexed as he moved, making the flames come alive.

Burning upward, like the coldness inside her was melting. “You’re so beautiful.”

He grinned as he sat back on the edge of the mattress. “Guys aren’t beautiful, and I’m the least beautiful of them all. I’m rough and dirty, and far too stupid for you.” His dark gaze caught hers again as he prowled closer. “Which means I’m too stupid to know you should kick my ass out forever. You’re stuck with me, Anna. I’m never letting you go again.”

“We make decisions together, Mitch Thompson,” she reminded him.

“Then decide to get naked, Anna. I’ve been going fucking nuts wondering what you got marked with.”

They were in tight quarters in the front of the trailer, but having him crowd her was right. They didn’t need much room when all they wanted was to get as close as humanly possible.

Mitch pushed the fabric off one shoulder, fixated on her torso as the bold lines of her tattoo came into sight. “Hello, gorgeous.
, Anna. That’s damn hot.”

He brought her to her knees, tugged the shirt away and tossed it to the floor, her bra following a second later. The entire time his gaze stroked her skin as he admired her tattoo.

“I loved your flames,” Anna admitted. “But I wanted my own. Something that was uniquely me—and Ashley designed it. I can wear a swimsuit, and nothing shows.”

Mitch frowned. “You want to hide this? That’s criminal.”

“I thought about it a lot, Mitch. I have a lot of things I’m passionate about, but I really don’t mind also having a private side.” Anna caught his chin in her fingers, stroking the rough shadow on his jaw. Goose bumps rose over her skin. “It’s not that I’m hiding who I am, but I only want to share that part of me with certain people. I don’t need to let it all out all the time as long as I can be completely myself with people I trust.”

She waited, needed him to understand this. Needing this final step to register—

Her heart couldn’t take it if he didn’t accept her completely, as she was. She knew what she wanted, but could he give her all of what she needed? Her heart’s desire?

Mitch trailed a finger over the flames that started at her collarbone. A thin line that followed down under where her bra strap would go before curling around the outside of her breast. Flames licked under the curve before edging down her waist and across her bikini area. The marks stopped just shy of her sex, and he lingered there, flipping his hand over and gently cupping her mound.

Slowly his head rose, his eyes meeting hers. “You can keep your fire hidden from everyone else, as long as you promise to always let it burn with me.”

The final tumbler clicked into place. Anna leaned into him and kissed him fiercely. Taking back what had been stolen from them.

Maybe Mitch had gone about it wrong, but it would be stupid to keep punishing them both for Nick’s crimes. This was where they belonged. This was what she needed.

The warmth of his palm heated her as he pressed one finger through her folds. At the same time he stroked her clit softly, he slipped his tongue into her mouth and deepened the kiss. Easing her back to the mattress and taking control from her.

He played her body like he knew everywhere she needed to be touched. His lips on her neck, on the upper curve of her breast. Tongue tracing the tattooed flames then sneaking over so he could wrap his lips around her nipple and suck.

“I thought you would ravish me,” Anna confessed, running her fingers through his hair again and again as he moved from one breast to the other until she was breathless.

“I want to savour you. I want to taste every inch of you until you’re mine all over again.” He kissed the small dot of flame Ashley had designed to shoot toward her belly button, then lifted his gaze. His pupils had widened, the dark-as-coal centers blending into the dark of his irises until she couldn’t see anything but his desire for her. He paused. Swallowed hard. “I want to make love to you, Anna.”

. Nothing left to hurt. Nothing but his touch taking her to paradise far too quickly. He snatched up the condom she’d dropped on the table, but she stilled his hand. “You don’t need it. I haven’t been with anyone since you, either.”

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