ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection) (259 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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There was nothing at first, only a few people mingling around the pool and then I saw him, the man that was so obviously watching me. I met his bright green eyes and still he did not look away, he did not deny that he had been staring at me. I felt self-conscious under his gaze, it was intent, focused and solely directed at me and me alone. He lifted the red cup in his hand making a make-shift toast before downing the cup.

I frowned, if it had the same liquid in it that mine did then I couldn’t help but to feel sorry for him when morning came around. His lips twisted into a smile as he crushed the flimsy cup in his hands, tossing it to the side. My lips parted as I gasped, I wasn’t sure what exactly he was trying to do, impress me or terrify me, neither of which were exactly working. I looked behind him towards the house, my only escape was to go past him and as he slowly started to walk towards me it dawned on me just how screwed I was.

Sure the man was attractive, he had messy brown hair, his muscles were prominent and he clearly wasn’t afraid to show them off. If I was anyone else I would probably be falling over my own feet in a rush to be at his side but as it was all I could see was arrogance shinning in his overly bright eyes, and it wasn’t the good kind of arrogance. I took a step back as he approached a twisted grin on his face; I never once thought I would think it but more than anything I wanted Matt to be here.

“Aren’t you beautiful,” the man hummed in much the same way you would talk to a cat. I scowled at him but the look seemed to have no effect on him, in fact if anything he looked even more amused.

“Feisty as well,” he mused, more to himself than to me it.

I took another step back; the alcohol on the man’s breath was strong; confirming my earlier suspicions of what exactly was in that cup. Not only that but it didn’t seem to be his first, the party had started less than an hour ago and he was already swaying on his feet, his words mildly slurred. “I need to go,” I muttered, “my boyfriend is waiting,” I added when the man grinned widely, showing his teeth.

“Now that isn’t true is it,” he chuckled.

I spun on my heels, daring to take my eyes off him for a second if it just might help me find Matt, or anyone that could get me out of this situation. My gamble didn’t pay off, with surprisingly fast reflexes, especially in his state; he shot his hand out, capturing my wrist. My drink spilled over the sides of the cup as he tugged me roughly forwards. I crashed into the man’s chest, the air instantly rushing out of my lungs leaving me breathless. “I think you need another drink,” he hissed in my ear. Panic filled me; my breaths were painful and slow as everyone seemed to turn a blind eye to my own personal hell.



Chapter Seven

To anyone else around I was sure we looked like a couple, girlfriend and boyfriend off for another drink, the truth was the complete opposite though, well except for one thing, I was pretty sure he at least was going to help himself to another drink. I didn’t know whether to shout or scream, to pull myself away or to shove him off me. Perhaps I was overreacting though, maybe he just wanted to get to know me, maybe he wasn’t as bad as he seemed; maybe this was normal. I cursed myself for my lack of experience, my lack of knowing what exactly was appropriate; all I knew was that this definitely didn’t feel it.

Finally he stopped at the over-crowded table where most of the alcohol was and without hesitation he poured himself and then me a drink. As his hand loosened around my wrist I tugged away, stumbling a few steps back in the process. It took him a moment to notice I was no longer attached to his arm, I knew I should have run in that second but my attention was elsewhere, my attention was on Matt. He was staring at me; his dark brown eyes searched my face before finally they landed on the man next to me, the man who had somehow thrown an extremely heavy arm around my shoulders.

It happened so fast, the smile that had creased Matt’s lips disappeared and a frown settled there. He looked almost angry and I couldn’t understand why, or at least why his anger was directed at me and not the man who I was pretty sure was trying to crush me. He was leaning on me now, the rough placement of his arm digging into my shoulders as my legs threatened to buckle underneath me. I turned away from Matt and tried my best to shove the man off again, but of course he didn’t budge even a little. I whipped my hand away as he smiled widely at me, gracing me with yet another of his horrid toothy grins.

By the time I looked back to Matt he was no longer stood staring, he was walking towards me. I sighed a breath of relief, at least he would be able to get the oaf off me perhaps for long enough for me to sneak back into the house. After what felt like an age Matt stopped beside us but his frown did not seem to fade, if anything he looked even angrier. “A little help?” I asked, my tone almost pleading as I gestured to the man who now had almost all of his weight on me.

“You look to be doing fine by yourself,” Matt scoffed, his eyes darkening until the brown almost completely turned back.

I stared at him in confusion, his tone was harsh, a world away from our softly spoken words earlier. Even his unique style of sarcasm didn’t taint his words, something was wrong, other than the man slumped over me and I had no idea what it was. “What’s wrong?” I questioned, ignoring for a moment the slurred incoherent words of the third person in this little conversation. 

Matt’s eyes narrowed and he breathed in deeply, only managing to make me more curious as to what exactly was going on. “I thought…” Matt said hesitantly.

I waited for him to continue, my heart beat increased, much like it had done earlier when we were alone. “What?” I questioned quietly.

The word that was almost too quiet to start with faded into nothing between us and the strange tension that was quickly increasing seemed to engulf me; I need to hear what he had to say. Matt’s face changed, the anger barely concealed as a smirk took over his features, a smirk I didn’t like. “I thought you had better taste,” he laughed humorlessly.

My eyes widened and my mouth popped open, surely he couldn’t think that me and the nameless oaf had hooked up? I looked between Matt and the stranger who was sloppily downing a drink he definitely didn’t need. “You don’t understand,” I breathed.

Matt’s smirk didn’t falter as I stuttered the words. “I think it’s you who doesn’t understand,” he said, his voice dark and unwelcoming.

I scowled at him, whatever his problem was, with me or with what was happening I was losing patience. “Just get this guy off me would you?” I snapped.

Matt looked taken aback for a moment but even when he recovered from my sharp words he made no move to actually help me. “You got yourself into this mess, get yourself out of it,” he retorted.

The second the words were out of his mouth he turned quickly and strode off in the direction he had come from. “Jerk!” I shouted childishly after him, earning a few shocked looks from those closest to me.

I wanted to go after him, to demand that he at least tell me what he was going to say but as I made to move the weight on my shoulders increased and it took all I had not to let myself fall to the ground. “Get off me!” I screamed at the man, earning a few more looks that this time I couldn’t have cared less about.

“Oh you want to move this somewhere more private,” the man said, stumbling over each and every word so it ended up as one long one.

I groaned, trying to pull away, stopping instantly as his hand slipped lower, no longer pressed against my shoulder. With a startled breath and having had more than enough I kicked him hard where I knew it would hurt the most and shoved him away for good this time.

Without another look at the man who now lay crumpled on the floor I stormed off towards the house, I had had enough of parties today; in fact I had had enough of them forever.


Chapter Eight

I had barely reached the front door when I heard the first footsteps behind me, catching up on me. At first I thought it was the man I had stormed away from but that would have been impossible, I was pretty sure it was obvious to him and likely those that had been around us that he wouldn’t be moving anywhere quickly. I smiled to myself, he had definitely deserved that kick and if given half the chance I wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. That only left one person though, one person who would bother to follow me and it just so happened to be the person I second to least wanted to see right now.

Ultimately I knew he would catch up, I had two choices, drag this through the house and hope he wouldn’t barge into my room or face him. With the first being extremely unlikely I stopped my escape and leaned heavily against the wall, waiting for his footsteps to grow louder, for him to find me. Of course it didn’t take him long but then truthfully I had never expected my brief attempt at freedom to last long.

“Leah?” I heard him before I saw him and it dawned on me instantly that I had made a mistake, I didn’t want to be alone with him, I couldn’t be alone with him.

“Go away Matt,” I said, my voice held none of the resolve I felt.

“Please Leah,” Matt shouted back and finally he came into view.

I met his eyes and sighed, there was none of the anger there like before and for that I was grateful, instead though there was something I wished to see even less. His look was as dark as before, his eyes holding little to none of the normal brown color but this time it made a shiver pulse readily though my aching body. “I’m not in the mood Matt,” I groaned, hoping that he would get the idea but knowing he wouldn’t.

“I’m sorry,” he responded and my mouth dropped open, I had not in a million years expected an apology.

I looked at him skeptically; he seemed sincere or at least as sincere as I had ever seen him. “What are you sorry for?” I asked.

Matt’s face dropped a little and he paused, as if considering the question. “For making you come to the party,” he said with a shrug.

My mouth dropped open further so I was now practically gaping at him. “That’s what you’re sorry for?” I muttered, astounded.

He took step forward, going some way to closing the space between us, I was more aware now that I was pressed up against the wall, that there was nowhere else to go. “Look if I had known parties really weren’t your thing well…” he started, I gave him a pointed look, “well yeah I probably would have still had one but I wouldn’t have made you come outside,” he admitted quickly.

He ran a hand through his shaggy blonde hair, ruffling it further. “So you would have locked me away?” I said trying my best to hide my amusement, seeing Matt so flustered was definitely a one off.

“No,” Matt said quickly, “maybe, I don’t know, sent you somewhere?” he muttered. I grinned inwardly, this was more fun than I had expected.

“So you would have sent me away?” I questioned, the laugher becoming harder and harder to suppress.

“No!” Matt shouted and finally the laugher broke free.

Matt glared at me as my laugher finally died away, my cheeks now flushed with just how funny his face was. “I’m sorry,” I chuckled through struggled breaths.

“I was digging myself a hole wasn’t I?” he sighed and I nodded slowly.

“It was funny if that helps things at all,” I grinned and finally he returned my smile.

“I am sorry though, I just didn’t expect you to hook up with someone,” he muttered and I swore I could see a faint blush spreading across his tanned cheeks.

“You have some warped imagination if you thought that was hooking up,” I laughed but it died quickly as I thought back to the man who had practically dragged me through the garden.

Matt’s smile seemed to grow a little as he met my eyes again, the darkness in his brown eyes still there. I felt my stomach flutter, my breathing strain a little further, there was something about that look that definitely agreed with me. “I’m glad you weren’t,” he whispered, more to himself than to me.

I breathed in deeply as his words fell silent between us, he was glad I was hooking up with someone? “You should go back to your party,” I muttered, diverting my eyes as the heat in my body threatened to overwhelm me.

“I’d rather stay here with you,” Matt said quietly.

I froze, his words were heavy weighted with a meaning I didn’t want to think about. “Why?” I questioned, my voice was barely audible yet the word sat between us awkwardly, neither wanting an answer.

Matt sighed and I could hear him running his hand through his hair again, I could sense his nerves. “Don’t you get it yet?” he groaned.

My eyes darted back up; meeting his with an intensity I didn’t even know was possible. “I…” I started, unsure of how exactly to continue.

Silence fell; just the heavy beating of my heart filled the void where words should be. I looked at Matt; saw the turmoil in his eyes and the frown where I wished a smile would be. “I like you Leah,” he finally whispered.

His words hit me hard; I mouthed them silently, testing them on my lips, hoping that it would help to explain what had just happened. I barely had time to mouth my own name though before his lips were on mine. My body froze, my heart hammered and finally after the briefest moment of shock, I kissed him back.

Hands came down beside me, pinning me to the wall, I pulled back, pressing my back firmly against the cool concrete. His lips were sweet, sensual and so very teasing. His body crushed against mine, his chest holding me firm against the wall as his lips teased mine apart. Heat thundered through me, my hands went instinctively to his shaggy blonde hair and I wrapped my fingers through the damps locks. I pulled him closer, pressing his lips firmly to mine, needing so much more of him than what he offered.

BOOK: ROMANCE: Mason (Bad Boy Alpha Male Stepbrother Romance Boxset) (New Adult Contemporary Stepbrother Romance Collection)
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