ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: CARSON (MC Biker Romance)(Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary Military Romantic Suspense Thriller) (4 page)

BOOK: ROMANCE: MC BIKER ROMANCE: CARSON (MC Biker Romance)(Bad Boy Motorcycle Club Romance) (Contemporary Military Romantic Suspense Thriller)
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Chapter 7

Carson moved in with her and when a few people asked, he just told them that he was protecting her, just in case there was anyone else that had been with Billy. He didn’t think there was, but Carson didn’t want her reputation to be tarnished. He was a gentleman to her, something that was as foreign as living with a woman had been in the beginning, but she made him want to be a better person.

Mandi ran the motorcycle club like she would have a business and everyone seemed to be flourishing under her rule. She still had a hard time with some decisions, but she turned to Carson to help her and he would put down his foot when he had to. They moved into a comfortable pattern and life was good. There was only one thing missing and it was something that he knew wouldn’t even be worth it anyways. He had become a man that couldn’t get enough and didn’t even want anyone else anymore. He only had eyes for her and she was over his head.

It had been a month since he moved into Cass’ house and she asked him about dating. “I was just wondering Carson because I always heard that you were quite a ladies man.”

He chuckled. “Yes, I used to have that effect on them.”

“You still do.”

His brow went up, but he sipped his whiskey instead. The man was sure that he was just hearing what he wanted to hear. There was no way that she was flirting with him.

“Well that may be, but with everything going on with the new deals, I haven’t had time to think about it.”

Mandi wasn’t buying his excuse and she just looked at him like he was lying. “Really? If you need some time off, you should take it. If anyone deserves a break, it’s you.”

“I’m fine.”

She nodded and stretched her legs out towards him on the couch. She still had her heels on when she put her legs up. The skirt was shorter as she let the fabric rise, watching his eyes take in her long legs that she knew he liked. Carson was always looking at them and after a few glasses of wine Mandi was feeling like she needed to mess with him a bit.

“What about you Mandi? I don’t ever see you with anyone. Why is that?”

Mandi shrugged and slid down further in the couch, looking over at him. “I don’t know. I guess I have my eyes on one guy and no one else sounds good anymore. I am picky like that.”

He nodded. His eyes on the legs that she draped over his lap as she got comfortable. Carson could already feel his clothes getting tighter and if she moved her legs up a half of a foot, she would know how much he was bothered by her closeness. It wasn’t the first time that she had laid on him as they had talked about business, but tonight, something was different.

“Well whoever it is, is a very lucky man.”

“I think so, but he isn’t making a move.” Her legs moved higher up on his thighs and he hissed as she touched his hardness ever so gently before scooting back down.

“Maybe you should give him a sign. Women are hard to read and guys like a sure thing.”

“Is that so?”

He nodded with his eyes on the legs in front of him. Carson set his hands down on them finally, feeling the soft skin underneath his fingertips. He ran his hand upwards till he reached the bottom of her skirt and just played with the hem. Carson felt her shiver underneath him.

“Then what?”

She looked back at him as his hand went higher on her thigh as an answer. Shivering, Mandy didn’t dare move. She had been begging for his touch for a long time and she didn’t want him to change his mind again.

“Then he should pound you until you can’t walk for a week.”

Another shiver as his words paired with the digits tracing her panties. As his finger went across her heated core, Mandi let her eyes close as her hips moved closer to him, opening her thighs slightly to let him in. Carson shifted and pushed a finger underneath the fabric, feeling the wetness underneath. He hissed at her, his dark eyes darkening to almost the color black. “Maybe two weeks.”

Mandi’s body jerked as he pushed inside of her tightness and she cried out. The tension had been there for so long, that it was impossible to ignore it any longer. With only a few touches from his hand, she was on the verge of chaos. Her back was arched and her body was tensing with need. What was he doing to her?


Adding another digit she cried out as he played with her slit as well. His hands were everywhere and she had to push his hand away for a moment to catch her breath. He didn’t give her a moment of rest though, pushing her down and covering her body with his own.

Carson was way beyond the point of reason of why he should be with her. Then, he could think of no reason at all and when he pushed her skirt all the way up to her waist, Mandi whimpered in the most mind-numbing way. He loved the sound she made and it was like music to his ears.

Mandi was getting impatient, pulling her to him and pressing her lips to his. “Please Carson. I don’t want to wait for you anymore. You have made me wait long enough.”

Her hips crushed him between their bodies and he couldn’t have stopped if he had wanted to. Mandi had a way of driving him crazy and he could no longer deny himself, not with her underneath him begging for it. There was no way to stop it any longer and as she rubbed herself against him, he had finally found his last straw. Pulling his pants down, he moved in between her legs and groaned as he felt her wetness at his head. “Oh Mandi. What have you done to me?”

She giggled before she lifted up enough to penetrate herself on the tip. Her own eyes closed at the sudden feel and she waited for the fullness that she knew was coming. Carson pushed hard, filling her full and stretching her insides in one motion. She cried out and he kissed her until she was calmed and begging for more. Only then did he start to rock back and forth, sending them both to a place that neither thought possible.

Mandi gasped and purred underneath him, then the next minute she was crying out curses as her body embraced him in a tight grip and milked him dry.

Pulling away, Carson was breathing hard and couldn’t stop the steady pounding in his heart. He sat up and looked back down at her sprawled body. Her hands rubbed in between her legs, still shaking as aftershocks went through her. His hand covered hers and made her moan louder as another wave went through her.

“Stop, God, just stop.”

He chuckled and pulled her up to sit on his lap. Her legs went to either side of his and she straddled him. He was soft and satisfied underneath her and Mandi kissed him for a moment. It was more than she had expected and she felt so close to him in that moment.

“I can’t believe we just did that.”

“I was talking about someone else.”

He bit her shoulder and made her squeal. “Okay, I am just joking. I wish I would have laid out next to you before.”

Carson just nodded, his need already rising as her lithe body squirmed on top of him. Her perky little breasts were rubbing against his chest and he could feel her wetness on his length. Once would never be enough with her. He knew then that he would never have enough of her and was already ready for more.

She noticed the change underneath her and sat up to position herself above him. He watched her devilish green eyes as she bit her lip and started to slide down on top of him. He was just so big and her eyes were completely closed as she made her way down.

“Is that what you needed boss?”

He thrust up as she nodded her head. “Yes Carson. That is exactly what I needed.”

She never had control for long and even from below, he was dominating his way on her. Pulling her down for a kiss, he whispered in her ear and made her shiver. “You are mine now. You can be my boss out there, but here, you are mine.”

Mandi shook her head and whimpered as he pressed her down fully on his manhood. “Yes, whatever you want. Just please don’t ever stop!”

He promised he wouldn’t and Carson meant it.

The End




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The Playmaker


A Bad Boy Football Sports Romance






By: Carly White


Chapter 1


I watched her walk across the field, laughing and tossing her black hair back. It was the second time I had seen her that week, before that never. I thought I knew every girl at school, but she was something all-together different. She was wearing a uniform from the local all-girl college on the other side of town. Those uniforms were made to drive men wild and it was doing a very good job of it. When I looked around, I was not the only one admiring the view.

Last time, the woman had just stayed for a minute, watching us play, but this time her and two of her friends were headed to the coach. I had a moment of jealousy, wondering if he was some kind of sugar daddy. She was too young and too hot to be with a man like Steve LaBelle. When I saw her give him a hug and a peck on the cheek, it was almost confirmed.

“I don’t know why you always look at things you can’t have Curt. She is off-limits and out of your league.”

“No one is out of my league.”

“She is.”

“Who is she?” I had to know where she came from and who she was. Why had I not seen her at any of the clubs or bars in town?

“That’s the coach’s youngest daughter.”

I looked over at Nick surprised. “What do you mean?”

He laughed and slapped me on the back before walking off. “I told you she was off limits.”

I heard his voice, but didn’t look back over, too wrapped up in the woman in front of me. My jealousy was gone, but Nick was right. There was no way that I could ever be anything to her. I was the star quarterback and though my time in school was ending and I was on my way to the NFL, the coach was like a second father to me. I had been playing for him for almost four years and I knew how protective he was of his daughters. It now made sense why no one ever seen them at games. They were too pretty and they would have been a target for guys like me.

I didn’t want to think that I couldn’t have her, already taking her several times in my fantasies. There was nothing wrong with thinking of it, though even that made me feel a slight twinge of guilt. If her legs weren’t so long, chest so bouncy, I may have been able to ignore her, but I couldn’t. Women like her were made to be looked at, I was sure of it.

Getting back to practice, I got sacked twice when my attention was taken away from the game and to the sidelines. The two girls that were with her had went to sit in the nearby stands, while the father and daughter seemed to argue about something. I wondered how old she was. If she was in college, she was old enough, but she didn’t look much older than that. I tried to remember Steve talking about how old they were, he had three of them, but I couldn’t remember.

She was getting more upset and I could hear her tone rising, but not the words that she was saying. It was clear she wanted something and her father wasn’t so enthused about it. I wanted to get closer and hear what it was about, but I knew better.

Out of nowhere, the ball hit me in the chest and I grabbed it out of reflex. Seconds later I was being tackled by two of my teammates. When I cursed them, I was told to pay attention. I nodded, letting them know that I was in the wrong, but I looked back to what was distracting me. The pair was gone and I felt a sinking in my stomach for a moment. What was it that the woman had over me? I have never even spoken a word to her, yet I was already enduring physical discomfort in her pursuit.

I tried to ignore the sidelines and the door going into the building as much as I could. I did a good enough job that I didn’t get plowed over again, but there was still the constant cast of my eyes in that direction. I was saddened when I didn’t see her again. Looking around, it was Nick that ran into me, laughing at me really. “You are going to get yourself killed by the coach or on the field. Pay attention.”

I nodded and mumbled something that even I didn’t understand. “Are you going to tell me that you didn’t find her hot? In that school girl outfit, it did nothing for you?”

“Well hell yeah, but like the two with her, they are all off limits. Beyond the fact that they are from Carvor Prep and won’t look at you anyways, she is the coach’s daughter. Don’t screw up your chances at pro because you want to look under her skirt.”

I knew he was right, of course I did. How could I not? But that didn’t change the fact that it was all I wanted to do and the more I thought about it, the more I didn’t care who her daddy was. I looked back one last time as we were lining up. Lana was coming out of the office with her father in tow and it looked like she had gotten her way. The coach was frowning and she was smiling. I couldn’t help but smile with her and then I heard Nick in front of me and decided that I didn’t want to cause any attention to me.

The coach moved to the team and yelled for a few minutes. We had a game the next day and there was the where and when to meet. I was riding in with Nick instead of taking the bus. Coach Steve frowned upon it, but like most everything else in my life, football made it a little easier. He could buckle down and make me take the bus, but he wanted to keep his quarterback happy. Like most older men that played the sport at one point, he spent the rest of his life living the thrill through others. Coaching gave him that thrill and he was more worried about winning then the players were.

I walked up to him after practice, my eyes scanning behind and beside him but the raven-haired beauty was gone.

“What do you want Curt?”

“I was wondering if you had any tips for Lakeview. Last time we played them it didn’t end so well and there is supposed to be recruits in the stands tonight.”

“I thought you already got an offer.”

I nodded, “Several, but I am hoping that Nick does as well.”

Steve sized me up. He knew that I was not telling the truth. It would have helped if I could keep my eyes from looking for her, but I was unable. “You know that Nick isn’t going to get one Curt. Sometimes you have to leave behind some of your life. He is going to be one of them that you have to let go. We have talked about it before.”

His tone had taken on more of the fatherly quality and I knew that he didn’t see through me. He thought I was worried about Nick, which I was. Nick was mediocre and while I was going on to the big times, he was going to have to actually use his degree to get some kind of job, always wishing that he could still be playing. I felt the same honor that I would be able to go on and do what I love for a few more years. Playing into that, I used his tender heart to get an invitation to dinner.

It didn’t happen often and I was surprised. I was more interested in who else in his family was going to be there, but I didn’t ask. I knew when not to push it and that was one of those moments.

“Thanks Sir. I will be there at five. I still remember the cake your wife brought in for championship.”

“Lavie is a good cook, part of the reason I married her.”

The other reason was she was fine as hell. There was no secret where the daughters got their looks and it wasn’t from the blonde hulk of a man in front of me. I told him I would see him later and walked away with a little more hope for meeting Lana I person. I was tired of seeing her from afar. I knew that if I just met her, maybe the strange pull I had to her would go away. I would realize that she wasn’t as great up-close and that would be the end of the obsession I felt for her.

This is what I told myself anyways.

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