Romance: New Beginnings (Young Adult and Adult Romance, Christian Christmas Fiction book as a Love Story) (Second Chances Trilogy 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Romance: New Beginnings (Young Adult and Adult Romance, Christian Christmas Fiction book as a Love Story) (Second Chances Trilogy 3)
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Castle Peaks, Montana, Thanksgiving Day…


“Uncle Trent, how come baby Mari can’t sit up by herself?” Dani asked, still totally enthralled with her newborn cousin.

“Well, sweetie, when you were this little, you couldn’t sit up either. But don’t you worry, Mari will grow up big and strong just like you and be able to do all sorts of things.”

Daniella looked at the baby cradled in Trent’s arm dubiously, but then Emily came through the front door and the baby was forgotten.

“Hey Dani. Come see what I brought,” Emily told her. The two girls disappeared into the den as Jackson escorted Tori into the living area of the house.

Tori held her hands out, “Give her to me. You can hold her anytime you like.”

Trent handed his daughter over and watched as Jackson and Tori loved on her. “So, did I hear that you two finally decided to stop sharing that house?”

Tori looked at Jackson and then smiled, “Yes. We’re still going to live together, but as a family. Jackson asked me to marry him last night and I agreed. We’re going to get married right after the first of the year.”

“Did I hear someone mention a wedding in here?” Grace asked, wiping her hands on a towel as she greeted Tori and Jackson.

“Yep. I finally got her to agree to marry me.”

“Well, it’s about time. I was beginning to wonder about you two.”

Jackson smiled, “No worries here. Now that the clinic is up and running, we should have plenty of time to pull a wedding together.”

Sara smiled, “I’m getting pretty good at organizing them. I’m happy to help wherever I can.”

“Thanks, Sara. How are you feeling?” Tori asked, amazed at how good Sara looked for having just had a baby a few days ago.

“I’m feeling really good. A little tired, but this little one doesn’t have a very good schedule yet. She seems to have her days and her nights mixed up.”

“That happens. When Emily was an infant, I would find myself keeping her up, even upsetting her to keep her awake, just so that I could get more than two hours of sleep in a row. Believe me, the sooner she figures out that she needs to sleep when it’s dark outside, the better everyone will feel.”

“I tried that a little yesterday, and I actually got to sleep for four hours before she woke me up. I figured I could always sleep during the day when she does, but then I’d be awake all night.”

Jane came through the door just then, “Happy Thanksgiving everyone.”

“Where’s Samuel and Michael?” Jackson asked, just figuring out that they were noticeably absent.

“They went out to cut down a Christmas tree,” Jane glanced at the clock above the mantle, “three hours ago. They should be back any time now.” When she heard the back door slam shut, she smiled, “And there they are.”

“Hey babe, we got an absolutely gorgeous tree. Trent, did you find that stand we were talking about?”

Trent nodded, “Yeah, Let me get it and we can bring the tree in before dinner.”

“I’ll come with you,” Jackson said, leaving the room right after Trent.

The women all looked at each other and then burst into giggles, “Should we be worried that they think it will take four grown men to install a tree stand?”

“No. If they don’t come back before dinner’s ready, we’ll send Emily and Daniella out to help them.”

“Happy Thanksgiving,” called Trent’s parents from the front door. David and Deirdre Harding had missed their son and Jane’s wedding as they were on a world cruise. They had arrived back home in late June. After stopping in California to meet Samuel and Sara’s sister, they had come back to Montana and settled down.

More hugs ensued and then David realized he was the only man still in the room. “Where are they?”

That question caused more giggles and he watched in amusement as they attempted to tell him where the men had gone. Finally understanding them, he headed outside to lend his expert advice on how to install a tree stand on a Christmas tree.

“Let’s get the rest of dinner on the table,” Jane suggested.

The women made short work of carrying the multitude of dishes to the table. There were multiple vegetables, turkey and ham, three varieties of potatoes, and salads galore. It seemed everyone had contributed their favorite to the meal.

After everyone was seated around the table, Trent prayed and then they each took a turn publicly giving thanks for something in their lives.

“I’m thankful for a healthy baby girl,” Sara said when it became her turn.

“I’m thankful to be cancer free,” said Tori.

“I’m thankful for the opportunity to help so many people,” said Jackson.

Each person took their turn, and then they started dishing up the food. At one point during the meal, Sara glanced up and looked around the table.

She had found her soul mate in Montana. Jane had found the answer to her dreams in California. Grace had met her perfect man in California. And then there was Jackson and Tori.

They had first met in California, but Montana had brought them truly together. Without a place to meet in Montana and an opportunity to get to know one another better, they wouldn’t be planning a wedding. They truly were a couple that had met in two different places, but had attained the same goal. Someone who understands you to go through life with.

She looked around the table and watched her friends and family members interact. Jane and Samuel were expecting their first child. Jane was a natural caregiver and Sara knew she would make a wonderful mom.

Yes, life in Montana had been good not only to her, but to those around her. Sensing Trent watching her, she gave him a smile and then kissed their daughter. Life was full of surprises, but only the best ones seemed to be born in Montana. The place where dreams can become reality, and second chances are always given.

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About the Author

Morris Fenris was born into a poor family in the Fiji Islands. Thanks to his own grit, determination and the support of his loving parents, he was able to embark on a journey that has seen him attain a good education and work in many parts of the world.

Morris has been writing since childhood, drawing on his experiences in life and emulating the styles of his favorite authors. 

Morris enjoys reading and writing in a wide range of genres and has plans for many more books. If you’d like to get in touch with this author, please message him on Twitter at #MorrisFenris or find him on Facebook.


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