ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection) (123 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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Lydia stood slowly.  “I was looking for Liam.”  Her dark eyes bore into him, her chin jutted forward. 

“Did you expect him to be in the file drawer?” 

Lydia blew air through her nose and tried to brush past him.  Hank grabbed her in the crook of her elbow and yanked. 

Lydia looked down at his hand and lifted her eyes slowly.  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” 

“Why?”  He leaned towards her, still holding onto her arm.  His grip tightened.  “What are you going to do?  Bite me?” 

Lydia’s eyes narrowed.  Hank let her go and waited for her say something tart and hateful, but instead she said nothing and left the room. 

Hank went to the desk and touched the edge with his fingertips.  He didn’t think she had time to take anything.  He opened the file drawer, glad to see it was empty.  He didn’t want to have to worry about her coming back and retrieving anything.  Why would she need to see anything in there?  She was a beat cop, not a detective.  Besides, the only case Liam was officially working was the Crystal Reynolds homicide.  He frowned.  Why would she be interested in that?  


Liam found Audrey curled up on the end of what he hoped would be their bed for the duration of the hotel stay.  He picked her up and moved her to the top of the bed, and curled up behind her.  He didn’t think she had woken until her voice spoke softly in the near darkness. 

“When will this end?” 

He breathed in the heady aroma at the crease of her neck.  “Soon.” 

“Did you lock up?”

“Yes.  I’ll get us more furniture.” 

“It’s not about the furniture.” 

Liam felt a pang of guilt.  He knew the material items would be the least problem for Audrey.  It was the invasion of the home period. 

Hank arrived an hour later, and they ate the Chinese food with little gusto.  The three of them hardly talked, both men conscious to not talk about the case or the day’s events.  When Hank was ready to leave he asked if Liam would walk out with him.  They stood under the metal staircase as Hank told him about the run in with Lydia earlier. 

“Do you have any idea what she was looking for?” 

Liam shook his head with a clenched jaw.  “Maybe clues to where I’m at.” 

“Yeah, I thought about that.”  Hank chose a rare form of affection and hugged his friend.  “Hang in there, buddy.” 

“I’m trying.”  Liam whispered as he watched Hank walk across the parking lot. 


Sunday was spent quietly in the hotel room and Monday dawned cool and rainy.  Liam kissed Audrey goodbye and assured her that he would return as soon as possible. 

The drive to the station didn’t take long, and Liam was anxious about what the day would bring.  When he entered the station, he went immediately to Lieutenant Corey’s office, hoping he would catch him before the morning briefing. 

Liam knocked on the door jam. 

Lieutenant Corey looked up from his paperwork and motioned Liam inside.  Liam made sure he shut the door. 

“Lamb.  Good to see you back.”  He leaned back in his creaking chair and folded his hands.  “I’m sorry about what happened at your house.”  He shook his salt and pepper head.  “This has turned into a damn mess.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“What can I do for you?”

“I’m going to VCU today to obtain information concerning Lamar Wilkins.” 

If it surprised the Lieutenant, he didn’t show it.  “I’m assuming you have good reason?”

“Yes, Sir.”  He handed over his copy of the coroner’s report. 

After a full minute of scanning the report, he handed it back.  “I understand why you didn’t want this in the briefing.”  He leaned forward, his eyes like stone.  “You understand, this is touchy.  It’s the Mayor’s son.” 

Liam told him about his visit to see Lamar Wilkins the week before, and the scrapes on two of his knuckles.  “If I need a subpoena, I’ll need it fast tracked.”



Liam entered the VCU campus just past nine and went immediately to the building that housed records and registration.  He flashed his badge at a woman dressed in a Halloween sweater.  He had forgotten that the next day would be Halloween.  It had once been a favorite holiday for him and Audrey.  They usually tried to go out, but the years he had to work, she would at least sit on the back porch with a large bowl of candy.    

“I need to speak to someone concerning the class schedule for one of your students.” 

“I can help you with that.”  She said, her eyes flat in her round face. 

Liam glanced around the office.  There were several other women there.  He took his notepad from the inside of his suit jacket and yanked a piece of paper free.  He wrote Lamar Wilkins on the paper and handed it to her.  When she tried to take the paper, he resisted, forcing her to look at his face. 

“Do you recognize the significance of that name?”  He asked quietly.

She nodded, her eyes registering the import of what he was saying.  “Yes, Sir, I do.”

“So you understand the necessity of discretion?”

“I do.”

Liam released the paper to her. 

The woman sat at a desk and began typing on her computer.  The other women were busy with their own work and seemed oblivious to what she was doing.  It took less than five minutes for her to hand him a copy of Lamar’s schedule.  He glanced at it. 

“He only takes four classes?”

“He’ll graduated in the spring.  I guess he didn’t need the credits.” 

Liam thanked her and headed back into the drizzle.  He folded the paper and slid it into his inside jacket pocket.  He was about to unlock his car when he felt the hair raising sensation of being stared at.  He looked around and saw a tall curly headed man standing on the steps of the next building.  The man was staring right at him.  Liam took a step towards him, but the man turned and walked into the building, but Liam couldn’t shake the feeling of eyes being on him. 

Do I know him?     


After comparing Mya Chui’s and Lauren Brady’s class schedules with Lamar Wilkins, Liam whistled low under his breath.  RELS 340.  Global Ethics and Religion.  He had shared the class with Mya Chui.

Liam went to Lieutenant Corey’s office, and didn’t bother to knock. 

“I want a subpoena to test Lamar Wilkin’s blood type and take a DNA sample.” 

Lieutenant Corey lifted his eyes only.  “Why?”

“He shared a religion class with Mya Chui.” 

The Lieutenant straightened himself.  “And Lauren Brady?”

“Not this semester.” 

“Explain to me what this has to do with the Crystal Reynolds case.” 

“I think he’s the one.” 

“Crystal Reynolds was a rage case, and you know it.  It’s not related  Besides, that was his girlfriend, he was going to ask her to marry him.” 

Liam leaned over the desk with his weight on his hands.  “He was dating her, yes.  She could have known something.  Found out…who knows.  It’s worth a shot.” 

“Did he share any classes with your wife?”

Liam stood straight and shook his head.  “She’s working on her thesis, and the one class she was taking this semester she dropped.” 

Lieutenant Corey chewed on the end of his pen.  “This is opening a can of worms.” 

“We have to test his blood.” 

The pen clattered on the desk.  “Alright, I’ll call the prosecutor’s office.” 

Liam nodded his head.  “Thanks, Tom.” 

Liam waited as Lieutenant Corey called the prosecutor’s office.  Luck seemed to be on their side as he was put through to the city’s lead prosecutor.  Sandra Nix was not a woman to be reckoned with.  Not only was her height intimidating, standing 5’10 in flats, but her sheer presence and intelligence was daunting.  Liam listened to Corey’s end of the conversation, wincing as his face turned red. 

“Sandra, I understand this is the Mayor Wilkins son, bit you know we have to do it.” 

Liam held his breath as a few more words were said.  Lieutenant Corey hung up and ran both hands over his face.  “She’s going to try and see Judge Stevens this afternoon.  Lamar could be subpoenaed as early as tomorrow morning.” 

Liam stood and thanked him again. 

“If this kid turns out to be innocent, we’re all coming to live with you, because we’ll all be out of a job.”

“Great.  It’ll be a party.”  Liam responded dryly as he walked out of the office.

He had almost made it back to his desk when he ran head first into Lydia.  Her face was so twisted with anger, that she was nearly unrecognizable. 

“Why haven’t you returned my calls?”

“Why can’t you stop calling?”

She snickered and lowered her voice.  “Things are looking pretty bad for you, huh?”

Liam tried to brush past her.  “It’s none of your business.”  He mumbled. 

Lydia grabbed his arm in a similar manner to the way Hank had grabbed hers.  “Are you sure about that?” 

They were in a standoff as Ramirez and Johnson rounded the corner.  They stopped as Lydia slid her hand from Liam’s arm.

“Don’t you have somewhere to patrol, Lydia?”  Ramirez asked with an expressionless face. 

She turned on her heel and walked up the hall. 

All three men entered the briefing room, each going to their own desks. 

“Just so you know, Liam, she couldn’t get anyone to take the sexual harassment charges seriously.”  Johnson said quietly. 

Liam unscrewed a bottle of antacids and popped one in his mouth.  He glanced at the other two men.  “Thanks.  I appreciate you telling me.” 

“Ah, she’s a piece of work.”  Ramirez said with a laugh. 

Liam tried to snicker, but his heart wasn’t into it.  The other men busied themselves at their desks.  No one knew what else to say. 


Liam drug himself into the precinct the next morning after having only having slept for a total of two hours, and even that wasn’t consecutive.  Audrey had nightmares and was up and down all night.  It had put him on edge and he had eventually just stayed up.  He knew she was going stir crazy, but he just couldn’t risk letting her go out on her own yet.

He wanted to speak with Lieutenant Corey alone again to see if the judge had signed off on the subpoena.  Hi answer came quickly as he approached the office and could hear a vaguely familiar voice coming from the open office door.

“This is an outrage!”  

Liam walked slowly towards the door and saw Mayor Wilkins hovering over Lieutenant Corey’s desk.  Lenore stood to the side with her arm through Lamar’s, and her other hand patted him protectively.  She noticed as Liam tried to slink away and called out to him. 

“Detective Lamb!” 

Liam walked into the room as Mayor Wilkins turned his enraged face to him.  “What is this nonsense?” 

Liam shrugged lightly.  “It’s nothing personal, Mayor.  We have to test his blood so we can eliminate him.”  He exchanged a glance with Lieutenant Corey.  His superior had the stony stare of one not willing to budge.  

Mayor Wilkins took a step towards Liam.  “You know what I requested of you in my office.” 

“Yes, Sir, I do.  However under the circumstances it wouldn’t have been proper protocol to come to you first.” 

The Mayor’s mustache twitched.  Liam looked at Lamar and his mother.  Lamar was staring at the floor.  His face dark and brooding. 

Liam spoke again.  “If his story is legitimate, then there’s nothing to worry about…right?”  The question hung in the air. 

“What if we refuse?”  Lenore’s cultured voice, now edged with anger, wafted through the small room.  Her light brown eyes sliced through Liam, but he fought the urge to wince.

“For one thing,” Lieutenant Corey said, rising from behind his desk.  “He’s not a juvenile.  He’s a grown man, and I don’t care whose son he is.”  The Mayor cut his eyes sharply at the Lieutenant.  “If he refuses, then he can and will be arrested for obstruction of justice.” 

Mayor Wilkins looked at his son.  All eyes were on him.  Lamer raised his head, a glimmer of something in his eyes. 

Fear? Contempt?  Liam thought.  He remembered pictures he had seen as a boy when a missionary had come to the church his mother attended at the time.  A young man had been photographed in some distant land minutes before being executed for his Christian faith.  Lamar held a similar look.  He had the look of a martyr. 

“I’ll give the sample.” 

“Lamar!”  His mother exclaimed. 

He looked down at her as a smile ghosted across his lips.  “It’s alright.” 


The precinct was buzzing with gossip and rumors about the Mayor’s son being brought in to give a blood sample.  It was all the officers could talk about from the administrative level to high brass. 

Liam involuntarily shuddered as his cell phone began buzzing and he saw that it was once again Lydia.  He flashed the screen across the desk to show Hank, and mouthed Lydia.  Johnson and Ramirez watched from their desks, exchanging small shakes of their heads.  Hank frowned and yanked the phone out of his hand. 

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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