ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection) (118 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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              Audrey stepped away from the door, when she heard Liam moving around.  She didn’t want to see him.  She didn’t want him to know she had heard even part of the conversation.  Part of her was glad the conversation was heated and angry.  Another part of her was angry that he was still talking to her at all. 

              Tears stung her eyes as she grabbed her messenger bag and car keys.  She let herself out without saying goodbye. 


              “You look like hell!”  Hank sputtered as Liam sat down at his desk.  “I covered for you at roll call.” 


              Hank wanted to ask why his friend hadn’t come home, but once again it wasn’t any of his business.  He hoped he was working the case, or with Audrey, and not out somewhere with Lydia.  He doubted the latter because she had just stormed through looking for Liam, all piss and vinegar.  When Hank had told her he didn’t know where he was, she had put her face an inch from his and had indicated that he was a lying piece of shit who had no father.  Hank chuckled at the memory.  If he’d have known how much fun it was to see Lydia Haddad riled, he would have irritated her years ago. 

              “Lydia was just in here looking for you.” 

              “That woman is a…a…succubus!” 

              Hank stared at him blankly.  “What in the world is that?”

              Liam waved him off and jerked a drawer open to grab a bottle of pain reliever.  He shook three into his hand and tossed them into his mouth, chasing them down with black coffee. 

              “So, it’s none of my business, but…”

              “I went to see Audrey.”  Liam interrupted.  “I went to see Audrey and she couldn’t even wait to tell me goodbye this morning.” 

              “Did you guys…?”

              “No.”  Liam said and slammed the drawer shut.  He sighed and pulled out his notebook, to thumb through the notes from the night before.  He stopped and looked at Hank.  “I think she overheard me on the phone with Lydia.”

              Hank’s blue eyes bulged.  He lowered his head and hissed, “Hells bells, Liam!  Why are you talking to her?”

              “Hey, she called me.”

              “So what?  Don’t answer.  Change your number.  Report her for harassment.  Do anything other than talk to her!”

              Liam knew he was right. 

              “Lamb!  Good of you to join us!”  Lieutenant Corey boomed as he came up to Liam’s desk. 


              “Save it!”  He snapped.  We have something more pertinent to deal with.  “The woman, Crystal Reynolds, has been identified.  Her parents are flying in this afternoon. 

              “Who gave the ID?” 

              “Her boyfriend.  And guess who her boyfriend is?”  Lieutenant Corey sneered.  “Lamar Wilkins!” 

              Hank and Liam looked at each other.  Liam spoke first.  “Wilkins? As in Mayor Wilkins?”  Now Liam understood why Lieutenant Corey was so worked up. 

              “Yes!  And he’s about to have some kind of fit!” 


              If Audrey was upset when she left the house, she felt even worse when she drove onto campus.  The mood had changed dramatically.  Girls looked over their shoulders and around them with suspicion, and they were walking in literal packs.  The campus police were out in full force and she noticed quite a few RPD officers as well. 

              “Hey.”  Luke said quietly as he joined her on the steps of the library.  “I’m glad you called.” 

              Audrey looked around some more.  Her eyes darted, not staying on any one thing long, and her breath constricted in her chest.  “I don’t want to be here.”  She whispered. 

              Luke moved closer to her.  “Where do you want to go?” 

              “I don’t…I don’t care.” 

              “Ok.  Follow me.” 

              Luke took her by the hand, and she didn’t resist.  He led her past some of the buildings to where his car was parked. 

              “I have my car.”  Audrey insisted. 

              He shrugged and let go of her hand.  The sky was overcast and lent a darker hue to his skin.  “Let’s go to Maymont.” 

              “You don’t have class?” 

              His eyes were deep pools of brown.  “I can miss.  This is more important.” 

              Audrey thought about his words as she followed him to the city’s famous park.  What was more important?  Her fear?  Her need for human contact?  Or was there something he needed from her? 

              They parked side by side.  He smiled at her as she locked her car, the alarm chirping its acknowledgement.  “Wow, it really is a cute little car!” 

              A smile ghosted Audrey’s lips.  “Yeah.  It’s great.” 

              They walked through the open field that marked the beginning of the park.  Neither of them spoke, each lost in their own thoughts.  It felt natural and right when they entered the Japanese garden; just as if that had been their destination all along. 

              The leaves of a Japanese maple were beginning to show signs of changing color to a rich reddish orange.  The crooked trunk reminded Audrey of an old man that couldn’t stand straight any longer, but stood proudly anyway.  Long branches hung near the stone bridge they stopped on to gaze into the pool of water beneath.  Water lilies, which had long lost theirs blooms, floated near the pool’s edge. 

              Audrey smiled at the Koi that swam languidly under her feet.  “This place is magical.” 

              Luke hadn’t been looking at anything but Audrey after they stopped.  She turned her head, her smile fading. 

              “What’s wrong?”  His look was so intense she knew of nothing else to say. 

              “You’re so beautiful.”  He brushed a loose strand of hair from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear. 

              Audrey wanted to cry.  She yearned to hear that she was beautiful, but not from this young man.  She wanted to hear her husband say it.  When was the last time he had said it?  Had he told the exotic looking Lydia that?  A tear slipped from the corner of her eye and slid down the back of her cheek.  Luke wiped it away carefully. 

              “Why are you crying?”

              “I don’t know.” 

              “Eyes that see too much pain tend to cry.” 

              When he cupped her face in his hands, she didn’t stop him.  She wanted the warmth of his lips on hers.  She wanted to feel desired.  Most of all, she wanted to punish Liam. 

              His mouth pressed against hers gently, then with more intensity as he moved his body closer to hers.  She could feel his hands moving to the back of her neck, and grabbing handfuls of hair.  He tasted like mint.  He let her go with one final nibble of her bottom lip, and kissed her forehead as his hands slid out of her hair.  His eyes were dark and he bent his head forward to rest it against hers. 

              “I know we can only be friends right now.” 

              “Maybe friendship is all I will ever be able to offer.” 

              He shook his head, his curls tickling the sides of her face.  “No, I think one day you’ll come to your senses.” 

              Audrey didn’t have anything to say. 


              The Mayor wanted the press conference scheduled for 2:00 p.m.  Liam looked around the room, glaring at the media present.  Some rather large name news outlets were there.  Three women were dead.  These vultures could care less.  The just wanted to create the best spin possible for their viewers.  He felt like too much time was being allowed for questions. 

              A man with an obnoxious bowtie yelled towards the podium.  “Is it possible this last murder is tied to the Monkey Murders, and is it true you are expecting at least one more of them if it isn’t?  Liam and Ramirez locked eyes at once.  Johnson and Hank mouthed, “What the hell?” to each behind them.  The Chief didn’t answer the question, he pretended that it hadn’t even been spoken.  He thanked the vultures for coming and asked once again if anyone had any information to please contact the police department. 

              Liam and the other three detectives marched to their large room in Precinct One.  None of them spoke.  They knew hell was coming in the form of Lieutenant Corey, or the Mayor, or maybe Chief Bosher; perhaps all three.   It took less than two minutes. 

              “Would someone tell me how in the hell, the media…the media for crying out loud, knows you guys’ nickname for these murders?”  Chief Bosher was completely red in the face.  His white hair and mustache practically bristled with anger.

              “We were as shocked as you were Wayne.”  Lieutenant Corey said as he breezed into the room. 

              “If I find out who leaked it, their job is over!  We are having enough problems with the mayor, the latest set of parents, and now the piranhas are having a field day!”  He glared at each man individually.  “I don’t want to hear about anymore dead girls on the VCU campus!”  He stormed out of the room slamming the door, which normally stayed open, shut behind him.

              “You boys better get to work.”  Was the only thing Lieutenant Corey had to offer before he opened the door the police Chief had just closed.  



              Audrey returned home without having done any research, and she hadn’t even gone to the diner.  Chester sounded miffed, but he told her that things had been abnormally slow that day anyway.  She didn’t mean to be irresponsible, she just needed some time alone to think.  Luke had offered dinner again, but seemed to understand her refusal, saying he needed to get some work done.  Audrey had driven to the James River and sat for over an hour until the light drizzle from the leaden sky turned into a full rain storm. 

              When she came home she took the mail out of the mailbox and then went immediately to the shower. 

              She had a towel wrapped around her head and her favorite robe on when she settled down in front of the television to open the mail.  One of the local stations were showing clips from the news conference. 

              Audrey thumbed through the usual bills and sales ads as a female anchor talked about how the Monkey Murders were placing fear in the hearts of all VCU students and their loved ones. 

              Audrey glanced at the screen and frowned as she pulled the last envelope from the pile.  It didn’t have a return address and simply had her name in the now familiar script.  It didn’t feel heavy enough to be more photos, and this one was simply a regular white envelope.  She didn’t want to know what was inside, but knew she had to know at the same time. 

              She tore the envelope open delicately and pulled out a piece of paper folded long ways three times.  It was a photo copy of a picture of three monkey’s.  The first had its hands over its ears and there was an x over it in bright red marker.  The next monkey had its hands over its mouth, and this too had a red x over it.  The final monkey had its hand over its eyes, but this one was circled in red with a question mark beside it.  The paper fluttered to the floor from Audrey’s shaking hands.






By Sicily Duval



Liam couldn’t understand why traffic was crawling along.  He wished with all his might that along with the removable blue light on the dash, he also had a siren.  It felt like the vehicles that moved to the side of the road for their blue light were doing it in a passive, I have all the time in the world, kind of way. 

“I wish we could arrest them all!”  Liam fumed. 

Hank glanced at his partner and friend wishing he could do more for him than just drive the car.  His estranged wife had called him saying she thought the “Monkey Killer” had contacted her.  It was the same way she had received photographs of Liam and Officer Lydia Haddad kissing; an envelope addressed with only her name and no return address. 

“Just hang in there, buddy.  We’re almost there.”  Hank moved to the left of a pickup truck that was barely swerving out of their way, and roared past.

Audrey and Liam’s house looked like almost every light was burning.  They could see Audrey’s silhouette move from the front window of the living room, and reappear at the kitchen door.  She opened the door for them, as Liam darted from the car and up the back steps.  He grabbed her by the upper arms, looking deeply in her eyes, before crushing her to his chest. 

Hank watched all of this with a mixture of envy for their obvious love, and unease because this was not the way they should reunite.  His second fear was quickly dismissed as Audrey pulled away from Liam and moved into the house.  Liam’s body leaned slightly toward the empty spot she had just stood in.  Hank mounted the steps and squeezed his shoulder, before they too moved into the house. 

Audrey pointed to the floor where the paper was still laying.  “I haven’t touched it since.”  The envelope was still perched on the arm of the chair. 

“We called it in, so the others should be here soon.” 

Liam and Audrey stood in awkward silence as they waited.  Hank looked around their little house, again envious.  Why was he suddenly so concerned about what his friend had?  He knew he was because it contrasted so starkly against what he didn’t have.  

It didn’t take long for two squad cars to arrive and two of the CSI’s.  Although why they were here, Liam had no idea.  All that was there was a letter and an envelope.  He could have bagged that himself.  He turned his head sharply as Audrey’s cell phone rang. 


There was a pause and Liam watched the back of Audrey’s head nod as she plugged her other ear. 

“No, now’s not a good time…”

Liam took a step towards her. 

“Something…happened.  I can’t talk about it.” 

Liam took the phone from Audrey’s hand. 

“Who in the hell is this?” 

Audrey stared at Liam with indignation.  She grabbed for the phone, but Liam raised his elbow to fend her off.  “Give that back to me!”  She hissed. 

Hank looked at the other three officers, (why three!), and shrugged.  The two Crime Scene Investigators waited patiently, holding their equipment, obviously enjoying the show.

Heated words were flying out of Liam’s mouth.  “Oh, yeah?  Well, come over so we can discuss it!”  Audrey, Hank, and everyone else there listened in shocked silence as Liam gave the home address.  He tossed the phone back into Audrey’s hands.

“Why did you do that?”  She demanded, one hand on her hip the other gesturing towards him with the phone still in her hand. 

Liam stepped towards her and jabbed the air with his finger.  “Why didn’t you tell me you were seeing someone?” 

Audrey’s mouth fell open.  “I’m not seeing Luke!  He’s a friend from school!” 

“Luke, huh?  Right!” 

Audrey crossed her arms, tossing her head.  “Like you have any room to talk!  Kissing some…some…harlot!”

The gasp in the room was collective.  Everyone seemed to look at each other at once.  Hank came to the arguing couple and tried to place a hand on Liam’s shoulder, which he shrugged off, eyes still on Audrey. 

“Come on, guys, this isn’t the time nor the place.”

Audrey pinned him with hot hazel eyes.  “Why not Hank?”  She uncrossed her arms and shrugged palms up.  “The script on the envelope I just received has the same handwriting as the envelope of the pictures did.”  She held up her finger and marched from the room.  When she returned, she had the envelope the photos had come in.  She pulled the pictures out showing Liam kissing Officer Lydia Haddad.  “Here, add this to your investigation!”  She turned towards the other policemen and women that were piled in her little house.  She turned back and faced Liam.  “By the way, I met Luke after your indiscretion.  I met him when I needed a friend most.  And that…is all your fault.” 


Hank looked at Liam sidelong as they pulled away from his and Audrey’s house.  Liam seemed to be a spring coiled too tight.  He drummed his fingertips on his knees and clenched his jaw. 

“What the hell were you doing in there, man?”

“I don’t know.”  Liam replied tightly.  “I just wasn’t expecting a guy to be calling her.” 

Hank looked at him with pity.  “Well, she said he was just a friend.” 

“Audrey’s so gullible!  Do you think this guy is just trying to be her friend?”

Hank shook his head slightly.  “Don’t let your own guilt interfere with your judgment,” 

Liam looked at him incredulously, eyes bulging.  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Exactly what it sounded like it meant, Liam!”  Hank grabbed the steering wheel with both hands, adjusting himself in the seat.  “You know your little show back there might be the very thing that pushes her into the arms of another man!” 

Liam had nothing to say. 

Hank continued.  “Audrey is going to need protection.” 

“You think I don’t know that!” 

Hank cleared his throat.  “You should ask her if you can come back home until this is over.” 

“Not likely.”

Hank stopped at a red light and watched a couple of teenagers run across the intersection.  They laughed and grabbed hands as their sneaker clad feet touched the sidewalk on the other side. 

“Not likely because you don’t want to?  Or not likely because she’ll say no.”

“Both.”  Liam spit the words out like an angry child. 

“You know, you’re a selfish jerk, Liam!” 

Liam cut his eyes at his friend.  He had no idea what had come over Hank this evening.  “Why?”

“Because you’re throwing away the best thing in your life!  You wandered around with your butt on your shoulders for months before Audrey threw you out, and for what?  You were dissatisfied?  Did you ever stop to think what she needed?  She’s worked her ass off trying to finish school, hold down a job, and take care of you!  So what if money was a little tight while she was doing all that!”

“I…”  Liam let his words trail off.  He knew from the sick feeling in his gut that Hank was right.  He had been selfish, and now he was paying the ultimate price. 

“I’ll ask her about coming home.” 

Hank nodded, his splotchy cheeks beginning to cool.  “That’s the smartest thing you’ve said in a while. 


The precinct was buzzing with gossip and rumors before Liam and Hank could even get back to the station.  Liam Lamb was now a byword on the lips of every woman there: except one. 

“Liam.”  Lydia said falling into step between him and Hank as they walked into the building.  “I heard about your little…meltdown.”  She tried to rub his back, but Liam wriggled away and walked faster.

Lydia’s laughter chased him up the hall. 


“Let me come over!”  Luke demanded for the third time. 

”No, Luke, this is a messed up situation, and you coming here would make it worse.” 

Luke sucked in air.  “What kind of cop is your husband anyway?  For all he knows, I could be the Monkey Killer, and he gave me your address!”

Audrey closed her eyes and spoke patiently.  “If you were the monkey killer, you would already have my address.  They envelopes were hand delivered.” 

There was silence before he responded.  “Oh…yeah.  But that’s beside the point!” 

“Luke, I’ll call you tomorrow.”

Audrey winced at his sigh.  She knew he just couldn’t understand that what she needed right now was peace and quiet.    

“Ok, but will you please call me if you need anything?”

“I will.”

Audrey sat with her feet propped up on the coffee table and toyed with the corner of one of her decorative pillows.  Every sound made her jump.  She stood and double checked all the doors and windows again, also making sure all blinds and curtains were closed.

“This place is going to look like a morgue in the morning.”  She said aloud, and shuddered at the thought. 

Once she was in her bedroom, armed with a bottle of water and a long kitchen knife, she closed and locked her bedroom door.  She looked around the bedroom, deciding that the one measly lock was not enough.  After much grunting and tugging, she had her tall dresser in front of the door enough to make it very hard for an intruder to enter.

She laid back on her bed, a tear falling from the corner of her eye.  She wanted Liam to come back.  She hated him right then, but she wanted him there…just in case.  She turned her head and looked at the dresser.  And of course, that would have to be moved back in the morning. 


“Lamb!”  Lieutenant Corey’s voice boomed.  He strode into the room and glared at Liam as Liam looked up from the paperwork on his desk. 

“Yes, Sir?”

“Exactly what went on at your residence this evening?”

“My wife received a…”

“I know what she received!  I’m talking about the little show you put on!” 

“I was angry!”  Liam could feel his face flushing.  This night had been too much.  If he couldn’t get somewhere soon to shift and get rid of some of the pent up energy, he was sure he would explode.

Lieutenant Corey went to the door and slammed it shut.  When he came back he pulled a chair from Johnson’s desk and sat down.  “How long has this thing with you and Haddad been going on?”

Hank and Liam exchanged a startled look.  Lieutenant Corey nodded his head. 

“Oh yeah, I know about it.  You know mixing pleasure with work, especially with a woman like her, is very dangerous, Liam.”  His voice was lower and softer, as if he spoke from experience in such matters.

“There’s nothing going on!”  Liam insisted.  “It was just a thing…”  He looked to Hank for help, then back to his commanding officer.  “She kissed me!”  He looked at Hank again, and Hank nodded quickly, his blue eyes moving hopefully to Lieutenant Corey. 

Lieutenant Corey’s eyes narrowed.  “A couple of those pictures didn’t look like you were having a terrible time!”  He stood and swung the chair back under Johnson’s desk.  “Get a handle on this, Liam!” 

“Yes, sir.” 

“And another thing…” 

Liam and Hank looked at him expectantly. 

“You’re off the Monkey case for now.”

Liam was out of his chair and facing the salt and pepper haired man in a flash.  He looked down at the man in front of him.  Tom Corey put his hands on his hips, and although Liam towered over him by four inches, he knew to take a step backwards. 

“It’s compromised for you, Lamb.  The pictures, Lydia, now your wife has probably been contacted by the Monkey Killer?”  He shook his head, his gray eyes firm.  “You are now in charge of the Crystal Reynolds investigation.  No one really thinks the two are linked anyway.” 

Liam knew there was nothing he could say to change Lieutenant Corey’s mind right then.  He looked at Hank.  “Guess you’re riding alone for a while.”

Tom Corey motioned his head towards the door.  “Come on, let’s see if we can find you a car.”

“I have my own car.”

“Let’s look anyway.”


Liam grimaced at the ready for junk yard car.  “Lieutenant…”

“Look, Lamb, it’s only temporary.”  He dropped the keys in his hand and began walking away, but turned and took the keys out of Liam’s hand. 

Liam’ s eyes boggled. 

“Sorry, the attendant can clean it up for you in the morning.”  He grinned.  “Wouldn’t that make it better?” 

“Sure.”  Liam said dryly, looking at the pale green car with faded paint and twenty inch chrome rims doubtfully.  It had once been a dealer’s car, and had later been used in undercover drug stings.   He would be the laughing stock of the force.


Audrey woke the next morning with the uneasy feeling that she was being watched.  Her dreams had been riddled with broken images during much tossing and turning.

Audrey crawled out of bed and began the arduous task of moving the dresser from in front of the bedroom door.  She padded in sock feet through the silent house, peeking into each room.  The sun’s waning light was fighting to light the house, which was compounded by all the curtains and blinds being closed, causing her to jump at every dark shadow.  With a flick of her fingers, she looked through the drapes of the living room.  She blinked then pulled the drapes by each side to open them.  Their old car, now Liam’s car, was parked out front against the curb.  She could see Liam’s head laid back on the driver’s head rest. 

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