Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series) (25 page)

BOOK: Roman: Book 2 (The Hunter Brothers Series)
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“It most certainly
is not old news,” she grinned, holding my gaze and I knew I’d have to ‘fess up.

“Alright, you
nosey bitch, he came to see me to apologise,” I laughed as her grin broadened
and she started squealing excitedly. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear she was
desperate for me to pair up with one of them. It looked like it didn’t matter

“What happened?”

“Obviously he
apologised, and that’s all you’re getting,” I said as she pouted, turning my
attention to Lucas and changing the subject. “Did you manage to sort out the
Delaport thing?”

“That was a very
timely piece of information, Chas. It’s not under control, but we’re working on
the threat. I appreciate your loyalty,” he said as I nodded.

“Of course my
loyalty is to you. You’re going to marry my sister,” I said as he chuckled

“Do you want to

“Just be patient,
Lucas. It’s a done deal,” I smiled.

“Hello, I am here
you know,” Jess laughed as Dexter started jumping and down.

“Get married, get
married and then Lucas will be my Daddy,” he shouted excitedly.

“Nice one, Chas,”
she smiled, nowhere near as cagey as she used to be about the subject and that
was a massive leap forward. I was definitely going to have to get my finances
in check, or start looking for a lodger.

They left at
lunchtime to spend some time with Dex. They were leaving him with Mrs Kilbride
tonight. I spent the rest of the afternoon luxuriating in bubbles, eating my
fancy chocolates and pampering myself. Up to now it was quite possibly the sweetest
birthday I had ever had.


Chapter Nineteen

We’d met at Number
One Chelsea, and it was only then I announced we’d be heading for The Lust
Lounge. I’d done a party there and loved the dark ambience of the place. They’d
gushed incessantly when I told them Tyler Hunter was in the party, securing us
the best booth in the VIP section and bringing the champagne as soon as we’d
arrived. I was making the most of his new found fame, as was he, currently
surrounded at the bar by women clamouring to get his attention, looking divine
with his floppy unkempt dark hair and every inch the rock star.

The streaming of
his one man orgy across the internet had only served to boost his fame and
reputation, and with his first major gig around the corner, Tyler Hunter looked
like the cat that got the cream. From the women swarming around him now, I
guessed he’d be getting even more tonight. I turned to look at Charlie.

He was happier and
more relaxed than I’d seen him in a while, at least since he’d got back with
Scarlett. His handsome features looked utterly delicious in the low lights of
the club as I slid into the booth beside him and the waitress delivered a tray
of tequila shots as his blue eyes crinkled mischievously. “You promised me
birthday style shots,” he said, holding my gaze as I looked at him puzzled. I
still didn’t know what it entailed, but was certainly looking forward to
finding out as Lucas laughed. He clearly knew what was in store for me.

“Should I be
worried?” I asked as he shook his head, taking my hand and kissing it gently
before distributing salt over the moist area where his lips had just fired up
my skin.

“Lick,” he said,
holding my hand to my mouth. I retrieved the salt with my tongue and downed the
drink that he passed me in one. It sent a surge of fire into my stomach as I
turned to face him, smirking as I saw exactly where he was holding the lime.

“He was gazing at
me playfully, beckoning me towards him with his finger, my eyes darting from
the beautiful eyes to the soft pink lips where the lime nestled between perfect
white teeth. My heart fluttered with excitement and anticipation, my tongue
running across my lips to prepare them for this little game as Charlie raised
his eyebrows.

“I guess now you
want me to suck,” I said seductively, giggling at the dark intensity that
flashed through his eyes. If he wanted to take the flirting up a level, I was
game for that, edging slowly towards him, grateful that things finally seemed
to be normal between us again.

Jesus Christ,
Charlie was gorgeous and while he’d kissed me a thousand times it had never
been on the lips. The thought was both thrilling and nerve wracking as I inched
closer, all laughter evaporating as I sealed my mouth to his. I caressed those
lips with my own as I sucked on the lime, a shiver running through me as he put
his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. A gentle tingle of electricity
flowed between us and I jumped back suddenly.

Charlie was as
surprised as I was, black pupils burning into mine. “To good times, even
greater friends and birthday style shots. Now it’s my turn,” he whispered
before I even had a chance to think about what just happened, knowing only that
I wanted it to happen again.

He held his hand to
my mouth, gazing into my eyes as I kissed it before pouring on the salt. This
time there was no laughter, just a playful twinkle in his eyes as I put the
lime between my teeth, ready for him. He knocked the tequila back quickly,
wasting no time in placing that wonderful warm mouth against mine, moaning
gently. It shouldn’t have been, but the feeling of Charlie was so much more
intoxicating than the liquor itself. He wound his arm around me, holding me
tight, massaging my lips as I closed my eyes, flooded with sensations I could
barely register and wondering how long it would last.

A girl could only
manage so many tequilas, but right now, I could play until I passed out, my
skin tingling as he pulled me closer still. I moaned softly against him, unable
to help myself, and feeling the heat radiating from his hard body as I opened
my eyes suddenly at the loud cough that sounded at the edge of the booth.

Our lips were
still locked, but Charlie’s eyes weren’t focused on me, looking instead over my
shoulder to the origin of the noise as I risked a glance at Jess, the only
person I could see from my position. She looked painfully embarrassed.

There was only one
reason that could be and I didn’t need to look around to know who was standing
Charlie pulled away, glancing
down at me apologetically as I removed the lime from my mouth, eventually
looking up.

She was smiling
but her eyes were hateful as she gazed at me. I didn’t really blame her; our
position must have looked fairly compromising.

“Scarlett,” Charlie
gasped, looking slightly embarrassed as he glanced at Lucas, not because he’d
been caught in a lip lock with me, but because she was here. He also looked
annoyed, standing up and easing his way past me as I looked at Jess. She was
still staring at Scarlett as Lucas glanced my way, looking equally as pissed
off with her presence as I was.

“I told you I
wasn’t available tonight, Scarlett. I thought you had dinner plans,” Charlie
said as she laughed, throwing her head back and flicking her long red mane for

“We ditched them,
darling, and decided a girls night out was in order. I can’t believe you’re
here. I’ll be in the bad books if they see you; chicks before dicks and all
that,” she laughed, revealing a perfect row of porcelain white teeth behind
full red lips. The girl was undeniably beautiful.

‘Whatever’, I thought, rolling my eyes as she
ran her hands down Charlie’s shirt. “I see you were doing birthday shot’s, can
I try?”

I wasn’t certain
if it was the tequila, the fact that the bitch had gate crashed my birthday, or
that ever since Roman, I’d been thinking more and more about Charlie, but I
suddenly saw red, flashing my eyes at my sister as she shook her head as
discreetly as possible. She’d seen this look before.

“Come on, Charlie,
I love birthday shots. You don’t have to bother with the little skank now. Come
and do one with your girlfriend,” she smiled, kissing her own hand and pouring
on the salt, licking it off and necking the tequila before Charlie even had the
chance to respond. She placed the lime in his mouth, sucking gently before
grabbing it with her teeth, discarding it on the table and throwing her mouth
against his as I forced myself to look away.

Lucas rolled his
eyes and Charlie was barely responding, arms firmly by his side and I knew he
wasn’t happy. She was doing this for one reason and it was all for my benefit;
marking her territory in no uncertain terms.

Charlie pushed her
away, holding her at arm’s length, looking back at me with an apologetic expression
on his face. I was damned if I was letting her get away with insulting me.

“Your girlfriend,
Charlie? That’s funny; I thought you said you were taking things slowly, just
dating casually until you’d made up your mind.” Scarlett glowered at me as I
relaxed back into my seat, smirking and staring right back. Skank had washed
right over me, but I’d hit the bitch where it hurt.

“Tell the little
cling on the truth, Charlie. We’re a couple now, and all the Prada in the world
won’t disguise the fact that she’s a jealous, gold digging little tramp,” she
spat as I stood up, moving beside Charlie.

“Oh shit,” I heard
Jess mutter behind me as I caught Tyler’s gaze from the centre of his adoring
circle at the bar. He winked, watching the show unfold and I couldn’t help but
giggle, swaying slightly as Charlie put his arm around my waist to steady me.
It had been an instinctive move and one that incensed the fiery Scarlett even

“Tell her the score, Charlie,” she spat, staring
as his hand as though she were trying to laser it off me with her piercing
green eyes. “The desperate little bitch seems deluded. You’re going to have to
spell it out that she doesn’t have a hope in hell with you. Tell her I’m your
girlfriend,” she said, holding his gaze, her eyes full of determination. She looked
like the devil incarnate with flame red hair, and I was only just holding back
the urge to kick box the bitch onto the dance floor. I wasn’t about to back
down. She was the unwelcome guest at my birthday party. If Charlie wanted to go
off with her, that was another story, but it was clear from his reaction that
he didn’t.

“Desperate? Cling
on? That would be you, Scarlett. Show a bit of decorum and stop trying to force
the man into a corner, it’s embarrassing. He’s out with his brother and his
friends to celebrate my birthday. You’re making a show of yourself, so I
suggest you tootle off back to your girlfriends and leave us in peace to enjoy
our night” I smiled smugly.

“Ladies, please,”
Charlie said and far from being annoyed, I could hear the humour in his voice.
He was enjoying this.

“Scarlett, I’ll
come over to your place later and we will have this conversation then. What I
won’t have is you insulting my friend. The birthday shots were my idea and not

“How would you
feel if you saw me with my lips all over another man?” she asked as Charlie
just stared at her blankly. I don’t even think he was being unkind, he wouldn’t
be bothered, and his ensuing shrug said that loud and clear.

“Exactly, you
wouldn’t like it, Charlie,” she said as I stared at her in mute surprise. This
woman wasn’t deluded, she was insane. Charlie hadn’t said or indicated anything
of the sort and I burst out laughing. She cast me another narrow eyed stare as
I moved to sit back down, sharing a knowing glance with Lucas and shaking my
head. “Carry on with your birthday shots. I’m not worried; she obviously isn’t
in my league. Why bother with a burger when a nice juicy steak is waiting for
you at home. I’ll see you later, lover,” she purred at Charlie as if the
conversation had never happened, kissing his mouth hard and once again he
failed to respond, watching her as she disappeared across the dance floor and
back to her friends.

“Jesus Christ,
Charlie, you weren’t kidding when you said she didn’t listen,” I gasped as he
chuckled softly.

“I’m sorry about
that, Chas; it can take some time to get used to her.”

“I can guarantee
that even if I live to be a hundred, I never will.
behaviour is not fucking normal. It looks like she’s got my
card marked, and worse still, Charlie Hunter, you look like you enjoyed every
second of that,” I said, raising my eyebrows in an accusatory glance.

“Two beautiful
women fighting over me, what guy wouldn’t?” he laughed as I shook my head. “But
as for marking your card, don’t take it personally, she’s like that with
everyone who even looks at me, she’ll have forgotten by tomorrow,” he smiled as
I shook my head.

“That’s insane,” I
scoffed, thinking you couldn’t just go around behaving like that, but Charlie
seemed unconcerned.

“That’s Scarlett,”
he laughed as I rolled my eyes. What the hell did he see in her?

“Has she got a fucking tracker on you or what,
Charlie?” Lucas asked. I’d wondered the same.

“You heard her;
she’s out with her friends. She can’t have known where I was, I didn’t even
know myself until an hour ago,” he said as I looked away, shaking my head and
more than a little pissed off that she’d interrupted our fun. From the
frustration I was feeling now, it was probably just as well. I’d been enjoying
Charlie’s lips on mine far more than was appropriate.

“Where were we?”
he quipped, turning to face me, flashing his eyebrows as Jess pulled Lucas off
to the dance floor.

“We were doing birthday shots, but we’re done
now. The next time I lock lips with someone I’ll be making damn sure they don’t
have a girlfriend,” I said as Charlie frowned, looking hurt and surprised.

“I don’t,” he
sighed as I shook my head.

“Then why didn’t
you just say that then. I gave you the perfect get out opportunity, Charlie

“Because I
fucking her, Chas. Putting her
straight about the girlfriend thing in front of everyone would have just
humiliated her and there’s been too much of that already. I know you think I’m
behaving like a prick, but I do care about her. Listen, I’m sorry she called
you those names, baby,” he said as I laughed.

“Coming from her, it meant nothing. It hurt
much worse when you said it,” I replied, tilting my head as he held my gaze.

“Don’t remind me,
baby, ” he said, pulling me into a gripping hug that took me aback slightly,
and I wasn’t sure whether he was apologising for himself, or Scarlett, or the
fact that her little visit had put a severe dampener on my night, but there was
no denying how much it warmed me. “If I’m totally honest I hit out that night
because I was jealous, Chas,” he said, staring at the table momentarily as I
gazed at him wide eyed.

“And how does that
work exactly? You’re sleeping with someone else,” I said, my puzzled frown
betraying my shock and surprise at the admission, wondering again what the hell
he was doing with Scarlett. She obviously had some qualities I couldn’t see.

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