ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection) (117 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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              “I guess I am a little.” 

              “Want to talk about it?”  He asked his head tilted slightly to the side. 

              “I don’t know.”  Audrey stared into his dark eyes for a moment.  Maybe it was just a coincidence, his showing up at her job.  He was a nice man, and maybe he was as lonely for a friend as she was.  She told him about Liam showing up that morning with a new car for her.  She expressed her confusion as to why he hadn’t called or come by for over a week, and when he does it’s with a car. 

              Luke listened intently, with his head supported on a cheek bone by his fist.  When she finished he lowered the arm and whistled softly. 

              “Wow.  He thinks he can buy you back, when he should be there talking to you instead.” 

              Audrey frowned.  “You think he’s buying me?”

              “I think he’s trying.” 

              “Should I tell him to come get the car?”

              Luke laughed.  “No!  Do you like it?”

              Audrey nodded her head rapidly.  “It’s really cute!  I like everything about it.”  

              Luke smiled warmly at her.  “Then you should keep it.  Maybe it’s a guilt offering.  One that’s meant for him, not so much for you.”

              Audrey’s smile faded, as she remembered the pictures of Liam with the dark haired woman.  “Maybe you’re right.” 

              Luke frowned slightly.  “I’m sorry.  That wasn’t right of me.  I guess I’m just jealous.”

              “Jealous?  Why?” 

              He’s eyes darkened.  “Because it’s obvious that he still has your heart.  I would kill to have a woman like you.” 

              Audrey didn’t know what to say.  It seemed that Luke had fallen for her quickly, too quickly.  She placed her hands in her lap, as he reached for her. 

              “Luke…”  She began quietly. 

              He smiled sadly, and shook his curly head.  “I know.  Right now all you can offer is friendship.” 

              Audrey nodded.

              “It’s fine.  A woman like you is worth the wait.” 


              Blue and red lights flashed and mingled against the trees and buildings of the campus.  Police tape was already set up, and the carnival was just beginning.  Students and other people were standing around trying to get a look at the latest VCU victim. 

              Liam scanned the growing crowd.  There was plenty of curiosity, sure, but there was something else, and it was so potent he could actually smell it: fear.  It was written on the face of a student standing right up against the tape in pajamas with huge slippers that looked like cookie monster.  Had she thought to prepare for something like this when she left home, fresh out of high school, to come and get an education?  Liam knew she hadn’t, nor the girl standing next to her wearing the same horrified expression, or the one standing behind them. 

              Liam switched his gum to the back of his mouth as he approached the nearest officer.  “Hey, try to get these people pushed further back.”

              The officer nodded curtly and raised his voice, ordering the bystanders to move back. 

              Liam walked over to the body that thankfully was partially hidden by a boxwood and the tree she was leaned against. 

              “I don’t think it’s our guy.”  Hank said. 

              Liam knelt and looked at the crumpled body.  The woman had, in his current estimation, literally been beaten to death.  The final blow could have been her forehead into the tree.  Her body was lying face first into the tree trunk, as if she had collided then slid to the ground.  Her head was turned to one side and vacant eyes stared up at Liam. 

              “I don’t think so either.  Her clothes as still on and there haven’t been any new missing person reports.”  He looked up at Hank from where he was squatting.  “This was a rage kill.”  Liam looked back at the woman and a shudder ran through him.  Although most of it was bloody, Liam could tell she had reddish colored hair, and she wasn’t as young as the other two victims, she was at least twenty five, possibly as old as thirty.  He thought again of Audrey, and vowed silently that he would call her first thing in the morning. 

              Two CSI’s approached and Liam nodded at them, backing away so they could get to the body. 

              Johnson was already canvassing the crowd asking for any witnesses.  Liam checked his watch.  10:03. He and Hank had received the call at 9:02.  He frowned and chewed his gum furiously. 

              “I don’t like this.” 

              “What’s to like?”  Hank asked. 

              Liam watched the CSI’s open their plastic boxes and put on latex gloves.  “It feels wrong.” 

              Hank looked at Liam out of the corner of his eyes.  “Getting one of those feelings, buddy?”


              “So, let’s talk about it.”

              “Not yet.”  Liam walked towards Johnson, to help with canvassing. 


              Audrey sat straight up in bed, drenched in sweat.  Her hands shook as she cut on the bedside lamp.  She screamed when the book she had been reading before she fell asleep thumped to the floor.  The dream had been real, at least that’s what it had felt like.  She drew her knees to her chest to calm the shaking of her body. 

              Someone had been in the house standing over her as she slept.  She had opened her eyes and realized someone was there, but she hadn’t felt fear.  She had known the person, although the face was blank and she couldn’t tell gender.  She had reached for the person and been ripped from the bed by a strong grip.  Suddenly she was outside in the cold night, running, running for her life.  Her screams couldn’t make it past the burning in her throat.  She could see the VCU campus ahead of her, lights were on in almost every visible window. 

              I can get help!  Her dream self had rejoiced.   She raised her hand to flag a passing car just as her pursuer caught her.  The pursuer toppled her and smashed her forehead into the ground. 

              Audrey jumped as her phone rang.  It was nearly three in the morning, and she had no idea why anyone would call her.  Her immediate thought was that something had happened to Liam or her parents.  The caller ID showed Liam’s face.

              “Hello?”  Her voice sounded raspy.  Had she been screaming in her sleep?

              “Sorry to call so late, Audrey.”  Liam sounded tired. 

              “It’s ok, I was up.” 

              “Why?  Are you sick?”  There was a sharpness to his voice that he hadn’t intended.  Audrey didn’t seem to notice. 

              “No, no…I had a bad dream is all.”  She listened to him breath, and felt comforted by it.  “Is everything ok?” 

              “Yeah…no…not really.  I just wanted to check on you.  I guess it’s silly.”

              Audrey ran a hand over her sweaty disheveled hair.  She felt a warmth for him over his concern.  It was a glimpse of the old Liam. 

              “Another murder has happened on campus.” 

              Audrey sucked her breath in.  “Oh no.”  She breathed.  “Another girl?”

              “Yeah.  Well, from the looks of her, not so much a girl, this one is a little older, I think.”  He stopped, unsure if he should tell her anymore.

              “Do you think it’s the same person?” 

              “Initial signs indicate no, but…”

              “But what?”

              “I feel like it’s the same person.”

              “That’s a pretty good indication that it is then.”

              Liam coughed.  “She looked like you a little bit…it…bothered me.” 

              The dream was still playing in Audrey’s head and her stomach clenched.  She laughed nervously.  “She didn’t have her head smashed in or anything, right?”

              Liam didn’t respond, and her blood ran cold. 

              “Can I come over?” 

              “Right now?”


              Audrey sucked on the inside of her cheek.  Did she want him to come? 

              “Ok.  Just give me about thirty minutes, so I can brew some coffee and wake up.”  In truth she was fully awake, but she wanted a shower before he arrived. 

              “I have to stop somewhere first anyway.” 

              They didn’t say goodbye.  Liam had simply ended the call.  Audrey climbed out of bed and hurried to the shower, excitement and nervous dread at war within her. 


              When Audrey opened the door for Liam, her eyes widened in surprise.  He looked ragged.  There was five o clock shadow on his jaw and his suit had a rumpled look, like he had been wearing it for days. 

              “When did you sleep last?”

              “Well, in another hour I’ll have been up for twenty four hours.” 

              “Sit down.  I have coffee.  Do you want some food?”

              “No…yes…please.”  Liam felt like a stranger in his own home.  He sat awkwardly at the table and watched Audrey pull out a frying pan from under the stove and eggs from the refrigerator.  “I have something for you.”

              Audrey stopped moving.  Another gift?  She turned and looked at him as he pulled a small Walmart bag from the inside pocket of his suit jacket.  She took it from him and pulled out a canister of mace. 

              Liam looked up at her with meaning.  “Do you remember how to use one of those?” 

              Audrey nodded. 

              “Good.  I don’t want you to leave the house without it.  And one more thing, if you don’t mind.”  He sighed and placed his elbows on the table.  “I want get you a gun.”

              Audrey set the mace on the table and went back to the stove.  She stopped what she was doing, remembering the coffee, and fixed them both a cup. 

              “I don’t know about the gun, Liam.” 

              “Please, Audrey, this is serious.” 

              She nodded once.  “I’ll think about it.” 

              Neither spoke as Audrey finished cooking.  By the time the toast was finished, and she turned ready to give him his plate, Liam was dozing in the chair.  She placed the food on the table and stared at him.  He had propped his head on his fist, and his face was slack.  He looked so young right then, just like when she had first met him.  She wanted to touch his face.  It had been so long since she had touched him.  She reached her hand forward then yanked it back as his eyes opened. 

              “Foods ready.”  She said and turned to hide her embarrassment. 

              Liam knew she had reached for him, and part of him wished he had of just left his damn eyes shut. 

              Audrey sipped her coffee while Liam wolfed down the scrambled eggs and toast.  He seemed ravenous and she wondered, with a puckered brow, what he had been eating since he left.  He looked slightly thinner, but she wasn’t sure if it was a trick of the eye or not. 

              “I better get going.”  He said and took his plate to the sink.  “Thanks for breakfast.” 

              Audrey didn’t want him to leave, but she wasn’t about to tell him.  Instead she tried a more coy approach. 

              “You look exhausted, Liam.  Just nap on the couch, or in the extra room, until you have to go back to work.”  She held her breath, willing her face to remain impassive, as if she didn’t care what he did. 

              Liam felt a lurch in his chest.  Had she actually just invited him to stay?  “Yeah, I better get a little sleep.  It’s going to be a busy day.” 

              Audrey went to her bedroom and watched from the door as Liam slipped into his old room and quietly shut the door.  She crawled onto the bed and hugged her knees tightly, her mind a storm of what if’s. 

              Liam stood in the other bedroom and turned in slow circles.  He could just knock on her door and ask to come in, ask to lay next to her. 

              No, too presumptuous.

              He sat on the edge of the bed, and kicked his shoes off.  He was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.


              Audrey barely slept at all.  She walked blearily out of the bedroom, dressed for the day.  She wanted to do a little more research before her shift at the diner.  The door to the guest bedroom was still closed.  It was seven and she wondered if she should knock and wake Liam up.  She was about to raise her hand when she heard Liam’s heated voice on the other side of the door. 

              “I don’t care, Lydia!”

              Audrey sucked in her breath, her eyes wide.  He was actually talking to her from within this house?  She could hear him laughing, but it wasn’t a real laugh; it held no warmth.

              “Don’t call again.  I’m not playing this game with you.”  There was a moment of silence.  “Do whatever you feel you have to.” 

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