Rocky Ride (Thompson & Sons) (18 page)

Read Rocky Ride (Thompson & Sons) Online

Authors: Vivian Arend

Tags: #police romance, #small town romance, #Bad Boy romance, #Vivian Arend, #tattoo romance, #hot sexy romance

BOOK: Rocky Ride (Thompson & Sons)
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His eyes flashed, and he was back, cock nudging between her folds. Gold piercing rubbing just right. Familiar. Brand new. Slowly filling her body.

Filling her soul.

He didn’t look away once, his fingers linked through hers, pinning her hands to the mattress on either side of her head. One slow rock after another he joined them together. One thrust, then again, deeper still as she lifted her legs and locked her ankles around his back.

Mitch kissed her, tender and oh-so-perfect as the tension in her mind and body changed completely to sexual need. Anna squeezed his fingers tight, blinking back the moisture as he bumped his pelvis against her clit to make her come.


Deeper, not just a physical connection. Not just their bodies. Mitch whispered the words. “I love you, Anna.”

She fought to be able to answer him. To do anything, but she was too busy accepting the wave of pleasure that swamped her. Shaking as she stared into his eyes and watched him find release as well.

He settled slightly to one side, kissing her face, clutching her close. Rolling them in the small space and draping her over his body.

It was crazy, but it was right.

“I love you too, Mitch.” Anna breathed against his chest as he stroked her hair. Contentment and peace blanketed them.

There was a noise at the trailer door an instant before it swung open. Anna shot to a sitting position, snatching up the bed sheet they’d shoved aside earlier. Mitch twisted upright as well, his arm going around her protectively.

Steve’s eyes widened for a moment before he grimaced and averted his gaze. “Anna? What the fuck is going on?”

“Have you never heard of knocking?” Anna demanded.

“It’s my damn trailer. Why the hell should…” Steve paused. “Wait. Stop trying to distract me. What is
doing here?”

Mitch’s low laugh teased up Anna’s spine, and she had to fight to keep from giggling.

“Nothing you need to worry about,” Anna insisted. “Mitch and I were just having a…discussion about… About…” She fought for something to say that wasn’t dirty. Because, dear Lord, her brother was standing in the damn doorway, and she and Mitch were both buck-naked.

“Carburetors,” Mitch offered.

A snort escaped before she pulled it together.

Steve growled. “In the nude? I swear, Thompson, if you’re playing hard and fast with my sister, you’re a dead man walking.”

“I promise I have only the utmost respect for your sister. Now get your ass the hell out of here,” Mitch ordered. “You want to discuss this with me later, fine.”

“No,” Anna snapped. “There will be no discussions. Steve, Mitch and I are dating. He’ll be joining us at the family dinner on Sunday. So, no more threats, no more trying to jump him in dark alleys. Get over it, and get out.”

The door slammed shut, and Anna collapsed back on the bed, peals of laughter escaping her. Mitch joined in, his deep rumble washing over her and melting the final frozen bits inside.

“You’re still not done apologizing,” she warned once she could speak again.

“Hell no, I’m not.” Mitch turned his head to the side so his cocky grin was front and center. “But I can apologize much better once we find some rope.”

Laughter bubbled up again, and it felt so good to be set free from the cage she’d been trapped in. All the hurt seemed so far away, as if the past was fading rapidly and only the future mattered.

The future.

It was going to take some delicate juggling to keep Nick alive long enough to get what was coming to him.

She propped herself up on Mitch’s chest, fingers of her right hand still linked with his as he stroked her naked back with the other. “So, here’s what’s going to happen over the next two months…”



had changed.

Well, some things had changed. Mitch ducked the leftover bun his youngest brother Troy threw at his head. A soft cry rang from the back room, and Katy half rose to her feet before her fiancé gestured her down.

“I’ll grab the kiddo. Finish your dessert.” Gage winked at Mitch. “Unless any of the uncles in the room want to do diaper duty.”

Four grown adults found ways to make themselves look busy as Gage laughed and left.

Mitch’s dad leaned back in his chair and sighed happily. “Damn good meal, Katy. Thank you.”

His sister shook her head. “Not me. Mitch and Anna made the lasagna.”

His dad’s eyes widened. “Well, now. Good job. But where is the prettiest cop in all of Clearwater County? Doesn’t seem fair she’s feeding us, but missing dinner.”

Mitch checked his watch. “She should be off shift soon. She’ll be here shortly.”

Keith nodded, then turned to his oldest son and started quizzing him on the work plans for the next day. Clay, Len and Troy all got into it with him, arguing about whether it was worth purchasing some new diagnostic tool or not.

Mitch didn’t bother listening very hard, more interested in looking out the window to spot Anna as soon as she arrived. He had plans, but they were going to be tough to follow through on if she had to bail for work.

But then, they would have tomorrow. And the tomorrow after that. Mitch held his secret and tried not to gloat so hard someone in the family noticed.

“You two are good together.”

He turned to face his sister. Katy had lifted her feet to her chair and wrapped her arms around her shins, smiling at him. The shadows under her eyes were no longer from stress or fear, but from a healthy baby waking her up at night.


Katy nodded. “I like her. She was pretty amazing the times I had to deal with her over the past year. Smart, yet kind.” Katy paused briefly before grinning harder. “She’s just about everything I’ve ever wished for in a sister.”

Mitch eased his chair back. “Not that you’re trying to push any kind of agenda on me, right?”

“Me be bossy? Nah. Never.” Katy uncurled herself and picked up plates from the table, whistling shrilly as she moved to the sink. “Hey, guys. I’ll clear, but someone else is washing. Heads up.”

“You tell ’em, girl.” Anna slipped through the back door, standing in the entranceway with a happy smile on her face. “Hey, Mitch.”

He was at her side in a second flat. It was so strange and yet so right to have her there in the middle of his family. The past months had changed a lot of things, and this was one of the best parts. “You hungry? I saved you a piece.”

“You’re such a liar,” Katy cut in. “
saved you a piece from the rampaging horde.”

Anna laughed. “I’m good. We had celebratory cake at the station, so I’m full for now.” She grabbed Mitch’s hand. “Can I steal you away from dish-duty? Got something to show you.”

“No problem by me.”

She waved at his brothers and dad, and answered their questions while Mitch dragged on his coat.

“Drop by the shop tomorrow,” Keith ordered. “Stop by for coffee.”

“I’ll do that,” Anna promised.

Mitch followed her outside, delighted to find she had her new bike with her, the one that he’d helped her buy. “Are we riding?”

“Maybe later. First take me back to the station.”

What the heck was going on?

Only, if there was one thing he’d learned over the past month, arguing with Anna wasn’t worth it. Besides, it was far more fun to simply go along for the ride. “Sure.”

He pulled on his helmet then mounted, loving the moment when she crawled behind him and leaned in tight, her strong arms sliding around his body. The trip to the station was far too short to enjoy having her intimately pinned against him.

“We need to do a long road trip,” Mitch teased as he pulled into the staff parking lot.

“You tell me when you can get time off, and I’ll organize my holidays.” Anna tugged him to the side. “Look.”

For a moment he didn’t see what she was showing him. A couple of RCMP cruisers sat waiting, but the stall in front of him was empty. Then he spotted it. There attached to the wall.
Reserved parking for
Corporal Anna Coleman
. “Hello, really?”

Anna touched the nameplate on the wall then turned to face him, an ear-to-ear grin shining out. “The Staff Sergeant gave it to me this afternoon and had the maintenance team put it in place right away. Wait until I tell the kids at the high school—they’re going to be thrilled.”

“This means you got a promotion?” Mitch picked her up and twirled her in the air, listening to her laughter ring over them. He lowered her to the ground and cupped her shining face in his hands. “Hot damn. Congrats, babe. I had no idea you were in line for one.”

She touched her fingers over his, her delight rushing like a waterfall. “Well, it seems there’s this opening on the staff roster they needed to fill.”

Mitch checked the parking lot to make sure they were alone. “Tell me Nick got his ass fired for being a shit.”

Anna shook her head, still smiling. “Oh, no. That’s why we were having cake. He got his promotion.”


“It’s good. Trust me.” Anna’s obvious happiness made no sense, but before he could demand an explanation, she held out a hand to him. “Come on, let’s go for a ride.”

She refused to tell him more. At least until he’d taken them into the mountains, following the descending sun until he could pull off by the side of a tiny lake. Mitch parked, then picked her up, ignoring her laughing protests as he carried her to where there was a picnic table overlooking the lake and the mountain view. He plopped her down on the tabletop, trapping her between his arms.

“You did something,” Mitch accused her. “You look far too happy with Nick the Noodge being promoted.”

“Of course I’m happy. I’m the one who gave the final glowing reports that got him his wish.”

“You didn’t.” Mitch leaned in closer. “Why the hell did you do that?”

Anna lifted a finger in the air, her delight all too clear. “His promotion came with a transfer. This way he’s out of our hair, and you’ll no longer be tempted to run him over every time you see him.”

A seed of satisfaction sprouted. “I wasn’t tempted to run him over—that must have been
fantasy. I wanted to haul him behind the station and decorate his face with my fists.”

“Wait for it.” She held up a second finger. “And since Nick was so looking forward to being promoted for political gain, it’s only right that he’s now stationed in Hay River on the edge of Great Slave Lake. It’s not as remote as what I first suggested, but it is one of the coldest stations in all of Canada. Does that make the situation brighter?”

Satisfaction hit full bloom. “He’s going to the Northwest Territories?”

How did she look innocent and mischievous at the same time? Anna answered him oh-so-seriously. “It’s a great opportunity for both personal and career growth. I hope he enjoys it.”

She laughed then, the sound rolling up from deep inside as she clasped his shoulders and pulled him in tight.

Holding her in his arms was so right. They could have lost this, but they hadn’t. Mitch took control again, lifting her and settling her in his lap. Kissing her laughing lips, curling his fingers into her hair and letting happiness wrap around them.

When they finally came up for air Anna sighed, resting her head on his chest. “Revenge is a dish best served when they don’t see it coming.”

A new burst of laughter escaped him. “Remind me to never again piss you off. You’re evil.”

“Keep groveling, you’re getting better at it,” she teased. Anna slid her fingers down the front of his shirt. “You know, this might sound strange, but I’ve been wondering. You never told me why you chose chains for part of your tattoo.”

Mitch eased back far enough he could undo his shirt buttons before replacing her hand. She stroked the markings on his chest as he spoke. “Chains can pull us out of trouble. Give us a better grip when the hill gets too steep or icy. They may seem to be holding us back, but they hold us together as well.”

She looped a finger around one of them, then paused, leaning in closer. “Is that my name?”

He nodded.

“I’m a link in your chain. Nice one, Mitch Thompson.” Anna nodded. “I like that.”

Mitch took a deep breath and took the final step. “You think you can get your parking sign changed?”

She frowned, pausing in the middle of doing up his buttons. “Why?”

“Because it would look even better if
was spelled T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N.” He pulled a ring box from his pocket and offered it to her.

Anna accepted it, a deep flush rising to her cheeks as she popped the case open.

“Oh my God, it’s beautiful.” Deep red sparkled at them. Anna’s hands shook as she stared.

“It’s not typical.” Mitch pulled the ring free and held it up. “It’s like you. Amazing, and dazzling, and so fucking gorgeous, with so much fire inside that can’t be hidden. Not from the people who know where to look. The people lucky enough to see the real you.”

She made this little noise somewhere between a purr and a cry. It melted his every defence.

Mitch paused, took a deep breath. “I really do love you, babe. Heart and soul. With every part of me.”

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